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09-10 投稿



disjoin 发音

英:[[d?s'd???n]]  美:[[d?s'd???n]]

英:  美:

disjoin 中文意思翻译



disjoin 词性/词形变化,disjoin变形

动词第三人称单数: disjoins |动词现在分词: disjoining |动词过去式: disjoined |动词过去分词: disjoined |

disjoin 同义词

dissociate | divide | separate | disconnect | sunder | loosen | dissever | detach | segregate | liberate | alienate |disjoint | disunite | divorce

disjoin 反义词


disjoin 相似词语短语

1、disjoints ─── v.打散;拆开;(使)关节脱离;adj.不连贯的;(两个集合)不相交的

2、disjoins ─── v.(使)分离,分开

3、misjoins ─── 误会

4、disjoint ─── v.打散;拆开;(使)关节脱离;adj.不连贯的;(两个集合)不相交的

5、discoid ─── adj.平圆形的;盘形药丸;铁饼状的

6、misjoin ─── 佣金

7、discoing ─── n.迪斯科舞厅;的士高;n.(Disco)人名;(意)迪斯科

8、disdain ─── n.蔑视;vt.鄙弃

9、disjoined ─── v.使……分开,分离(disjoin的过去式和过去分词)

disjoin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“They will join together after their separation for a long time, and disjoin, their uniting. ─── 近日,关于电信业重组的消息成为了人们的热点话题。

2、To disjoin a Windows 2000 client computer from the network ─── 到disjoin Windows 2000客户端计算机从网络

3、Matrix Characterization of a Type of Disjoin Preserving Operators on Classical Banach Lattices ─── 一类经典Banach格上保不交算子的矩阵刻画

4、To separate; disjoin. ─── 离;拆开

5、The vocabulary of folklore and the folk adages have intersections.We can't disjoin them completely. ─── 因此民俗语汇的品类中有俗语成分,民俗语汇与俗语有交叉,二者不是截然分开的。

6、Construction scheme to join and disjoin of triangular basket in girder's free cantilever casting ─── 悬灌梁三角形挂篮的联体与解体施工方案

7、1.Don't allow time to weaken the wine of friendship,nor distance to disjoin the hands of remembrance. ─── 不要让时间冲淡友情的酒,不要让距离拉开思念的手。

8、We need to disjoin the good apple and the bad one . ─── 我们必须把好的苹果与坏的分开.

9、Answer: Disjoin these two question to ask, that is scientific. ─── 答:这两个问题分开问,很科学。

10、1.to break (a set, a pair); to take apart; to dismantle; 2.to put asunder; to disjoin; to break up (a marriage, family, etc.) ─── 拆散

11、Study on the disjoin buffer window access schedule algorithms ─── 分离缓存窗口访问机制调度算法研究

12、Disjoin the learning of arts and science ─── 文理分科

13、Shadow disjoin dirty ash into the night... ─── 阴影将肮脏的灰烬分离至夜晚。

14、Soak the cylinder of the wafers in hydrofluoric acid to disjoin the wafers. ─── 将此“圆柱体”浸泡在氢氟酸中,使硅片互相分离。

15、Study on the disjoin buffer window access schedule algorithms ─── 分离缓存窗口访问机制调度算法研究

16、Don't allow time to weaken the wine of friendship, nor distance to disjoin the hands of remembrance. ─── 不要让时间冲淡友情的酒,不要让距离拉开思念的手。

17、It can lift rate of zinc reclamation, disjoin the lead and zinc. ─── 该工艺锌回收率高,并可实现铅锌分离。

18、Construction scheme to join and disjoin of triangular basket in girder's free cantilever casting ─── 悬灌梁三角形挂篮的联体与解体施工方案

19、Don't allow time to weaken the wine of friendship, nor distance to disjoin the hands of remembrance. ─── 不要让时间冲淡友情的酒,不要让距离拉开思念的手。

20、make disconnected, disjoin or unfasten. ─── 使分离,分开或解开。

21、To disjoin a Windows NT client computer from the network ─── 到disjoin WindowsNT客户计算机从网络

22、Matrix Characterization of a Type of Disjoin Preserving Operators on Classical Banach Lattices ─── 一类经典Banach格上保不交算子的矩阵刻画

23、Thus, it is inappropriate to take the fact that disjoin economy or not and has benthamism or not as the standard of "literature conscious". ─── 因而将是否与经学分家与是否具有功利性作为“文学自觉”的标准是不合适的。

24、After you disjoin the domain, shut down the client computer before you reconnect it to the new domain. ─── 客户端之后您disjoin域,关机之前您重新连接到新域。

25、After you disjoin the domain, shut down the client computer before you reconnect it to the new domain. ─── 客户端之后您disjoin域,关机之前您重新连接到新域。

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