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09-11 投稿


infusion 发音

英:[?n'fju??(?)n]  美:[?n'fju?n]

英:  美:

infusion 中文意思翻译



infusion 词性/词形变化,infusion变形

动词现在分词: infusing |名词: infuser |动词过去式: infused |动词第三人称单数: infuses |动词过去分词: infused |

infusion 短语词组

1、oleo-infusion ─── [医] 油浸剂

2、auto-infusion ─── [医] 自体聚血, 自血输注

3、fresh infusion of senna ─── [医] 新鲜番泻叶浸剂

4、meat infusion gelatin ─── [医] 肉汤明胶, 明胶培养基

5、glucose-saline infusion ─── [医] 葡萄糖盐水输注

6、gum-saline infusion ─── [医] 树胶盐水输注

7、infusion anesthesia ─── [医] ─── [醚]静脉滴注麻醉

8、meat infusion ─── [医] 肉浸液

9、capital infusion ─── [经] 引入资本, 扩充资本

10、fresh infusion ─── [医] 新鲜浸剂

11、infusion jar ─── [医] 浸剂罐

12、agar meat infusion ─── [化] 琼脂肉浸剂

13、orange peel infusion ─── [医] 橙皮浸剂

14、cold infusion ─── [医] 冷浸剂

15、glucose infusion ─── [医] 葡萄糖液输注

16、infusion kettle ─── [化] 浸渍锅

17、meat infusion agar ─── [医] 肉浸液琼脂

18、meat infusion culture-medium ─── [医] 肉浸液培养基(琼脂,肉汤,明胶)

19、meat infusion bouillon ─── [医] 肉汤

infusion 相似词语短语

1、defusion ─── n.摆脱,离解;除融合

2、effusion ─── n.渗出;泻出;渗漏物

3、diffusion ─── n.扩散,传播;[光]漫射

4、infusions ─── n.[临床]输液;灌输;[化学]浸剂(infusion的复数)

5、intrusion ─── n.侵入;闯入

6、incursion ─── n.入侵;侵犯

7、confusion ─── n.混淆,混乱;困惑

8、inclusion ─── n.包含;内含物

9、affusion ─── n.注水

infusion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Episodes of “light” anesthesia can be treated with bolus doses or increased rate of infusion. ─── 偶发的“浅”麻醉可以通过静推负荷量药物或增加输注率解决。

2、Trocar prices and general economic scalp infusion supplies wire basically the same, more economical and practical. ─── 套管针的经济价格与普通的头皮钢针输液耗材基本相等,比较经济实用。

3、About an hour after the infusion, Ginsburg complained of light-headedness and fatigue. ─── 大约在补铁1小时后,金斯伯格抱怨说觉得头晕和疲劳。

4、Dr. Hung asked the speaker why bolus injections of sufentanil had been used rather than an infusion. ─── 洪医生问报告人为什么用多次单剂量苏芬太尼注射而不用滴注?

5、CTD was introduced to observe subendocardial myocardial VG at baseline,during ischemia and with DOB infusion. ─── 以CTD观察心内膜下心肌缺血及应用DOB后心内膜下心肌的VG变化。

6、Tell me what would I get if I added pound of root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? ─── 我若把水仙根粉加入艾草浸液里会产生什么样的效果?

7、AVB occurred either in the process of intravenous drip infusion,or3months after medication. ─── AVB可出现在静脉滴注过程中,或用药3mo后;

8、I will be successfully cured 100 cases of parvovirus cases to discuss my infusion method. ─── 我将以成功治愈100例细小病毒病例来来讨论一下我的输液方法。

9、Another infusion of words came when Germanic tribes slipped across the North Sea to settle in Britain. ─── 另一次词语的融合发生在日尔曼部落穿过北海到不列颠定居之时。

10、The density of micrangium was measured by infusion with ink. ─── 墨汁灌注行微血管密度测定;

11、If the banks take full advantage of the capital infusion, the government could become the largest shareholder in each. ─── 如果这些银行充分利用政府注入的资金,那麽英国政府就将成为这叁家银行的最大股东。

12、Severe Anaphylaxis after Albumin Infusion in a Patient with Ahaptoglobinemia. ─── 患有无结合珠蛋白血证患者输注白蛋白时发生的严重过敏反应。

13、Mixed chimerism (MC) patients in group C were subjected to donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI). ─── C组形成混合性嵌合体后行供者淋巴细胞输注(DLI)。

14、Why does the pinhead of infusion unplug after coming out, remain without blood from blood-vessel? ─── 为什么输液的针头从血管里拔出来了后没有血残留呢?

