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09-10 投稿


esteeming 发音

英:[??sti?m??]  美:[??sti?m??]

英:  美:

esteeming 中文意思翻译




esteeming 反义词


esteeming 词性/词形变化,esteeming变形

动词第三人称单数: esteems |动词过去分词: esteemed |动词过去式: esteemed |动词现在分词: esteeming |

esteeming 短语词组

1、esteeming virtue ─── 尊德

2、esteeming define ─── 尊重定义

3、esteeming def ─── 尊敬的定义

4、esteeming meaning ─── 尊重意义

5、esteeming god ─── 敬神

6、esteeming synonym ─── 尊敬同义词

esteeming 同义词

venerate | recognition | hold dear | consequence | value | prise | appreciation | admiration | judge | treasure | importance | favor | glory |regard | worship | homage | rate | approval | think | think of | cherish | rate highly | approve | look on | consecrate | hallow | honor | prize | appreciate | admire | regard as | highly | friendship | repute | honour | consider | consideration | respect | reverence | take to be | revere | look upon | sympathize

esteeming 常用词组

self esteem ─── 自尊

esteeming 相似词语短语

1、beseeming ─── v.合适于(beseem的现在分词)

2、estreping ─── vt.浪费;破坏

3、steaming ─── v.冒出蒸汽;蒸煮;蒸汽洗涤;用蒸汽软化(粘贴物)以打开(或松开);用蒸汽开动(机车)(steam的现在分词);adj.非常热的,热气腾腾的;(非正式)烂醉的;(非正式)非常生气的;adv.极其地;n.结伙沿路偷窃

4、beteeming ─── 下注

5、disesteeming ─── v.轻视,看不上;n.不尊重,轻视

6、stemming ─── v.阻止,封堵,遏制(stem的现在分词)

7、seeming ─── n.外表,表象;adj.表面上的;看似……的

8、teeming ─── adj.多产的,丰富的;热闹的,拥挤的;(雨)倾盆而下的;v.充满;(尤指雨水)倾泻(teem的现在分词)

9、restemming ─── 重铸

esteeming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No mater in what high esteem you hold,always have the courage to say to yourself:“I am always ignorant. ─── 不管你有多高的威望,永远有勇气对自己说:“我总是无知的。”

2、Since he behaved so badly he's gone down in my esteem,ie I do not esteem him so highly. ─── 他表现非常恶劣,使我对他的看法一落千丈。

3、They all held him in great esteem. ─── 他们都很尊敬他。

4、They knew Mr. Rushton as well as he did himself and to know him was to esteem him. ─── 大伙儿和他自己一样了解拉什顿先生,了解他就是爱戴他。

5、As you probably already know, being punctual -- to the minute -- is held in high esteem among them. ─── 你或许已经知道,准时到一分不差的地步在他们之间极受推崇。

6、She stands high in the esteem of (ie is greatly respected by) her colleagues. ─── 她深受同事的尊敬。

7、Most people do not esteem what they understand and venerate what they do not see. ─── 大多数人并不尊重他们已经懂得的东西,而对自己不甚了解的东西敬佩有加。

8、We are keeping our own style as pursuing much higher level sharpness with esteeming traditional, professional skill and advanced technology. ─── 我们追求锐度更高水平与尊重传统的、专业的技术和先进的技术。

9、She has achieved high respect and esteem in our community. Her absence will be felt by many in the years to come. ─── 在我们社区里,她享有崇高的尊敬和评价;她的永别,许多人在将来的岁月里,都会感受得到。

10、But the rare man who cannot be influenced by flatteries is a man to hold in esteem. ─── 但是这些不为奉承所动心的极少数人,却是真正值得尊敬的。

11、No, brother; but she is so worthy of esteem, and so true! ─── 不,不,老兄!可她真是个贤惠忠实的人儿!

12、They make anyone wearing them look like a frumpy Eskimo with low self esteem. ─── 他们使任何人穿它们看起来像一个低自尊其貌不扬爱斯基摩人。

13、We shall esteem it a favour if you will inform us soon. ─── 如早日通知,则不胜感谢。

14、faithful to the text and esteeming the historical facts are the guiding principle of the study of this thesis. ─── 研究本论题的原则有二:忠实于文本、尊重客观历史事实。

15、They all had a great esteem for his learning. ─── 他们都非常敬重他的学识。

16、To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem. ─── 使谦卑,贬低降低地位、威望或尊严

17、In England they were surrounded by esteem and sympathy. ─── 他们在英国到处受到尊重和同情。

18、If you stand to your principles, everyone will have the greatest esteem for you. ─── 如果你坚持原则,人人都会非常尊敬你。

19、Good work and goos companions are the building blocks of self - esteem. ─── 优秀的工作和优秀的同伴是构筑自尊的材料。

