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09-11 投稿



disrespectful 发音

英:[d?sr?'spek(t)f(?)l]  美:[?d?sr??spektf(?)l]

英:  美:

disrespectful 中文意思翻译



disrespectful 网络释义

adj. 无礼的;失礼的;不尊敬的

disrespectful 短语词组

1、disrespectful children ─── 无礼的孩子

2、disrespectful tone ─── 无礼的语气

3、disrespectful synonyms ─── 无礼的同义词

4、disrespectful definition ─── 无礼的定义

5、disrespectful crossword ─── 无礼的填字游戏

disrespectful 反义词


disrespectful 词性/词形变化,disrespectful变形

副词: disrespectfully |名词: disrespectfulness |

disrespectful 同义词

offensive | contemptuous | flippant | impolite | saucy | awless | ill-mannered | impertinent | bad-mannered | impudent | derisive | aweless |rude | irreverent | abusive | insolent | discourteous

disrespectful 相似词语短语

1、disrespect ─── n.无礼,失礼,不敬

2、disrespectable ─── adj.不值得尊敬的;不体面的

3、disrespectfully ─── adv.无礼地;不恭地

4、respectful ─── adj.恭敬的;有礼貌的

5、unrespectful ─── 毫无疑问的

6、disrespects ─── n.无礼,失礼,不敬

7、disrespecting ─── n.无礼,失礼,不敬

8、disrespected ─── n.无礼,失礼,不敬

9、disrespectfulness ─── 不尊重

disrespectful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"I've shown no disrespect," was my reply,laughing internally at the dignity with which he announced himself. ─── “我没有表示不尊敬呀。”这是我的回答,心里暗笑他报出自己的姓名时的庄严神气。

2、But jettisoning Ferguson at this stage of the season would be pointless, heartless and disrespectful to the Scot's achievements in transforming United's fortunes. ─── 但在赛季进行到目前阶段,抛弃弗格森并不明智,这是对这位曾经改变曼联命运的苏格兰教练的所取得成就的不尊重。

3、Are you rude to those who disrespect you or do you turn the other cheek? ─── 你对于不尊敬你的人无礼吗?还是你很厚脸皮?

4、Later, Zhang Li paper that too disrespectful, using silk cloth bag, it is also worried that orange cloth was damaged, has been very worried. ─── 后来,长吏认为纸过于不敬,改用绸布包,又担心桔子被布破坏,一直很忧虑。

5、In the second case, the volunteer insisted that students look him in the eye to show attentiveness, in a country where prolonged eye contact is considered disrespectful. ─── 在第二例中,那个志愿队员坚持要让学生们直视着他,以表示专心致志,而在埃塞俄比亚,人们认为持续的目光接触是不尊敬人。

6、"No disrespect to Bolton, a club I love, but this club is massive. ─── “没有对博尔顿无礼的意思,我还是很爱它的,只是它厚重了。

7、He called Sherburn every disrespectful name that he could think of. ─── " 他用能想出的字眼把舍伯恩骂了个遍。

8、Betty: Don't disrespect me just because you're not. ─── 不要因为你没结婚,就不尊重我。

9、Avoid being disrespectful and rude. You can and will argue your point better respectful of yourself and others. ─── [避免表现得有失礼仪,甚至于莽撞、粗鲁。你可以并且能够在尊重自己、敬重他人的同时将你的条件谈得愈是服贴、稳妥。

10、When you're aggressive you disrespect others' communication by interrupting, demeaning, or criticizing them. ─── 在“好斗”时,你会去打断对话、贬低或批评对方,表现得不尊重对方;

11、He says ECOWAS should not tolerate disrespect for those rules. ─── 他说,西非国家经济共同体绝不容忍对这些原则的不尊重。

12、It would be disrespectful to decline. ─── 却之不恭。

13、He is even so disrespectful of his parents as to say that he created them. ─── 他甚至对自己的父母也不尊敬,竟然说父母也是他造的。

14、To decline would be disrespectful but to accept is embarrassing. ─── 却之不恭,受之有愧。

15、F: It's been our tradition ever since the company was small. And don't worry about the disrespect business. OK? ─── 在我们公司规模很小的时候这就已经形成传统。不要担心不礼貌的事了,好吗?