15、The patients had received blood infusion or bloodproduct.Their blood GPT level was high and fluctuat-ed greatly. ─── 它们均不同数量的应用过血液及血液制品,其谷丙转氨酶均升高,且易出现波动。

16、The rapid expansion in international trade also benefitted from an infusion of capital, stemming largely from gold and silver brought by Spanish vessels from the Americas. ─── 国际贸易的迅速扩张也得益于资本的注入,主要起源于西班牙船只从美洲带来的金银。

17、Treatment consists of crystalloid infusion to correct hemodynamic instability. ─── 可以输注晶体液来纠正血流动力学的不稳。

18、We have many records of soul infusion in human form from a variety of dimensions. ─── 我们拥有来自各种密度的很多人类形态之灵魂灌输的记录。

19、Methods Before intraarterial infusion, DSA were performed on 96 patients with breast cancer. ─── 方法96例乳腺癌患者在动脉灌注化疗前行DSA造影,其术后标本进行病理变化研究。

20、As soon as possible infusion, if have a fever to be able to be brought about badly pneumonic, it is before me. ─── 我女朋友得了扁条体发烧了吃什么药才好的最快啊?

21、He brought a tremendous infusion of hope to the people. ─── 他给人们带来极大的希望。

22、The company needs an infusion of new blood(= new employees with new ideas). ─── 公司需要吸收新人。

23、Intracoronary infusion was successful in all patients in the BMC group. ─── 在骨髓细胞组,所有的患者冠脉内灌注都成功地完成。

24、Who approved a sodium bicarb infusion? ─── |谁批准碳酸钠滴注的?

25、Mental Infusion I - Group Buff. Increases Intelligence and Wisdom. ─── 提升智力和智慧。

26、Tisane is an herbal infusion not made from the leaves of the tea bush. ─── 草药茶是一种不是由茶树的叶子制成的草药浸液。

27、With this regard,epicardial mapping,saline infusion ablation and congealed ablation are of potential value. ─── 心外膜标测、盐水冲洗大头和冷凝消融具有潜在的价值。

28、ROOIBOS infusion can be used as a liquid substitute all recipes. adding a distinct yet delicate taste. ─── ROOIBOS注入可以使用作为液体替补所有食谱。增加分明,并且精美口味。

29、The Chinese patent drug "Ganmao Chongii"(granular infusion for influenza) can clear away heat and toxic materials. ─── 中药感冒冲剂,清热解毒。

30、As you feel this energy infusion it glorifies your being and transmutes it into love, light and energy that we can see. ─── 如同你们感觉灌输这些能量,它使你们的生命辉煌而改变生命进入到爱里,光和能量,我们能够看见。

31、Variations of BP, HR, SPO_2 and the quantity of urine were monitored before and during the haemaccel infusion. ─── 发现血脉素用于各种原因引起的低血容量性休克,具有升压效果好、逆转休克症状迅速、维持时间长、使用简单方便、副作用少等优点。

32、Objective: To study the effects in animal experimental gastric ulcer with "Weishu Powder Preparation For Infusion". ─── 摘要目的:探讨胃舒冲剂对动物实验性胃溃疡的影响。

33、Careful observation of the infusion site is necessary. ─── 必须仔细观察输液部位。

34、Methods To use ethylene epoxide to sterilize infusion sets and syringes for single use. ─── 方法对一次性使用输液器、一次性使用无菌注射器产品进行环氧乙烷灭菌。

35、Continuity has value, but the lack of a serious talent infusion makes the Sonics a bubble team at best. ─── 一直很有价值,但缺少天才的输入,使得超音速队最多是一个泡沫球队。

36、When taking Chinese traditional medicine can infusion? Can report produce between medicaments? ─── 吃中药的时候可以输液吗?药物间会不会发生反映?

