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09-10 投稿



elegiacal 发音


英:  美:

elegiacal 中文意思翻译



elegiacal 相似词语短语

1、heliacal ─── adj.太阳的;与太阳同时升落的;接近太阳的

2、Genesiacal ─── 泛型

3、electrical ─── adj.有关电的;电气科学的

4、theriacal ─── 喉

5、elegiac ─── adj.挽歌的;哀悼的,哀伤的;n.挽歌,哀歌

6、elegiacally ─── 挽歌地;哀悼地

7、demoniacal ─── adj.狂野的,邪恶的,恶魔的;n.着魔之人,狂暴者

8、elegiast ─── 挽歌

9、elegiacs ─── adj.挽歌的;哀悼的,哀伤的;n.挽歌,哀歌

elegiacal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An Elegiac Parody: A Study of Dunhuang Transcription "Wang Dao's Elegiac to Yang Yun ─── 论敦煌写本《王道祭杨筠文》为一拟体俳谐文

2、The mourning hall is full of wreaths, and on all the walls elegiac scrolls are hung. ─── 灵堂里摆满了花圈,墙上也挂满了挽幛。

3、at funerals, he would bear a wreath or streamers inscribed with elegiac couplets, following the others through the streets, neither happy nor sad, only to earn a few coppers. ─── 有出殡的,他替人家举着花圈挽联; 他不喜,也不哭,他只为那十几个铜子,陪着人家游街。

4、elegiac couplet ─── n. 挽歌对句

6、Chapter One is a brief introduction of Robert Lowell and his elegiac poetry. ─── 第一章为洛威尔及其挽诗的简介。

7、elegiac parody ─── 拟体俳谐文

8、Of all Thomas Hardy's poems, his elegiac poems are the most unique, true-life, and aesthetic experience.They are also the most sincere in feeling and the simplest in style. ─── 摘要悼亡诗是哈代诗歌中最富有独特、真切的生命体验与审美体验的部分,也是哈代诗歌中情感最真挚风格最朴素的部分。

9、He asks the private school gentleman of the village to keep an elegiac address for him. ─── 他请村里的私塾先生替他写篇祭文。

10、If it’s home, elegiac competes with angry for emotional first place. ─── 如果在家,对失去亲人的痛悼气氛和愤怒的情绪交替着。

11、Followed by the elegiac address listened to his knees together, the oration by the ceremonial reading. ─── 接着是一齐跪下听祭文,祭文由礼生诵读。

12、The somber, elegiac tones before President Obama's oath of office at the inauguration on Tuesday came from the instruments of Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak ... ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏奥巴马就职典礼丑闻//马友友的大提琴是放的录音,不是现场表演//纽约时报消息源查看全文2009-01-2417:19:29

13、elegiac poems ─── 挽歌诗

14、A mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work. ─── 挽歌,悼词哀戚或悲哀的诗或其他文学作品

15、Balzac Phenomenon" and Elegiac Sentimentalism in A Dream of Red Mansions ─── “巴尔扎克现象”与《红楼梦》的挽歌情调

16、elegiac meter ─── 哀歌格律

17、This is the innermost cause of the elegiac sentimentalism in A Dream of Red Mansions. ─── 这种挽歌情调所造就的“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”的艺术效果,其魅力是独特而绵长的。

18、Do partake of (these, our offerings)--the formal ending of the elegiac address chanted at a memorial service ─── 尚飨

19、A unit of verse consisting of two lines, especially as used in Greek and Latin elegiac poetry. ─── 自成一段的两行诗由两行组成的一个完整的诗,尤用于希腊文和拉丁文挽诗中

20、Stories Rising from a pair of Elegiac Couplet ─── 一副挽联引出的故事

21、an elegiac lament for youthful ideals. ─── 对年少时理想的哀悼。

22、Tang Taizong Li Shimin pro essays elegiac, Tang Xizong KPS first year of the Jin Wang Li Ke visit North yue fei's temple ritual knife. ─── 唐太宗李世民亲撰祭文,唐僖宗光启元年,晋王李克用刀亲临北岳庙祭祀。

23、From time to time at late nights, I like to play a serene or sometimes elegiac piece to seek peace of mind. ─── 三不五时的喜欢在夜深人静的时候放点宁静安详的曲子。

24、elegiac couplet; scroll of condolence ─── 挽联

25、On the Origination of Elegiac Couplet ─── 试论挽联的起源

26、YUAN Zhen's elegiac poems have drawn considerable attention mainly because they reflect his emotion-rich inner world. ─── 元稹悼亡诗历来为人所重视,原因是从其悼亡诗中可以窥见其感情丰富的内心世界。

27、elegiac address ─── 祭文

28、the chinese elegiac poetry ─── 悼亡诗

29、He died at the end of this wistful and elegiac novel. ─── 在这本情意绵绵的哀歌式小说的末尾,他结束了一生。

30、elegiac scroll ─── 挽幛

31、Such as mourning the dead, can be written oration can write Wanshi, but also wrote elegiac couplet, indicating couplets literary family of one, but unique form only. ─── 如悼念死者,可写祭文,可写挽诗,也可写挽联,这说明楹联是文学大家庭中的一员,只是形式独特而已。

