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09-10 投稿



essentiality 发音

英:[[i:?sen??'?l?t?]]  美:[[??sen??'?l?t?]]

英:  美:

essentiality 中文意思翻译



essentiality 反义词


essentiality 同义词

necessity | essentialness | requirement

essentiality 相似词语短语

1、inessentiality ─── 非本质性

2、essentially ─── adv.本质上;本来

3、essentialize ─── vt.使精炼;扼要表达

4、essentialised ─── 必不可少的

5、essentialism ─── n.本质主义,本质先于存在论;要素主义教育

6、essentialities ─── n.重要性;本质;真髓;根本性

7、essentialise ─── 本质化

8、essentialist ─── n.本质主义者

9、coessentiality ─── 同质性

essentiality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、First, relation between public ownership and non-public ownership, to develop nixed ownership; second, relation between equality and efficiency, to stick to distribution according to work and according to production essentiality. ─── 二是正确处理公平和效率的关系,坚持按劳分配与按生产要素分配相结合。

2、Analyzing the Essentiality of Strengthening Technology Management from an Accident of Tripping Out Erroneously the Main Transformer ─── 从一次主变误跳闸事故分析加强技术管理工作的重要性

3、Mathematical Physics Essentiality of Phenomenological Similitude Based on Some Typical Metallurgical Processes ─── 从典型冶金过程问题看现象相似的数理本质

4、Objective To study the essentiality of aesthetic education of stomatology for orthodontic postgraduates. ─── 摘要目的探讨口腔正畸学研究生进行口腔医学美学教育的必要性。

5、Finally, it concludes the feasibility and essentiality of various empirical methods and theoretical norm and FEM computation in OM as well as the achievements of this case works. ─── 最后,总结了各种经验方法和理论准则及有限元计算在信息化施工技术中的可行性和重要意义。

6、Mission Essentiality Code ─── 任务必要性代码

7、Only by authentically interpreting Marx' s concept of substance, can we grasp the essentiality of Marxist philosophy, and the Marxist philosophy system as well. ─── 只有正确解读马克思的物质概念,才能把握马克思主义哲学的真髓,从而正确把握马克思和马克思主义哲学体系。

8、The main work of the paper is as follows::Firstly,the paper discusses the research status quo and the future directions of SCM and SCP, and illustrates the essentiality of SCP. ─── 文章首先对供应链管理和供应链合作伙伴关系的研究现状和发展趋势进行探讨,阐明了供应链合作伙伴关系的重要性;

9、Objective: To probe into the importance and essentiality of strengthening psychological nursing care for senile tumor patients during hospitalization and treatment. ─── 探讨老年肿瘤病人住院治疗期间加强心理护理的重要性和必要性。

10、Then,it was dissertated that the essentiality and applied outlook of the stress-based forming limit diagram(FLSD). ─── 介绍了基于应力的成形极限判据(成形极限应力图)的应用前景;

11、It concludes and summarizes the essentiality and imminence of Problem Management and Service Level Management in Mobile Commnunication Technical Service Manangement. ─── 归纳和总结了问题管理(Problem Management)和服务级别管理(Service Level Management)在移动通信技术服务管理中的重要性和迫切性;

12、It was discussed the essentiality of green chemistry experimental teaching and introduced the attempt to develop green chemistry experimental teaching. ─── 探讨了在化学实验教学中实施绿色化学实验教学的重要性和必要性,介绍了开展绿色化学实验教学的尝试。

13、Important Effect in Quality Chain by Grading Essentiality of Product Quality Character ─── 产品质量特性重要度分级在质量链中的重要作用

14、Military Essentiality Class ─── 军事重要性等级

15、Objective To explore the essentiality of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of intrauterine lesions in sterility women. ─── 摘要目的探讨宫腔镜对不育子宫内异常诊断的重要性。

16、The paper introduces the feature of special testing equipment, present situation, site calibration of special testing equipment , automatic calibration essentiality and peculiarity. ─── 与军工产品科研生产密切相关的专用测试设备的校准,是军工产品质量保证的关键因素,越来越受到生产研制和使用方的重视。

17、Analyze the Essentiality of The Exigency Stop in the Draw Line ─── 急停在牵伸线安全生产中的重要性分析

18、Military Essentiality Coding Program ─── 军事基本编码程序

19、Secondly, according to the principles of product design, the essentiality of information and aesthetic principle during the SITP design is pointed out. ─── 本文在分析设计原则的基础之上,指明了信息原则与美学原则在SITP设计中的重要性。

20、In terms of specific condition of exploration authority, essentiality of absorbing foreign capital is elaborated in this paper. ─── 本文根据探矿权人的具体情况,阐述了引资勘查的重要性;

