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09-15 投稿



hagiography 发音

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hagiography 中文意思翻译



hagiography 网络释义

n. 圣徒传记;圣徒言行录

hagiography 词性/词形变化,hagiography变形

名词: hagiographer |名词复数: hagiographies |形容词: hagiographic |

hagiography 相似词语短语

1、heliography ─── n.照相制版法;反光通信法;太阳面研究

2、hagiographers ─── n.圣徒传作者;理想化传记的作者

3、hagiographic ─── 圣徒传记的;《圣录》的;理想化(或偶像化)的

4、haplography ─── 重复字母的漏写;掉字;漏写

5、angiography ─── n.[特医]血管造影术;血管照相术;血管学;[特医]血管造影法

6、Hagiographa ─── n.哈吉奥格拉法;犹太教圣经的第三部分

7、radiography ─── n.[核]放射线照相术;X光线照相术

8、hagiographies ─── n.圣徒传记;圣徒言行录

9、hagiographer ─── n.圣徒传作者;理想化传记的作者

hagiography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The eminent monk: Buddhist ideals in medieval Chinese hagiography, Honululu: Hawai'i University Press, ─── 高僧:中古中国圣徒传中的佛教理念

2、The eminent monk: Buddhist ideals in medieval Chinese hagiography, Honululu: Hawai'i University Press, ─── 高僧:中古中国圣徒传中的佛教理念,

3、an Italian Story", a short hagiography of Mr Berlusconi, was distributed to 15m homes. ─── 贝氏的一本简短自传“一个意大利的故事”被发给1500万家庭。

4、Even as Sharpton spoke, Facebook and other sites were host to raucous debates about whether the instant hagiography wasn't minimizing too many troubling details. ─── 甚至正如夏普顿所说,FACEBOOK和其他网站为即时的伟人传记是否缩小了好多MJ惹人厌的细节而吵到面红耳赤。

5、In 2001 "An Italian Story" , a short hagiography of Mr Berlusconi, was distributed to 15m homes. ─── 2001年贝氏的一本简短自传“一个意大利的故事”被发给1500万家庭。

6、Much hagiography now clusters around Caesar's early years,to the extent that you would think he had been marked out by his contemporaries as a genius ever since the cradle. ─── 现在很多圣徒传都集中描述凯撒的早年生活,以至于你会觉得他自从出生就一直被他同时代的人推崇为天才。

7、Young Germans still grow up with the hagiography of the plotters, but few outsiders now know who they were. ─── 年轻的德国人依旧听着这些暗杀人员的英雄事迹长大。但如今,外界鲜有人了解他们的身份。

8、Hagiography: Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages ─── 圣徒传记:古世纪末期和中世纪前期

9、A Companion to Middle English Hagiography ─── 中世纪英语圣徒传解析

10、The branch of ecclesiastical history or hagiography that deals with martyrs. ─── 圣徒传记,殉教史有关处理殉教(道)者的宗教历史或传记的分支。

11、His impatience with fools was legendary, and the amount of hagiography now being ladled onto his life with abandon would undoubtedly set his teeth on edge. ─── 他对笨人缺少耐心也是出了名的,现在那些大量关于他被是被遗弃的话题,毫不疑问也会让他不舒服。

12、Stone's film is not hagiography. It is not propaganda. ─── Stone的电影不是“圣徒传”,也不是“对外宣传”。

13、As a result, the Founding Fathers have been protected until recently by a school of biography that barely escaped from hagiography. ─── 所以,最近公开的非圣徒记录的自传之前,建国者们一直受到人们的保护。

14、Making good use of his natural gifts and of the circumstances in which he found himself, "M" produced a book unique, so far as my knowledge goes, in the literature of hagiography. ─── 在充分发挥自己的天赋才能的环境下,他找到了自己。“M”只出版了一本书,正如我所知,在圣徒言行录的文献上。

15、His call for an end to hagiography and the revived personality cult drove Maoists into a rage. ─── 茅于轼呼吁结束对毛泽东的神化和再度个人崇拜,这让毛泽东主义者们怒不可遏。

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