32、" The analysis of these two poems provides a fresh glimpse into Robert Browning's uncharacteristically subjective poetic voice and examines their unique place within the elegiac tradition. ─── 藉著分析此二诗,笔者提供新的面向来观看布朗宁诗中非同寻常的主观声音,并且检视它们在挽歌传中的独特位置。

33、At the same time my paper point out that the writer is in essence a elegiac poet. ─── 同时指出,作家本质上是一个挽歌诗人。

34、The elegiac poems-the mounful dirge for life of men of letters in Wei and Jin dynasties ─── 挽歌诗:魏晋文人生命的哀歌

35、Acting governor of Shandong Jiang Daming read the elegiac address in the Confucius temple and attendants bowed to the statue of the philosopher. ─── 代理山东省长江德民宣读了挽词并在孔庙参加了鞠躬敬拜哲学家雕像的仪式.

36、elegiac sentiments ─── 挽歌情怀

37、Jing-Yi-Lin work in the cultural sector for more than 30 years, prestigious, passed away after the title of Governor of Gansu Provincedeng bao shan send condolences elegiac couplet. ─── 景艺林在文化教育界工作30多年,颇有声望,逝后,甘肃省省长邓宝珊题送挽联哀悼。

38、Today, the elegiac address two well-preserved tablets Ju Dou, to the person, "Li Jia Fen. ─── 如今,两篇祭文碑刻俱都保存良好,该地人称"栗家坟"。

39、He recorded his emotion in elegiac lines of magnificent dignity . ─── 他把他的感情宣泄在凄惋而庄严的诗句里。

40、Ovid and Horace challenge comparison with the best elegiac and lyric poets of Greece ─── 奥维德和贺雷西要同希腊最好的挽歌和抒情诗人争一日之长。

41、elegiacal a. ─── 挽歌的;

42、He perfected and established the alexandrine as the classic form in French for scathing satire, elegiac tenderness, and tragic passion. ─── 他改进并确立了亚历山大诗体,使之成为表达尖刻讽刺、哀怨情怀、悲凄激情的经典形式。

43、1. Her poetry has an elegiac quality. ─── 她的诗有伤感的情调.

44、elegiac verse ─── 挽歌

45、elegy:a poem composed in elegiac couplets. ─── 挽歌:用挽歌对句体写的诗歌.

46、The faming movements are distinguished by a playful combination of virtousity,fiery power of invention,and sovereign masery of compositional means,while the elegiac middle qualities of the solo instrument. ─── 这些著名的乐章糅合了古典的即兴演奏,以及皇室的音乐理念,由一些令人感伤的中音乐器独奏,从而使得这首协奏曲如此的完美.

47、a mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work ─── 哀戚或悲哀的诗或其他文学作品

48、" After that attached several explanations: "This is the own elegiac couplet. ─── 其后附有几句说明:“此是近来自书挽联也。

49、" Yang Xianyi in his old age wrote four elegiac couplets in advance for himself: "The youth is great not necessarily good in adult; ─── 各党各派所谈的都是些主观上并不诚恳客观上不切实际的高调。”

50、 双语使用场景

51、Approach to Confucian Influence of the Sense of Life- and- Death upon the Creation of Elegiac Couplet ─── 儒家生死观念对挽联创作的影响探析

52、He gazes directly into the camera, his expression a mixture of elegiac sadness and deep empathy. ─── 他直视镜头,表情既忧郁又凝重。

53、The second woman was found next to a wreath, tore it rubbed elegiac couplet. ─── 第二个女人发现旁边有个花圈,便撕下挽联擦了擦。

54、have an elegiac quality ─── 有伤感的情调

55、This is an abyss, between the sheets, pale white like an elegiac couplet. ─── 这是深渊,在枕褥之间,挽联般苍白。

56、A poem composed in elegiac couplets. ─── 挽歌用挽歌对句体写的诗歌

57、The field personnels disclosed that “Mr.Xu has brought two elegiac couplets, expressed good friends and so on Wu Tianming Director to sentiment which of the mourning thanks leads. ─── 现场工作人员透露,“许先生带来了两副挽联,表达了吴天明导演等好友对谢导的哀悼之情。

58、an elegiac address tor a donkey ─── 祭驴文

59、These elegiac couplet, elegy and speech, along with fights the saga of day of heroic one case, produced extensive and far-reaching effect. ─── 这些挽联、挽诗和讲话等,连同抗日英烈的英雄事迹一起,产生了广泛而深远的影响。

60、It is elegiac rather than nostalgic. ─── 比起怀旧更像是哀歌。

61、Her poetry has an elegiac quality. ─── 她的诗有伤感的情调。

62、An elegiac Uyghur song reverberates across the Gobi Desert.The sky is dyed a bright red.Two figures on camels come into focus. ─── 大学里,老唐(姜文饰)与林大夫(陈冲饰)有染,但林大夫暗恋著小梁(黄秋生饰),恰巧老唐又跟小梁是好朋友。

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