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hydrocarbonate 发音


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hydrocarbonate 中文意思翻译



hydrocarbonate 短语词组

1、hydrocarbonate water ─── 重碳酸盐水

hydrocarbonate 相似词语短语

1、hydrogen carbonate ─── 碳酸氢盐

2、bicarbonate ─── n.碳酸氢盐;重碳酸盐;酸式碳酸盐

3、carbonate ─── n.碳酸盐;v.溶解碳酸盐;转成碳酸盐

4、hydrocarbonaceous ─── adj.含烃

5、hydrocarbons ─── n.烃类(hydrocarbon的复数);[有化]碳氢化合物

6、hydrogen carbonates ─── 碳酸氢盐

7、hydrocarbon ─── n.[有化]碳氢化合物

8、decarbonate ─── v.除去碳酸,脱去(溶液、物质等的)二氧化碳

9、decarbonated ─── v.除去碳酸,脱去(溶液、物质等的)二氧化碳

hydrocarbonate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Better inter facial activities will be obtained in combination ofpetroleum carboxylates with oxidized hydrocarbon. ─── 将烃氧化产物和石油羧酸盐活性剂复配也可产生良好的协同效应,成为活性剂本身的良好助剂。

2、He uses his country's vast hydrocarbon reserves to bully the neighbours. ─── 他利用他国家的巨大能源储量来威胁邻国。

3、Is there any difference from evaluating hydrocarbon reserve? ─── 与油气潜能评估有何差异?


5、Logging Evaluation of Remaining Hydrocarbon layers in the GuanTao Formation from East area of GuDao Reservoir, China. ─── 孤岛东区馆陶组油藏水淹油层测井评价。

6、The main properties required are impact resistance, chemical resistance to fuel and low hydrocarbon permeability. ─── 主要性能要求是抗冲击性,耐燃油化学腐蚀性和低烃渗透度。

7、Preparation of cryolite with high molecule ratio from fluosilicic acid and ammonium hydrocarbonate ─── 由氟硅酸、碳酸氢铵制备高分子比冰晶石

8、Not resistant to aromatic hydrocarbon solvents (including some grades of petrol, or strong solvents) . ─── 不耐芳烃类溶剂(包括各种等级的汽油或强溶剂)。

9、Weak corrosively medium for petrochemical production such as waterammoniaoil hydrocarbon products and etc. ─── 化工、石油化生产中的弱腐蚀性物料,如:水、氨、油品、烃类等。

10、Volumes of various group composition were calculated by using addible RI of hydrocarbon mixtute, th... ─── 其适用范围也可推广到重质原油的轻质部分分析。

11、Compound M is a gaseous hydrocarbon and on combustion yields carbon dioxide and water. ─── 化合物M是一种气态的烃,燃烧时生成二氧化碳和水。

12、Shanghai Jinsen Hydrocarbon Resins Co., Ltd. ─── 上海金森石油树脂有限公司。

13、Fluid compartment and hydrocarbon accumulation in Mosuowan area in central part of Junggar basin. ─── 准噶尔盆地腹部莫索湾地区油气成藏条件与成藏模式。

14、Therefore, hydrocarbon source rocks formed in the early highstand system tract have the best hydrocarbon potential. ─── 因此早期高位体系域中的烃源岩有较好的生烃潜力。

15、It's based on hydrocarbon resin. ─── 以烃类树脂为基料制成的耐热铝粉漆。

16、Objective To improve serum hydrocarbonate measuring method and heighten its accuracy and precision. ─── 目的改良血清碳酸氢根测定方法,提高准确性及精密度。

17、To measure entirely hydrocarbon concentration in soils is the premise to evaluate petroleum pollution in soils. ─── 全面了解土壤中石油类物质含量是评价土壤石油污染的前提条件。

18、The extensively presence of coal beds indicates vast hydrocarbon potential in Xihu Sag. ─── 广泛分布的煤层揭示了西湖凹陷广阔的生烃潜力。

19、Study on Periods of Hydrocarbon Formation Reservoirs of Carboniferous in Tazhong Uplift. ─── 塔中隆起石炭系油气成藏期研究

