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09-10 投稿



holm 发音

英:[ho?lm]  美:[h??m]

英:  美:

holm 中文意思翻译




holm 网络释义

n. 河中小岛;河中沙洲n. (Holm)人名;(英、德、瑞典、芬、挪)霍尔姆;(法)奥尔姆

holm 短语词组

1、holly holm ─── 霍莉· ─── 霍尔姆

2、anders holm ─── 其他霍尔姆

3、sea holm ─── [网络] 海灵

4、holm oak n. ─── 圣栎, ─── 圣栎硬木

5、holm tree ─── [网络] 圣树

holm 词性/词形变化,holm变形


holm 相似词语短语

1、holms ─── n.(Holms)人名;(瑞典)霍尔姆斯

2、hold ─── vt.持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制;召开,举行;vi.支持;有效;持续;n.控制;保留;n.(Hold)人名;(英、德、捷)霍尔德

3、helm ─── n.舵;舵柄;领导地位;驾驶盘;vt.指挥;给...掌舵;n.(Helm)人名;(英、瑞典)赫尔姆;(法)埃尔姆;(德、匈、捷)黑尔姆

4、hol- ─── n.假日(等于holiday);abbr.假日(holiday);n.(Hol)人名;(阿拉伯)胡勒;(瑞典、荷)霍尔;(柬)欧

5、holk ─── n.霍尔克(荷兰地名)

6、hols ─── n.假期(等于holiday);n.(Hols)人名;(德、瑞典)霍尔斯

7、halm ─── n.茎;稻草;n.(Halm)人名;(德、英、芬、瑞典)哈尔姆;(法)阿尔姆

8、holp ─── v.帮助(help的过去式)

9、hole ─── n.洞,孔;洞穴,穴;突破口;vi.凿洞,穿孔;(高尔夫球等)进洞;vt.凿洞;n.(Hole)人名;(瑞典、挪)霍勒;(英)霍尔

holm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The police is baffle and sherlock holm is call in to investigate. ─── 警方被难住了,于是请福尔摩斯前来侦查。

2、From her nest in the holm-oak tree the Nightingale heard him, and she looked out through the leaves, and wondered. ─── 夜莺在圣栎树上自己巢中的听见了小伙子的话,她透过绿叶丛向外张望。

3、Why are you bothering me now, Holm? ─── 干吗这时候来烦我我,霍姆?

4、Ian Holm was always Peter Jackson's first choice to play Bilbo Baggins. ─── 伊恩·荷姆一直是杰克逊首选的扮演比尔伯·巴金斯的人选。

5、through the page which took them there., roly poly cow, xtlw, aim weemee, 114, lorens holm, =PP, ─── 共有49727条留言,共9946页,每页5条,这是第403页留言.上一页/下一页

6、Codium cylindricum Holm ─── 长松藻

7、10.In 1972, the United Nations held a meeting in Stock- holm, Sweden to share ideas about ways to take better care of the earth. ─── 1972年,联合国在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行会议就“如何更好地保护我们的地球”达成共识。

8、Holm ium laser lithotripsy ─── 钬激光碎石术

9、The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College; ─── 基督教圣约教会坚乐中学 - 位于观塘。

10、"Too businesslike," Holm said."It can be that some IOC members see it as a lack of respect. ─── 他说:"此举生意味太浓了,可能会让一些奥委会委员认为这是对他们缺乏尊重的表现。"

11、Holm's theory ─── 霍姆(氏)学说:近视是由眼球生长过度所致

12、The police is baffle,and sherlock holm is call in to investigate. ─── 警方被难住了, 于是请福尔摩斯前来侦查。

13、By asking targeted questions, Holm reins in the adrenaline, introducing you to financial, legal, and partnership options. ─── 接著让你明瞭,若没有一个轮廓分明的目标,企业便宛如建在悬崖边的房子般摇晃不定。

14、holm amide ─── 钬酰胺

15、An Introduction of IEEE Holm Electrical Contact Conference ─── 电接触会议介绍

16、- when mists as chill as death wandered to the impulse of east winds along those purple peaks, and rolled down 'ing' and holm till they blended with the frozen fog of the beck! ─── 那时候,死一般冷的雾气被东风驱赶着,飘过紫色的山峰,滚下草地与河滩,直至与溪流上凝结的水气融为一体。

17、14 He hath cut down cedars, taken the holm, and the oak that stood among the trees of the forest: he hath planted the pine tree, which the rain hath nourished. ─── 人先砍伐一块香柏,或取一块榆木,或橡木;或在树林中选一块坚固的木料,或自己种植一棵月桂树,让雨水使之长大。

18、The soil under Holm oak coppiee could inhibit the germination of Holm oak and the inhibition was maimly from litter Aoo and Ao. ─── 结果表明,冬青栎林的土壤对冬青栎的种子萌发的抑制作用主要来自枯枝落叶的A00层与A0层。

19、HOLM Stefan ─── 霍尔姆

20、Bruce Willis (one of the best action actors of our time), Milla Jovovich, Ian Holm and Gary Oldman make the suspense even more intense. ─── 邪恶是终极的,绝对的,它的威胁远超过金钱、权势或统治,它不须要任何外在力量,就能侵蚀宇宙,消灭人类。

