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hematoma 发音

英:[,hi?m?'t??m?]  美:[,h?m?'tom?]

英:  美:

hematoma 中文意思翻译



hematoma 短语词组

1、aneurysmal hematoma ─── [医] 动脉瘤样血肿, 假动脉瘤

2、forehead hematoma ─── 前额血肿

3、dural hematoma ─── [医] 硬脑膜下血肿

4、epidural hematoma ─── 硬脑膜外血肿

5、intracranial hematoma ─── 颅内血肿

6、cephalic hematoma ─── 头部血肿

7、retrouterine hematoma ─── [医]子宫后血肿:血液渗入至子宫后结缔组织内

8、interseptal hematoma ─── 间质血肿

9、hematoma retrouterine ─── [医] 子宫后血肿

10、tympan hematoma ─── 血凝块

11、hematoma auris ─── [医] 耳血肿

12、subdural hematoma ─── 硬脑膜下血肿

13、aural hematoma dogs ─── 耳血肿犬

14、pelvic hematoma ─── [医] 盆腔血肿

15、chronic subdural hematoma ─── [医] 慢性硬脑膜下血肿

16、perianal hematoma ─── [医]肛周血肿:由于皮下血管破裂,血积聚在肛周皮下,血肿滞留于纤维弹性隔内,引起剧痛

17、epicranial hematoma ─── 颅上血肿

18、craniotomy epidural hematoma ─── 开颅硬膜外血肿

19、pulsatile hematoma ─── [医] 搏动性血肿, 假动脉瘤

hematoma 词性/词形变化,hematoma变形

名词复数: hematomas |

hematoma 相似词语短语

1、hematomas ─── n.[病理]血肿(hematoma的复数)

2、hepatoma ─── n.肝癌;[肿瘤]肝细胞瘤(尤指恶性肿瘤)

3、hematozoa ─── 血原虫

4、hematomata ─── n.血肿(hematoma的变形)

5、hematoid ─── adj.血样的

6、haematoma ─── n.[病理]血肿

7、hemato- ─── 赤铁矿

8、hepatomas ─── n.肝癌;[肿瘤]肝细胞瘤(尤指恶性肿瘤)

9、haematomas ─── n.[病理]血肿

hematoma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods:78 patients with delayed intracerebral hematoma were therapied by punching skull and placing cather then perfusiqn drrainage with urokinase. ─── 方法:采取锥颅穿刺置管+尿激酶灌注引流方法,回顾分析78例迟发脑内血肿的临床资料。

2、MRI scanning: The changes of signal intension in the region of hematoma and perihematoma were observed on T_1WI, T_2WI, T_2*WI, FLAIR, DWI and PWI. ─── MRI:观察血肿和血肿灶周组织在T1WI、T2WI、T2~*WI、FLAIR、DWI和PWI各序列中信号强度的变化。

3、Intracranial hematoma appears as a hyperdense (white) area on brain CT and is usually not difficult to identify. ─── 颅内血肿在断层扫描影像中呈现高密度(白色)区域,并不难辨认;

4、Kazui S,Minematsu K, Yamamoto H,et al.Predisposing fas tors to enlargement of spontaneous intracerebeal hematoma[J].Stroke,1997,28:2 370. ─── 夏一鲁,谢鹏,董为伟.原发性高血压性脑出血的早期血肿扩大[J].中华神经科杂志,1999,32:1837.

5、Methods The hospitalizing data of 95 cases with delayed intracranial hematoma was analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析了95例迟发性颅内血肿患者的住院资料。

6、Objective To study the value of CT-guided microtraumatic treatment of intracranial hematoma. ─── 摘要目的探讨CT引导下微创治疗颅内血肿的价值。

7、The same patient a few weeks later. The hematoma is much smaller. The false aneurysm is also smaller. ─── 同一病人数周后,血肿变小,假性动脉瘤也变小。

8、The AVM diagnosis was proved via DSA and almost half of the patients had also hematoma. ─── AVM由DSA确诊且约有半数患者同时伴有血肿。

9、An intramural hematoma in association with an aortic ulcer is the hallmark of a penetrating atherosclerotic aortic ulcer. ─── 壁内血肿并主动脉溃疡是穿透性动脉粥样硬化性主动脉溃疡的标志。

