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09-11 投稿


applicatory 发音

英:[[t?r?]]  美:[[t?r?]]

英:  美:

applicatory 中文意思翻译



applicatory 短语词组

1、applicatory research ─── 应用研究

2、applicatory information ─── 适用信息

applicatory 相似词语短语

1、applications ─── n.应用;应用程序;应用软件(application的复数)

2、applicators ─── n.[涂料]涂抹器;敷料工(applicator的复数)

3、applicate ─── 应用

4、applicator ─── n.涂药器;敷帖器;上涂装置

5、explicatory ─── adj.说明的;解释的

6、appreciatory ─── adj.欣赏的;有鉴赏力的;感激的

7、applicably ─── adv.可适用地;适当地

8、implicatory ─── 牵连词

9、supplicatory ─── adj.恳求的;祈求的

applicatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since the laser was discovered in 1960, its component, technology and application have been developing at the very high speed, and it has penetrated into all disciplines and the applicatory domain. ─── 自从1960年发现激光以来,激光器件、激光技术及其应用均以极快的速度发展,目前几乎已渗透到所有的学科和应用领域。

2、College English is a system which mainly consists of elementary English knowledge, applicatory skills, learning strategy, and cross-cultural communication. ─── 大学英语教学是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容的教学体系。

3、The percentage of articles minimally related to rational choice is roughly 10%, many of which are methodological discussions rather than applicatory. ─── 结果发现提及理性选择的论文只有百分之十左右,实际运用的比例更低。

4、On Art Education of the Applicatory Design Specialty in Higher Vocational Education ─── 浅谈高职应用设计专业的艺术教育

5、On Art Education of the Applicatory Design Specialty in Higher Vocational Education ─── 浅谈高职应用设计专业的艺术教育

6、The article is an applicatory thesis which including case chapter and case analysis chapter. ─── 本文是一篇应用性学术论文。

7、Bond: Nothing more applicatory than that? ─── 邦德:没有比那再实际的?

8、According to the research results, clinical applicatory value maybe bigger when the objective lab indexes join into the diagnoses. ─── 尿蛋白、血小板、胆红素、肌酐及肝酶等客观的生化指标在疾病的诊断、观察病情的进展及对症治疗中起到了重要作用。

9、This thesis focuses on theoretical and applicatory research on the improvement of Regional talents competitiveness, base on the human resource theories. ─── 本文在人力资源理论的基础上,对提升区域人才竞争力进行理论与应用研究。

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