16、He's always been a good boy, he hadn't ever turned hard or evil disrespectful, the way kids can, so quick, especially in Harlem. ─── 他以前一向是个好孩子,你看现在的孩子,特别是哈莱姆的孩子,往往变得很快,真是说变就变,有变倔的,有变坏的,有变得全无体统的,而他从来就没有这样的情况。

17、"If someone is disrespectful to a girl, I like to take care ofher ," says Chad. ─── “如果有人对一个女孩儿无礼,我愿意去帮助她,”查德说。

18、I wasn't meaning to be disrespectful. ─── 我不是有意冒犯。

19、Dan Rather can expect to take flak from journalists,including some at CBS,for being "disrespectful" and thereby making anti-media waves. ─── 丹·拉瑟必将受到新闻同业(包括一些哥伦比亚广播公司的同仁)的攻击,指责他“态度欠恭”,因而引起反对新闻媒体的浪潮。

20、He meant no disrespect by that remark, ie did not mean to be rude. ─── 他的话并无不敬之意.

21、His disrespect behave can not be forgiven . ─── 他的举止失礼是不能原谅的。

22、I was unfamiliar with him, if do that, I would be very disrespectful , though the lateness is his wrong. ─── 不过见面之后聊了两句倒也觉得他人蛮随和的。

23、Even though we were busy, we thought it would be disrespectful not to put in an appearance. ─── 虽然我们很忙,但我们认为不出席是失礼的。

24、They were sexually perverted, cruel, unscrupulous (shedding much innocent blood), disrespectful, greedy, and oppressive. ─── 例如:性的败坏、冷酷相残、杀害无辜、贪婪、欺压。

25、"I don't want people to take it the wrong way, and certainly intend no disrespect to Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley," he said. ─── 他说,"我不想让人对费根有错误认为,当然这不是对比尔.香克利,鲍比.派斯利的不敬。"

26、You eat, but you are disrespectful to the food.You are not there, you simply go on swallowing the food inside you.You go on doing your things habitually, mechanically. ─── 你吃东西,但是你对食物并不尊敬,你不在那里,你只是继续把食物吞下去,你一直习惯性地、机械性地在做你的事情。

27、"Was that disrespect for your leader I heard?" he teased in a mock growl. ─── "我听到的你领袖的那一个不敬是"? 他在一个假的吠声中欺负。

28、Don't disrespect me just because you're not. ─── 不要因为你没结婚,就不尊重我。

29、It's been our tradition ever since the company was small.And don't worry about the disrespect business.OK? ─── 在我们公司规模很小的时候这就已经形成传统。不要担心不礼貌的事了,好吗?

30、Children cannot learn in classes where loutish behaviour and disrespect for others are the norm. ─── 他指出,这些“问题孩子”不能够在普通的学校学习,因为他们总是不尊敬老师和影响其他同学。

31、"No disrespect to Rafa, but there will only ever be one Bill Shankly. ─── “我没有不尊重贝尼特斯,但世上只有一个比尔香克利。

32、An old man dying at the time, hoping his best hope of earth cut to the heart of the lonely despair of travel, it is disrespectful of life. ─── 在一位老人行将就木的时候,将他对人世间最期冀的希望斩断,以绝望之心在寂寞中远行,那是对生命的大不敬。

33、Otherwise, any violation would be considered a disrespect for the gods. ─── 否则就会被看作是对神灵的不尊重。

34、I apologize if I offended you. I am a stranger in this country. And I meant no disrespect to you, or your daughter. ─── 如果我触犯你,我致歉.我是一个在这个国家中陌生人.我意思是没有对你不礼貌或者你的女儿.

35、They showed a shameless disrespect for human rights and the norms of human decency. ─── 他们无耻地蔑视人权和人类尊严的准则。

36、Dan Rather can expect to take flak from journalists, including some at CBS, for being" disrespectful" and thereby making anti - media waves;... ─── 丹 拉瑟必将受到新闻同业(包括一些哥伦比亚广播公司的同仁)的攻击,指责他“态度欠恭”,因而引起反对新闻媒体的浪潮。

37、The Wampanoag kept a close watch on them and thought they were a disrespectful bunch for stealing all their goods. ─── 万帕诺亚格人警蜴地注视着他们,认为他们是一群想偷走他们食物的团伙。

38、A person who is unfilial to his parents and disrespectful to his elders cannot possibly attain blessings and protection. ─── 一个不孝父母,不敬长老的人,是不可能获得??的。

39、Don't you think it's disrespectful to your wife to constantly put down something she loves? ─── 你这样诋毁你妻子喜欢的东西,你不觉得失礼吗?

