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09-11 投稿


fungicide 发音

英:['f?n(d)??sa?d; 'f??g?-]  美:['f??g?'sa?d]

英:  美:

fungicide 中文意思翻译



fungicide 词性/词形变化,fungicide变形

形容词: fungicidal |副词: fungicidally |

fungicide 短语词组

1、fungicide resistance ─── 抗药性

2、fungicide treatment ─── 杀菌剂处理

3、fungicide for hibiscus ─── 木槿杀菌剂

4、systemic fungicide ─── [化] 内吸杀菌剂

5、fungicide for powdery mildew treatment ─── 白粉病杀菌剂

6、fungicide 3 spray ─── 杀菌剂3喷雾剂

7、seed treatment fungicide ─── 种子处理杀菌剂

8、fungicide for cryptomeria ─── 柳杉杀菌剂

9、fungicide for mulch ─── 地膜杀菌剂

10、fungicide paint ─── 杀真菌剂涂料

11、fungicide application ─── 杀菌剂应用

12、armure fungicide ─── 杀菌盔甲

fungicide 相似词语短语

1、feticide ─── n.堕胎;杀害胎儿

2、filicide ─── n.杀子女行为;杀子女者

3、algicide ─── n.灭藻剂,杀藻剂;除海藻的药

4、femicide ─── n.杀害女人者;杀害女人

5、fungicides ─── n.[药]杀菌剂(fungicide的复数)

6、fungicidal ─── adj.真菌的;杀霉菌的

7、fungible ─── adj.代替的;可取代的;n.代替物

8、foeticide ─── n.堕胎(等于feticide)

9、fungic ─── 真菌

fungicide 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Introduce the research and development of corrosioninhibitor,antiscale,fungicide and flocculan in oilfield and petrochemical industry,Hence analyses and put forward the development trend. ─── 介绍了缓蚀剂、阻垢剂、杀菌剂、絮凝剂四种水处理药剂在油田及石化工业中的研究应用现状,并分析提出了其发展趋势。

3、Theoretical Model of Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy of Tomato Gray Mold Control in Greenhouse and its Practice ─── 保护地番茄灰霉病菌抗药性治理策略的理论模型与实践

4、Characters and Toxicity Towards Tadpole of Ultraviolet Spectrums of Fungicide Prochloraz and Its Major Metabolites ─── 咪鲜安及其主要代谢物的紫外光谱吸收特性和对蝌蚪急性毒性的研究

5、Preventing from cabbage club-root disease with fungicide "Geng bao feng" ─── "根宝丰"防治白菜根肿病技术研究

6、Model and Application of Fungicide Resistance Management in Tomato Gray Mold Control in Greenhouse ─── 保护地番茄灰霉病抗药性治理策略的理论模型与实践

7、Copper fungicide and its development in the world ─── 世界上铜制剂的发展

8、Abstract : Downy mildew is one of the most serious grape diseases,the usual treatment method presently is the application of chemical fungicide,but excessive spray brings many severe problems. ─── 摘要 : 霜霉病是危害葡萄最严重的病害之一,目前采用的主要防治手段是喷施化学农药,但其用量过多也带来许多严重问题。

9、Mainly produce various kinds of industrial, civil campaign for microbicides and anti-corrosion, Fungicide. ─── 主要生产各类工业、民用所需的系列杀菌剂和防腐、防霉剂。

10、Welike has a broad effective spectrum, highly environmental protection fungicide which is developed for the clayey lawn and green filed. ─── 威力克 是为粘土型绿地草坪研究开发的一种广谱高效环保型杀菌剂。

11、non-environmental damage fungicide ─── 无公害药剂

12、usually used for swimming pool bactericide, universal detergent and disinfector as a fungicide. ─── 可作为杀真菌剂,常用于游泳池杀菌剂、万能清洁剂及消毒剂的产品。

