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09-10 投稿



commingle 发音

英:[k?'m??g(?)l]  美:[k?'m??ɡl]

英:  美:

commingle 中文意思翻译



commingle 网络释义

vt. 使混合;掺和vi. 混合

commingle 词性/词形变化,commingle变形

动词过去式: commingled |动词现在分词: commingling |动词过去分词: commingled |动词第三人称单数: commingles |

commingle 短语词组

1、commingle define ─── 混合定义

2、commingle definition ─── 混合定义

3、commingle bl ─── 混合bl

4、commingle of funds ─── 混合资金

5、commingle crossword ─── 混合纵横字谜

6、commingle crossword clue ─── 混合纵横字谜线索

commingle 相似词语短语

1、immingle ─── vi.搀和;混合;vt.使搀和;使混合

2、to mingle ─── 交融

3、commingling ─── v.混合;掺和;合并(commingle的现在分词)

4、comminate ─── v.诅咒

5、comminute ─── v.分割,粉碎;adj.分割的,粉碎的

6、commingles ─── vt.使混合;掺和;vi.混合

7、commingled ─── v.使混合,掺和;合并(commingle的过去式和过去分词)

8、commingler ─── n.混合器

9、to commingle ─── 混合

commingle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Allow the love of the Earth Mother now to commingle with the Love of the Tao to bless your field further and allow additional stuck points of energy to release. ─── 允许地球母亲的爱现在与道之爱融为一体,进一步祝福你的能量场,并允许更多的能量粘滞点开始释放。

2、Chinese managers have less trouble accepting that personal feelings and business decisions can commingle. ─── 中国经理人更容易接受把个人的感受与商业决策相混合。

3、Because of marginal reserves , mono- bore commingle production was thought to be an option . ─── 由于它存在边界储量,可以选择单井筒混合开采。

4、Objective To investigate the commingle infection status of 6 types of hepatotropic virus in 317 patients with viral hepatitis. ─── 目的为了了解天津地区病毒性肝炎患者中6型肝炎病毒混合感染情况,对317例肝炎住院病人,进行了6型肝炎病毒的检测。

5、Fact is inextricably commingle with fiction. ─── 事实与虚构混杂难分。

6、There has to be a way to commingle social preferences, economic performance, and long-term environmental goals. ─── 必须想办法综合考虑社会优先,经济运行和长远的环境目标。

7、like fate awaits him and the two rages commingle in a whirlpool. ─── 同样的命运在等待着他,两种狂乱汇成一股漩涡。

8、Mechanical performance experimentation of expansile-soil-amended-by-lime and construction way of commingle ─── 石灰改良膨胀土力学性能试验

9、Chinese managers have less trouble accepting that personal feelings and business decisions can commingle. ─── 中国经理人更容易接受把个人的感受与商业决策相混合。

10、commingle copulation ─── 混配

11、Ground waters originating in different beds commingle. ─── 来源于不同层位的地下水相互混合。

12、Creatures called Blood Gnomes from another dimension seek human blood to commingle with their own. ─── 来自另一空间的嗜血地魔寻找着人类鲜血与自己结合。

13、I think I'll commingle some of these blue flowers with the pink ones. ─── 我想把一些蓝花和粉红花搀在一起。

14、Males and females only commingle during mating season, otherwise they live solitary existences. ─── 公兽和母兽只有在交配季节才混到一起,否则他们分开独自居住。

15、Fragments of silk commingle with old documents amid Wang's expressive oil painting on the canvases. ─── 王的表现主义作品中,他在画布上精心嵌入了丝绸片段和古老的文献残片。

16、Dairy and meat products which commingle are not kosher, There are also special laws relating to cheese, grape juice and wine production. ─── 乳和肉混合的食品是非洁食品。对于奶酪、葡萄汁和葡萄酒的生产也有专门规定。

17、Flax fiber was used as the reinforcing material to commingle with polypropylene (PP) filaments,producing a core-spun yarn with the flax as core and PP filament as outer sheath. ─── 以亚麻纤维为增强体,与聚丙烯(PP)树脂长丝进行丝束级混合,形成PP包覆亚麻的纱线结构,利用机织工艺织成二维机织布,作为复合材料的预制件。

18、Commingle with same specifications allowed. ─── 允许同种规格货物混装

19、Males and females only commingle during mating season, otherwise they live solitary existences. ─── 公兽和母兽只在发情期交配,平时独来独往。

20、Flax fiber was used as the reinforcing material to commingle with polypropylene (PP) filaments, producing a core-spun yarn with the flax as core and PP filament as outer sheath. ─── 摘要以亚麻纤维为增强体,与聚丙烯(PP)树脂长丝进行丝束级混合,形成PP包覆亚麻的纱线结构,利用机织工艺织成二维机织布,作为复合材料的预制件。

21、To commingle; blend. ─── 混合;融合

22、gradual,levity,commingle,taper,supper taper,granulating etc. ─── 普通型、多变型、混合型、锥型、超锥型、造粒型等。

23、Ground waters originating in different beds commingle. ─── 来源于不同层位的地下水相互混合。

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