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09-10 投稿


grandpa 发音

英:['gr?n(d)pɑ?]  美:[?ɡr?nd?pɑ]

英:  美:

grandpa 中文意思翻译



grandpa 短语词组

1、grandma and grandpa ─── 奶 ─── 奶和爷爷

2、grandpa gaming ─── 爷 ─── 爷游戏

3、grandpa and me the here ─── 爷 ─── 爷和我在这里

4、grace and grandpa ─── 格雷斯和爷爷

5、grandpa and his bees ─── 爷 ─── 爷和他的蜜蜂

6、grandpa and holly ─── 爷 ─── 爷和霍莉

7、a gift from grandpa ─── 爷 ─── 爷的礼物

8、go your big grandpa ─── 去你的大爷爷那里

9、grandpa goes to town ─── 爷 ─── 爷进城

10、grandpa and grandpa ─── 爷 ─── 爷和 ─── 爷 ─── 爷

11、each morning grandpa was up ─── 每天早上爷爷都起床

12、great-grandpa vi. ─── 曾祖父

13、get food for grandpa ─── 给爷爷买食物

14、a gift for grandpa ─── 给爷爷的礼物

15、grandpa grandma ─── 爷 ─── 爷奶奶

16、grandpa and me as my ─── 爷 ─── 爷和我是我的

17、grandpa and grandma is sleeping ─── 爷 ─── 爷奶奶在睡觉

18、grandpa and grandma ─── 爷 ─── 爷奶奶

19、grandpa and daddy ─── 爷 ─── 爷和爸爸

grandpa 词性/词形变化,grandpa变形


grandpa 相似词语短语

1、granddad ─── n.爷爷;外公

2、grandma ─── n.奶奶;外婆

3、grand- ─── 大-

4、grandmas ─── n.奶奶;外婆

5、grandad ─── n.爷爷;外公

6、grandpap ─── 祖父

7、grandpas ─── n.爷爷;外公

8、grand ─── 宏伟的

9、grandpapa ─── n.爷爷;外公

grandpa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grandpa the newspaper I came back. ─── 我回家时爷爷正在看报。

2、Poor Grandpa, he'd really flipped. ─── 可怜的祖父,他真的很热情。

3、Grandpa switched us when we were disobedient. ─── 不听话的时候,祖父就用鞭子抽我们。

4、From what I could tell, though, Grandpa couldn't stretch high enough to see in, either. ─── 不过据我观察,就算爷爷伸直了项背也一样看不见。

5、Grandpa: I take a long walk every day. That helps. ─── 外公:我每天都散步,走很远的路。这有帮助。

6、She wants to be here for Grandpa. ─── 她原希望在此等爷爷。

7、Her grandpa is an expert in finance. ─── 她外公是个财务专家。

8、Bryan had a first haircut at home by grandpa. ─── 姥爷给小小贝剃了第一个小光头。很可爱!

9、Grandpa, do you really call her grandma? ─── 大牛:老爷爷,您真的叫她姑婆?

10、We are going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room. ─── 我们要上楼收拾一下爷爷的房间。

11、Dear grandpa, can you choose for yourself? ─── 亲爱的外公,你可以自己选择吗?

12、"Well that just doesn't sit well with me," said my grandpa. ─── "我不能那样做,"爷爷说。

13、We are going to see your grandma and grandpa later. ─── 我们待会儿要去看爷爷奶奶。

14、I'm really excited about seeing Grandpa. ─── 一想到要见到爷爷, 我就觉得兴奋。

15、His face clouded at the mention of Grandpa's name . ─── 一提起祖父的名字,他脸色就阴沉起来。

16、Kindness is one of my grandpa's characteristics. ─── 和善是爷爷的特性之一。

17、Give my regards to Mary, John and by especial to Grandpa. ─── 代我向玛丽、约翰,尤其向爷爷问好。

18、Oh, let's go upstairs and prepare Grandpa's room. ─── 对了,我们上去准备一下爷爷的房间。

19、I called him by "grandpa" without the word "step" , and my mom and two aunts called him by "uncle" . He always replied back with a smile. ─── 我也称呼他为姥爷,而妈妈和阿姨们总是叫他“大爷”,他总是微笑着答应着。

