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09-10 投稿


bailee 发音

英:[[be?'li:]]  美:[[be?'li:]]

英:  美:

bailee 中文意思翻译



bailee 词性/词形变化,bailee变形

动词现在分词: bailing |动词过去式: bailed |名词: bailer |动词过去分词: bailed |动词第三人称单数: bails |

bailee 短语词组

1、bailee definition ─── 贝利定义

2、bailee madison bio ─── 超大字体

3、bailee policy ─── [法] 受托人保险单

4、bailee madison ─── [人名]拜莉·麦迪逊

5、bailee clause ─── 受托人条款

6、bailee's customers' insurance ─── [经] 受托人代客保险

7、bailee malaab ─── 一百万美元

8、bailee madison instagram ─── 麦迪逊舞会Instagram

9、bailee for hire ─── [法] 租赁受托人

10、bailee's lien ─── [法] 受托人的留置权

11、bailee insurance ─── 贝利保险

12、bailee receipt ─── [经] 受托人收据, 保管人收据

13、Bailee's customers insurance ─── 受托人代客保险

14、bailee homes ─── 舞男

15、bailee of goods ─── [法] 财物受托人

16、bailee madison twitter ─── 麦迪逊推特舞。

17、shore bailee ─── [经] 岸上代理人

bailee 相似词语短语

1、bailie ─── n.(苏格兰的)市政官

2、bailees ─── n.(财物监护或修理)受托人,受托方;n.(Bailee)(美、英)贝莉(人名)

3、baileys ─── n.百利酒,比利酒

4、Galilee ─── n.加利利(巴勒斯坦北部一多山地区);西端入口处的门廊(中古英国教堂)

5、bailer ─── n.水斗;舀船舱水的人;n.(Bailer)人名;(德)拜勒;(英)贝勒

6、bailey ─── n.城壁,外栅;城堡外庭;n.(Bailey)人名;(英)贝利,贝莉(女名);(葡)拜莱;(西)贝利

7、brailed ─── n.卷帆索;(捕鱼用的)抄网;v.用卷帆索卷

8、bailies ─── 贝利(人名)

9、bailed ─── vt.[法]保释;帮助脱离困境;把水舀出(船)(bail的过去式和过去分词)

bailee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee. ─── 本保险的权益承运人或其他受托人不得享受。

2、Fourteen people who could not post bail were shackled and bused to the Niagara County Jail, a 30-minute drive away. ─── 14名缴不出保释金的人被上了镣铐,然后送上巴士载往30分钟车程外的尼加拉郡立监狱。

3、Deel ngonzxoh hax bail Beifjiny. ─── 他明天要去北京。

4、Saururus chinensis ( Lour. ) Bail. ─── 三白草酮

5、He gave a $5,000 bail bond to the sheriff and took Bill home. ─── 他把一份以5,000元保释的保证书交给了行政司法长官,将比尔领回了家。

6、They'll be out(= of prison)on bail in no time. ─── 他们马上就要获得保释出狱。

7、Why would the government bail Gotham out? ─── 为什么政府要保释哥谭呢?

8、Argues vigorously founds two turn extends the package of new bail game. ─── 力争开创二轮延包的新局面。

9、She was granted bail with a surety of $500. ─── 她交了500元保证金,获得保释。

10、Dennison's solicitor did not apply for bail. ─── 丹尼森的律师没有申请保释。

11、A:Bail ail beel bah bas yil? ─── 姑姑,你去街上卖糠吗?

12、Hence, if the owner surrenders possession to another, the bailee becomes liable. ─── 因此,如果主人将动物交付他人,则责任也转移至接受占有的受托人。

13、Heat milk and bail for one minute. ─── 加热牛奶,煮沸一分钟。

14、He was arrested for bribery, but he gave leg bail. ─── 他因贿赂而被捕,但他又逃走了。

15、Bail out of an airplane at an elevation of 2000 feet. ─── 在二千英尺高度从飞机中跳伞。

16、He was granted bail to his uncle's house. ─── 他被准予保释到他叔叔的房子中。

17、Deel miz bail,haec fangxnduil bail. ─── 他不去。让别人去。

18、A sum of money paid as bail or surety. ─── 保证金用作保释金或保证金的钱

19、Theiss was released on bail. ─── 塞斯在交保后获释。

20、Text me his address to Dekker's phone.Why's he on bail? ─── |把他的地址发到德柯尔的手机上 为什么他会在那里?

