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09-10 投稿


munificence 发音

英:[mju??n?f?s(?)ns]  美:[mju??n?f?s(?)ns]

英:  美:

munificence 中文意思翻译



munificence 网络释义

n. 慷慨给与;宽宏大量

munificence 短语词组

1、munificence define ─── 慷慨定义

2、munificence antonym ─── 慷慨反义词

3、munificence defined ─── 慷慨定义

4、munificence origin ─── 慷慨起源

5、munificence mean ─── 慷慨意味着

6、munificence business ─── 慷慨的生意

7、munificence meaning ─── 慷慨的意思

8、munificence definition ─── 宽裕度定义

munificence 相似词语短语

1、beneficence ─── n.慈善;善行;捐款

2、munifience ─── 慷慨

3、munificent ─── adj.慷慨的;丰厚的;宽宏的

4、munificently ─── 慷慨地

5、maleficence ─── n.罪行;恶毒

6、omnificence ─── 无所不能

7、munifiences ─── 市政当局

8、gun licence ─── 枪支执照

9、magnificence ─── n.壮丽;宏伟;富丽堂皇

munificence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the plan to share pain with banks and other private-sector lenders is a message that the munificence won't continue forever. ─── 但让银行和其他私营部门贷款机构共担痛苦的计划,则表明欧元区不会永远如此宽宏大量。

2、environmental munificence ─── 环境包容性

3、I thanked them for their munificence. ─── 我感谢他们的慷慨。

4、The canines weren't the only ones who benefited from Ms. Posner's munificence. ─── 波斯纳女士如此慷慨,受益者可不仅仅是这些狗狗。

5、7 Liquor was served in a variety of golden cups, and the royal wine flowed freely, as befitted the king's munificence. ─── 进饮的器皿,都是金银制的,大小俱全;御酿丰美,以示王家的富厚。

6、Chanting the Buddha's name with feeling benefits self and family and friends. Your munificence brings joy to you and those praise you. ─── 念佛时,自己心念专一是自受用,他人看了起信是他受用。布施时,自己内心欢喜是自受用。他人看了赞叹是他受用。

7、Since then Rome was adorned with dozens of monumental fountains celebrating the pontiffs munificence, often flanked by drinking troughs and public basins for practical uses. ─── 从那时起,罗马城建起了众多纪念喷泉以赞美教皇的慷慨给予,喷泉旁边还建了饮水漕和公用水池以供使用。

8、Critics say such munificence is just a way for Chinese firms to get a leg up over competitors in the scramble to lock up Africa's resources. ─── 有批评人士称,中国的慷慨只是为了让中国公司在获取非洲资源方面得到竞争优势。

9、Touch can inspire munificence towards those you trust. ─── 对于你信任的人,身体接触能激发他们的慷慨之情。

10、After days, the accumulated sediment of your thought will become munificence. ─── 假以时日,你思想的积淀,就会变得丰厚。

11、benefited from Ms. Posner's munificence. ─── 波斯纳女士如此慷慨,受益者可不仅仅是这些狗狗。

12、Results indicate that more munificence environment provides stronger inventives for firms to select contract-based alliances. ─── 而结果为市场容纳量环境因素较强烈倾向于契约联盟类型。

13、Both kindness and munificence are due to his nature . ─── 他天生既仁慈又宽宏大量。

14、overwhelmed by their munificence ─── 深受他们慷慨精神感动.

15、WITH a munificence that accompanies 9% growth, India recently played host to some South African development experts, who were invited to inspect sanitation and low-cost housing. ─── 印度的自由经济取得了9%的增长,并在最近邀请南非发展(组织)的专家,对其卫生设施和廉租房问题进行考察。

16、Results indicate that more munificence environment provides stronger inventives for firms to select contract-based alliances. ─── 而结果为市场容纳量环境因素较强烈倾向于契约联盟类型。

17、You thought to escape my munificence, but it is in vain. ─── 你以为可以逃避我慷慨的馈赠,但这是没有用的。

18、As a result 2011 could be the year where China sends a clear message to the US: do not expect any more munificence. ─── 因此,中国可能应当在2011年向美国发送一个明确信号:别再指望更多的慷慨之举。

19、Lord Ashcroft's munificence accounts for less than the 10% of party income he has said it once made up. ─── 阿什克罗夫特勋爵曾经表示他的资助占保守党的收入的10%,而现在已经远远达不到这一比例了。

20、Critics say such munificence is just a way for Chinese firms to get a leg up over competitors in the scramble to lock up Africa's resources. ─── 有批评人士称,中国的慷慨只是为了让中国公司在获取非洲资源方面得到竞争优势。

21、Must know that on season Landry takes the second round “foremost person in the field Xiu”, obtained the contract also far not many west this year's munificence. ─── 要知道,上赛季的兰德里作为第二轮的“状元秀”,得到了合同也远没有多西今年的优厚。

22、The tolerance, he that old daddy take into to my bug munificence have gots the man sort. ─── 老爸对我的错误加以宽容,他有着男人般的宽宏大量。

23、In exchange for this munificence, schools must comply with a “contract for excellence” that requires them to show how they are spending the cash and face sanctions if they fail to improve. ─── 而对于如此大幅的经费增长,学校方面必须按照“进步规划”来行事,这要求他们出具有关经费的使用情况并且如果无法有效改进的话学校方面将面临相应的审查。

24、Among the findings regarding specific factors, we found that industry concentration and munificence, as well as the resource environment provided by, impact performance. ─── 这些发现表明投资者在检验表现时候应该既考虑行业又考虑共同的环境。

25、Study on the Influence of Environmental Munificence and Complexity on the Effect of Strategic Flexibility ─── 环境的包容性和复杂性对战略柔性实施效果的影响研究

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