20、Sometimes he goes to see his grandpa on weekends. ─── 周末,他有时候去看望爷爷。

21、Grandpa stopped walking, stared at the horizon, and said nothing for a minute or so. ─── 外公停住脚步,眼睛望着远方,一句话也没说,就这样过了好一会儿。

22、Xiaomao: As soon as my daddy scolds me, my grandpa will scold him. ─── 小毛:当爸爸责骂我时,爷爷就会训他。

23、His grandpa is healthy. ─── 他的祖父身体健康。

24、And Max has your initials, Grandpa: M.S. ─── Max的名字开头字母与你的一样 ,爷爷 ,都是M.S.。

25、I hope Grandpa's going to like living with us. ─── 我希望爷爷喜欢和我们住在一起。

26、We crept upstairs so as not to wake Grandpa. ─── 为了不吵醒爷爷,我们蹑手蹑脚地上了楼。

27、Grandpa: Oh not that darn thing again. ─── 外公:求你,别信那傻事儿了。

28、He said he would like to stay with grandpa. ─── 他说他想和爷爷住在一起。

29、I hpe Grandpa' ging like liing ih . ─── 我希望爷爷喜换 和我们住在一起。

30、A sad dog fears grandpa's Hawaiian jacket. ─── 一只悲伤的狗害怕祖父的夏威夷夹克衫。

31、Oh, Grandpa, I'm so happy to see you! ─── 啊, 爷爷! 见到您我真高兴。

32、Tadpoles: Thank you, Grandpa Shrimp. See you. ─── 小蝌蚪们:谢谢您,虾爷爷。再见!

33、Michael: Grandpa, how wonderful it must be for you to look round the table and see the three generations of your descendants! ─── 迈克尔:爷爷,三代人围坐在桌子旁,看到这情景,您一定很高兴吧!

34、Kevin asks his grandpa to tell him a story. ─── 恺恩让他爷爷给他讲故事。

35、Grandpa dotes on his grandson. ─── 爷爷疼孙子。

36、The whole family celebrated grandpa rs birthday in high glee. ─── 全家人欢天喜地给爷爷过生日。

37、Grandpa lies comatose on the sofa. ─── 爷爷躺在沙发上昏睡。

38、I will mind where I blow my horn, Grandpa. ─── 我会注意我是在什么地方吹喇叭的,爷爷。

39、Carol: Where's Grandma and Grandpa? ─── 卡罗尔:外公外婆在哪儿?

40、Grandpa switched us when we were disobedient . ─── 不听话的时候,祖父就用鞭子抽我们。

41、His grandpa has been dead for two years. ─── 他的祖父死了两年了。

42、His face clouded at the mention of Grandpa's name. ─── 一提起祖父的名字,他脸色就阴沉起来。

43、Well, Grandpa, you're about five-nine or five-ten. ─── 嗯, 爷爷。你大概是五英尺九或者五英尺十。

44、His grandpa passed away last year. ─── 他的爷爷/外公去年去世了。

45、You know the truth. That's all that matters. You heard the story from Grandpa. ─── 你知道真相,这就足够了.你从查尔斯爷爷那里听到的故事才是真的

46、Grandpa although understand, but he doesn't know how to say how much money a foreign women. ─── 老爷爷虽然看懂了,但是他不知道如何对外国妇女说多少钱一个。

47、Her grandpa was in his coffin. ─── 她的祖父已经死了。

48、I would like a photo of Great Great Grandpa Rex . ─── 我想要一张好好爷爷雷克斯的照片.

49、He accidentally broke the outer string of grandpa's urheen. ─── 他一不小心把爷爷的二胡的外弦弄断了。

50、The little rogue had his grandpa's glasses on. ─── 小淘气戴上了他祖父的眼镜。

51、It's nice to be alone with you, Grandpa. ─── 很高兴单独与你在一起, 爷爷。

52、Are your grandpa and grandma farmers? ─── 你的爷爷奶奶是农民吗?