20、Sometimes, male host for professing for esteeming highly guest, amity, also visit relatives from pour wine for it. ─── 有时,男主人为了表示对来宾的敬重、友好,还会亲自为其斟酒。

21、His reputation is rightly enjoying Indian summer in critical esteem. ─── 他的声誉到了晚年在评论界得到很高的评价。

22、And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves. ─── 又因他们所作的工,用爱心格外尊重他们,你们也要彼此和睦。

23、We shall esteem it a favour if you will inform us soon . ─── 如早日通知,则不胜感谢。

24、In the past few years big business has fallen to a low level in public esteem. ─── 在过去几年里,大企业在公众中的信誉已下降到一个低水平。

25、Please accept this little gift as my esteem for you. ─── 奉上这小小的礼物,以表达我对您的崇高敬意。

26、Place of law of in actual life, morality unallowed thing, have the greatest esteem for is however in game. ─── 在现实生活中法律、道德所不允许的东西,在游戏中却是推崇备至。

27、Meanwhile, their aestheticism of esteeming literary grace had a profound influence on scholars from humble home. ─── 同时,他们尚文采的唯美文学观也对寒门文人产生了深切的影响。

28、If you would grant my request,I should esteem it a great favor. ─── 如果你愿意批准我的请求,我将认为这是极大的关怀。

29、We shall esteem it (as) a favour if you will inform us soon. ─── "如蒙早日通知,不胜感谢。"

30、He has engaged in teaching for tens years, but he does not esteem himself as special theorist. ─── 他虽从事教学数十年,但不认为自己是纯理论家。

31、Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. ─── 他看为基督受的凌辱,比埃及的财物更宝贵。因他想望所要得的赏赐。

32、A. rely on esteem and respect to motivate his/her employees. ─── 依靠尊敬和尊重激励他/她的雇员。

33、In ancient Greece,Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. ─── 古希腊的苏格拉底以极其尊重知识而闻名。

34、They esteem this proposal worthless . ─── 他们认为这个建议没有价值。

35、He departed in a glow of public gratitude and esteem. ─── 他在公众的感激和尊敬的热烈气氛中离去了。

36、And so far am I glad it so did sort, As this their jangling I esteem a sport. ─── 事情会弄到这样我是满快活的,因为他们的吵闹看着怪有趣味。

37、No matter in what high esteem you are held, always have the courage to say to yourself:"I am always ignorant. ─── 不管你的威望有多高,永远要有勇气对自己说:“我永远是无知的。

38、And it embodied in teachers exerting main guide effect of teaching and esteeming the intrinsic main body status of students. ─── 其主要体现于教师发挥教学的主要向导作用、尊重学生应然主体地位的具体教学过程中。

39、Will he esteem thy ***ches? no, not gold, nor all the forces of strength. ─── 19你的呼求(或作资财),或是你一切的势力,果有灵验,叫你不受患难吗。

40、The value of esteeming men above women in the family ethnic culture is reactivated with national "one-child" policy. ─── 因此,白族母性文化及其组织形式在转变“重男轻女”观念问题上显得尤为重要。

41、He felt that he was wounded in self esteem. ─── 他感到自尊心受了损伤。

42、The Compendium of Materia Medica has been held in high esteem since it was first published. ─── 《本草纲目》问世之后,深受人们的推崇。

43、"The near-unanimity of esteem he enjoyed during his lifetime has by no means been sustained since" (Will Crutchfield). ─── “在世期间他所受到的一致尊敬在他去世后却一去不复返” (威尔·克拉士弗尔德)。

44、No matter in what high esteem you hold, always have the courage to say to yourself:"I am always ignorant. ─── 不管你有多高的威望,永远有勇气对自己说“我总是无知的。

45、Catherine had an awfully perverted taste to esteem him so dearly, knowing him so well. ─── 凯瑟琳完全了解他,却又有一种怪癖,那么一往情深地重视他。

46、On apiarian road, they found their place, got the esteem of people. ─── 在养蜂的道路上,他们找到了自己的位置,受到了人们的尊重。

47、Though the Kingcraft is very hard, king can win all the people's loving and esteeming through his own virtue. ─── 王道艰深,但奥妙只在于“以德服人”,即用自己的德行赢得天下人民的爱戴与信服。

48、not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming; nor all ambition worth cultivating. ─── 显然,并非所有的成功都值得景仰,也并非所有的抱负都值得追求。

49、He enjoyed the love and esteem of his friends. ─── 他受到朋友们的爱戴。

50、What frets me is that, when I try to esteem ,I am baffled. ─── 使我烦恼的是,当我设法要尊重人家的时候,却又无从下手。

51、He has been rehabilitated in public esteem. ─── 公众已恢复对他的敬重。

52、You held your father in very high esteem, didn't you? ─── 你很敬重你父亲,是吗?