21、She was released on bail of $1000. ─── 她付了一千元後被保释。

22、Yaangznix gul xih bail aul hanlnaih dee. ─── [这样我就马上去挑吧。]

23、Deel dangz gvas beejjiny,haif bail gvas cangfcenf. ─── 他到过北京,还去过长城。

24、Will you bail me out of this trouble? ─── 你会救我出困境吗?

25、Sax saip bux bail yav sabp bal . ─── 奶奶让父亲去田里捉鱼仔.

26、The importer is the agent, trustee and bailee of the bank. ─── 进口商是银行的代理、委托人和受托者。

27、Supplier hereby agrees with us that the supplier stores the copies on behalf of our company as bailee. ─── 供应商在此与我们约定,供应商作为代管人为我公司保管该复印件。

28、He was released on bail pending committal proceedings. ─── 他交保获释正在候审。

29、Bail should not be used as punishment, for the accused has not been found guilty. ─── 保释不应作为一种处罚措施,因为并没有认为被告是有罪的。

30、In China,no criminals can be released on bail. ─── 在中国,没有罪犯可以交保释金而获释.

31、The suspect jumped bail and left the state. ─── 嫌疑犯在交保后逃出了本州。

32、Bas yuh eeul bux bail beel yiuh . ─── (大)姑妈有交代父亲去卖鹞鹰.

33、Her husband could be freed on bail within months. ─── 她的丈夫有可能在几个月内交保释放。

34、Deel bail ail dees beel yat. ─── 外婆去下街卖头巾。

35、A wealthy businessman has stood bail for him. ─── 一位富商为他做了保证人。

36、personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee. ─── 信任把个人财产移交给受托人。实现计划。

37、The Plaintiff posted bail of $500.00, which was later refunded to him. ─── 原告交纳了500美元的保释金,后来返还给了他。

38、Bailee Madison plays Sally, a young girl who goes to live with her father and his girlfriend. ─── 受托保管人麦迪逊扮演莎莉,一个年轻的女孩谁去与她同住的父亲和他的女朋友。

39、In the recent crisis no banks could manage to bail out the companies feeling financial pressure. ─── 在最近的这次危机中,没有一家银行能帮助那些处于困境的公司渡过难关。

40、He is remand on bail of 3,000. ─── 付了3,000英镑保释金后,他被还押。

41、To forfeit (bail) by failing to appear in court. ─── 丧失,被没收:由于没出庭而失去(保释)

42、The magistrate granted/refused him bail. ─── 地方法官准许[不准]他保释。

43、To hold on bail or place under bond. ─── 保释支持保释或以保证书保释

44、One who provides bail or security for another. ─── 保释人为另一个人提供保释金或抵押品的人

45、Yoda, Bail and Obi-Wan were the only ones who knew of the children's fate. ─── 尤达、贝尔和欧比旺是唯一知道这对孩子命运的人。

46、He had to stop rowing to bail water out of the boat. ─── 他不得不停止划船,把船里的水舀出去。

47、She has been granted conditional bail. ─── 她被准予有条件保释。

48、She jumped/skipped bail(= did not appear at her trial). ─── 她弃保潜逃(未如期到庭受审)。

49、Bail out that water and you can put your feet down. ─── 你把水汲出去吧。那么你的脚就可以往下伸了。

50、In China, no criminals can be released on bail. ─── 在中国,没有罪犯可以交保释金而获释。

51、Bail out of an airplane at an elevation of2000feet. ─── 在二千英尺高度从飞机中跳

52、The transaction has to be Concluded before Mikhail Khodorkovsky isout on bail. ─── 一旦我确定你有同我合作的意向,我将会告诉你具体操作的细节。

53、But one in six would bail out if loans were underwater by a half. ─── 但是假如贷款能够减半,六分之一的人就能摆脱重负。

54、Her family paid $500 to bail her out. ─── 她家里付了500美元把她保释出来。

55、Bail was formerly important in every action. ─── 以前在每个诉讼行为中,保释是头等重要的。

56、Bond: A sum of money paid as bail or surety. ─── 保证金:用作保释金或保证金的钱。

57、Schisandra chinensis (Turez.) Bail. ─── 五味子

58、He was granted bail on his own recognizance of $1,000. ─── 他自己付了1000美元的保释金后获释。

59、His application to the court for bail has been refused. ─── 他向法庭申请保释遭到拒绝。

60、Her husband have to be freed on bail within months. ─── 她的丈夫有估计在几个月内交保释放。

61、Her parents have agreed to put up bail for her. ─── 她父母同意为她支付保释金。

62、Daniel couldn't afford his bail and was flung into prison. ─── 丹尼尔出不起保释金,被关进了监狱。

