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09-10 投稿



geniality 发音


英:  美:

geniality 中文意思翻译



geniality 网络释义

n. 亲切;温暖;舒适

geniality 相似词语短语

1、generality ─── n.概论;普遍性;大部分

2、genialize ─── vt.使和蔼;使愉悦;使适宜于动植物生长

3、genialise ─── 亲切化

4、mentality ─── n.心态;[心理]智力;精神力;头脑作用

5、aeriality ─── n.空虚;类似空气的性质

6、genially ─── adv.和蔼地;快活地;亲切地

7、dentality ─── 假牙

8、veniality ─── n.可宽恕性;可宽宥

9、gentility ─── n.有教养,文雅;上流阶层

geniality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As a matter of fact, courtesy, geniality and grace are so winning and charming that children gain more ground by abstaining from fussing and grumbling. ─── 其实,孩子们有礼貌、愉悦、优雅,会使他们在社会中站得更稳,他们也不习惯闹情绪、发脾气。

2、The general prosperous Si belong to Mediterranean weather, the summer sunlight be ample, the genial breezes be warm, winter geniality dry. ─── 普罗旺斯属地中海气候,夏季阳光充足,暖风和煦,冬季温和干燥。

3、But at last a soft, genial morning appeared, such as might tempt the daughter's wishes and the mother's confidence. ─── 不过,一个轻风吹拂,阳光和煦的早晨终于来临,它诱起了女儿的愿望,免除了母亲的担忧。

4、Under the genial influence of American and British loans Germany was reviving rapidly. ─── 在美、英贷款的体贴入微的帮助之下,德国很快就复兴起来。

5、He received his colleagues with the genial air of one who has much to gain and little to lose. ─── 他以一个只会有所得,不会有所失的人的诚恳的态度接待他的同僚。

6、Contain the natural plant to withdraw the,second second contain to measure low,have no to stimulate to human body,safety geniality. ─── 含天然植物提取色,亚摩尼亚含量低,对人体无刺激,安全温和,100%覆盖灰白头发。

7、There the Chinese are truly themselves and at their best, because there they show their best characteristic, geniality. ─── 中国人是保持着真面目的中国人,而且是最纯良愉快的时候,因为他们显露着真实的个性。

8、Second Daughter-in-law and Third Daughter-in-law exchanged glances, simultaneously wiping the genial expressions from their faces. ─── 二奶奶三奶奶彼此做个眼色,脸上的和悦表情同时收敛。

9、The ecoesthetics ideas contained in "origin of Tao" theory's geniality to nature might be an effective prescription for the bogged down pjrototype-criticism. ─── 原道说对自然的亲和中所组含的生态论美学思想不失为拯救陷入困境的原型批评的良方。

10、His protruding eyes, that gave such an unusual, foreign appearance to his very dark face, radiated geniality. ─── 他那双爆眼睛,使他那张很黝黑的脸看上去很别致,有点外国人的味儿,闪着和蔼可亲的光芒。

11、Weak acidity formulation, geniality, not stimulate the skin. ─── 弱酸性配方,温和、不刺激肌肤。

12、But to fully grasp the geniality of Nielsen's design, one needs to understand the Danish sense of humour and subtle irony. ─── 但要充分把握尼尔森的设计和蔼,我们需要了解和微妙的讽刺幽默丹麦的感觉。

13、In the cicada boat yoga hall contemplates in the room, Arab League dense sits especially, wears the white T-shirt, the both legs plate becomes the lotus efflorescent, the vision is genial and is pure. ─── 在蝉舟瑜伽馆的冥想室里,阿密特席地而坐,身着白色t恤,双腿盘成莲花状,目光和善而纯净。

14、She can obtain the good opinion of others easily authoritatively, verbal and appropriate, genuine and genial style lets a person have be convinced feeling. ─── 她有权威并能轻易获得别人的好感,言语恰当,真诚和善的作风让人有信服感。

15、Her genial smile made every guest feel at home. ─── 她亲切的笑容使每个人都感觉宾至如归。

16、His genial manner varished and his voice grew on a sudden hard and stem. ─── 他的和善态度消失了,声音一下子变得冷酷而严历。

17、He thought well of Carrie upon the first glance and laid himself out to be genial, teaching her a new game of cards and talking to her about New York and its pleasures. ─── 他第一眼看到嘉莉,就对她产生了好感。 他刻意表现得很和气,教她玩一种新牌,和她谈到纽约及其各种娱乐。

18、This is a power grab by the developed world, South Africa's genial but forthright ambassador Dumisani Kumalo told me. ─── “这是发达国家在攫取权力。”亲切而直率的南非大使杜米萨尼?库马洛告诉记者。

