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09-10 投稿


braining 发音

英:[?bre?n??]  美:[?bre?n??]

英:  美:

braining 中文意思翻译





braining 短语词组

1、braining games ─── 脑力游戏

2、braining def ─── 大脑def

3、braining camp.com ─── 脑筋camp.com网站

4、braining app ─── 大脑应用程序

5、braining center ─── 脑中枢

6、braining quote ─── 脑筋急转弯

7、braining camp app ─── 脑力训练营应用程序

8、braining define ─── 用脑定义

braining 词性/词形变化,braining变形

动词过去分词: brained |动词现在分词: braining |动词第三人称单数: brains |动词过去式: brained |

braining 常用词组

human brain ─── 人脑

brain injury ─── [医]脑损伤

brain damage ─── 脑损伤

braining 相似词语短语

1、branning ─── n.麸,糠;n.(Bran)人名;(西、俄、意、罗、瑞典)布兰;(法)布朗

2、graining ─── n.粒化;漆纹理;结晶;v.使…成颗粒;结晶(grain的ing形式)

3、brining ─── v.用盐水浸泡(或处理)(brine的现在分词)

4、braising ─── n.炖;烧;v.(用文火)炖(braise的ing形式)

5、training ─── n.训练;培养;瞄准;整枝;v.训练;教养(train的ing形式)

6、raining ─── adj.下雨的;v.下雨;降雨;倾泻;大量降落(rain的现在分词)

7、braiding ─── n.编结物;辫子;v.交错编织,编结(braid的现在分词)

8、draining ─── adj.使枯竭的;使疲惫的;v.排水;使枯竭;逐渐消失(drain的现在分词)

9、brailing ─── n.卷帆索;(捕鱼用的)抄网;v.用卷帆索卷

braining 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Smith is making shoes The The for a horse while "braining" his cat. ─── 铁匠在煅马蹄铁时,他的猫听得头铛铛作响。

2、He shall not encumber his brain with the coil of rhythm and number. ─── 他绝不能使自己的脑子受累于纠缠不清的格律和韵律。

3、His brain was muddled with alcohol. ─── 他因酗酒而头脑昏昏沉沉。

4、The potentialities of the human brain are inexhaustible. ─── 人类头脑的潜力是无穷的。

5、Doctors removed some fluid from Mr. Reagan's brain. ─── 医生们从里根先生的脑部吸出一些液体;

6、Just because he is at the bottom of his class, it does not follows that he has a bad brain. ─── 只是因为他是班上的最后一名,那未必真的是他头脑不好。

7、Braining with brain, thinking with thought, is just embodiment of fractal. ─── 用脑思考脑,用思维求索思维,正是分形的体现。

8、His brain was in a whirl just at the moment. ─── 他此时的感想可真是杂乱极了。

9、Don't punish our brain with technical terminology. ─── 别用术语来让我们伤脑筋了。

10、Too much television rots your brain. ─── 多看电视会使你的头脑退化。

11、Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord. ─── 传入的传入到中央器官或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊柱腱的神经

12、His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anesthesia in brain surgery. ─── 他的学术报告打算重点谈针刺麻醉在脑外科方面的应用。

13、My brain does not seem to be working well today. ─── 今天我的脑子好像有些不太灵。

14、His brain seems to be functioning normally. ─── 他的大脑看起来功能正常。

15、Being in love must have addled your brain. ─── 坠入爱河必已使你神魂颠倒。

16、The human brain is a complex organ. ─── 人脑是个复杂的器官。

17、The human brain contains several billion nerve cells, which are connected with one another by fine nerves. ─── 人类的大脑含有几十亿个神经细胞,这些细胞由纤细的神经将彼此连接起来。

18、I'm not having a brain trauma, am I, doctor? ─── 医生,我是不是脑部生瘤呢?

19、Somehow my brain isn't functioning today. ─── 不知道怎么搞的,今天我的脑子不转了。

20、He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash. ─── 他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈。

21、Brain scans show alcohol abuse kills brain cells. ─── 大脑扫描结果表明酗酒能杀死脑细胞。

22、Any disease or disorder of muscle, brain, joints? ─── 任何肌肉、大脑或四肢关节问题?

23、Srain brain on the train is restrained. ─── 在列车上过度用脑受到约束。

24、Listen: I've just had a brain storm. Here is what we should do. ─── 听我说,我刚好想到个好主意。这就是我们该做的。

25、Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable. ─── 他因脑部重伤而成了植物人。

26、Placebo effect tied to brain receptor activity. ─── 安慰剂的效果与大脑内受体活动度有关。

27、Lucy, these are your brain scans here. ─── 好的,露西,这个是你脑部的扫描图。

28、He puzzled his brain to find the answer. ─── 他绞尽脑汁寻求答案。

29、The loss of his fortune turned his brain. ─── 他破了财,这使得他精神失常。

30、His good image has stolen up on my brain. ─── 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。

31、Rotate your brain by diagonal - great arcade! ─── 对角线旋转您的大脑-大商场!

