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09-10 投稿



debutant 发音

英:[?debjutɑ?nt]  美:[?debjutɑ?nt]

英:  美:

debutant 中文意思翻译



debutant 词性/词形变化,debutant变形

debutant 相似词语短语

1、debutantes ─── n.首次进入上流社交场合的富家年轻女子;(尤指在体育比赛中)初次亮相的女子

2、debuting ─── n.初次登台;开张;vi.初次登台;n.(Debut)人名;(法)德比

3、disputant ─── n.争论者,辩论者;竞赛者;adj.争论的

4、hebetant ─── 十六进制数字D

5、débutantes ─── 初学者

6、débutante ─── 初学者

7、debutants ─── n.初进社交界的人;初次登台的人

8、debutante ─── n.首次进入上流社交场合的富家年轻女子;(尤指在体育比赛中)初次亮相的女子

9、debilitant ─── 虚弱的

debutant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since that sterling debut,her cinematic career has ranged all over the map. ─── 从这次出色的首度亮相起,她的银幕生涯就全面展开了。

2、At 18 she made her debut at a big party at the Ritz. ─── 十八岁时她在莉芝饭店的大宴会中初次作社交性的露面。

3、Gemini Monsters, a new type of monster card with amazing effects, make their debut. ─── 二重怪物,有着惊奇效果的新怪物卡片,让它们初次登场吧。

4、Staged the Young Writers Debut competition to help budding young authors realize their dreams. ─── 举办年轻作家比赛,协助对写作有热诚的年青人实现写作梦想。

5、LEST WE FORGET Has Huge Chart Debut! ─── 以免我们有极大的图解初次登场!

6、The debut of a new foreign policy. ─── 一个新的外交政策的出台

7、F4 became famous after their debut in Meteoric Garden. ─── F4在流星花园里一举成名。

8、So Roman Cubrown's directorial debut was the movie . ─── 也就是说这是这个导演的第一部电影作品。

9、Reserves boss Warren Joyce has praised United's latest first-team debutant Michael Keane. ─── 预备队老大沃伦。乔西表扬了曼联最新的预备队产品迈克尔。基恩。

10、Clark once said, "I was born bald!" and indeed his hair was already a thing of the past when he made his screen debut at the age of 33. ─── 克拉克曾说过:“我天生秃顶!”的确如此,当他33岁那年首次上银幕时,他们头发已是明日黄花了。

11、He decided to debut with several other violinists. ─── 他决定与其他几名小提琴手一起首次登台演出。

12、He made his stage debut in Milan in 1891. ─── 1894年起就在蒙耐伊歌剧院时常登台献艺,直至1900年。

13、He made his first debut as a sub against Argentina for Bebeto on March 23, 1994. ─── 1994年的3月23日,他作为贝贝多的替补队员参加了对阿根廷的比赛。

14、A new gorilla has made his debut at the Santiago zoo. ─── 一只新的大猩猩在圣地亚哥动物园首度亮相。

15、Ro-VN druba is in last year's first debut. ─── VN是在去年的德鲁巴展会上首次亮相的。

16、Half, Pardew will replace Kelai Ni, Symantec debut more than a substitute. ─── 中场休息时,帕杜将克莱尼换下,塞门多替补登场。

17、"Phat," for example,makes its debut in the OED today as a slang term meaning cool. ─── 以“phat”为例,它刚被《牛津英文词典》作为俚语收录进来,意思是“很酷”。

18、Tonight's dinner is my husband's debut as a cook. ─── 今晚的晚餐是我丈夫初次掌厨的成果。

19、With the help of some advertising stunts, she successfully made her proverbial debut in the Hollywood. ─── 全靠广告噱头奏效,她成功初登好莱坞,人所共知。

20、Meanwhile, Theo Walcott could finally make his debut for the Gunners in Croatia. Something else to look forward to. ─── 同时,沃科特会在克罗地亚第一次亮相,仍然有一些事值得我们期待。

21、You must be atwitter at your debut. ─── 你初次亮相时一定紧张坏了吧?