19、Yang Zhenghua, a genial 34-year-old with a buzz cut, makes the run from Qijiang to Chongqing most days, bringing a truckload of farm produce to a wholesale market in the city. ─── 34岁的杨政华(音)行色匆匆,他大多数时候都是从綦江开车去重庆,将满满一车农产品送到市里的一个批发市场。

20、Her father, an equable and genial man, is tolerantof her spirited stubbornness. ─── 她的父亲,一个平和可亲的人,能容忍她倔强的脾气。

21、"Good-night," said Hurstwood at the final moment, in a last effort to be genial. ─── “再见了,"赫斯渥在最后一刻说,最后一次想表现得友好一些。

22、Three, value of energy?The some cat live to leap disorderly jump, have of geniality muff. ─── 三、重视它的精力吗?有的猫活蹦乱跳,有的则温和迟钝。

23、Most of time ,especially in public,He always shows easily smile and looks genial. ─── 大多数时候,尤其在公众面前,他总是露出平易近人的微笑,显得和蔼可亲。

24、They raced for the creek, a good many mu in extent, where as far as eye could see massed lotus leaves reached towards the genial sun like a solid wall of bronze. ─── 她们奔着那不知道有几亩大小的荷花淀去,那一望无边际的密密层层的大荷叶,迎着阳光舒展开,就像铜墙铁壁一样。

25、He felt like a prince returned from excile, and his lonely heart burgeoned in the geniality in which it bathed. ─── 他觉得自己像个流放归来的王子,寂寞的心沐浴在真情实爱之间,又含苞欲放了。

26、This Benjy was a young , clean- shaven creature, whose face and voice and manner were a perfect blend of steel and geniality . ─── 彭杰是一个胡子刮得精光的小伙子,他的面貌、声调和态度是斩钉截铁和春风迎人两种气概的完美混杂物。

27、Genial climate,with all the year mild and springlike. ─── 亲切的,愉快的,舒适的。

28、Iike a man who is love family with fine moral that is honesty, geniality. ─── 我喜欢品德好的、爱家庭是诚实的、温和的人。

29、He was tall, vigorous, sandy-haired, freckled, genial and voluble. ─── 他个子高高的,精神抖擞,淡茶色的头发,脸上有雀斑,性情和蔼,口齿伶俐。

30、She gave me a genial welcome. ─── 她很亲切的欢迎我。

31、Carrie smiled under his irresistible flood of geniality. ─── "他的亲切友好像一股不可抗拒的暖流,嘉莉不禁微笑了。

32、He had been advertised in advance as the most sympathetic and genial officer in a division command. ─── 他早在来前就闻得将军是师一级首长中最和蔼可亲的一位。

33、Orlando is a genial man. ─── 奥兰多是一位和蔼可亲的人。

34、Docile, honesty, resolute and firm, self-confident, open-minded, geniality, show consideration to, romance, there is sentimental appeal, there is sense of responsibility. ─── 善良,诚实,刚毅,自信,豁达,温和,体贴,浪漫,有情调,有责任感。

35、He could have been genial to all the world, and he bore no grudge against his wife. ─── 他现在对任何人都抱着友善的态度,对他妻子也不存芥蒂。

36、Creative, hardheaded, dare tie of adventure, assiduous job, honest, ego is genial at getting along with the person, just be the path of unripe money. ─── 具有创造性、脚踏实地、敢于冒险、勤奋工作、老实、自我约束和善于与人相处,才是生财之道。

37、The unmistakable poise and leisurely evidence of this human culture and this geniality of life. ─── 北京的男女老幼说话的腔调上,都显而易见的平静安闲,就足以证明此种人文与生活的舒适愉快。

38、His protruding eyes, that gave such an unusual, foreign appearance to his very dark face, radiated geniality . ─── 他那双爆眼睛,使他那张很黝黑的脸看上去很别致,有点外国人的味儿,闪着和蔼可亲的光芒。

39、Genial egotist that he was, he went at once into a detailed account of his own career. ─── 他是个典型的言必称"我"者。 因此,立刻详细地谈起了他自己的事业。

40、His protruding eyes, that gave such an unusual, foreign appearance to his very dark face, radiated geniality . ─── 他那双爆眼睛,使他那张很黝黑的脸看上去很别致,有点外国人的味儿,闪着和蔼可亲的光芒。

41、Myself male, the quality graduates, has the English four levels of levels, has certain English exchange level, to the child rich compassion, the manner is genial, is good at the human relations. ─── 信息内容本人男,高职毕业,有英语四级水平,有一定的英语交流水平,对小孩富有爱心,为人和善,善于交际。

42、It always be very genial that meet schoolmate of Nanjing teachers university in Suzhou.I am a male student and come from Suzhou Television Station. ─── 在苏州,能够碰到我们南师大的校友,总是感到特别的亲切.我是来自苏州电视台的一名男生.