13、a white crystalline substance with a bitter aftertaste; used as a fungicide or in making aspirin or dyes or perfumes. ─── 一种白色晶状物质,带苦的余味,用于杀菌和制阿斯匹林、染料或香水。

14、Keywords sesquiterpenoid;new fungicide;bioactivity test; ─── 倍半萜;新杀菌剂;生物测定;

15、Its derivatives have good drug activities such as antibacterial,anticancer,inhibiting activity to HIV protease and so on,and pesticidal activities such as insecticide,fungicide,herbicide and so on. ─── 其衍生物在医药方面具有抗菌、抗癌,抑制HIV朊酶等生物活性,在农药方面具有杀虫、杀菌、除草和抗植物病毒等。

16、The FuzzyCluster Analysis on the Fungicide Atrocities of 2 Compounds ─── 化合物2杀菌活性的模糊聚类分析

17、Effects of Seed Dressing with Different Agent Types and Dose of Pesticide and Fungicide on Seedling Emergence of Sweet Corn ─── 不同剂型剂量的药剂拌种对甜玉米出苗的影响

18、They treat their seeds with fungicide to combat seedling disease ─── 他们用杀真菌剂浸泡种子来防止秧苗受病。

19、Effect of Different Fungicide on Controlling Rice Kernel Smut in Hybrid Rice Seed Production ─── 不同药剂防治杂交水稻制种稻粒黑粉病的效果

20、Key words: Azoxystrobin; difenoconazole; Colletotrichum lagenarium; Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. nveum; fungicide mixture ─── 关键词:嘧菌酯;苯醚甲环唑;瓜类炭疽病菌;西瓜尖孢镰刀菌;杀菌剂混配

21、Study on the Identification and the Fungicide Screening of the Anthracnose Pathogen of Chinese Yam ─── 山药炭疽病病原鉴定及其药剂筛选研究

22、Fungicide Screening and Control of Hami Muskmelon Fruit Rot at Growth Stage in Xinjiang ─── 哈密瓜生长期果实腐烂病药剂筛选及其防治

23、They treat their seeds with a fungicide to combat seedling diseases. ─── 他们用杀真菌剂浸了种子来防止秧苗受病。

24、In general, the thiophanate-methyl had been identified as the best fungicide against the pathogeny according to hypha growing inhibitory rate and spore germination inhibitory rate. ─── 在化学杀菌剂筛选的基础上通过对病原菌及病害发病规律的研究制定出了综合防治措施。

25、Dynamics of resistant population of Fusarium graminearum to carbendazim and substitutable fungicide screening ─── 小麦赤霉病菌抗药性群体动态及其治理药剂

26、a colorless crystalline solid used in perfume or preserving biological specimens or in embalming or medically as a fungicide or antiseptic ─── 一种无色晶状固体,用于香水、防腐剂中,用于保存生物标本,用作杀菌剂或防腐剂

27、Dried shitake mushrooms are often sprayed with a fungicide in the US and are not advised unless they come from a health food store. ─── 在美国,干香菇经常被喷洒杀菌剂,因此不建议食用,除非它们来自健康食品商店。

28、0.4% oligosaccharide fungicide ─── 0.4%低聚糖菌剂

29、All aerial spraying of the fungicide has also been outlawed. ─── 所有从空中喷洒杀真菌剂的行为也被宣布为非法。

30、The Effects of 4 Organic Solvents to the Fungicide Bioassay ─── 4种常用有机溶剂对杀菌剂生物测定的影响

31、Sweeny Daniel W.Granade George V.Evereyer Merle G Phosphorus,potassium,chloride and fungicide effects on wheat yield and leaf rust 2000(9 ─── 张永平.刘克礼.高聚林.张铁山春小麦优化栽培群体形态指标及其动态变化[期刊论文]-甘肃农业大学学报2003(3

32、Plant-Pesticides Subject to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; Proposed Rule ─── 受联邦杀虫剂、杀真菌剂、灭鼠剂法管制的植物杀虫剂和相关规定