21、Based on the HOLM theory,the wear quantity caculating formulae of mechanical seal wear are derived. ─── 依据HOLM理论,推导出了机械密封磨损量的计算公式。

22、The police were baffled, and Sherlock Holm was called in to investigate. ─── 警方被难住了,于是请福尔摩斯前来侦查。

23、Danish diplomat Klavs Holm said Danes are comfortable with simple pleasures like swimming in the harbor on a summer's day, which could be deemed too risky elsewhere. ─── 丹麦大使克拉维-霍尔姆说丹麦人喜欢做一些简单的乐事比如夏天在码头游泳,而这在别的地方是很危险的。

24、Stich, the Wimbledom winner in 1991, feel to Henrik Holm of Sweden, ranked No. 23, 3, 6, 6, 3. ─── 第二种子彼得·桑普拉斯在那晚比赛中以3,1,6,3战胜了温布尔登赛1991年冠军史迪奇。

25、Does Creole genesis really require a 'separate' (i. e. , sui generis) theory? "Cartesian-Uniformitarian" approaches. Holm. ─── 克理奥尔语起源真的需要一个“独立”(如自成一?)的理论吗?“笛卡儿均变说”法。

26、The police is baffle, and sherlock holm is call in to investigate. ─── 警方被难住了, 於是请福尔摩斯前来侦查。

27、Based on the inversion method of Fred Holm integral equation, a multi-exponential inversion algorithm is derived for resolving spectra of pulsed NMR transve-rserelaxation signals in low field. ─── 从第一类积分方程的反演求解入手,推导出了适合低场脉冲核磁共振横向弛豫信号多指数反演的一种解谱算法。

28、Holm says it would be difficult to devise a universal policy, but a checklist of questions to consider would be useful. ─── Holm说,想要找出具有普适性的政策很难,但是列出一个应该考虑的问题的单子还是有用的。

29、she lay at the bottom of Stock- holm harbour, ─── 即斯德哥尔摩港口的海底

30、Bilbo's cake caught fire as he was about to leave the party, but 'Ian Holm' gamely finished the scene. ─── 比尔博在离开生日宴会时,他的蛋糕着火了,但是伊恩·霍姆勇敢地拍完了这个镜头。

31、) Heriot[Acanthocodium fragile Sur.];Codium cylindricum Holm. ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Codium fragile(Sur.

32、Holm J,Hemming Senl,Nelsen NV Thomsen M.Clin Chen Acta 1987;170;345 ─── 余海瑾,董晓蓓,陈楠。肾小球疾病中尿蛋白电泳的测定及病理相关分析[J]。上海医学,2001,24(2):115-117

33、In Men's Doubles, a Russian pair eliminated the seeded pair Joakim Andersson/Johan Holm ─── 在男子双打比赛中,种子选手、瑞典的约·安德松/约·霍尔姆败在了一对俄罗斯选手的拍下。

34、Finally his hiking partner, Lindsey Holm, grabbed it with a pair of pliers and after several sharp tugs, yanked it free. ─── 最后,和他一起徒步的伙伴林赛.福尔摩斯用镊子夹住杵进的骨头,猛拽了多次,才把它从肌腱里拉出来。

35、1. Jens Holm: The livestock industry and climate - Over a third of all grain harvested becomes fodder. Is that rational? ─── 畜牧工业与气候变迁-所有收割谷有超过三分之一变成饲料,这样合理吗?

36、The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad Primary School ─── 基督教圣约教会坚乐小学

37、Co-starring Peter Sarsgaard, Ian Holm and Method Man, GARDEN STATE is "hilarious" (ROLLING STONE). ─── 两个在这世上孤独漂泊的灵魂碰撞出火花,安德鲁决定拯救自己,并帮助珊走出心灵谷底。

38、Eleanor Holm ─── 霍姆

39、Leave the airport and turn left.After 3 miles, turn right, signposted to Holm and the Barriers. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

40、The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College 26 Hiu Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon ─── 基督教圣约教会坚乐中学九龙观塘晓明街26号

41、The police be baffle, and sherlock holm be call in to investigate ─── 警方被难住了, 於是请福尔摩斯前来侦查

42、“My name is Jens Holm, I’m a member ofEuropean Parliament.Please, be veg, go green, save the planet! ─── “我是扬斯.荷姆,欧洲议会的议员,请开始吃素,加入环保,拯救地球!”

43、"Maintaining coatings requires a different mindset, " explains Holm. ─── “对涂层的维护需要一种不同的态度,”霍尔曼解释说。

44、understood as a geological landscape surrounded by cork and holm oak. ─── 被看成了一片被橡树和圣栎包围的地质景观。

45、Craig Holm Guest House : Save up to 70% standard rates! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.







提出这一说法的人 肯定是有一定经验和知识的人 健美的锻炼方法和效果和平常田径的锻炼方法和效果 在很多方面是背道而驰的 健美的目的是吧美放在第一的 不要说健 田径是把体育成绩放在第一的 所以 锻炼方法就截然不同 甚至有过说法 说所谓健美是一种畸形审美 就是因为健美的训练方法 训练出了僵硬爆发力差的肌肉

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