43、After returning to Shanghai in 1886, Mr.Soong, a genial wheeler-dealer, passed up missionary life to start a business printing Bibles, earning a fortune. ─── 在1886年回到上海后,宋先生作为一个天才的车轮经营商,放弃了传教生涯,开始了印制圣经的生意,赚取了一笔财富。

44、"There will be no difficulty, sir," said the genial frame-maker. ─── “这挺便当,先生,”和气的镜框师说。

45、They said he is a pitiless, cold-blooded fellow, with no geniality in him. ─── 他们说他是个毫无怜悯心、一点也不和蔼的冷血动物。

46、Genial research not only provides the vast prospect for human being to understand the nature and itself, but also offers grave challenges for numan being. ─── 基因研究为人类认识自身和自然开辟了广阔的前景,也提出了严峻的挑战。

47、His gifted pen transmutes every thing into gold, and his own genial nature reflects its sunshine through his pages. ─── 他那支生花妙笔能点石成金,而篇页间又可见其温文尔雅,光彩熠熠的秉性。

48、Armed with a degree, Wang had other career options. But according to the genial New Yorker, once he caught the music bug, there was no turning back. ─── 因为学历关系,力宏对于职业其实可以有其它选择。但这位亲切的纽约客表示,对于音乐的狂热,已经让他无法回头。

49、There, with undiminished geniality he would make himself the life and soul of our little gathering, seated on the top of our study table. ─── 在教室里,他坐在桌上,温和的气度不显当年,总使他自己成为我们小小聚会里的灵魂人物,并给我们的聚会带来了生气。

50、So soft was her step, it failed to make even a sound, and but for the magical thrill imparted by her genial touch, as other unobtrusive beauties, she would have glided away unperceived -- unsought. ─── 她步履轻盈来去无声无息。 要不是她也和别的仙女一样轻抚人间,令人神奇为之震颤,她会像浮云一般让人不知不觉,消失得无影无踪。

51、They both were elderly men, and had genial voice. ─── 他们两个都是快上年纪的人,说起话来和声柔气的。

52、She is a person of conversable and genial. ─── 她是个非常健谈、和善的人。

53、His genial sufficiency was a taunt and a mockery to many. ─── 他那么和蔼自满的态度,许多人都认为是一种辱骂和嘲弄。

54、"The President's outward demeanor was genial and relaxed" (Edmund S. Muskie). ─── “总统仪态总是和蔼的,轻松的” (埃德蒙S·马斯基)。

55、The sun with a smile from the clouds come out to start it that the genial sunshine, the sunshine lavished on the earth. ─── 太阳微笑着从云层中跳出来,展开了它那和煦的阳光,把阳光撒向大地。

56、Do not pause own state of mind small boat in sea of bitterness, must let that genial spring breeze wash off you that light sorrowfulness as soon as possible. ─── 不要依恋和停泊在平静的港湾,人生的 航道没有尽头。

57、Some are genial and openly charismatic, even empathetic, while others cringe and skulk as only a consummate caern advisor can. ─── 他们中的一些人亲切、有着坦率的超凡魅力,甚至能触及对方的内心,而另一些用只有圆满的圣地顾问能做到的程度来阿谀奉承躲藏隐匿。

58、His fine success as a salesman lay in his geniality and the thoroughly reputable standing of his house. ─── 作为一个推销员,他的成功要归于他的对人和气恳切以及他服务的那家公司的声誉。

59、He said some genial words about Pug's football prowess against Army in the old days. ─── 他就帕格从前同陆军进行的足球比赛中所显露的锋芒说了几句亲切友好的话。

60、He was tall, big-jowled, and genial . ─── 他是个高个子,下颚宽大,性格温和。

61、At the beginning of Harry's6 th year at Hogwarts, Dumbledore and Harry convince a genial wizard named Horace Slughorn to come out of retirement to teach Potions. ─── 在哈利六年级开始的时候,邓不利多和他成功地说服了一位叫霍拉斯?拉格霍恩的亲切的巫师走出退休的日子,回到霍格沃茨教授魔药学。

62、A pleasant and affable disposition; geniality. ─── 和蔼,友好亲切和蔼的性情;友善

63、For some time he lay without movement, the genial sunshine pouring upon him and saturating his miserable body with its warmth. ─── 他一动不动地躺了好一会,温和的太阳照在他身上,使他那受苦受难的身体充满了暖意。

64、How the beautiful silk is affable, genial to everyone. ─── 多丽丝对每个人都和蔼可亲。

65、While he was doing so, the youth who had advised him to come here entered, and, seeing Hurstwood, tried to be genial. ─── 他正准备上床睡觉,那个建议他来这里的小伙子走了进来,看见赫斯渥,想表示一下友好。

