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09-11 投稿



exoticism 发音

[ ?ɡ'zɑt?s?z?m]

英:  美:

exoticism 中文意思翻译



exoticism 网络释义

n. 异国情调;异国风味;洋派

exoticism 反义词

indigenous |endemic | native

exoticism 同义词

mysterious | attractive | bright | from abroad | out of the ordinary | alien |foreign | overseas | bizarre | extraneous | vivid | strange | interesting | tropical | striking | unusual | rich | gay | colourful | colorful | glamorous

exoticism 词性/词形变化,exoticism变形

名词: exoticness |副词: exotically |

exoticism 相似词语短语

1、exoticised ─── 异国情调

2、exoticist ─── 异国情调

3、exoticise ─── 异国情调的

4、exoticists ─── 异想天开的

5、exoticises ─── 异国情调的

6、exoticisms ─── n.异国情调;异国风味;洋派

7、eroticism ─── n.色情;性的兴奋,性欲亢进;性爱倾向

8、eroticise ─── 色情的

9、exotericism ─── n.公开的教义,公开的学说

exoticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A number of rather exotic ferromagnetic materials have been studied to this end. ─── 为此,研究了许多颇为奇特的铁磁材料。

2、Exotic, sensual scents include anilla, patchouli and ylang-ylang. ─── 外来的声色的气味包括香草、广藿香和依兰香。

3、With the individual music style, the work combined exoticism with creation method of polytonality . ─── 作品采用多调性创作手法与异国情调相结合,具有独特的音乐风格。

4、She likes to wear exotic clothes. ─── 她喜欢穿奇装异服。

5、Exotic customs weaves the taste of life. It becomes ease and touchable. ─── 异国风情织就的生活味道,亦变得从容而质感。

6、He loved the exoticism of Egypt. ─── 他喜爱埃及的异国情调。

7、Nishikawa Mitsuru,Literary Works About Taiwan,Cutural Colonialism,Exoticism,Otherness. ─── 01西川满;台湾题材;“文化殖民”;异国情调;他者性

8、They also harbor exotic life-forms, far below the reach of sunlight. ─── 他们也是外来的生物避难所,远远低于阳光的到达。

9、Her exotic perfume has a subtle scent. ─── 她的外国香水有一种幽幽的香味。

10、With the individual music style, the work combined exoticism with creation method of polytonality. ─── 作品采用多调性创作手法与异国情调相结合,具有独特的音乐风格。

11、Gorgeous aromas of berry, currant and exotic spices, especially cinnamon. ─── 带有丰富浆果、黑醋栗以及奇异香料(特别是肉桂)的香气.

12、They wear exotic costumes from the Far East. ─── 他们穿着同远东不同的奇异服饰。

13、When you travel abroad the customs and culture can seem very exotic. ─── 当你出国旅行,必能感受到很奇异的风俗习惯。

14、Like grand opera, the tale of the megafloods is replete with exotic adventures and tragic heroes. ─── 如同大歌剧一般,大洪水的故事充满了奇异的冒险和悲剧英雄。

15、Media Criticism is an exotic in China. ─── “媒介批评”是一个舶来品。

16、The tango returned in the 20s in a freer, more exotic form than before. ─── 1920年代,探戈转到了比以前更自由、更带有异国情调的形式。

17、The International Market place has outdoor stalls full of exotic treasures. ─── 国际市场区设有户外摊位,满满地陈列着具有异国情调的宝贝。

18、Preliminary studies on invasive model and outbreak mechanism of exotic species, Spartina alterniflora Loisel. ─── 外来种互花米草入侵模式与爆发机制。

19、The band has admitted using it as an excuse to travel to exotic places, including the Bahamas and the Swiss Alps. ─── 乐队承认是将它当作到有异国风情地方去旅游的借口,包括巴哈马群岛和瑞士的阿尔卑斯山脉。

20、Vistors are struck by its ingenious architecture and exotic layout. ─── 但是来访者都被它独创性的建筑风格和奇异的布局所吸引。

21、It can samba one moment, shimmy to a Monkees style pop chorus the next or writhe to exotic Middle Eastern melodies. ─── 它一会儿是桑巴舞曲,一会儿变成现代流行的Monkees风格的合唱或是中东悦耳的异域风情。

