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09-10 投稿


counterchecked 发音


英:  美:

counterchecked 中文意思翻译




counterchecked 词性/词形变化,counterchecked变形

动词过去分词: counterchecked |动词现在分词: counterchecking |动词第三人称单数: counterchecks |动词过去式: counterchecked |

counterchecked 短语词组

1、counterchecked meaning ─── 反证意义

counterchecked 相似词语短语

1、counter check ─── 银行取款单;柜台支票;对应检查;反检查

2、counter checks ─── 银行取款单;柜台支票;对应检查;反检查

3、countercheck ─── n.阻挡,妨碍;对抗方法;vt.复查;制止,防止

4、counterchanged ─── v.(使)色彩交错,(使)斑斓;颠倒分界线两边的色调;交换(位置、特性等);分割成……方块;n.反向变化;明暗交错的花纹

5、counterchecks ─── n.阻挡,妨碍;对抗方法;vt.复查;制止,防止

6、counterattacked ─── v.反击;反攻;n.反击;反攻

7、counterchecking ─── n.阻挡,妨碍;对抗方法;vt.复查;制止,防止

8、countercharged ─── n.反诉;(武装力量的)反攻;v.反诉

9、counteracted ─── vt.抵消;中和;阻碍

counterchecked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The countercheck of water resources in Guangxi had been completed after three years of hard work in accordance with the national unified plan. ─── 根据全国统一部署,经过3年的辛勤工作,广西水力资源复查工作已全部完成。

2、They are diversified appearance,different quomodo and all the time be able to happen,Motive is that countercheck you. ─── 他们用各种面目,不同方式,任意时间出现,试图阻挡你前进的道路。

3、After 2 weeks, all indexes were counterchecked and compared. ─── 2周后复测上述指标,比较各组前后的变化。

4、Counterchecked in 72 hours after operation: 12 cases had little hematoma, 2 cases had pneumoencephalus. ─── 结论青年人慢性硬膜下血肿应充分认识其发病机制及临床表现,避免误诊。

5、After 2 weeks, all indexes were counterchecked and compared. ─── 2周后复测上述指标,比较各组前后的变化。

6、were counterchecked by cerebrovascular angiography and followed-up for 2 to 33 months. ─── 复查造影并随访2 ~ 33个月,进行临床疗效评估。

7、Mouse's clicking a square space of move the square space,same pattern can connect a glimmer of countercheck virus. ─── 鼠标点击移动方格、相同图案的方格能连成一线阻挡病毒。

8、I think the real rights alter is one of the course of the Executive countercheck which is not only a program but also an initiative problem. ─── 本文认为在民事执行中的物权变动,是执行阻却的原因之一,也是执行难问题的引发原因之一,它不仅包括了程序法上的问题,还包括了实体法上的问题。

9、The Feature of Juvenile Delinquency Under the New Circumstance and Its Countercheck ─── 新形势下未成年人违法犯罪的特征及预防

10、Keywords old well;countercheck;reform;fracture; ─── 老井;复查;油层改造;压裂;

11、Quality countercheck ─── 质量复查

12、Responsibility: -to check the information accuracy between client's application and company system; -to countercheck r...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳天祥质量技术服务有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-6-18

13、Zou : All the people going to countercheck are accompanied by their husbands. Do you have the responsibility? ─── 邹:那些复查的人都是老公陪着的!你还有责任心吗?!

14、1.I am applying a recess on next Wednesday as I had to get my analysis report and countercheck. ─── 我想下周三申请休假,因为我要去医院取化验报告及复查身体。

15、Influence of Sampling Time on Results of Countercheck Leucorrhea in Patients with Candidal Vaginitis ─── 取样时间对念珠菌性阴道炎白带复查结果的影响

16、Party A who disagrees with it are responsible for expenditure while the concealed engineering is eligible after its countercheck. ─── 如提出异议,经复查合格者,其费用由甲方负责;

17、You had better countercheck that last estimate. ─── 你最好复核一下上次的估价。

18、Countercheck of water resources in Guangxi ─── 广西水力资源复查综述

19、Countercheck for Old Data and Analysis of Actual Example in Testing Well ─── 试油井老资料复查及实例分析

20、(2) Face characters which are intuitionistic and easily identified are the basic characters for human’s mutual recognition, they are especially suitable for manual countercheck. ─── (2)人脸特征直观易认,是人类互相辨认的基本特征,特别适合人工复查和核查;

21、6.Drive when intoxicated, the police check his ID.But when he leave, they countercheck the ID. ─── 公安消防机构的工作人员在进行监督检查时,应当出示证件。

22、Information Security "Based on Human Activity"-- A newly Risk Evaluation and Countercheck Thought ─── 信息安全"以人为本"--一种信息安全风险评估和防范的新思路

23、Analysis of the Relationship of Countercheck Appraisal of Work Capacity and the Work-related Injury Insurance Benefits ─── 商榷工伤保险待遇不受能力复查鉴定影响

24、In addition, the stomata apparatus are ruleless and only distribute on the lower epidermis.On the upper epidermis, anticlinal wall caves in sinuose groove to countercheck the transpiration. ─── 为进一步研究这2种忍冬属植物叶的形态解剖特征,通过光学显微镜观察发现,叶均为异面叶,栅栏组织发达,细胞长柱形;

25、But when he leave, they countercheck the ID. ─── 但他离去时警察覆验证件。

26、At first: if you receive the unclear gold through mail, you must reject the gold at once,cheap wow gold, you do this may be as an important proof when we countercheck the gold. ─── 首先:如果您收到通过邮寄不清楚黄金,你必须立即拒绝了金,低价哇金,你这样做可能被视为一个重要的证明文件时,我们互相制衡的金牌。

27、This article explore how to improve the political ideology through the network by the analysis of the importance, actual effect.Namely educators should live up to five-adherence and five countercheck. ─── 通过公共理论进网络的重要性、实效性的分析,对如何提高当前网络思想教育的进行了探索,即要做到“五个坚持,五个防止”。

28、A Work Injury Benefits Dispute Case Occurred during the Countercheck Certification Period ─── 一起工伤复查鉴定期间待遇争议案

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