66、His genial manner vanished and his voice grew on a sudden hard and stern. ─── 他的和善态度消失了,声音一下子变得冷酷而严厉。

67、His words were all uttered with a fine geniality of eye and manner which went far to conquer my distrust. ─── 他说那些话时,目光相当和蔼、态度极其温和。这大大地消除了我的猜疑心理。

68、Female, born in 1974, 1.65m, divorced, no children, company executive, fine features, genial disposition, seeks minded gent, financially secure, NS. ─── 女74年,1.65米,离未育,某公司管理人员,长相清秀,性情温和,觅有思想的收入稳定的职业男士,不抽烟

69、Genial egotist that he was, he went at once into a detailed account of his own career."I'm going to have a business of my own pretty soon," he observed in one place. ─── 从6点半钟开始,他就像个影子似地在三十九街入口处的附近徘徊,总是假装成一个匆匆赶路的行人,可又生怕自己会漏掉要等的目标。

70、He felt like a prince returned from exile, and his lonely heart burgeoned in the geniality in which it bathed. ─── 他觉得自己像个流放归来的王子,寂寞的心沐浴在真情实爱之间,又含苞欲放了。

71、He has a genial and devoted wife. ─── 他有一位十分贤惠的夫人。

72、Passepartout smiled his most genial smile, and said, `Never too late. ─── 因此路路通表面上装得若无其事,暗地却时刻注意着他的主人。

73、Dongfeng in China is the concept of the genial warmth, and beautiful things represent spring. ─── 东风在中国人的概念中是和煦温暖的,代表着春天和美好事物。

74、He knows how to spot genial smiles on the audience. ─── 他知道怎样向观众们投送亲切的微笑。

75、She seemed to unfold like a strong white lily under this genial breath of admiration and homage. ─── 她似乎在这赞赏和尊敬的真诚氛围之中象一朵白色的水仙那样猛烈地开放了。

76、He did not look at her often. When he did, it was with a mild light in his eye. Not a shade was there of anything save geniality and kindness. ─── 他并不经常看她。即使看时,也只用温和的目光。他的眼神里只显出愉快与和气,看不出一丝邪意。

77、It even suggested there might be a compensation for the intolerable ennui of surviving his genial sire. ─── 他甚至觉得,随着慈祥的父亲的辞世而到来的无法容忍的厌倦,现在可以得到补救了。

78、She was glad to see us again and gave me a genial welcome. ─── 她很高兴再看到我们,并亲切的欢迎我。

79、As set by what is all that inexplicable between human beings and natural beauty, a place endowed with peerless landscapes never comes to make a genial abode. ─── 大凡风景绝佳处都不宜安家,人与美的关系,竟是如此之蹊跷。

80、His manners were reserved, cold, polished, not very genial. ─── 他的态度是谦逊、冷淡、文雅、不很开朗的。

81、They said he is a pitiless , cold - blooded fellow , with no geniality in him. ─── 他们说他是个毫无怜悯心、 一点也不和蔼的冷血动物。

82、Cheerful and genial personality. Excellent interpersonal, coordination and communication skills. ─── 亲和力强.较强的人际关系、沟通及协调能力。

83、The weather of Yunnan is geniality and wetness, whenever many rain seasonal changes in spring and summer, the countryside and lawn, various fungi break ground competitively. ─── 云南气候温和湿润,每当春夏多雨时节,山野草地,各种菌类竞相破土而出。鸡纵菌是云南诸菌之冠。

84、He was an exceedingly genial soul, this young man, and wholly free of affectation. ─── 他是个非常和气的人,而且一点也不做作。

85、An affable face, that is always gentle.From vision which in that black side eyeglasses passes, always thatbright bright, then is genial. ─── 从那黑边眼镜中透出的目光,总是那么炯炯有神,那么和善。

86、On today's Fu Mongolia county earth golden color bright sunlight, the genial autumn wind sways. ─── 今天的阜蒙县大地上金色的阳光普照,和煦的秋风吹拂。

87、His manner was genial and his speech idiosyncratic. ─── 他的态度很和蔼,讲起话来有独特的风格。

88、Harry was genial a soul as you could ever meet. ─── 哈里是你所能遇到的最和蔼的人。

89、So soft was her step, it failed to make even a sound, and but for the magical thrill imparted by her genial touch, as other unobtrusive beauties, she would have glided away un-perceived -- unsought. ─── 她步履轻盈来去无声无息。要不是她也和别的仙女一样轻抚人间,令人神奇为之震颤,她会像浮云一般让人不知不觉,消失得无影无踪。

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