37、But water infusion may cause the charging structure displacing or escaping. ─── 固体颗粒封孔的装药结构频繁发生炮孔堵塞。

38、Good morning, Mr. Zhang. It's time for me to give you intravenous infusion. ─── 张先生,上午好!该给您输液了。

39、In group I,anesthesia was maintained with propofol infusion. ─── 手术过程中监测收缩压、舒张压、心率、心电图和脉搏血氧饱和度。

40、A new way is proposed to design control panels of precise titration in infusion. ─── 摘要提出了一种一次性恒速输液装置的设计思路。

41、Clinical Investigations Intravenous Lidocaine Infusion Facilitates Acute Rehabilitation after Laparoscopic Colectomy. ─── 利多卡因静脉输注促进腹腔镜结肠切除术后患者的早期恢复。

42、Manufacturer states that infusion time does not affect blood kalium and natriumm levels in the body. ─── 出厂标明输注时间不影响身体血液的钾钠水平。

43、Price higher cavity many large infusion bag production line Order less. ─── 价格更高的多腔袋大输液生产线的订单较少。

44、In isolated, perfused dog lungs infusion of serotonin caused an increase in microvascular pressure. ─── 在离体灌注的狗肺血清素能导致微血管压增加。

45、Use of a Continuous Local Anesthetic Infusion for Pain Management After Meridian Sternotomy White PF, et al. ─── 开胸术后应用持续局麻药输注进行疼痛治疗。

46、Method Set up 3 groups and each caes among 3 groups was given vincristine 2mg by keeping 8 hours vein infusion. ─── 方法:设立3个观察组,对3个观察组给予长春新碱2mg持续8h静脉输注。 A组:糖皮质激素治疗有禁忌症组;

47、Continuous pain medication infusion pum developed. ─── 发明持续止痛药物泵.

48、Methods: Selective intraarterial infusion chemotherapy was used in 30 patients with advanced tumors of head and neck. ─── 方法:对30例中晚期头颈部肿瘤患者进行选择性肿瘤供血动脉插管化疗,1周后行放射治疗。

49、It would also compete with J&J's own Remicade, which is given by intravenous infusion. ─── 它还将与竞争 强生公司自己是Remicade ,这是由静脉滴注。

50、One begins the process of soul infusion towards the fourth dimension. ─── 到这一级别,你就开始了向第四维度灵魂灌输的历程。

51、It is only as the form is entirely resurrected that soul infusion or ascension can begin. ─── 只有形态完全复苏时,灵魂灌输或者(正的)升才能开始。

52、Does Infusion of Colloid Influence the Occurrence of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting After Elective Surgery in Women? ─── 晶体液的输注影响女性择期手术术后恶心呕吐的发生率吗?

53、Mainly for medical permeating and drying of stripe medicine such as band-aid infusion band. ─── 主要用于创可贴,输液贴的药条浸药,烘干。

54、Influence of Chronic Angiotensin II Infusion on Kidney Function and Intrarenal Angiotensin II Levels in Rats. ─── 慢性乙型血管张力素灌注对老鼠肾功能及肾内乙型血管张力素浓度的影响).

55、Royer T. Nurse-ddriven interventional technology.A cost and bencfit perspective.J Infus Nurs.2001 Sep-Oct;24(5);326-31. ─── 张贺林,张敏.护理经济研究与护理管理对策.实用护理杂志,2003,19(4):70.

56、The hospital is apt to with respect to infusion, to make money, the a gang is quack. ─── 医院动不动就输液,就为了赚钱,一帮庸医。

57、Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats received an infusion of 100-ml autologous whole blood into the right basal ganglia. ─── 方法:雄性斯普拉格-道利鼠,被注入100ml自体同源的全血到右侧基底神经节。

58、The invention relates to a negative-pressure infusion method and a negative-pressure infusion device for a cut flower preservation pipe. ─── 本发明涉及一种切花保鲜管负压式灌注方法及其装置。

59、Well We got her on a naloxone infusion, half milligram per hour. ─── 我们帮她注射纳洛酮。

60、Tisane is a tea or infusion without any tea leave meant by Western res... ─── Tisane在西方餐饮用词里,是没有茶叶成份的冲泡品,如薄荷、洋甘菊和薰衣草茶...

61、METHODS:The content of NM infusion was measured by HPLC and the microparticles were observed by microscope. ─── 方法:采用HPLC法测定含量,用显微镜观察微粒。

62、March B , White M, Morton N. Pharmacokinetic model drive infusion of propofol in children. Br J Anaesth1991,67:41. ─── 叶铁虎,龚志毅,金永芳,等.异丙酚、唑安定用于静脉麻醉的比较.中华麻醉学杂志1996,16:133.