10、Methods A retrospective analysis of 34 patients with traumatic posterior fossa extradural hematoma was performed. ─── 方法回顾性分析34例外伤性后颅窝硬膜外山肿的临床资料。

11、Any hematoma may indicate a vascular injury; and. ─── 任何血肿要怀疑血管损伤。

12、Methods Acute postoperative epidural hematoma in 10 patients who were treated at Tiantan Hospital were studied. ─── 方法回顾性分析10例非手术区急性硬脑膜外血肿发生的特点。

13、Physical examination revealed tenderness, swelling, and a hematoma over the first metacarpal joint of the right thumb. ─── 理学检查发现压痛,肿胀,并有血肿的第一掌骨关节的右手拇指。

14、Results One case had a little hematoma under the derm, one case had a little infection around the expander. ─── 1984年,此项技术引进入中国[2],经过近20年来的临床推广应用,现已成为整形外科经常应用的一项技术。

15、Hemorrhage into the decidua basalis formed retroplacental hematoma. ─── 底蜕膜在出血形成胎盘后血肿。

16、We considered the patient to hae an expanding hematoma because of the formation of a ery large hematoma within seeral hours after the surgery. ─── 我们认为病人的血肿在变大因为术后数小时已经形成一个很大的血肿。

17、The vomiting cause due to narcotic factors, brain edema, pain, intracranial hematoma, waterelectrolyte disorders, drug factors, surgical parts. ─── 引起呕吐的原因为麻醉因素、术后脑水肿、疼痛、颅内血肿、水、电解质紊乱、药物因素、手术部位。

18、The release and activation of -2/9 around hematoma in CH is one of the factors of brain edema forming, and can result in the form of VBE. ─── 大鼠脑出血后MMP-2/9的释放与激活,是脑出血后早中期脑水肿形成的主要因素,导致BBB通透性增加而形成血管源性脑水肿。

19、Complications included one traumatic subscapularis rupture at six weeks, three cases of arthrofibrosis, and one deep hematoma. ─── 并发症包括1例6周后创伤性肩胛下肌断裂,3例关节纤维化和1例深部血肿形成。

20、Two cases of phlegmonous gastritis complicated with subdural hematoma are reported in this paper. ─── 报告了二例蜂窝织性胃炎伴发硬脑膜下血肿。

21、BACKGOUND: Post-surgical nasal packing is commonly employed for hemostasis and prevention of hematoma formation. ─── 摘要背景:鼻部手术完成时进行鼻填塞,可防止血肿形成和鼻黏膜沾粘。

22、Acute aortic syndrome(AAS) is a group of highly lethal disorders,including aortic dissection,intramural aortic hematoma,and atheromatous aortic ulcer. ─── 急性主动脉综合征包括三种不同的类型,分别是主动脉夹层分离、主动脉壁内血肿、穿透性粥样硬化性主动脉溃疡。

23、Methods: Retrospectively analyzed with 28 cases of acute brain injury who had undergone intracranial hematoma after craniotomy. ─── 方法:回顾性分析急性颅脑伤术后再次出现颅内血肿者28例。

24、Seroma developed in one patient and late hematoma in 3 patients postoperatively. ─── 一个病人术后有血清肿,三个病人有血肿。

25、Method Drill hematoma puncture blotting and craniamphitom hematoma clear operation were applied. ─── 方法:采用钻孔血肿穿刺吸出和开颅血肿清除手术两种方法。

26、Objective: To summarize the experience of treating patient suffered from acute traumatic intracranial hematoma. ─── 摘要目的:总结急性创伤性颅内血肿病员的诊治经验。

27、Contrasting two groups in complications of skin numbness of legs, infra-skin ecchymosis, wound hematoma, and swellings below ankle. ─── 传统手术没有皮肤烧灼发生,但其并发症多。

28、CTA could display the relationship between blood vessels and Hematoma. ─── CTA技术可以三维显示动脉、静脉以及血肿之间的关系;

29、Maximal thecal sac compression due to hematoma occurred at an adjacent, nondecompressed level in 28% of patients. ─── 28%患者的临近未减压节段发生血肿从而导致硬膜受压。

