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09-10 投稿


restlessness 发音

英:['restl?sn?s]  美:[?restl?sn?s]

英:  美:

restlessness 中文意思翻译



restlessness 相似词语短语

1、relentlessness ─── n.不间断的无情和残酷

2、trustlessness ─── 不信任

3、recklessness ─── n.鲁莽;轻率;不顾一切,不顾后果

4、resultlessness ─── 无结果性

5、breathlessness ─── n.呼吸急促,气喘吁吁

6、listlessness ─── n.无精打采;精神萎靡

7、stresslessness ─── 无压力

8、rootlessness ─── n.(尤指某人)无根,无归属

9、resistlessness ─── 抵抗力

restlessness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You are very restless this afternoon. ─── 今天下午你的心绪很不平静。

2、The restless students were on the boil again on the campus. ─── 不安分的学生们在校园里又躁动起来。

3、A young man was walking with a cage of restless pigeons. ─── 一个年轻人提着一笼不安分的鸽子走着。

4、I don't know what is on his mind, he always looks restless. ─── 不知他有什么事,老是心神不定的样子。

5、He was afflicted always with a gnawing restlessness. ─── 他老是被一种叫人苦恼的不安情绪折磨着。

6、A terrible restlessness that was like to hunger afflicted Martin Eden. ─── 一阵可怕的、跟饥饿差不多的不安情绪折磨着马丁·伊登。

7、They all felt restless and unsettled. ─── 他们都感到焦躁不安。

8、There was a feeling of restlessness deep in her soul. ─── 她内心深处感到焦躁不安。

9、Karen complained of hyperactivity and restlessness. ─── 卡伦抱怨说自己过分好动和不安宁。

10、You're as restless as a chicken. ─── 你象只小鸡,一刻也不停。

11、They get fussy, and fidget in their restless ways. ─── 事实就是,他们如此幼小却仍尝试抗争,这让你觉得可怕。

12、She's never at peace with herself, ie is always restless. ─── 她总是静不下来.

13、They sit around restless until the tension gets too great and then they erupt. ─── 他们开始只会坐在那里干着急,到后来精神上的压力实在太重了,便又来了个感情用事。

14、She was restless and even agitated. ─── 她坐立不安,甚至心乱如麻。

15、Have you known restlessness that gnaws at you? ─── 你有没有尝过心绪不宁之苦?

16、His mind is in a state of perpetual restlessness , thinking how the sick person may be cured. ─── 他的思想是一种永不停息的状态,想着如何能够把病人治好。

17、His manacled hands were restless in his lap. ─── 他那双上了铁镣的手在膝盖上不知放在哪里才好。

18、Emotionally or mentally restless or uneasy. ─── 不安的情感上或精神上不安定的或不自在的

19、Their gossips abraded her into restlessness. ─── 他们的流言蜚语使她心烦意乱。

20、But there always was dissatisfied restlessness under the placid surface to life. ─── 但是在表面平静的生活下面一直有一种不满和不安的情绪。

21、Illness brought her a strange restlessness and made her all the more eager to cling to life and squeeze from it the last drop of happiness. ─── 这种病使她特别敏感不安,她越发急切于抓住人生不放,似乎是要把人生的甜蜜幸福挤到最后的一滴而后已。

22、Bored by college life and restless, leaves Dartmouth at the end of December. ─── 因大学生活无聊、浮躁而于12月底离开达茂斯。

23、A condition of restlessness as manifested by nervous movements. Often used with the. ─── 坐立不安用坐立不安表示内心的烦躁的状态。通常与the连用

24、To be extremely uneasy or restless. ─── 十分不易或不安宁。

25、Your impulsive and restless nature needs to concentrate more on moderation. ─── 你冲动及鲁莽的天性需要花费更多心力来调和。

26、Why didn’t he chafe and become restless? ─── 为什么他没有气急败坏,坐立不安呢

27、She felt restless, at odds with herself. ─── 她感到焦虑,哪都不对劲。

28、A state of restlessness or uneasiness;disquietude. ─── 不定,焦虑一种焦虑或不安的状态;不平静

29、A restless night, with intervals of half sobriety. ─── 一夜没睡好,醒来多次。

30、The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake. ─── 各种动物都变得焦躁不安,像是感到了地震即将发生。

31、They spent a restless night in that house. ─── 他们在那栋房子里度过了不安的一夜。

32、He was restless with pretentious rhetoric. ─── 他不尚空谈。

33、She became restless and uneasy. ─── 她变得坐立不安,心神不宁起来。

34、He went up to her sitting-room in the morning. She knew he would come. And his restlessness was evident. ─── 他跑到楼上她的起居室里。她知道他要来的。他的不安很明显。

35、He was restless but determined to stay the course. ─── 他心情?I促,但决心坚持下去。

36、As the roaring rocket rose, the restless roosters rollicked. ─── 呼啸的火箭上升时,好动的公鸡上窜下跳。

37、Doctor Do you feel restless? ─── 你感到躁动不安吗?