20、The variation of the porosity in different microfacies during the development of hydrocarbon is different. ─── 不同微相的孔隙度在开发过程中的变化规律是不一样的。

21、The hydrocarbon radical, C6H13, having valence1. ─── 己基碳氢化合物基,C6H13,原子价为1

22、Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon distribution of the Eogene in the eastern slope of Chengdao area. ─── 埕岛东斜坡下第三系层序地层与油气分布规律

23、Furthermore, its ability to produce immature oil can be better interpreted by the mechanism of hydrocarbon generation. ─── 另外,从生烃机制上也能较好地解释该套烃源岩易于生成低熟油。

24、There exist different opinions about hydrocarbon generation capacity of the middle Ordovician carbonatite on the south slope of Huimin sag. ─── 关于惠民凹陷南坡中奥陶统海相海相碳酸盐岩的生烃能力,前人有不同的认识。

25、The degradation of volatile hydrocarbon waste gases by non-equilibrium plasma in normal-pressure. ─── 常压非平衡态等离子体降解挥发性烃类污染物。

26、The updip lithologic 1onchnut zone is the favorable domain for hydrocarbon accumulation. ─── 岩性上倾尖灭区是有利的成藏领域;

27、Ethylene (ethane) A gaseous hydrocarbon (C2H4), produced in varying amounts by many plants, that functions as a plant HORMONE. ─── 乙烯:是一种气态的碳氢化合物(C2H4),许多植物都可产生。

28、To achieve this, pellets containing nutrients and an oleophilic(hydrocarbon soluble) preparation have been used. ─── 为了达到这一点,需要使用含营养成分和亲油性物质的小弹丸。

29、Replace oxygen, moisture, and hydrocarbon traps as needed. ─── 如有必要,替换掉除氧、除湿、除烃的捕集阱。

30、The movements of formation water and hydrocarbon are of interdependent and inter-restricted relationship. ─── 地层水与油气在地质历史进程中的活动是相互依存、制约的因果关系。

31、Reduces air pollution by minimizing the discharge of unburned hydrocarbon . ─── 将未燃烧的碳氢化合物含量降至最低,减少了空气污染。

32、The chemistry of compounds that do not contain hydrocarbon radicals. ─── 不含碳氢的化合物的化学。

33、Diagenesis data indicate that the Silurian asphaltic sandstones are the products of multiple fillings of hydrocarbon. ─── 志留系沥青砂岩的成岩作用特征等资料证明,沥青砂岩的形成是烃类多期次注入的结果.

34、It is predicted that there is probability of hydrocarbon accumulation in the overthrust belt, and the probability ... ─── 推测上覆推覆带中有聚集油气的可能性,而下伏古隆起形成大油气田的可能性更大。

35、Hydrocarbon migration has always been a nodus of hydrocarbon reservoir formation research. ─── 对于油气运移的研究一直都是油气成藏研究中的要点。

36、Hydrous desmocollinite and exinite in coal are the principal material for hydrocarbon generation. ─── 另外,本文提出了煤的有机地化参数类比系数法,并对煤生烃潜力进行了评价。

37、Aryl hydrocarbon receptor(AhR)is a member of the basic helix-loop-helix/Per-Arnt-Sim (bHLH/PAS) superfamily. ─── 摘要 芳基烃受体属于碱性螺旋-环-螺旋蛋白超家族的转录因子。

38、The hydrocarbon radical,C6H13,having valence1. ─── 己基碳氢化合物基,C6H13,原子价为

39、We used long cores in order to get hydrocarbon gas injection EOR efficiency , and got PVT parameters . ─── 在室内开展了注烃气的长岩心驱替试验,用物理模拟的方法研究了注烃气提高采收率的幅度,并取得了流体的PVT参数;

40、It is very important to speed up the utilization of NGL and light hydrocarbon for the development of ethylene industry. ─── 因而加快凝析油和轻烃的利用对乙烯工业的发展具有重要意义。