21、Leaders' recognition,most staff approval and all members' partaking is essential to give full understanding to the importance and essentiality of the construction. ─── 充分认识建设企业文化的重要性和必要性,必须领导重视、广大职工认同、全员参与。

22、The paper studies the possibility of genetic algorithm to be applied in the forward neural net and illustrates the essentiality of the combination of genetic algorithm and neural net. ─── 将遗传算法用于前向神经网络的可能性进行了研究,阐明了遗传算法和神经网络结合的必要性。

23、In the thesis, we attempt to make a brief analysis about this problem from its essentiality, basic constitution and nurture way. ─── 本文试从培养职业院校学生创业能力的必要性、基本构成和培养途径三个方面做一简要分析。


25、The theorctical and policy conversion of education from "industrialization" to "public spirit" is actually a re-explanation and redefining of education's essentiality. ─── 摘要教育从“产业化”到“公益性”的理论和政策的转变,实质上是对教育本性的重新理解和厘定。

26、Comparing with the co-ordinate normalizative function of the civil law, it has the characteristics of purposefulness, essentiality, independence and variance; ─── 它和同位阶的民法的规范功能相比,具有目的性与根本性、独立性与变迁性;

27、In terms of specific condition of exploration authority, essentiality of absorbing foreign capital is elaborated in this paper. ─── 本文根据探矿权人的具体情况,阐述了引资勘查的重要性;

28、Let me emphasize the essentiality of this order we made. ─── 让我强调一下我们做的这笔订单的重要性。

29、cultural essentiality ─── 文化本性

30、Research for essentiality of communication between test and clinic in testing medical teaching from current situation ─── 从现状看检验与临床的沟通在检验医学教学中的必要性

31、The article discussed the essentiality and operation system of credit system, the conception and contents of educated right, and the concurrence of ideas. ─── 本文就学分制及其本质、运作制度,大学生受教育权即学习权的概念、’内容,以及学分制的权利本质进行了探讨,具有一定的实践意义。

32、The ego is made up of essentiality (yiyuanti) and personality reference mode (frame of reference), is an especial primordial qi formed by the qi of brain neurocyte. ─── 摘要自我也是由功能系统本性(意元体)和自我参照棋式(参照系)所构成,是发育到一定阶段的由脑神经细胞的气相融合而成的一种特殊的元气。

33、But the importance is to confirm the necessary of human's free choice and the essentiality of their's existence. ─── 在文本层面上则以这些二元对立来理解小说的存在观、人物的生存困境和现实行动,从而肯定了人的存在价值和意义。

34、Essentiality and Methodology of Equipotential Bonding in Base Station Lightning Protection ─── 基站等电位防雷的重要性及实现方法探讨

35、Also, I address on the necessity and the essentiality of the biological distinctions and the gender role differences by providing several evidences from various cultures. ─── 另佐证数个跨文化之性别研究,以强调生物性别差异存在之必然性及性别角色差异之必要性。

36、Now, we have a primary discussion on the essentiality and application of the audit report in the archives of the cadre, and make some suggestions that cadre achievement record request the audit work. ─── 本文就审计报告在干部业绩档案中的重要意义与应用做了一些初步探讨,并就干部业绩档案对审计工作的要求提出几条建议。

37、Second, the Evaluators, appointed by CHDA evaluate patents (and patent applications) for essentiality with respect to the CBHD-ROM Standard. ─── 其次,由CHDA指定的作为独立专利评估专家组将评估专利(或专利申请)是否符合CBHD-ROM技术标准的必要性。

38、With the competition furious, main-body education increasingly projects its essentiality, need and impendence in contemporary era. ─── 主体性教育在竞争日趋激烈的当代生存背景中日益凸现出它的重要性、必要性和迫切性。

39、And the uptodate representation is the global expansion of capitalism. It has been determined by the essentiality of capital that it aims at the maximum profit. ─── 就其本质而言,经济全球化是资本的全球化,而其在现时的表现则是资本主义的全球化扩展,这是由资本以最大化利润为追求目标的内在本性所决定了的。

40、The characteristics of the ceramic artworks were introduced and the universality and essentiality was explained. ─── 摘要阐述陶瓷工艺品的特点,说明其包装的普遍性和重要性;

41、This paper mainly describes the universality of water contained in fuels, the actions of water and its heat loss in the fuels, and the essentiality of emulsification of the oil-water mixture. ─── 本文主要叙述燃料中含水的普遍性和水在燃料中的作用和热损失,以及油掺水必须乳化的必要性和乳化油应有的颗粒粒径、粘度、破乳温度等技术指标;

42、The essentiality of the extracted unprocessed multi-element of ore concentrate of the Xiadian Au deposit ─── 夏甸金矿精矿无污染多元素提取的必要性