22、beginner, debutant, fledgling, initiate, newbie, noob, novice, tenderfoot, tiro, tyro. ─── 初学者,初学者,新修道士(修女),新手,菜鸟。

23、A month later, the bright and tender faced baby made his debut in the open. ─── 一个月以后,婴儿底白嫩的小脸孔,已在秋天的阳光里照耀了。

24、"We are happy that Jaime did such an excellent job on his debut. ─── “对于杰米初次亮相时非常好的表现,我们感到很高兴。”

25、Yet just as this old analogue technology was being retired, its new digital counterpart was making its debut. ─── 但是就在这种老的模拟技术淡出舞台的时候,其数字时代的后起之秀正崭露头角。

26、Spain wrecked Ukraine's World Cup debut on Wednesday, trouncing them 4-0. ─── ( 周三,西班牙4-0战胜了乌克兰,终结了它的首次世界杯之旅。

27、Attending to the debut of fashion show is their favorite. ─── 参加时装展览首演会是她们的最爱。

28、He made his full international debut in 1972 against Wales at Ninian Park. ─── 他在1972年对阵威尔士的比赛中完成了他代表英格兰的处子秀。

29、He made his debut in society. ─── 他初进社交界。

30、Debutant goalkeeper, 15 years old Wales schoolboy international Rhys Taylor, saves a penalty. ─── 坦特队来自威尔士的年仅15岁的国际守门员瑞斯·泰勒扑出了一粒点球。

31、The 800 meters freestlye is the debut at the world championship. ─── 800米自由泳是世界锦标赛的第一个项目。

32、His debut at Carnegie Hall was the first of a succession of exciting incidents in his life. ─── 他在卡内基音乐堂的首次登台是他生命中令人激动的事件中的第一个。

33、Its modest credentials include a 29-year-old debutant director, a budget of just $30m and a cast of unknowns. ─── 影片微薄的立身资本不过是个初出茅庐的29岁导演,以及仅3000万美元的预算和一群名不见经传的演员。

34、"LOGIC is a fine debut collection, and these performances are all topnotch. ─── “Logic的音乐绝对优雅怡情,每个乐手也一流以上的演奏家。

35、Darron Gibson , meanwhile, is still to make his Antwerp debut because of injury. ─── 同时,D吉布森因为受伤仍未能在安特卫普上演处子秀。

36、His replacement is likely to debut is not much time for Gao Lin. ─── 代替他的,很有可能是登场时间并不多的郜林。

37、and Federer are joined in Group B by Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, who will be making his second appearance, and debutant Mardy Fish. ─── 与费纳同在B组的还有第二次参加年终总决赛的特松加和初次露面的费什。

38、Sheer force of habit normally compels investors to sell existing holdings to chase the debutant higher. ─── 通常情况下,习惯的力量会促使投资者抛出手中持股,追捧新股。

39、Smith marked his debut match with an opportunist goal. ─── 史密斯首次上场比赛就打进一个机会球。

40、MONTREAL----Clark Johns accomplished a spectacular debut for his NHL career tonight. ─── [蒙特利尔电]在全国手球联赛中克拉克·约翰斯仿晚初试锋芒,引起轰动。

41、Ryan returned to her comedy roots for her feature producing debut,1995's only modestly entertaining French Kiss. ─── 1995年,在稍有起色的《法国之吻》中,瑞恩重返其出演故事片之初的喜剧老路。

42、She had a debut after the Armistice, and in February she was presumably engaged to a man from New Orleans. ─── 停战以后她参加了一次初进社交界的舞会,据说二月里她跟新奥尔良市来的一个人订了婚。

43、Ella Fitzgerald makes her singing debut at age 16 at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York. ─── 1934年的今天,埃拉·菲茨杰拉德在她16岁的年纪时进行了她的歌唱首演,地点是纽约哈莱姆的阿波罗剧院。

44、In 1991, he made his screenwriting debut for the much-panned Hudson Hawk. ─── 1991年,他第一次出演自己编写的剧本《哈德逊之鹰》(“HudsonHawk”),获得了极大的成功。

45、He marked his debut by beating the champion. ─── 他初次上阵即击败了冠军而一鸣惊人.