30、The hematoma is evacuated, and the fracture is reduced utilizing direct reduction techniques combined with longitudinal traction on the flexed elbow. ─── 吸净血肿,利用直接复位结合纵向牵引技术复位屈曲肘关节骨折碎片。

31、We report a case of spontaneous subperiosteal orbital hematoma in a 56-year-old man. ─── 摘要本报告系关于一个罕见的自发性眼眶骨膜下出血的病例。

32、Fig.1 CT of the head showing left basal ganglin hematoma with well-defined borders and low-density and and mixed densities areas around the hematoma. ─── 头颅ct见左基底节脑内血肿,边界清,血肿周围见低密度及混杂密度区.

33、A rare case of primary renal leiomyosarcoma presenting with spontaneous perirenal hematoma was reported. ─── 我们报告一例罕见的平滑肌肉瘤,以自发性肾周围血肿呈现。

34、Methods:The therapy dates of 16 cases with extradural hematoma straddle superior sagittal sinus were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析总结16例跨矢状窦硬膜外血肿的诊疗过程。

35、Hemorrhage into the decidua basalis, formed retroplacental hematoma, lead to the separation of the placenta. ─── 一)主要病理变化:底蜕膜出血,形成血肿,使胎盘自附着处剥离。

36、Risk of Hematoma After Epidural Anesthesia and Analgesia for Cardiac Surgery. ─── 心脏手术时实施硬膜外麻醉和镇痛出血的风险。

37、To discuss a new effective method for treatment of chronic subdural hematoma. ─── 探讨一种新的治疗慢性硬膜下血肿的有效方法。

38、Her Head CT reeals a left subdural hematoma and a grade I lier injury. ─── 头颅CT显示左侧硬脑膜下血肿和I级的肝脏损伤。

39、Conclusion It is very easy to operate and suitable to puncture drainage for intracranial hematoma surgery in both peacetime and wartime. ─── 结论:操作方法简便,适用于平时和战时颅内血肿的治疗。

40、The ultrastructures of the local brain tissue around the parenchymatous hematoma were examined by electron microscope. ─── 3.电镜检查血肿周围脑组织超微结构。

41、CSMT-induced cervicothoracic epidural hematoma, such as the one we describe here, is an extremely rare event. ─── CSMT引起如本病例的颈胸椎硬膜外血肿是很少见的。

42、The effect of small dosage manicol in prevention and cure of delayed traumatic Intracranial hematoma. ─── 小剂量甘露醇防治迟发性外伤性颅内血肿的作用。

43、The activating blood activity was measured with the survey of the time of cruor and the obsorb degree of hematoma. ─── 在耳肿胀实验中能明显减轻鼠耳肿胀度;在足肿胀实验中对鼠足肿胀有良好的抑制作用;在凝血时间测定实验中,可以显著延长凝血时间;

44、Puerperal hematoma is an uncommon complication of childbirth with a potential for serious morbidity and possible mortality. ─── 产后出血是一种少见的并发症,分娩的可能造成严重的发病率和死亡率可能。

45、Cerebral infarct, intracranial hematoma and edema are deadly diseases, which can cause high deformity and death rate. ─── 但是,目前还缺乏一种无创的辅助诊断技术与设备,用于对颅内血肿水肿进行早期、实时的监测。

46、Mehtods CT findings of 25 patients with traumatic subdural hematoma of cerebral flax were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析25例具有完整资料的外伤性大脑镰硬膜下血肿的CT表现。

47、This report serves as a reminder to clinicians to consider intramural hematoma of the duodenum in the differential diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma. ─── 本文报告提醒临床医师要注意儿童在腹部受外力撞击后产生十二指肠血肿的可能性。

48、Image studies revealed a large hematoma extending from the second to the third portion of the duodenum. ─── 影像学检查发现从十二指肠第二部分到第三部分有一个很大的血肿,造成二十指肠几乎完全阻塞。

49、It concludes the key for prevention and cure of a soft birth canal hematoma is to engage in health p... ─── 提示做好围产期保健工作,提高助产技术,加强产后的观察与护理,是防止软产道血肿的关键。