43、It treatise especially new requests of howff of new times, the nodus and essentiality of landscape creativity. ─── 它特别论述了对新时代的新要求,景观创造的结点和必要性。

44、This paper discusses the speciality of the blaze wel d, studying and applying of the equipment and material of this technique,detaile dly introduces the essentiality in maintenance work of coke-oven. ─── 介绍了火焰焊补技术的特点、设备、焊补料及其在焦炉炉体维护中的应用。

45、The author starts with the essentiality and indispensability of Party's building, try to expatiate Jiang's main viewpoint from 4 aspects, and revealed it's characteristics from 6perspectives. ─── 作者从党的建设的重要性和必要性入手,从4个方面阐述了其主要观点,揭示了6个方面的特征。

46、This paper analyzes the essentiality and the background of Environmental in Fuzhou.The target and content of the project were expatiated. ─── 本文论述了福州市环境监测现代化建设的背景、意义,提出了建设目标,并对具体建设内容进行了讨论。

47、Web Service is a distributed application, established on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). The essentiality is that XML attempers RPC by HTTP. ─── Web服务是一种构建在简单对象访问协议(SOAP)之上的分布式应用程序,其实质是由XML通过HTTP协议来调度远程过程调用(RPC)。

48、This report tries to explore the essentiality of usering the mode of ROA by means of analyzing the feature of ROA and the actuality of Chinese auditorial mode. ─── 本文试图通过对风险导向审计本身的特点及我国审计模式的现状分析来考察引入风险导向审计模式的必要性。

49、Make use of the unified field theory, have discussed a problem in essentiality of light from the all new angle, final, have arrived a conclusion that light is made up of the composite waves. ─── 也考虑到了引力的量子化问题。

50、Keywords safety management engineering;petroleum chemical enterprise;safety culture;construction;essentiality; ─── 安全管理工程;石化企业;安全文化;建设;重要性;

51、The essentiality and effect of RH-MFB aluminum chemistry heat were analyzed. ─── 分析了RH-MFB采用铝化学加热的必要性及效果;

52、Essentiality and Feasibility of Antibiotic Control Measurement in Hospital Department ─── 医院病区抗生素使用管理的重要性和可行性

53、This paper puts forward the suggestions on the greater pressure problem by describing urgency and essentiality of management, and essence and stress factors of pressure. ─── 文章从压力管理的紧迫性、必要性和压力的本质及其影响因素等方面提出了组织压力管理的策略。

54、relative essentiality ─── 一致性检验

55、Subsystem Essentiality Code ─── 子系统核心代码

56、Objective To analyze the essentiality and clinical value of preoperative CT examination of thoracic esophageal cancer. ─── 目的:分析总结胸段食管癌术前CT检查的必要性及临床价值。

57、Read the Essentiality of Marx's Philosophical Revolution in the Thesis "Consciousness Is Determined by Life" ─── 从"生活决定意识"看马克思的哲学革命的性质

58、Analysis on Pagerank and Integrate Evaluate Mode of Webpage Essentiality ─── PageRank技术分析及网页重要性的综合评价模型

59、The Marxist outlook of literature and art is the essentiality of nature theory of ideology, which is the symbol differentiating from other literature and art theories. ─── 摘要马克思主义文艺观就是意识形态本性论的文艺观,这是区别于其他文艺理论的标志。

60、Forster established the essentiality of minerals as accessory food factors required for maintaining life. ─── 福斯特证实了矿物质作为辅助食物因子在维持生命方面的重要性。

61、The planning of the stations, the land development around the stations, the passenger flow influenced by land exploitation intensity and the essentiality of the planning examination in the outline design are discussed in this paper. ─── 对地铁车站总平面规划方案审查及规划设计要点提供,利用地铁车站周边土地利用规划开发强度指标对车站分向客流进行定性分析等问题进行了阐述。

62、Abstract: What is the essentiality of regional economy? ─── 摘要 :区域经济的本质是什么?

63、Military Essentiality Code ─── 军事基本编码

64、Stress on it is significance and essentiality to market for the interior customer, consequently achieve the advantage in the service marketing competition of enterprises. ─── 提出内部客户营销的重要性和必要性,进而获得企业服务营销的竞争优势。

65、The thesis is discussed from the essence rule of the inspiration , to explain the essentiality about the inspiration in the stage art design. ─── 本文从灵感的本质规律谈起,说明舞台美术设计灵感的重要性。

66、It was analyzed the current situation and essentiality of freight train indices statistics, introduced the aim and the function of the System for freight train based on sections indices statistics. ─── 分析货物列车指标的统计现状及重要性,介绍基于区段货物列车指标统计系统的目标和功能。

