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09-11 投稿



degustation 发音


英:  美:

degustation 中文意思翻译



degustation 短语词组

1、degustation menu ─── 排气菜单

degustation 相似词语短语

1、degustations ─── n.品尝

2、degustating ─── vt.尝(味);品尝(等于degust);vi.尝(味);品尝(等于degust)

3、decrustation ─── n.脱皮;脱壳

4、pregustation ─── 预适应

5、devastation ─── n.毁坏,荒废

6、detestation ─── n.嫌恶,痛恨,憎恶;令人厌恶的人

7、deputation ─── n.代表团,代表;委任代理

8、dégustation ─── 品尝

9、gustation ─── n.味觉;品尝

degustation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The person who can degust whose tear is contacted by us and will be achievied by himself ! ─── 能尝出自己泪水滋味的人,是可以交往的人,是可以成就自己的人!

2、degustation wine dinner at Sea, and retreat to your private sanctuary to enjoy luxurious rituals. Wake up in paradise and celebrate newlywed bliss with a lavish breakfast in bed. ─── 在海边享用葡萄酒宴,在屋内享受奢华仪式。在天堂中醒来,在床上用早餐。

3、Degustation: Vin elegant et fruite avec une bonne matiere et souplesse en bouche. Il accompagnera agreablement les viandes rouges et les fromages. ─── 品尝:果香扑鼻,色泽莹润,入口圆滑,适宜搭配奶酪及红肉。

4、The last word must go to the chef who is totally passionate about degustation - "eat what makes you happy, drink what makes you happy. It's the whole experience." ─── 最后,必须说说厨师,他对品尝式菜单满怀热情,他说:“吃你喜欢的东西,喝你喜欢的东西,重要的是整个体验。”

5、At a degustation(tasting plate) dinner of 11 courses he had the opportunity to showcase his style and skill. ─── 在一次有11道菜的品尝会上,他有机会展示他的风格和技艺。

6、Item 8 The food for degustation should be separated from the selling food and indicate with the label. ─── 第八条供消费者直接品尝的散装食品应与销售食品明显区分,并标明可品尝的字样。

7、And "degust tea" means smell the fragrance of tea, look the color of tea and drink the tea, it not only drink the tea. ─── 而“品茶”的意思是闻茶的香味、看茶的颜色和喝茶,不仅仅只是喝茶。(事实上,品茶应该是观茶具、闻茶香、看茶色、品茶味,只是我不知道用英文应该怎么说。)

8、With our soul and heart to degust. ─── 用灵魂和心灵去品尝生活。

9、I don't know what's the difference between "degust" and "drink" in English. ─── 我不知道在英文中“品尝”和“喝”有什么区别。

10、welcome call to huasha hotel new xiang yuan winehouse degust delicious everyday,each meal choose new xiang yuan. ─── 彩铃内容: 您好,欢迎您致电华厦(sha)大酒店,新香园大酒楼。天天品美味,餐餐新香园。

11、proportion of ingredients and the best additive quantity were educed from cooking degustation experiments in this paper. ─── 蒸煮品尝实验,得出大米营养素的配方比例和最佳添加量。

12、I want degust food in this area. ─── 我想尝试一下当地食物。

13、If I go to degustation "鸡头米" , it will take a risk of thousands yuan !But all the same thank you for your invitation ! ─── 不过,可别又要冒一百元一碗的风险哦鸡头米虽然好吃,也不值那么多钱啊,哈哈。

14、He has an unabashed love of food and wine and just last week organised a 10 course degustation menu of Celestial Bay wines at Go Go's Curry House in Highgate. ─── 他十分热爱美酒和美食,上个星期在高门区的GoGo咖喱餐厅组织了有天国湾葡萄酒的10道菜的品尝菜单。

15、At a degustation (tasting plate) dinner of 11 courses he had the opportunity to showcase his style and skill. ─── 在一次有11道菜的品尝会上,他有机会展示他的风格和技艺。

16、The proportion of ingredients and the best additive quantity were educed from cooking degustation experiments in this paper. ─── 通过蒸煮品尝实验,得出大米营养素的配方比例和最佳添加量。

17、Degustation: Vinification traditionnelle, bouche suave et souple. Il accompagnera genereusement les viandes rouges et les fromages. ─── 品尝:传统酿造法,酒体清澈醇香,适宜搭配奶酪及红肉类食物。

18、Degustation: . Ruby red colour, with a bouquet of ripe fruit. It has an harmonious, warm and intense flavour. ─── 酒评:酒体呈红宝石色,开瓶伴随有成熟水果的浓郁芳香,入口层次分明,甘草、丁香的香。

19、The next moring, it was surprised for them to see that there was a long queue outside the restaurant.Everybody was reluctant to leave the yummy pizza, so they wished to degust it for the las time. ─── 他们决定在店里再待最后一晚,第二天他们惊异的发现门外排起了长队,大家都很留恋,并想最后一次品尝美味的匹萨。

20、Degustation: an ample, well-structured wine with elegant tannins and notes of spices and peppers giving it all its character. ─── 评:口感丰富,单宁结构优雅,香料和胡椒味道浓郁构成了此款酒的特色。

21、We had the long degustation menus both times we were there. ─── 汤是周打鱼汤,淡淡的又偏稀,口感及味道俱一般,不太对头;

22、Every afternoon since Sunday and also every night after dinner there’s a small ice cream ‘degustation’ in the lobby of the hotel. ─── 莫亚还告诉我他已经读过我的博客了,他还说我休想把那些照片给挂出来。

23、Many of the best sushi-ya have no menus; the meal is closer to a degustation parade of what's best on the day -- so sit back and enjoy. ─── 很多顶级的寿司屋是没有菜单的,因为上桌的食物更像是一列承载着当日最佳食材的味觉大游行的队伍——所以只管坐回去好好享受吧。

24、The Second Cultural Festival of the Ecological Chinese Honey Orange was held in Liucheng on Sunday, attracting a great number of visitors to view and degust. ─── 当日,广西柳城县举办第二届生态蜜桔文化节,吸引众多游人到果园观光采摘。

25、Michael best summed up the degustation when he said, "it's all about experimenting, its part of the journey." ─── 麦克尔总结品尝式用餐时说:“一切都是为了体验,这是旅程的组成部分。”

26、After a day's hard work , Though you are in zhuhai China, you can also degust all kinds of Japanese foods that cook by famous Japanese chefs. ─── 一天忙碌过后即使您在中国珠海,也能品尝到日本名厨主理的精致美食。

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