46、In 1975, he made his debut in the Kannada film Katha Sangama . ─── 1975年,他首次提出在卡纳达语电影奥义Sangama 。

47、He wasn't half bad in his debut. ─── 他的首演非常不错。

48、It might be speculated then that the debutant will be a very sporty model with high-performance abilities. ─── 这可能是猜测的debutant然后将是一个非常运动模型,高性能的能力。

49、A new product will debut next week. ─── 一种新产品将在下周面世。

50、"That same year he made his Broadway debut, playing a suave radio journalist" (Edward Hudson). ─── “在那同一年里,他初次在百老汇登台,扮演一个温文而雅的电台记者” (爱德华·哈得孙)。

51、The AeRO series Radial Feed product line and the P325 mini-Pelletizer makes its debut. ─── AeRO系列径向进给产品线和P325小型造粒机初次亮相。

52、Mussina walked three, struck out four and hit a batter in his 2007 debut. ─── 2007年首战先发,老穆保送三次,三振四个人,并投出一次触身球。

53、Your debut album Fahrenheit shifted a whopping50,000 copies in its opening in its opening week. ─── 你们的首张飞轮海同名专辑也迅速横扫了50,000张的销售成绩在推出后的第一个星期。

54、A new gorilla has made his debut with the San Diego Zoo. ─── 一只新的大猩猩将在圣地亚戈动物园作他的首次亮相。

55、One shall never make one 's debut with a scandal; one shall reserve that to give interest to one 's old age . ─── 切勿以丑闻登台亮相,这是应该留下来以娱晚年的。

56、In 1966, that music exploded on the streets of San Francisco with the debut performance of the Santana Blues Band. ─── 1966年,卡洛斯的音乐随着桑塔纳布鲁斯乐队的首场演出而在旧金山的街头引起轰动。

57、He was a symbol of American pluck in his screen debut, "Steamboat Willie," on Nov. 18, 1928. ─── 1928年11月18日,米老鼠代表美国精神在动画片《蒸汽船威利号》中首次亮相。

58、Unusually, you made your debut first in Japan. Could you tell us more about that? ─── 事实上,你是在日本出道,可以告诉我们那时的事情吗?

59、Their debut album was also the No.1 selling Hard Music album for 1998 on SoundScan's Hard Music chart. ─── 他们的首张专辑也成为1998年“音乐扫描之金属音乐排行榜”上销售量第一的唱片。

60、He will not just be doing so as the coach guiding China on their debut appearance in the World Cup finals. ─── 他之所以能够如此,并不只是因为他带领中国队第一次进入世界杯决赛。

61、Nakajima enjoyed his Formula 1 debut at the season finale in Brazil as a replacement for Alexander Wurz. ─── 中岛非常享受07赛季最后一场巴西站的比赛,因为他代替了亚历山大·伍尔兹,成功上演了自己的F1“处子秀”。

62、He was part of our Youth Cup winning side in 2006 but has yet to make his competitive senior debut. ─── 他是我们获得2006年青年杯冠军的功臣之一,可惜并没有帮助他获得在一线队的出场机会。

63、Allowed time and space to develop in Lancashire, he made his international debut two years later. ─── 在兰卡舍尔被赋予充裕的时间和空间来培养,他在两年后开始了他的国际演出。

64、The out-of-town debut of a new musical. ─── 一场新音乐喜剧在外市的首次演出

65、His debut marks him out for future success. ─── 他的首次亮相预示了将来的成功。

66、No sooner had AOL employees celebrated their Wall Street debut than more threats appeared on the horizon. ─── aol的员工刚刚庆祝了公司股票上市,更多的威胁就已出现在前方。

67、One should never make one's debut with a scandal;one should reserve that to give interest to one's old age. ─── 切勿以丑闻登台亮相,这是应该留下来的以娱晚年的。