53、This conclusion may be a "surmounting" to esteeming NPS blindly. ─── 这一结论可谓对盲目推崇新公共服务的一种“超越”。

54、Those soldiers who fight to the last ditch are held in esteem. ─── 奋战至死不屈服的士兵受到人们的崇敬。

55、Esteem for Germany and emulation of German ways. ─── 亲德主义,崇尚德国风俗对德国的尊重,对德国方式的仿效

56、U &C pursue the humanist management policy in terms of esteeming talents, focusing on actual effects and MBO. ─── 公司奉行以人为本的管理理念,尊重人才,重视实效,以目标为中心进行管理。

57、Since he behaved so badly he's gone down in my esteem, ie I do not esteem him so highly. ─── 他表现非常恶劣, 使我对他的看法一落千丈.


59、She is held in high esteem by her colleagues. ─── 她深受同事们的敬重。

60、He wins associates's esteem by his dedication on teaching. ─── 他专心致力于教学的精神赢得了同事们的尊敬。

61、A fellow, especially one held in low esteem. ─── 下流坯尤指不受尊重的家伙

62、The near - unanimity of esteem he enjoyed during his lifetime has by no means been sustained since(Will Crutchfield. ─── 在世期间他所受到的一致尊敬在他去世后却一去不复返(威尔 克拉士弗尔德)。

63、In China, Japan, and South Korea, the royal family or nobility considered Aloeswood the highest esteem as a gift. ─── 中国、日本、韩国的皇室或贵族都把沉香当作一种至高无上的崇敬礼品。

64、All David' s friends held him in high esteem. ─── 大卫的朋友对他都很尊重。

65、He'll love and hate equally under cover,and esteem it a species of impertinence to be loved or hated again. ─── 他把爱和恨都掩盖起来,至于被人爱或恨,他又认为是一种鲁莽的事。

66、And are you grown so high in his esteem Because I am so dwarfish and so low? ─── 因为我生得矮小,所以他便把你看得高不可及了吗?

67、At such a moment you can proclaim that the capital deserves the esteem of all France. ─── 在这时刻,你们可以公开宣告,我们的首都值得全法兰西敬重。

68、His selflessness gainedhigh esteem. ─── 他的忘我精神使它得到了尊敬。

69、To fail to regard with deserved esteem. ─── 不尊重不能以尊重态度看待

70、Lack of respect, esteem, or courteous regard. ─── 不尊敬,无礼,轻蔑

71、Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasure of the Egyptians. For he looked unto the reward. ─── 他宁愿同天主的百姓一起受苦,也不愿有犯罪的暂时享受,

72、Repays with this large consumer of in reliance on with love and esteem. ─── 以此回报广大消费者的信赖与厚爱。

73、He's incapable of it; all he can give me is esteem and affection. ─── 他理解不了;他能给我的一切就是尊重和爱护。

74、You have touched his self - esteem . ─── 你伤了他的自尊心。

75、The people make it a point to esteem the art of conversation in France. ─── 在法国, 人们十分重视谈话技巧。

76、We are held in fairly high esteem by our foreign comrades. ─── 外国同志对我们是比较尊重的。

77、Most students hold their teachers in high esteem. ─── 大部分学生对老师态度很恭敬。

78、I shall esteem it highly if you will allow me occasionally to supply any of your order. ─── 如能允许我经常向贵方供货,我将感激不尽。

79、He gave the old man this dictionary as a token of esteem. ─── 他送给这位老年人一本词典表示敬意。

80、Yet do not esteem him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. ─── 可是不要把他当仇敌看待,但要把他当弟兄规劝。

81、But the real profit is in esteem. ─── 但是真正的利润是赢得敬重。

82、She feels robbed not only of the sanctity of her marriage, but also of her dignity, self esteem and future. ─── 她觉得不但她婚姻的神圣性被剥夺,同时也丧失了尊严、自尊和未来。

83、All the teachers and students in Cambridge held Dr Hawkin in high esteem. ─── 剑桥大学的所有教师和学生都很尊敬霍金博士。

84、He enjoyed the esteem of his friends. ─── 他受到朋友们的敬重。

85、In their esteem, the bill was worthless. ─── 在他们看来,该议案毫无价值。

86、Her beauty helped her in his mood, raised her in his esteem. ─── 她的美貌在他的心情方面有助于自己,在他的估价方面抬高了自己。

87、Help him to see and recognize the truth, without esteeming yourself to be, in the least, superior to him, or to be possessed of greater endowments. ─── 在帮助他发现并认明真理时,你们不可表现出丝毫的妄自尊大,比他优越,或比他有更高天分。”

88、All his students held him in high esteem. ─── 他的学生对他都很尊敬。

89、My esteem for the Japanese government has completely gone down the drain,"she said. ─── 她说”我对日本政府的尊敬已经完全没有了。

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