50、Diploic hematoma is an uncommon lesion of the skull and only nine cases have been reported. ─── 摘要小儿颅骨板障处血肿是一种罕见的疾病,到目前为止文献上只报告九个案例。

51、Traumatic spinal subdural hematoma is a rare entity. ─── 摘要外伤性脊髓硬脑膜下腔血肿是一种少见的疾病。

52、A close follow-up is advised for fear of the possibility of underlying intracranial vascular anomaly, chronic subdural hematoma or silent brain lesion. ─── 但是仍应对病人说明颅内疾病(例如颅内血管异常、慢性硬脑膜下血肿块和脑部不产生神经学徵象区的病变)可能出现的症状。

53、CT scan is a preferred investigative modatity to diagnose traumatic posterior fossa extradural hematoma. ─── CT扫描是诊断外伤性后颅窝硬膜外向肿的首选检查方法。

54、Methods: Lateral ventricle paracentesis and drainage, intracerebral hematoma aspiration as well as lumbar puncture for CSF replacement were adopted. ─── 方法:采用侧脑室穿刺引流术;脑内血肿穿刺吸除术;腰穿脑脊液置换术。

55、Neonatal studies only revealed subyaleal hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage with mild degree right side intraventricular hemorrhage. ─── 当时的头部电脑断层也显示有腱膜下血肿,蜘蛛膜下腔血肿,并右侧脑室内出血。

56、This is a sagittal head CT scan without contrast demonstrating a large epidural hematoma with right to left shift and ventricular narrowing. ─── CT显示右侧硬膜外血肿,脑组织推向左侧,脑室变得狭小。

57、We describe a case of rectus sheath hematoma caused by severe coughing during an exacerbation of asthma. ─── 我们报告一老年男性因气喘发作而严重咳嗽导致腹直肌血肿之病例。

58、Early absorption of the hematoma marked by polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration was seen within 48 hours of the ictus. ─── 出现多形核白细胞浸润,表明血肿早期吸收,其见于注射自体血后48小时内。

59、These features possibly contribute to the recurring hemorrhage from the vessels In the outer membrane and the resultant enlargement of the hematoma. ─── 以上这些特徵可能是引起血肿外膜的血管再发性的出血而致血肿继续扩大的主要原因。

60、Traumatic intramural hematoma of the duodenum is a rare entity in children. ─── 摘要外伤性十二指肠血肿是一种在儿童时期罕见的病症。

61、Methods A retrospective analysis was made to the clinical features,operation methods and prognosis of 72 cases with chronic subdural hematoma. ─── 方法回顾性分析72例慢性硬膜下血肿患者的临床特点、手术方式和预后情况。

62、Subungual hematoma is a common injury after a blow or crush injury to the nail, which causes severe excruciating pain. ─── 摘要指甲下血肿在指头受到撞击或是压碎性伤害后时常可见,并且会给病患带来严重难以忍受的疼痛感。

63、Methods 55 in-patients with cerebral hematoma were treated by aspiration guided by CT with the use of CJF three-dimensional position indicator. ─── 方法选择入院治疗的脑血肿患者55例,应用CJF型立体定向仪于CT导引下施行脑血肿抽吸治疗。

64、Method: The data of 52 cases with chronic subdural hematoma treated by drilling,lavaging and draining were analyzied retrospectively. ─── 方法:采用钻孔冲洗引流术对52例慢性硬膜下血肿进行治疗并对资料进行回顾性分析总结。

65、One 20 year-old man suffered from subacute intraspinal subdural hematoma in the sacral level after minor sports injury. ─── 一个二十岁年轻男性在轻微的运动伤害后,于荐椎处发现亚急性硬脑膜下腔血肿。

66、Fig1. CT of the head showing left frontoparietal hematoma with mass effect. ─── 头颅ct示左额顶脑内血肿,有占位效应.