68、In 1997, Nickelback released their debut CD, Curb, and pushed the album with non stop touring. ─── 1997年,乐队推出了他们名为《路边》的首张光碟,并马不停蹄地巡回演出,进行促销。

69、"Out of children's parties grow young girls' debut parties. ─── "年轻姑娘们最初的社交活动就是子孩子们的宴会中培养出来的呀。

70、Hodgson also confirmed debutant Paul Konchesky was substituted purely as a precaution. ─── 霍奇森同时确认,首次亮相的孔切斯基被换下,纯粹是作为预防措施。

71、Twenty20 cricket is among the debutant sports, with dancesport, dragon boat, weil and roller sport added as unique to the Games. ─── 二十20板球、体育舞蹈、龙舟赛、围棋和滚轴运动将首次亮相,成为亚运会的独特风景线;

72、His debut was in a 2-0 Milan win at A.C.Ancona. ─── 他在意甲的处子秀,是一场米兰对安科纳的比赛,在那场比赛中,米兰以2比0取胜。

73、He made his debut for TNA on July 3, 2002 in a match where he pinned Anthony Ingram in 92 seconds. ─── 他于2002年七月三日用时92秒压制安东尼英格拉姆的比赛中在TNA初次登场。

74、"Phat," for example, makes its debut in the OED today as a slang term meaning cool. ─── 以"Phat"为例,"Phat"直到今天才被《牛津英文词典》作为一个俚语收录进来,意思是"很酷"。

75、Zanetti made his debut in the 1-0 victory at home to Vicenza on 27 August 1995. ─── 1995年8月27日国际主场1:0维琴察的比赛中首次登台亮相。

76、What could he do, he wondered, to prepare himself for his debut Monday on the witness stand? ─── 他想,为星期一在证人席上首次露面他能做些什么准备?

77、Insua made his first team debut during the 2-1 defeat at Portsmouth in April 2007. ─── 因苏阿的首次上场是在对阵朴斯茅斯队时。

78、Eye-patch wearing secret agent Dangermouse, who made his debut on ITV in 1981, made it to third place. ─── 1981年首次在英国独立电视台(ITV)播出的戴眼罩间谍Dangermouse排名第三。

79、Elsewhere,Albert Hill of Britain made his Olympic debut at age 36 and won both the 800 and 1,500-meter runs. ─── 在其他项目上,已经36岁的英国人艾伯特·希尔是首次参加奥运会,他获得800米和1500米赛跑的桂冠。

80、As a result, locally listed shares traditionally jump sharply on their debut. ─── 因此,内地上市的股票在首日上市时一般都会大幅攀升。

81、He made his debut when he was only 5. ─── 他5岁初次登台。

82、And three rare white lion cubs made their debut at a safari park in Germany. ─── 三头珍贵的白色幼狮在德国野生动物园初次登场。

83、Juan Pablo Carrizo is going to make his debut in Holland(Amsterdam Tournament). ─── 卡里佐将会在荷兰(阿姆斯特丹邀请赛)上初次登场。

84、Within months,all the pieces were in place for Hill to record her debut CD for Warner Bros. ─── 几个月后,希尔为华纳兄弟录制首张CD的一切准备便就绪了。

85、He will make his debut during the event. ─── 他将在此次活动中初次登台。

86、Shawcross is expected to make his Stoke debut in their opening game of the season at Cardiff on Saturday. ─── 他的斯托克城处子秀将是首场对卡迪夫城的比赛在本周六.

87、His 1954 movie debut was with Judy Holiday. ─── 他的首部电影是于1954年与朱迪·贺黛莉合作。

88、But the next best thing should debut in GCJ 3.1. ─── 但是,在GCJ 3.1中接下来最好的一件事应该出现。

89、Even though its fearsomeness was to grow to almost mythical proportions, its combat debut was less than impressive. ─── 即使他那吓人的神话一样的比例,但它的初次亮相给人的印象不是很深。

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