40、When the King saw how disrespectful the ape was, he ordered General Yang to go shoot down that smart aleck ape. ─── 国王看到猿猴如此放肆,他命令杨将军去把自作聪明的猿猴射下来。

41、Tell them their days of disrespect are through. ─── 告诉小牛,你们嚣张的日子过去了。

42、Cheapening oneself only incurs more disrespect from others. ─── 发贱只能使别人更加地不尊重你。

43、Prince William and Prince Harry's private secretary wrote to the channel saying they felt it would be a" gross disrespect" to their mother's memory. ─── 威廉和哈里王子的私人秘书写信给第四台,声称播放戴妃死前的照片是对她的极大不尊重。

44、Do not smack your lips, tsk, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. ─── 不要用咂嘴,翻白眼等类似动作表示轻蔑.

45、From there he sent me a disrespectful telegram. ─── 从那里他给我打了一份无礼的电报。

46、Students should never smack their lips, roll theirs eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. ─── 孩子不能做咂嘴,翻白眼或者其他不尊重他人的举动。

47、In some cultures, both overseas and in some minority groups in North America, listeners are considered disrespectful if they look directly at the speaker. ─── 在一些文化中,包括在海外和北美的一些少数群体中,如果听众直视说话人,会被认为是不尊重人的。

48、You don't disrespect me like I'm not even here, huh? ─── 你不能不尊重我好像我不在这儿一样。

49、Anyone questioning your decision is being insubordinate and disrespectful and probably just looking for a way to slack off. ─── 任何挑战你决心的行为都是不服从和无理的,这是为了寻找偷懒的机会。

50、At his first face-to-face debate with Mr Obama on September 26th, he refused to look his opponent in the face, which made him seem crotchety and disrespectful. ─── 在9月26号与奥巴马的第一场面对面的辩论中,他拒绝正面看他的对手,从而让人们觉得他很固执和失礼。

51、Some people said he had been disrespectful to the President in his last speech. ─── 有些人说他在最近一次讲话中对总统不尊重。

52、He'd always been a good boy, he hadn't ever turned hard or evil or disrespectful. ─── 他一直是个好孩子,从来没有变得冷酷、邪恶或粗俗过。

53、By calling people from Taiwan, Japan, and Korea a chinese, chinks or 7na is a very impolite and rude things to do. It is very disrespectful. ─── 在国外的人不管是台湾人或是日本人或是韩国人,如果被叫成支那(中国)人是件非常严重羞辱的事。

54、Genetic engineering is a disrespect of life. ─── 基因工程是对生物的不尊重。

55、It was no doubt, the two boys were very smart, but their behavior was disrespectful, they fazed others. ─── 俩男孩在后院露营,他们不知道已经几点了,第一个男孩对第二个说:“大声唱歌就能知道!”

56、He cut loose from the dull, familiar ways he knew. His leaving was more than disrespectful. It was a betrayal. ─── 他与自己所熟知的乏味的生活一刀两断,他的离去不单是不敬,更是叛逆。

57、Casual sex needn’t be disrespectful. ─── 偶然的性经历也不一定就意味着不尊重对方。

58、Lacking or exhibiting a lack of reverence; disrespectful. ─── 不虔诚的; 不尊敬的缺乏或显出缺乏虔诚的; 不尊敬的

59、Hold your tongue, you disrespectful old bird! ─── 住嘴!你这没规矩的老鸟!

60、He continued to call Sherburn every disrespectful name that he could think of. ─── 他继续用能想出的字眼大骂舍伯恩。

61、Qin Shi Huang did not like that fact that common people should be saying something that sounded like his name, regarding it as a sign of disrespect. ─── “政”与“正”的发音相同,秦始皇认为让老百姓直接念出他的名字是对他的不尊重。

62、If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disrespect,the whole society may be paralyzed. ─── 如果某些群体自视高人一筹,不尊重其他种族或宗教,那么整个社会有可能陷入瘫痪。

63、"I beg your pardon, Mrs. Wilkes. I meant no disrespect. ─── "对不起,威尔克斯太太,我不是不尊重您。

64、Expressing opinions or proposing changes is often seen [in Asia] as disrespectful. ─── 表达个人的观点,或者倡导变革[在亚洲]通常被认为是失礼的表现。

65、Being true to yourself does not mean that you are inconsiderate or disrespectful of others. ─── 做真实的自己并不意味这你可以不尊重别人或不考虑别人的感受。