67、Abstract: The Marxist outlook of literature and art is the essentiality of nature theory of ideology, which is the symbol differentiating from other literature and art theories. ─── 摘 要: 马克思主义文艺观就是意识形态本性论的文艺观,这是区别于其他文艺理论的标志。

68、Methods To analyze the essentiality and necessity of managing people as principal concerned from both positive and negative accept. ─── 从正反两个方面分析实行人本管理的重要性和必要性。

69、The Essentiality of Establishing Independent Director System Corporate Governance ─── 公司治理中推行独立董事制度的必要性

70、Position Purpose To ensure the new projects launch on time and at cost on behalf of P12 Food Preparation Team. Essenti...... ... ─── 公司名称:惠而浦产品研发(深圳)有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-7-10

71、As far as his aesthetics is concerned, it can be called body aesthetics, because all aesthetic phenomenon have been explained according to the essentiality of body. ─── 尼采美学就是从身体出发而展开的,它根据身体的本性来解释相关的审美现象,因此我们可以称之为身体美学。

72、In the thesis, we attempt to make a brief analysis about this problem from its essentiality , basic constitution and nurture way. ─── 本文试从培养职业院校学生创业能力的必要性、基本构成和培养途径三个方面做一简要分析。

73、docile and sincerity are my essentiality, acquaint with , know each other well.arrive mutually. ─── 善良与真诚是我的本性.相识,相知.到相随是我的目的.

74、Pointed out essentiality and typicalness about research of state-owned assets administration means. ─── 接着,指出宝钢新一轮发展目标紧紧联系十六届三中全会有关国资、国企改革的原则和精神;

75、The essentiality of society analysis method is still contradiction analysis methods. ─── 社会分析方法的实质仍然还是矛盾分析方法。

76、Firstly , basing on analyzing present information building situation of cigarette trade this paper relates the essentiality for the cigarette industrial enterprise to apply ERP. ─── 本文在分析烟草行业信息化建设现状的基础上阐述了卷烟工业企业应用ERP的必要性;

77、The essentiality of the clinical basic research is known full, according to the characteristic of the hospital, the clin... ─── 充分认识临床基础研究的重要性,根据医院的特点,有针对性地加强临床基础研究,有利于解决临床疑难问题,实现临床诊治技术的突破。

78、“Study education ”is one kind of fresh education concept,whose foundation is prop seeing the scientific knowledge and actual essentiality。 ─── “学习化教学”是一种新的教育理念,它的提出有科学的理论依据和现实的必要性。

79、The essentiality of the clean production in the coal chemical enlerprise is discussed. The aim of environmental protection and sustainable development can be achieved after taking clean production. ─── 探讨了我省焦化企业开展清洁生产的重要性,以及通过推行清洁生产达到保护环境和可持续发展。

80、It comes from the essentiality of human being?Why do I slobber when seeing the weapon of gold component. ─── 出于人类的本性?我为啥一看到有黄金成分的武器就要流口水。

81、On the Essentiality of Making Uniform Company Law in China through "the Phenomenon of Delaware State" ─── 从"特拉华州现象"看中国制定统一公司法的必要性

82、It has accumulated rich essentiality of life and is full of unique artistic fascination during the development. ─── “二人台”在发展过程中,积累了丰富的生活底蕴,散发出独特的艺术魅力。

83、Analyzed the geographical location of Dai Hai lake in Liang Cheng county and the existing situation of natural ecological environment , the timeliness, urgency and essentiality of establishment of nature reserve were discussed. ─── 本文以凉城岱海地域所趋的地理位置及目前的自然生态环境状况分析的基础上 ,着重阐述了建立自然保护区的适时性、紧迫性、必要性 ,为在西部大开发中发展当地经济开辟发展途径

84、The original briefly expounded the clean manufacture connotation,pursuied the clean manufacture essentiality vigorously and the technique means to achieve clean manufacture. ─── 本文简要论述了清洁生产的内涵、大力推行清洁生产的必要性、实现清洁生产的技术方法。

85、From "Industrialization" to "Public Spirit": Moral Reflections on the Essentiality of Education ─── 从“产业化”到“公益性”:教育本性的道德反思

86、Application Essentiality Code ─── 应用技术核心密码

87、This article discussed the essentiality in reinforcing practical teaching and furthur probed into the question of how to implement practical teaching under the mode of distance open education in TVU. ─── 本文论述了加强实践教学的必要性,针对电大目前实践教学的现状,探讨了在电大远程开放教学模式下机电专业实践教学的实施途径。

88、The essay discussed the necessity and essentiality of medical moral education to intern,in the background of market-oriented economy.To summarize ways of medical moral education to intern. ─── 探讨当前市场经济的大前提下,对临床实习生进行医德教育的必要性和重要性,摸索和总结如何对临床实习生进行全方位、多层次的医德教育的方法。

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