41、The fluxoturbidite in front of delta is an important kind of lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs in fault basins. ─── 摘要三角洲前缘滑塌浊积体是断陷盆地内一类重要的岩性油气藏。

42、Bites can be treatment with suction cup to suck out the toxin and apply 3% ammonia solution or 5% sodium hydrocarbonate solution. ─── 若咬伤中毒,可用火罐拔出毒液,并涂3%氨水或5%碳酸氢钠溶液。

43、The potential hydrocarbon sags in deepwater area are the faulted depressions formed in the rift phase. ─── 上述3期构造演化均形成了沉积厚度很大的叠加伸展盆地。

44、The process of changing an open-chain hydrocarbon structure to a closed ring, e.g., hexane to benzene. ─── 使开链烃结构变成闭环烃的过程,例如使己烷变成苯。

45、These characteristics should be taken into account in hydrocarbon exploration. ─── 因此,油气勘探时,应注意南、北凹陷的含油气系统特点,区别对待。

46、Are the total hydrocarbon and its components analyzed by chromatograph? ─── 全烃和组分是由色谱仪分析的吗?

47、A method for extraction of aromatic hydrocarbon using sulfolane as solvent is described. ─── 介绍以环丁砜为溶剂、萃取芳烃的方法。

48、The extent of the influences of divalent metal ions depends on the components of hydrocarbon chains of the lipids. ─── 对于相同极性头部的磷脂,二价金属离子影响的强弱取决于碳氢链的组分。

49、Lakeshore and swampy carbonaceous mudstone and coal measures are major hydrocarbon source rocks of the Kuqa depression. ─── 其滨湖、沼泽相炭质泥岩及煤系建造是库车坳陷重要的烃源岩。

50、Research of AVO for hydrocarbon detection has been undertaken by many researchers in the last two decade. ─── 利用AVO技术进行含油气性检测,前人已做了大量研究工作。

51、Major hydrocarbon source rocks are in the Cambrian and Ordovician. ─── 寒武-奥陶系烃源岩是该区主力烃源岩;

52、From this,the author puts forward several new thoughts for expanding the hydrocarbon exploration,exploration ide... ─── 据此,提出扩大准东油气勘探成果的几种新思路和进一步勘探设想、建议。

53、The improvement on detecting serum hydrocarbonate ─── 血清碳酸氢根测定方法的改良

54、Description of hydrocarbon reservoir in No. 1 anticline in the DH oil field. ─── DH油田1号背斜油藏描述

55、Bright spot and AVO techniques p1ay big roles in hydrocarbon exploration. ─── 亮点技术和AVO技术曾使油气勘探工作取得了巨大成功。

56、During incomplete combustion some of the hydrocarbon fuel is cracked. ─── 在不完全的燃烧中,一些烃燃料裂解。

57、They found a way to stiffen the C4 chains by propping them up with extra hydrocarbon groups. ─── 他们的方法是加进额外的碳氢基,强化C4碳链的结构,使之不易断裂。

58、Sulphur can influence the carbon isotopes of gaseous hydrocarbon. ─── 单质硫还会影响气态烃碳同位素组成。

59、Hydrocarbon accumulation in FL strike-slip faulted basin. ─── FL走滑型断陷油气富集特征

60、Differential pressure transmitters are preferred over displacer type for low boiling point hydrocarbon liquids. ─── 对于低沸点的碳氢化合物液体,差压变送器在浮筒液位计之前被首选。


62、The coal and coaly organic matter are believed mainly to be hydrocarbon souce of the basin in the middlelow Jurassic of the Turpan-Hami basin. ─── 吐哈盆地中下佛罗统煤及煤系有机质被确认为该盆地的主力烃源岩。

63、Study of Experiments on Preparation of Sodium Fluoroaluminate by Two-Step System with Ammonium Hydrocarbonate ─── 碳铵两步法制取氟铝酸钠的试验研究

64、A hydrocarbon radical, C4H9, with the structure of butane and valence1. ─── 丁基一种碳氢化合的基团,C4H9,具有丁烷的结构,原子价为