33、It is a very good insecticide, fungicide, herbicide synergist. ─── 它是非常理想的杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂的增效剂。

34、And the ivy and roses all have fungus on them because my neighbors didn't want to buy fungicide. ─── 因为我的邻居不想买杀菌剂,常春藤和玫瑰上都长出菌类了。

35、Keywords new agrochemicals;fungicide;insecticde/acaricide;herbicide;2006; ─── 新农药品种;杀菌剂;杀虫杀螨剂;除草剂;2006年;

36、Study on the Control Efficiency of Fungicide for Mould Core in Yueshuai Apple ─── 岳帅苹果霉心病药剂防治研究

37、a white crystalline substance with a bitter aftertaste; used as a fungicide or in making aspirin or dyes or perfumes ─── 一种白色晶状物质,带苦的余味,用于杀菌和制阿斯匹林、染料或香水

38、Effects of sowing time, mound burning practice and timing of fungicide application in the management of potato late blight in Myanmar ─── 不同播期、烧堆措施和定期喷药在缅甸马铃薯晚疫病综合防治中的作用

39、Keywords copper pyrithione;sodium pyrithione;fungicide; ─── 吡啶硫酮铜;吡啶硫酮钠;抗菌防霉剂;

40、Keywords: corn leaf spot, Curvularia lanata, fungicide, prevention and control., ─── 关键词:玉米弯孢菌叶斑病,杀菌剂,防效

41、For example,if we used SS or SS_SR as the test strain,the fungicide like diethofencarb which possessed the specific effective to RS and RR might be left out. ─── 例如若以SS或SS-SR做供试菌就会漏掉类似“乙霉威”那种选择性对RS、RR菌有效的杀菌剂。

42、a colorless crystalline solid used in perfume or preserving biological specimens or in embalming or medically as a fungicide or antiseptic. ─── 一种无色晶状固体,用于香水、防腐剂中,用于保存生物标本,用作杀菌剂或防腐剂。

43、Effects of UV radiation on biological characters, fungicide resistance and pathogenicity of Phythophthora sojae were studied by treated the zoospores of Phythophthora sojae with UV radiation. ─── 摘要以紫外线照射供试大豆疫霉菌游动孢子诱发突变,研究紫外线对大豆疫霉菌生物学性状、抗药性、致病性的影响。

44、For health reasons, application of insecticide and fungicide should all be done outside the building and reinstatement of plants back in terminal should be done 24 hours after such application. ─── 基於健康理由,喷洒杀虫剂或杀菌剂只可在户外进行,并至少在喷洒24小时后才可将植物移入室内。

45、On the Tomato Gray Mold Occurrence and Fungicide Control in the Protected Lands ─── 保护地番茄灰霉病的发生及防治研究

46、In most cases an over-the-top application of fungicide after emergence will be sufficient. ─── 大多数情况下,在种子发芽后多喷施杀真菌剂就足够了。

47、Lauric acid monoglyceride is present in a number of compounds in plants, people extract the compound as a fungicide and preservative often added to food, daily necessities, or in cosmetics. ─── 月桂酸单甘油酯是存在于一些植物中的化合物,人们提取这种化合物经常作为杀菌剂及防腐剂添加到食品、日用品或化妆品中。

48、a black powder,C9H18FeN3S6,used as an agricultural fungicide ─── 一种用作农业杀霉菌剂的黑色粉末,C9H18FeN3S6

49、The optimal time to add the combined fungicide in was 1.5h after adding hot water. ─── 复合防霉剂加入的最佳时间为加热水1.5h 后。

50、2-mercaptobenzothiazole(zinc or sodium salts used as fungicide) ─── 2-巯基苯并噻唑:锌或钠盐用作杀真菌剂