38、He looks like a restless man. ─── 他看上去坐立不安。

39、In the country the vast electorate was restless and adrift. ─── 在国内,广大的选民浮躁不安,徬徨而无所适从。

40、He has been very restless all day and he awoke nearly all last night. ─── 他一整天都心神不定, 昨夜几乎一整夜没有合眼。

41、She knows how restless Frank's been, she'll believe you. ─── 她知道弗兰克是个多么轻率的人,她会相信你的。

42、His black eyes were restless, sly and cunning. ─── 他的黑眼睛表现出不安、奸诈和狡猾。

43、She was restless and passionate. ─── 她坐立不安;性情暴躁。

44、Then came the summer, and restlessness seized these young people. ─── 夏日来临,这些青年人闲不住了。

45、He was seized with a restlessness he could not account for. ─── 他突然感到一阵莫明其妙的不安情绪。

46、His outward calm is in very vivid contrast to the restlessness of my character, which I am unable to conceal. ─── 他的外表平静,正和我不能隐藏的内心不安构成很明显的对照。

47、In restless dreams I walk alone. Narrow streets of cobble stone. ─── 在这无休止的梦中,我独自漫步在鹅卵石铺就的小路。

48、A university lecturer is better than a restless businessman. ─── 大学讲师比不稳定的商人要好多了。

49、Their sleep was restless and their days were nervous. ─── 他们晚上睡眠不安,白天神经过敏。

50、Both make the mind restless. ─── 两者都令头脑不安。

51、His father, a Virginian, was a restless man. ─── 他的父亲是弗吉尼亚人,从不安于现状。

52、As the day approached she grew restless and uneasy. ─── 在这一天快到来时,她变得忐忑不安起来。

53、feeling of restlessness deep in her soul. ─── 她内心深处感到焦躁不安。

54、Why didn't he chafe and become restless? ─── 为什么他没有气急败坏,坐立不安呢?

55、When the work wasn't going right, he was restless. ─── 在工作进行不顺利时,他就忐忑不安。

56、His Broad bosom soothes my restlessness. ─── 他的宽容平息我的狂燥。

57、His father remarked his restless glances wandering to the window. ─── 他的父亲注意到他那不安的眼光总往窗子那边溜。

58、In restless dreams I walked alone narrow streets of cobble stone. ─── 在不安的睡梦里,我独自游荡在小街上

59、His restlessness and even his occasional incoherency of conduct had been only a proof. ─── 他那种好动不好静的性格,甚至那种有时前后不一致的行动,都只是证明了这点。

60、Reduce dosage if restlessness or sleeplessness takes place. ─── 一旦出现烦躁、失眠等症状,请减少剂量。

61、He's the restless, nervy type. ─── 他是一个烦躁不安的人。

62、And a state of restlessness will usually manifest itself, making him incapable of keeping to one particular posture for any length of time. ─── 一种不安宁的状态通常会显现,使他无法以特定的姿势坚持足够的时间。

63、What are the restless wretches doing now?" asked Mrs. Sparsit. ─── “现在那些不安分的坏蛋们在做些什么了?”斯巴塞太太问。

64、He was a restless and inventive man who was always trying new things. ─── 他是个精力充沛,富有创造性的人,经常要尝试新东西。

65、He was a little pale and a little restless. ─── 他有点面孔失色和不安。

66、A state of restlessness or uneasiness; disquietude. ─── 不定,焦虑一种焦虑或不安的状态;不平静

67、In my restless dreams, I see that town. ─── 在不安的梦境中,我见到了这个小镇。

68、I would simply conclude by saying that the aim of this course is to awaken the restlessness of reason and to see where I might lead. ─── 简而言之,我总结一下,这门课程的目的是唤醒你们永不停歇的理性思考,然后看看我将把你们带向何方。

69、His image traversed constantly her restless slumbers. ─── 他的形象一再闯进她的脑海,弄得她不能安睡。

70、Q: If my real self is peace and love, why is it so restless? ─── 假如我的自性是和平及爱,为何它如此不安?

71、Restlessness,irritability,and panic may occur. ─── 不安静、易怒和恐慌可能发生。

72、As it was late he grew restless. ─── 天色已晚,他变得焦躁不安起来。

73、Earlier inner restlessness I totally blame the hot weather and those feelings enough to let me bad things happened one after another. ─── 前段时间的内心躁动我也全归罪于天气的炎热以及那些足以让我心情不好的事情接二连三的发生。

74、I don't know what's on his mind. He always looks restless. ─── 不知他有什么事,老是心神不定的样子。

75、The restless students are on the boil again. ─── 不安分的学生们又处于激动之中。

76、She compared the restless boy with a noisy monkey. ─── 她把那个好动的男孩比做一只吵闹的猴子。

77、I don't know what is on his mind; he always looks restless. ─── 不知他有什么事, 老是心神不定的样子。

78、He was restless again, discontented about nothing and everything. ─── 他又有些坐立不定,对什么都感到莫名其妙的不满意。

79、What restless fever runs in your blood? ─── 在你血管中奔流的是什么样的不宁的热力?

80、last would the agonizing restlessness be allayed, which destroys my existence! ─── 毁灭了我的生命的、令人痛苦的不安的情绪,就终于会消失!

81、The world is tired of the unconsidered and restless death. ─── 不用说翻译,就只是中文部分我也看不明白。

82、You know my vagabond and restless habits. ─── 你知道我的这种流浪汉习惯,我是闲不住的。

83、In restless dreams I walked alone, narrow streets of cobblestone. ─── 前一首1966年同名单曲获美国排行榜冠军;

84、The first thing they noticed was that he was restless. ─── 他们首先注意到的是他坐立不安的样子。

85、The populace is restless in the provinces but it is not in Paris. ─── 外省的下民好骚动,巴黎的人民却不然。

86、In restless dreams I walk alone. ─── 在无数浮躁的梦中我茕茕独行。

87、"We must go on indeed," said the girl, yielding to his restless wish. ─── “我们必须赶路,真的,”女孩子说并顺从了他那不安定的愿望。

88、It is a place where leisure is a welcome chance to build and reflect, not a feared cause of boredom and restlessness. ─── 在那里,闲暇时间受人欢迎,可以用来发明创造或静思反省,而不会成为无聊和烦躁的可怕诱因。

89、She is fidgety and restless. ─── 她生性急燥好动。

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