63、He is granted bail on his own recognizance of&1, 000. ─── 他自己付了1,000英镑保证金后获保释。

64、Aul dongc bail heenhdah raabt. ─── [用桶到河边去挑。]

65、He paid 5,000 dollars in bail for his son. ─── 他缴了五千元保释出他儿子。

66、A potential finder has no obligation to take a found good into possession, but if she does, she becomes a bailee to the true owner. ─── (3)受委托人必须自愿接受和控制所委托的财物,并且知道他有按委托人的指令归还该财物的义务,愿意承担对该财物的保管和控制的责任。

67、Failure to observe the condition of bail render the accused liable to arrest. ─── 不遵守保释条件会使被告承担被逮捕的义务。

68、He gave leg bail last night. ─── 他昨晚越狱逃跑了。

69、BENEFIT OF INSURANCE 17 Not to Inure Clause This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of any carrier or bailee other than Assured. ─── 保险的利益17不适用条款本保险除了被保险人之外对于任何承运人或受托人的利益不适用。

70、The process of providing bail for an accused person. ─── 为被告提供保释的过程。

71、We can bail out the protesters if they are arrested. ─── 如果那些抗议者被逮捕了,我们能够保释他们出来。

72、The magistrate refused his bail . ─── 地方法官不准他保释。

73、She posted bail for the suspect. ─── 她为嫌疑犯作保。

74、He repudiated the court's decision to offer bail. ─── 他不接受法庭的保释裁决。

75、The person who delivers personal property (goods or money) in trust to the bailee in a bailment. ─── 一个把私人财产寄托给托管处保管的人。

76、She paid &3,000 to bail him out . ─── 她为他偿还了3,000英镑的债务,使其摆脱困境。

77、Most Indian workers bail out at this point. ─── 但绝大多数印度员工都难过此关。

78、The club faced bankruptcy until a wealthy local businessman bail them out. ─── 俱乐部那时眼看就要破产,後来本地有位富商鼎力相助,才摆脱困境。

79、His friend went bail for him. ─── 他的朋友为他作保释人。

80、BENEFIT OF INSURANCE 17 Not to Inure Clause This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of any carrier or bailee other than Assured. ─── 保险的利益17不适用条款本保险除了被保险人之外对于任何承运人或受托人的利益不适用。

81、To forfeit(bail) by failing to appear in court. ─── 丧失,被没收由于没出庭而失去(保释)

82、He was released on bail pending further inquiries. ─── 他获得保释,等候进一步调查。

83、Not to appear in court after having been released on bail. ─── 在被保释后不出庭。

84、This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee. ─── 本保险不使承运人或其他保管人受益。

85、Why do they bail? And why did I just take out the fastest ship? ─── 他们为什么弃船?我为什么先打最快的船?

86、A year and a half ago he thought he'd bail for cushier employment. ─── 大约一年半以前他认为自己应该去找个轻松一点的工作。

87、Lebrun was charged with murder.But he pleaded not guilty and is out on bail. ─── 但是他辩护自己无罪,并获准保释在外候审。

88、The judge, however, insisted on releasing him on bail. ─── 但法官并不接纳上述理由,坚持容许保释。

89、Comparative Research on Legal Duty of Trust Bailee ─── 信托受托人法律责任比较研究




be free 免费的;空闲的

bailee n. 受托者


1、To what extent can states be said to befree agents in the discharge of these responsibilities?


2、be free 有空,空闲 speak 意为 说话、讲话”,后面主要接语言。如: 意为“说话、讲话 ,后面主要接语言。

3、“You should be free, ” she added.

“你应该是自由的。” 她补充说到。

4、Developers will pay a fee of $99/year, but the first year will be free.


5、If healthcare reform does indeed pass, we should not be under the illusion that it will be free.



1、Shouldn't individuals be free ? to choose for themselves their own plans of life ? wherever it may take them?


2、And in fact in one with the girl describing her side, she several times emphasizes this need for protection, need to be free from being torn down from people around them.



air 空气 airport 飞机场 pair 双,对 baiting 诱饵,诱惑 bailee 受托人 bailiff 法警daily 日常的,每日的 dairy 奶制品,奶牛,乳品的,牛奶的 gain 获得 gainer 获得者,胜利者 pain 疼痛hair 头发 hailstone 冰雹wait 等待

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