51、Soybean seed processing operations include receipt of raw seed, cleaning and size grading, separation on a gravityseparator, treatment with fungicide, bagging and storage. ─── 大豆种子处理运作过程包括,收购原始豆种,清洗并按尺寸分级,通过重力分离机分离,真菌消毒处理,打包并储藏。

52、monitoring of fungicide resistance ─── 抗药性监测

53、Study on the Toxicity of Organotin Fungicide - Fentin Hydroxide ─── 农药毒菌锡的毒性研究

54、This product has a strong inabsorbability, a high fungicide activeness and efficacy duration long.It is not affected to the ecological environment and the human, safe and green product. ─── 本品具有内吸、治疗作用,持效期长,杀菌活性高、安全性高,对生态环境没有影响,绿色环保。

55、The general structure of the N-acylalanines as fungicide is following:N-C(C)-C in the molecular structure is the fungicidally active radical. ─── 从结构通式可以看出,该类杀菌剂属于苯基酰胺类化合物。 研究表明,分子中N-C(C)-C结构为该类杀菌剂的活性骨架。

56、Biochemistry: Ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor (demethylation inhibitor).Mode of action: Systemic fungicide with protective, curative, and eradicant action.Translocated acropetally within the plant. ─── 作用特点用于叶面喷洒的具有预防、治疗作用的广谱性杀菌剂。

57、Keywords Hami melon;postharvest diseases;fungicide;shell-lac coating; ─── 哈密瓜;采后病害;抑菌剂;虫胶膜剂;

58、A chemical, such as a hormone, a fungicide, or an insecticide, that improves the production of crops. ─── 农药,农用化学品用来增加作物产量的化学品,如激素、杀菌剂、杀虫剂

59、Would you buy a strong fungicide if I said that this fungus survived by sucking valuable sugars, vitamins, and other nutrients out of your tree's roots? ─── 如果我说这些真菌是通过从松树根部汲取糖分、维生素和其它养分生存的你会买一支强效的杀真菌剂吗?

60、Keywords prothiocon azole;fungicide;triazolinthione.; ─── 丙硫菌唑;三唑硫酮类;杀菌剂;

61、The control effect of new type of fungicide to grape mildew ─── 新型杀菌剂对葡萄霜霉病的防治效果

62、PCP is widely used as a fungicide and wood preservative. ─── 五氯苯酚被广泛用作杀真菌剂和木柴防腐剂。

63、In this paper,thiazole fungicide and their biological activities with 38 references were briefly introduced. ─── 噻唑类化合物具有较好的抗真菌,抗细菌及抗微生物活性,在新农药和医药中得到广泛地应用。

64、It acts as a bactericide and fungicide, and it is effective against Trichomonas fetus and Vibrio fetus.It supports the processes of granulation and epithelization. ─── 宠宫康用于子宫,表现出很强的杀菌活性,诱导病变组织的凝结,增强子宫肌层的收缩。

65、For one thing, they're not confined to rats or to the fungicide he fed them. ─── 一方面,他们不局限于他所喂养的老鼠及他喂给老鼠的杀菌剂。

66、Primary Study on the mechanism shows the prospect of propamidine to be a new fungicide, with its new character of inhibitory mechanism. ─── 初步的抑制机理研究显示该化合物具有不同于其它类杀菌剂的特征,具有开发成为新型杀菌剂的前景。

67、Toxicity Determine of 5% Imitating-biology Fungicide to Mostly Disease in Fruit-vegetable Store Life ─── 5%仿生杀菌剂对果蔬贮藏期主要病害的毒力测定

68、Dried shitake mushrooms are often sprayed with a fungicide in the US and are not advised unless they come from a health food store. ─── 干香菇,在美国经常会被喷上杀菌剂,因此在此不被建议,除非是来自健康食品店。

69、Keywords SYP-Z048;fungicide;biological activity;cucumber gray mold;Botrytis cinerea Pers; ─── 啶菌恶唑;杀菌剂;生物活性;黄瓜灰霉病;

