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09-11 投稿



electrology 发音

英:[[?lek'tr?l?d??]]  美:[[?lek'tr?l?d??]]

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electrology 中文意思翻译



electrology 相似词语短语

1、electrolyse ─── v.电解,电蚀(同electrolyze)

2、electrolier ─── n.枝形电灯架;吊灯架

3、spectrology ─── n.光谱分析学;光谱分析

4、electrologist ─── (用电针给人去除多余毛发或痣、疣等的)电蚀医师

5、electrorheology ─── 电流变学;电流变

6、electrolyte ─── n.电解液,电解质;电解

7、electrobiology ─── n.电生物学

8、electroform ─── v.电,电铸

9、electroless ─── adj.无电镀的

electrology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords horizontal wells);electrolog;dual laterolog;surrounding rocks;correction;(mirror effect method); ─── (水平井);电测井;双侧向测井;围岩;校正;(镜像法);

2、Theoretic prognostication and researching work show that the nanotubes have characteristics in mechanism and electrology and calorifics.which make it great application in these fields. ─── 理论预测和实验研究发现纳米碳管具有独特的机械、电学、热学等性能。

3、induction electrolog ─── 感应电测井

4、electrology characteristic ─── 电学特性

5、Electrology: a small needle is inserted into the hair follicle, and electricy is passed through it to permanently kill the hair. ─── 电灼法:用一根小针插入毛囊,通电后永久的去除毛发。

6、The principle of compensatory method is the compensation to unsymmetry and unbalance. This article introduced the application of this method to physical experiments of electrology through several cases. ─── 摘要补偿法的原理是对对称破缺和非平衡的补偿,文章结合实例介绍了该方法在电学实验中的各种应用。

7、Applications of Computer Emulation Technology in Electrology ─── 计算机仿真技术在电学实验中的应用

8、Diploma in Medical Radiology and Electrology ─── 医学放射学与电学文凭

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