67、When no hematoma formed, hemorrhage would not worsen the prognosis. ─── 在不形成血肿的情况下,出血不会导致预后恶化。

68、The most frequent findings of the facial nerve were nerve swelling, edema and intraneural hematoma (29 cases). ─── 吾等认为定位检查之结果,仅能提供参考,不可以之作为选择治疗方式或手术方法的依据。

69、To discover hematoma promptly is important to manage it and avoid adverse effects. ─── 及时发现术后血肿对治疗血肿及避免不良结果有重要意义。

70、If hematoma spread to front temporal occipitoparietal,use biforate,double tube to drainage. ─── 如血肿波及额颞顶枕部,则采用双孔、双管引流。

71、Methods The clinical data of 43 patients with acute subdual hematoma accompanying brain swelling were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析了手术治疗的43例急性硬膜下血肿伴脑肿胀病人的临床资料。

72、Method 23patients had the hematoma in the lobe of brain,21in the basipodite,8 in the thalamus,4 in cerebellum. ─── 其中脑叶血肿23例,基底节区血肿21例,丘脑血肿8例,小脑血肿4例。

73、Hemorrhage into the decidua basalis, formed retroplacental hematoma, lead to the separation of the placenta. ─── 出血进入蜕膜基底,形成胎盘后血肿,导致胎盘分离。

74、Radiological studies showed a subperiosteal hematoma. ─── 在此,我们报导一个罕见的病例。

75、Becker DP,Grade GF,Young HF.Intracranial hematoma in Youmans JR.Neurlplgical Surgery[J].Philadephia Saunders,1990,3:2079. ─── 刘敬业,张赛,只达石.急性颅内血肿清除后继发对侧迟发性血肿[J].中华神经外科杂志,1997,13:34-35.

76、Methods All of 47 patients with severe multiple trauma, some of them also with extradural hematoma (EDH) or subdural hematoma (SDH), were studied. ─── 方法选择外伤性硬膜外和硬膜下血肿合并严重多发伤患者47例,23例行微创颅内血肿清除术,24例行开颅血肿清除术,对比两种血肿清除术在严重多发伤救治中的差异。

77、Methods The clinical data of 238 acute trauma patients with severe supratentorial hematoma were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾分析238例急性外伤性重症幕上血肿病例的临床资料。

78、Speed is of the essence in the treatment of brain trauma caused by a subdural hematoma, as delay may lead to permanent brain damage. ─── 及时性在治疗硬膜下血肿时显得有位重要,延误极有可能会造成永久性的脑损伤。

79、That head bump is now blamed for triggering the hematoma. ─── 那次头部碰撞现在成了引发血肿的主因。

80、Abstract Objective To explore both diagnosis and treatment of isolated traumatic epidural hematoma(ITEDH) in children. ─── 中英文摘要摘要目的探讨小儿外伤性单纯硬膜外血肿的诊断及治疗。

81、No infection, hematoma, leakage or s kin necrosis was encountered. ─── 无感染、血肿、渗漏及皮肤坏死等并发症发生。

82、The treatment for hematoma included clinical observation and preventive administration of antibiotics. ─── 处理上以观察及预防性应用抗生素为主。

83、Methods:Clinical data of 60 cases with chronic subdural hematoma treated by burr hole and drainage were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾分析用单孔钻颅引流术治疗的60例慢性硬膜下血肿患者的临床资料。

84、Whether the patient received emergency treatment for a subdural hematoma. ─── 患者是否接受过硬膜下血肿紧急处理?

85、Expert opinion is divided as to whether the removal of a subdural hematoma results in patients regaining their full mental capabilities. ─── 在移除硬膜下血肿后能否让患者完全恢复智力的问题上专家的意见出现了分歧。

86、Objective To summarize the causes, prophylaxis and therapy of acute postoperative epidural hematoma following the craniotomy in non-operation area. ─── 摘要目的探讨颅脑手术后非手术区急性硬脑膜外血肿发生的原因及预防措施和治疗方法。

87、The doctor said that there was no need to medicate my pain, that it was just a hematoma and that the pain would go away by itself. ─── 医生说没有必要用药物止痛,那只是个血肿罢了,疼痛会渐渐自行消失。

88、Bipolar radiofrequency was helpful in cleaning out of preventing knee joint hematoma and favoring rehabilitation. ─── 双极射频能够彻底清除滑膜,有利于减少关节血肿的发生,促进关节功能康复。

89、Methods Retrospectively analyze 113 cases of chronic subdural hematoma which were diagnosed by helico-CT. ─── 方法回顾性分析经螺旋CT诊断的慢性硬膜下血肿113例。

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