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09-11 投稿


bookbinder 发音

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bookbinder 中文意思翻译



bookbinder 词性/词形变化,bookbinder变形


bookbinder 相似词语短语

1、bookier ─── adj.好学的;书本上的(booky的变形)

2、bookbinding ─── n.装订;装订术

3、book-binder ─── 护书皮

4、bookbinders ─── n.装订商

5、bookended ─── 书立

6、hooktender ─── 钩针

7、bookbindery ─── n.装钉厂;装订商

8、bookbinderies ─── n.装钉厂;装订商

9、soilbinder ─── 土壤清理器

bookbinder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、bookbinder wire ─── 装钉钢丝

2、His employment is that of a bookbinder. ─── 他的职业是装订工。

3、-Specially made by a professional bookbinder, so it will stand up to a lot of wear. ─── - 由一位专业钉书匠, 因此它特别地做将站立由很多穿戴决定。

4、Therefore, when books just bookbinder finished on bookbiding, at least immediately go back and read after 15 minutes and did. ─── 因此,万万不给在册不梢刚才在胶订机上装订完不离当即翻阅,起码答在15分钟后再翻阅并举行查抄。

5、Gears sticking on oil pollution, paper, glue, regular cleaning, in particular the bookbinder, trimmer has to pay more attention. ─── 齿轮上便当粘上油污、纸灰、胶等,给按期纯理,出格是胶订机、切书机更给众增夺目。

6、Various types of bookbinder at least one group for each set of rubber, plastic u25878 furnace type read to run gelatinize. ─── 各种型号的胶订机至少配一组胶炉,每组胶炉均有两个胶轮对运行的书册涂胶。

7、The least stressful job, according to the study, was that of a bookbinder--though not all bookbinders would agree. ─── 根据调查,压力最轻的工作是装订工。不过并不是所有装订工都这么认为。

8、Varying the speed of the bookbinder, binding to different objects, opening hours, curing time, and so forth, the option of using glued and side. ─── 按不同的胶订机的速度、胶订的不同对象、开放时间、固化时间等来区分、选择使用背胶和侧胶。

9、His employment is that of a bookbinder. ─── 他的职业是装订工。

10、Selecting the opening hours of heat Sol, bookbinder depends on the speed of the need to determine which model applies to it. ─── 因此选用热溶胶的开放时间,要根据胶订机的运转速度的需要来确定哪种型号适合。

11、Bookbinder had unwittingly "unchecked" the spam filter in the MS Mind control panel. ─── 胶订先生曾不经意“泛滥”垃圾邮件过滤的余心控制面板。

12、No string bookbinder ─── 无线胶订

13、We are doing so now, " said David Bookbinder, the chief adviser on climate change for the Sierra Club. ─── 我们现在已经在做了。” 塞拉俱乐部的首席顾问大卫·布克班德称。

14、What good would a bookbinder like me be in a new bookstore? ─── |我这样的修书人去新书店干什么?

15、But recently, users need to be able to use in their daily business in a small paper bookbinder . ─── 但是近来用户需要能在日常业务中加工各种纸张的小型胶订机。

16、In particular, cots at each end bearings, bookbinder glue pot transmission gear bearing in mind that kept clean to avoid ink, glue coagulans after bearing rotation. ─── 出格是胶辊两脚轴承、胶订机胶锅传动齿轮轴承给夺目保留肮脏,以免油墨、胶固结后变成轴承动弹受阻。

17、"The president will have done as much as possible in the 10 months between his inauguration and Copenhagen," Bookbinder said. ─── “总统先生应该在距离哥本哈根会谈十个月的时间内尽量多做一些事,”布克班德说。

18、Keywords 89C51;No string bookbinder;Intelligent control; ─── 无线胶订;智能控制;

19、Therefore, when books just bookbinder finished on bookbinding, at least immediately go back and read after 15 minutes and did. ─── 因此,千万不要在书籍刚刚在胶订机上装订完就立即翻阅,至少应在15分钟后再翻阅并进行检查。

20、One that binds, especially a bookbinder. ─── 包扎者包扎者,尤指装订工

21、Due to the structure of the bookbinder, plus different machine, you do not use slot often out of quality issues. ─── 由于胶订机的结构不同加上机器操作、使用不当,铣槽常会出质量问题。

22、Oh, you don't know. (Presses a button.) Helen, could you make sure we put through the paperwork on Miss Bookbinder's raise? ─── 你不知道吧。(按下铵钮)海伦,你尽快处理一下布克班得小姐的升职手续,好吗?

23、JLX450/15 binding line combines binding line and the traditional advantages of bookbinder, is a medium-sized business card printing and membership card making bookbiding Enterprise ideal equipment. ─── 15无线胶订联动线综合了胶订联动线和传统胶订机的优点,是中型制卡和会员卡制作装订企业理想的设备。

24、Due to the writer here to talk about disc bookbinder maintenance during perimeter control circuit fault PLC, want to help. ─── 笔者在这里谈谈圆盘胶订机维修过程中出现的PLC外围控制电路故障问题,希望对大家有所帮助。

25、The application of Single Chip Microcomputer on the Intelligent Control System of bookbinder ─── 单片机在胶订机智能控制系统中的应用

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