32、Sometimes he acts as if he had no brain in his head. ─── 他有时的表现就好象没有脑子一样。

33、Incomprehensibility he felt his brain bursting. ─── 他感到自己的脑袋开裂了。

34、You know-a brain storm as they say. ─── 你知道,照他们的说法,脑子突然出毛病了。

35、In Chinese, a computer is popularly known as an "electrical brain", for the working process of a computer is similar to a human brain very much. ─── 在中文里,计算机有一个人所共知的雅号:“电脑”。这是因为计算机的工作过程与人的大脑思维过程极为相似。

36、His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams. ─── 他的脑子里充满空想和梦幻。

37、What are you doing,braining your little sister? ─── 你在干吗呀,猛击你小妹的头?

38、Perhaps it is the brain that needs resting? ─── 也许是大脑需要休息吧?

39、Can you name these brain structures? ─── 你能辨认出这些结构吗?

40、The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. ─── 大脑需要连续不断地供血。

41、He was a boy with an active brain. ─── 他是个头脑活跃的孩子。

42、The news that his daughter had married a criminal turned his brain. ─── 他的女儿和罪犯结婚的消息使他精神失常了。

43、Her brain and her heart ached. ─── 她的脑子和她的心都在发痛。

44、Six cases of normal brain were used as control. ─── 例正常脑组织作为对照。

45、No protruding brain tissue or meninges were noted. ─── 一周后,该先天性表皮发育不全伤口愈合,表皮完整。

46、She has a good brain. ─── 她很有头脑。

47、If you stop using your brain you soon go stale. ─── 如果你不用脑子思考了,你很快就会变得迟钝。

48、A surgeon removed the boy rs brain tumor. ─── 一位外科医生为这男孩摘除了脑肿瘤。

49、Partial or total loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from damage to the brain caused by injury or disease. ─── 失语症,语言不能由受伤或疾病引起的大脑损伤而导致思想表达能力,口语及书面语理解能力的部分或全部缺失

50、The portion of the skull enclosing the brain. ─── 头颅,颅囊括脑子的那部分颅骨。

51、I'll brain you if you don't keep quiet. ─── 如果你不保持安静的话,我就敲你的脑袋。

52、Once his brain was linked with the computer, a man would undergo all experiences in the space. ─── 一个人只要将自己的大脑与计算机连接起来,进入Cyberspace, 就可以体验在该空间的一切遭遇。

53、She suffers from brain concussion. ─── 她得了脑震荡。

54、Her brain has no room for math. ─── 她没有数学头脑。

55、They removed a clot from his brain. ─── 他们从他的大脑里取出了血块。

56、His muddled brain suddenly clarified. ─── 他糊涂的头脑突然清醒过来。

57、His father died from a brain tumor two years ago. ─── 他父亲两年前死于脑瘤。

58、She is best known for her work on the human brain. ─── 她在对人脑的研究方面最为知名。

59、The number of stars now visible to the astronomers makes one's brain reel. ─── 天文学家现在能看到的星星的数目,多得简直令人头晕目眩。

60、Kevin and Brain are cousins, cousin. ─── 就是表兄弟,堂兄弟的意思。

61、She had the affair on the brain. ─── 她无时无刻不想着这件事。

62、Don't ask that bird brain; he knows nothing. ─── 别问那傻瓜,他什么也不懂。

63、If he lays a hand on me, I'll brain him. ─── 如果他敢动手,我就打碎他的脑袋。

64、His brain was just as full of knowledge as theirs. ─── 他的大脑就像他们的大脑一样充满了知识。

65、The average human brain weighs about 400 grams. ─── 人脑的平均重量约为400克。

66、The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. ─── 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。

67、this because there are people braining wash him for so long and he is just a victim reflecting our time? ─── 这是因为有人脑洗他了这么久,他只是一个反映我们的时间的受害者?

68、His brain is as cunning as his fingers. ─── 他的头脑同手一样的灵活。

69、I've never come closer to braining someone with a car battery as I did that day. ─── 我还从来没有像那会一样那么想用车用蓄电池敲一个人的头。

70、The phantasmagoria of his brain vanished at sight of her. ─── 一见到她他脑海里的种种幻影便全没有了。

71、Can your brain absorb all this information? ─── 你的脑袋能吸收这全部信息吗?

72、The brain is the organ of thought. ─── 大脑是思维器官。

73、The brain enables a person to decide what action is called for. ─── 大脑能使人决定需要采取什么行动。

74、You can counsel advices from out brain trust. ─── 专家级的智囊团为您出谋划策。

75、He died from brain injures by blows to the head. ─── 他因脑部受到重击而死。

76、Look, this isn't brain surgery we're doing here. ─── 听着,我们在这儿做的事又不像大脑开刀那么难。

77、Use your brain before doing something. ─── 做事前先动脑子想想。

78、My brain doesn't seem to be working today. ─── 今天我的脑子好像不转了。

79、Creating a Good Environment, Braining up and Training Innovative Personnel ─── 创造良好环境培养造就创新型人才

80、A word had clicked in Peter's brain. ─── 一个词突然在彼得脑里一闪。

81、He is heir to his father's fine brain. ─── 他承袭了他父亲的聪明头脑。

82、He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain. ─── 他患脑溢血。

83、The extent of your vocabulary indicates the degree of your intelligence. Your brain power will increase as you learn to know more words. ─── 你对词汇的把握程度反映了你的智力水平,当你通过学习掌握了更多的词汇析时候,偿大脑的思维能力也会啬。

84、Your brain and your insight are splendid. ─── 你头脑敏锐洞察一切。

85、My brain becomes active when night falls. ─── 夜晚到来的时候,我的大脑开始活跃。

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