53、You should have gone to see your grandpa last week. ─── 你上星期应该去看望爷爷的。

54、Why did you say good-bye to Grandpa? ─── 你为什么对爷爷说再见?

55、Right from the start I was on Grandpa's side. ─── 我一开始就偏向爷爷。

56、Oh and Grandpa's baseball glove. ─── 噢还有爷爷的棒球手套。

57、You need to work at it, Grandpa. ─── 你得常常练它,爷爷。

58、Grandpa has been out of circulation after the stroke. ─── 在中风之後,祖父已经不再应酬。

59、Pat:grandpa,are these your old photos? ─── 帕特:爷爷,这些是你的旧照片吗?

60、Grandson: Grandpa, pass the ketchup, 'kay? ─── 孙子:爷爷,把番茄酱递给我一下!

61、Grandpa was not yet back from the war. ─── 爷爷那时还没从战场归来。

62、Is something the matter, Grandpa? ─── 怎么了,爷爷?

63、My grandpa often takes a nap after lunch. ─── 我外公常在午饭后打个盹儿.

64、Oh, and Grandpa's baseball glove. ─── 噢, 还有爷爷的棒球手套。

65、A smile illuminated Grandpa's face. ─── 微笑使爷爷看去容光焕发。

66、The "d" in "grandpa" has been lost by assimilation to "p". ─── "grandpa"中的"d"因受"p"的同化而不发音。

67、Her grandpa' s health is improving little by little. ─── 她爷爷的健康状况在渐渐变好。

68、There are my grandpa grandma father mather and I. ─── 他们是爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈还有我。

69、His grandpa passed away last week. ─── 他爷爷上周去世了。

70、Max looks just like Grandpa. ─── max长得真像爷爷。

71、We fell about at Grandpa's funny story. ─── 听了爷爷讲的滑稽故事, 我们忍不住大笑。

72、He handed the glass of beer to Grandpa . ─── 他把这杯啤酒递给了他爷爷。

73、The children called him Grandpa Ma . ─── 孩子们叫他马爷爷。

74、Tadpole 2: Look, Grandpa Shrimp. Let's ask him. ─── 小蝌蚪2:看,虾爷爷。让我们问问他吧。

75、Liu Mei asked an old grandpa to take her place. ─── 刘梅请一位老大爷坐在她的位子上。

76、I usually see my grandpa and grandma on Sundays. ─── 在星期日我通常去看望我的爷爷和奶奶。

77、Grandpa: Yeah. You can take my word. ─── 外公:是的。你可以相信我的话。

78、I wish you would remember me to Mary, John, and in special, to grandpa. ─── 我希望你代我问候玛丽、约翰,尤其是爷爷。

79、You remember Charles Maxwell, Grandpa? ─── 你记得charles Maxwell吗, 爷爷?

80、Is your grandpa still living? ─── 你爷爷还活着吗?

81、You don't need to do that, Grandpa. ─── 你不用这样,爷爷。

82、Hello. Hello there. Are you ready for lunch with your grandpa? ─── 哈喽 。哈喽 。 准备好跟你的祖父一起吃午饭吗?

83、He and my Grandpa both went there. ─── 他和我爷爷都曾在那儿读书。

84、"These are my happy tights," said Grandpa. ─── “这是我的快乐紧身衣。”祖父说。

85、His grandpa has gone to a cattle fair. ─── 他的爷爷去牲畜集市了。

86、The grandpa of his grandpa used to be an official. ─── 他爷爷的爷爷曾经做过职官。

87、Her grandpa died of old age last year. ─── 她爷爷去年因年老而去世。

88、I'm sure glad you're here, Grandpa. ─── 您来这里我真高兴, 爷爷。

89、Why are grandpa's false teeth like stars? ─── 为什么说爷爷的假牙像星星?


回答和翻译如下:外公是干什么工作的?What's your grandpa's job?


爷爷;翻译英语为;grandpa 奶奶;翻译英语为;grandma 外公;翻译英语为;grandpa 外婆;翻译英语为;The grandmother

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