63、In addition, LETO and group E rats had higher level of glucose infusion rate than group C and D rats(P < 0.05). ─── 对照组和E组大鼠的葡萄糖输注率均明显高于C组和D组大鼠(P值均

64、In order to ensure its survival, the ailing company has to obtain an infusion of cash by all means. ─── 为了确保生存,那家经营不善的公司非得尽一切可能取得资金不可。

65、There was a note of spice, especially that of cinnamon. Until the 6th infusion, the tea was still quite blunt in mouth. . . ─── (茶汤)中有香料,特别是桂皮的的味道。直到第六泡,这茶在口中仍感粗钝。

66、The Pleiadians, in their natal chart for that day of infusion, have a sun in Taurus at 27 degrees 57 minutes. ─── 昴宿星人,在那天灌输他们的产生的图解,在27度57分的金牛座有一个太阳。

67、Group of cold blood cardioplegia solution (group B,n = 12) ,infusion with cold blood cardioplegia solution. ─── 冷血组(B组,n=12),采用冷氧合血停搏液进行心肌保护。

68、Nurse: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. It's time for me to give you intravenous infusion. ─── 护士:张先生,上午好!该给您输液了。

69、Old families need an infusion of new blood from time to time. ─── 古老的家族需要不时地注入新鲜血液。

70、If things get really serious, they may also be able to rely on taxpayers to bail them out with an infusion of capital. ─── 如果事态严重的话,他们也能通过纳税人的融资暂解燃眉之急。

71、All patients received unfractionated heparin or enoxaparin before PCI and a 12-hour infusion of abciximab after PCI. ─── 所有患者接受普通肝素活着依诺肝素,在PCI后注射阿昔单抗12小时。

72、The PCEA mode was background infusion 6 ml/h, bonus 2 ml,lockout time 10 min/each infusion. ─── 其背景注药浓度为 6ml/h ,冲击量为 2ml/次 ,锁定时间为 10min。

73、Often remove parts of the abdomen for the infusion to avoid the belt down and around the waist and 4 ~ 5cm away from the umbilical region. ─── 常取下腹部为输注部位,避开沿着腰带周围和腰围处及距脐4~5cm区域内。

74、Rennet is an infusion made from prepared inner membrane of the fourth stomach of the calf. ─── 凝乳块是一种由牛犊第四胃内膜制成的注笔剂。

75、The utility model relates to an air supplement device of a medical infusion apparatus. ─── 本实用新型涉及一种医用输液器补气装置。

76、Icy Veins no longer stacks with Bloodlust, Heroism, or Power Infusion. ─── “冰冷血脉”不能和“能量灌注”,“嗜血”以及“英勇”叠加。

77、Participants are randomly assigned to get an infusion of nesiritide or a placebo, a saltwater infusion. ─── 受试者被随机分组,一组注射奈西立肽,一组注射安慰剂(盐水注射液)。

78、The Pentagon says it neend a new infusion of funds within weeks to continue the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 五角大楼称为了继续巩固在伊朗克和阿富汗的成果,他们在未来几周需要新的资金注入.

79、This artical reported the nursing experience of 93 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage treated with nimodipine infusion. ─── 报告93例蛛网膜下腔出血患者使用尼莫地平注射液的护理体会。

80、An Error Associated with an Epidural Drug Infusion Pump. ─── 与硬膜外药物输注泵相关的错误。

81、Information was stripped early on and mechanization information brought in to replace soul infusion. ─── 信息早在机械化信息被带来以代替灵魂的注入时就被剥夺了。

82、Child throat agnail, not the tweak that infusion treats? ─── 小孩喉咙发炎了,有没有不输液治疗的好办法?

83、Creamy liqueur made either with artificial banana flavouring or produced by maceration and infusion of bananas. ─── 含乳脂利口酒,加入人造香蕉调味料。

84、Five patients with malignant hematonosis were received donor lymphocyte infusion(DLI) after transplantation. ─── 对5例恶性血液病实施供者淋巴细胞输注。

85、The Pentagon says it needs a new infusion of funds within weeks to continue the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan. ─── 五角大楼表示数周内需要新的资金注入来维持在伊拉克和阿富汗的军事行动。

86、As I said before these patients need to be treated with repeated paracentesis with albumin infusion. ─── 就像我以前说的那些患者需要大量穿刺放液加白蛋白输注治疗。

87、Ll set up an intravenous infusion and you should have an intravenous drip. ─── 我现在把静脉注射用品准备好,然后给您进行静脉点滴。

88、You 2,600 new students here today are like a glittering, rosy dawn adorning our campus, or an infusion of fresh blood. ─── 今天你们2600名新同学来到北邮,好像灿烂朝霞装扮校园,恰似新鲜血液注入肌体。

89、Earth must cleanse her skin or surface in preparation for soul infusion or illumination. ─── 地球必须净化她的皮肤或表面来准备好灵魂灌输或照亮。

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