70、Pathogenicity of fusarium oxysporum on seedling of cucumis melo var. Reticulatus and prevention with fungicide ─── 尖孢镰刀菌对网纹甜瓜幼苗的致病性及其防治

71、Keywords new agrochemicals;fungicide;insecticde/acaricide;2007; ─── 新农药品种;杀菌剂;杀虫杀螨剂;2007年;

72、Enestroburin was a kind of new fungicide which had low toxicity, high activity, new special action mode and environment safety. ─── 烯肟菌酯是一种低毒、高效、作用机制新颖和对环境安全的新杀菌剂。

73、Fungicide testing on PDA plates revealed that 10% difenoconazole showed the greatest inhibition of hyphal growth among the ones tested. ─── 室内PDA平板药剂筛选结果表明,10%苯醚甲环唑对病菌菌丝生长的抑制效果最好。

74、Control effects of three kinds of fungicide on leaf spots in banana ─── 三种杀菌剂防治香蕉叶斑病

75、The storage performance of litchi fruits following treatments with thiabendazole and residues of the fungicide ─── 噻菌灵对荔枝贮藏保鲜的效果及残留量研究

76、environmental exposure doesn't have to be as extreme as chowing down on a fungicide. ─── 环境暴露必定不像大量食入杀菌剂一样。

77、An acre of Florida tomatoes gets hit with five times as much fungicide and six times as much pesticide as an acre of California tomatoes. ─── 同样面积的田地,在佛罗里达,灭菌剂的含量大约是加州的五倍,而农药则是六倍。

78、Triadimefon is both a fungicide and a plant growth regulator by the extensive application in the agriculture. ─── 三唑酮即是在农业生产中广泛使用的杀菌剂,又是一种植物生长调节剂。

79、a colorless crystalline solid used in perfume or preserving biological specimens or in embalming or medically as a fungicide or antiseptic. ─── 一种无色晶状固体,用于香水、防腐剂中,用于保存生物标本,用作杀菌剂或防腐剂。

80、The flowers and trees rust, downy mildew, black spot disease, leaf blight, branch blight disease, powdery mildew etc. were significantly controlled by this fungicide. ─── 对花木锈病、霜霉病、黑斑病、叶枯病、枝枯病、白粉病、溃疡病等防效显著。

81、Keywords chlorine dioxide;fungicide;production;application; ─── 二氧化氯;杀菌剂;生产;应用;

82、a colorless crystalline compound,C15H23NO4,that is used as an agricultural fungicide ─── 一种无色晶体化合物,C15H23NO4,被用作农业杀菌剂的

83、Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1972 ─── 1972年联邦杀虫剂、杀真菌剂和灭鼠剂条例

84、Uses: Bordeaux mixture is used as a protective fungicide for foliage applications, the freshly prepared precipitate having a high tenacity. ─── 放置后会发生沉淀,并析出结晶,性质发生了变化。

85、Statement of Policy; Microbial Products Subject to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the Toxic Substances Control Act ─── 政策声明:受联邦杀虫剂、杀真菌剂、灭鼠剂法和有毒物质控制法管辖的微生物产品

86、Biochemistry: Mode of action: Foliar fungicide with protective action. ─── 作用特点是一种含有极小蓝色粒状悬浮物的液体。

87、This article was a review of the new technologies of preparing and detecting for the fungicide residuesin food. ─── 建立有效、快速、灵敏的敌菌灵杀菌剂痕量残留的检测技术,成为当前研究者关注的课题。

88、Assessment of the effectiveness of a masonry fungicide to prevent growth into wood of dry rot Serpula lacrymans (Schumacher ex Fries) S.F.Gray. ─── 木材和木基制品的耐久性.防木材干枯长龙介虫的圬工杀菌剂效果评定.试验室法(Durability of wood and wood-based products.

89、Control Effect of Several New Types Fungicide on Botrytis cinerea Pers ─── 几种新型杀菌剂对葡萄灰霉病的防治效果

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