66、Heretofore all the campus gossip had seemed merely malicious and disrespectful. ─── 在这以前,学校里的一切流言蜚语似乎纯粹是恶意的、无礼的。

67、Not for another Sunday! This handful of disrespectful teenagers snapped their gum during prayer time and read magazines during Bible study. ─── 再多干一个星期天都不行!这一群不知尊重为何物的十几岁孩子们,会在祈祷的时候大嚼口香糖,在学习圣经的时候读杂志。

68、She knew that even that thought was disrespectful to Ellen and felt ashamed of it. ─── 她知道甚至这种想法也是对爱伦的不敬,因此为自己感到羞耻。

69、Even when he is irresponsible or lazy or disrespectful, if she loves him, a woman can find and recognize the goodness within him. ─── 就算他不负责任、懒惰、不尊重,只要她爱他,就可以发现他内在的善良。

70、Katherine: Don't disrespect this class just because you're married. ─── 不要以为你结婚了,就不尊重这堂课。

71、You can't talk like that to a robber which disrespect my occupation, i rob from heaven to earth. I take anything i want. ─── 你说这话就是对我这行业的最大污辱,我上抢天,下抢地,中抢空气。还有我不能拿的吗?

72、They tend to be disrespectful to teachers in general, even going so far as to throw snowballs at Quirrell's turban. ─── 他们对老师也有失礼节,有次甚至把雪球丢到了奇洛的头巾上。

73、Do not smack your lips, “tsk”, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures. ─── 不要咂嘴、咋舌、翻白眼或做无礼的手势。

74、And she prefers not to even try: "It's disrespectful to the friend. ─── 她连试一下都不愿意。“这是对朋友的不敬。

75、Parents and teacher must contend often with adolescent aggression, profanity, and disrespect. ─── 家长和教师们则常常不得不面对孩子们的攻击、亵渎和无礼行为。

76、In the major cities I found a great disrespect of nature and a slow disappearance of a beautiful indigenous culture. ─── 在巴西的一些重要城市,我发现人们不尊重大自然,以及美好的原住民文化渐渐消逝的问题。

77、Learn to tolerate happiness and sorrow, respect and disrespect, victory and defeat, then my heart will become strong and stable. ─── 学习容忍快乐和痛苦、尊重和不尊重、胜利和失败,我的心就会变得坚强而又稳定。

78、To treat in a disrespectful or demeaning manner. ─── 不尊重,侮辱以不尊重或有损人格的方式对待

79、If I don't suspend him it breeds disrespect for authority. ─── 如果我不让他回家就会 滋养这种藐视权威的情绪

80、But his angry performance in the third debate looked disrespectful, if not actually a little unhinged. ─── 但麦凯恩在第三场辩论愤怒的表现显得有失风度,说的难听点有点精神错乱。

81、Never express anger, impatiences, or disrespect in public. Bad feelings engendered by public criticism, or impoliteness are never forgotten. ─── 不要当众发怒,不耐心,或者不尊敬。这样的不礼貌永远不会被对对方原谅。

82、There will be no end of disrespect and discord. ─── 从此必大开藐视和忿怒之端。

83、A scoffer is one who shows scorn, disrespect, contempt for someone or something. ─── 一个好讥诮的人会藐视人和事。

84、c: i'd prefer to call you mr. buchwald. isn't it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of one's family name? ─── 我更愿意称呼您布奇华先生。用别人的姓做昵称,不是很不礼貌吗?

85、A negative relationship is one where you have to interact, but it's characterized by conflict, disagreement, dislike or disrespect. ─── 合不来的关系是你不得不进行交流的一种关系,此关系的特点是矛盾、争论、厌恶和藐视。

86、"It was, of course, never my intention to offend or disrespect anyone. ─── “我真的没有想要冒犯或是不尊重任何一个人。”

87、To accept (these sumptuous gifts) embarrasses me, but to refuse them would be unmannerly.; To decline would be disrespectful but to accept is embarrassing. ─── 却之不恭, 受之有愧。

88、Comrades working in the government should observe discipline and the procedures of the government and combat confusion and oppose disrespect of authority at higher levels. ─── 在政权中工作的同志,要遵守政权的纪律和秩序,反对混乱现象,反对不尊重上级政权的行为。

89、"When Crouch came on against Hull, and not being disrespectful to Robbie, we suddenly looked [more dangerous]. ─── “当克劳奇替补上场面对胡尔城,并不是不尊重罗比,我们马上变得有威胁起来。”

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