65、Provisional Rules of Guangdong Province Concerning the Management of Light Hydrocarbon Gas Fuel. ─── 广东省轻烃燃气管理暂行规定。

66、The result of the XRD indicated that the production structure was wurtzite,which was mixed with hydrocarbon. ─── 射线衍射结果表明,掺入了碳氢化合物的反应产物的晶须属六方纤锌矿结构。

67、A brown-to-black, soft, elastic hydrocarbon resin. ─── 弹性沥青一种深棕色,柔软可弯曲的烃树脂

68、In the reforming operation a light hydrocarbon feed isomerizes on contact with a suitable catalyst to produce gasoline with a higher octane number. ─── 在重整操作中,一个轻质烃类进料与一个合适的催化剂接触而异构化得到具有高辛烷值的汽油。

69、new technology for the preparation of cryolite from fluosilicic acid and ammonium hydrocarbonate is introduced. ─── 碳酸氢铵制备冰晶石的新工艺。

70、The factors that affect hydrocarbon migration are fault, carrier bed and unconformity in Bachu area. ─── 影响巴楚地区油气运移的因素有断裂、不整合面及输导层。

71、Effect of biogenic hydrocarbon to photochemical pollution in Guangzhou. ─── 天然源排放碳氢化合物对广州地区光化学污染的影响。

72、The match between Russia's vast hydrocarbon reserves and soaring Chinese energy needs is fraught too. ─── 俄罗斯丰富的能源储备与中国飞涨的能源需求之间的较量也危机重重。

73、Increasing the hydrocarbon chain lenght of sodium branched alkyl benzene sulfonate,CMC values were decreased. ─── 分子中短链烷基碳数增加,临界胶团浓度降低幅度小,胶团聚集数增大;

74、It can use a wide range of hydrocarbon fuels, and yet undesirable emissions including nitrogen oxides are very low. ─── 它可以使用广泛的碳氢化合物燃料,而污染物如氮氧化物的排放量则非常低。


76、A typical example is the halogenation of a hydrocarbon. ─── 典型的例子是碳氢化合物的卤化。

77、The oil source of oilsand in northern Kashi sag came from Jurassic hydrocarbon source whose reservoir-forming stage might be from Miocene to Pliocene. ─── 喀什凹陷北部油砂的油源来自于侏罗系烃源岩,成藏期为中新世至上新世。

78、The result of the XRD indicated that the production structure was wurtzite, which was mixed with hydrocarbon. ─── 射线衍射结果表明,掺入了碳氢化合物的反应产物的晶须属六方纤锌矿结构。

79、It's abstracted from the gas condensate and is mainly consisted of pentane and the other heavier hydrocarbon. ─── 从未稳定凝析油中提取的,以戊烷及更重的烃类为主要成分的油品。

80、The petroleum hydrocarbon is called hexane. ─── 己烷是一种石油碳氢化合物。

81、Algas-SDI is a manufacturer of products and systems for reliable deployment of clean hydrocarbon fuels worldwide. ─── 奥盖斯-森迪公司是一家面向全球,发展清洁烃类燃料产品及系统的制造商。

82、A highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbon, C12H8OCl6, used as an insecticide. ─── 安特灵,异狄氏剂一种剧毒的氯化碳氢化合物,C12H8OCl6,用于杀虫剂

83、Salt tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation of Kuqa foreland fold belt, Tarim Basin, NW China. ─── 库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘大型盐推覆构造。

84、Major hydrocarbon source rocks lies in the Silurian and down ordovician. ─── 加里东期-海西早期为主要油气充注期,喜山期属于早期油藏晚期裂解。

85、The article uses headspace gas chromatography to measure halogenated hydrocarbon in the sample water. ─── 应用顶空气相色谱法测定水样中卤代烃。

86、Engineers, managers, and support staff exploring and developing hydrocarbon reserves in salt-related structures. ─── 地质师、地球物理学者、工程师和勘探开发盐构造中油气储量的援助人员。

87、However, the hydrocarbon accumulation or reservoir formation requires some thickness of source rock. ─── 但油气的聚集和油气藏的形成,对源岩厚度有一定要求。

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