22、Shanghai Botanical Garden is a paradise full of exotic flowers and rare plants. ─── 上海植物园,奇花异草的天地。

23、French artist best known for his rococo paintings of exotic landscapes and love scenes. ─── 弗拉戈纳尔,简·奥诺1732-1806法国艺术家,以他的表现奇特风景和情爱场面的洛可可式油画最为著名

24、Exotic pets are the latest status symbol. ─── 养珍禽异兽是表现社会地位的最时髦方式。

25、Here, you can clean out a few quality very pretty good the adornment that perhaps has exoticism and local distinguishing feature. ─── 在这里,你能够淘到一些质量很不错或者具有异国风味和地方特色的装饰品。

26、Even in our own cities the "Chinatowns" were exotic enclaves. ─── 即使是在我们自己的城市里,“唐人街”也是一块块陌生的异国领土。

27、She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world. ─── 她走遍了全世界所有具有奇异风情的地方。

28、She was an exotic creature with long red hair and brilliant green eyes. ─── 她长着红色长发、明亮碧眼,是个少见的大美人。

29、Sagittarius distributes strange souvenirs from exotic locations. ─── 射手座分发异地带回的奇异的纪念品。

30、In each one the exotic landscape or cloud form has been imaged as a kind of pointillistic nightmare. ─── 其中每一副奇特的地表图或云层形态图象都是一种用点描画法绘制成的难看的怪物。

31、The future of exotic beta is likely to be similar. ─── “奇异贝塔”很有可能重蹈覆辙。

32、His latest movie is just more of the same,exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out. ─── 他的最新影片只不过是老一套,异国的场景、追车场面,以及最后的一场枪战。

33、Finally I see the entrance of it, still like the Shanghai's mode, it's just like a large SiHe yard, it's new and it get some exoticism. ─── 终于看见了它的入口,依然采用上海天地的模式,它就像个大型的四合院,只是更新更具有异国情调。

34、And there was the lusty Sheik Ilderim, ruler of the wild, exotic land. ─── 强健的谢伊克伊尔得瑞,一个野蛮的外族统治者.

35、Bouquet: Delicately floral and aromatic with hints of exotic fruit. ─── 品种:莫斯卡托颜色:明亮的金麦色。

36、He's not as campy or flashy and doesn't use exotic animals. ─── 他的演出自然、平实,不使用奇特的动物道具。

37、Exotic costumes from the Far East. ─── 同远东不同的奇异服饰

38、Curiosity of an exotic culture, maybe. ─── 应该是对异国文化的好奇吧!

39、He likes the bird with exotic plumage. ─── 他喜欢那只有奇特羽毛的鸟。

40、Chemical mechanism of exotic weed invasion. ─── 外来杂草入侵的化学机制

41、She has a partiality for exotic flowers. ─── 她特别喜爱异国花卉。

42、Help Baked exotic beauty perming it is good to see her beautiful! ─── 帮美女烫发焗彩吧看她变得好漂亮哦!

43、All the exotic islands on this planet and parts of the places in Africa. ─── 也喜欢热带岛屿。还有非洲有些地方也超美。

44、Their taste runs to exotic food. ─── 他们喜欢吃外国风味的食品。

45、Northern Australia is a hotbed of exotic animals, including the frilled lizard. ─── 北澳大利亚是奇异动物的温床,包括皱褶蜥蜴。

46、But old Cathay, that exotic, enchanting land, was still around, too. ─── 但是,古老的中国,那是异国情调十足,迷人的国度,也仍然是封闭的。

47、The secret behind the pristine complexion of these exotic women was Pearl Powder. ─── 她们背后的驻颜秘诀就是珍珠粉。

48、Make a chocolate fondue with different exotic fruits. ─── 做一个加了各种异国水果的巧克力瑞士火锅 3 。

49、Underground clubs are ready to indulge the most exotic vices of the desperate. ─── 地下组织着实纵容这些绝望带来的无数问题。

50、For AC Milan and Chelsea FC supporters, the exoticism of Dutch football was embodied by the brilliant, swaggering talent of Ruud Gullit. ─── 古利特杰出和漂亮的天赋,给米兰和切尔西的球迷具体诠释了富有异国情调的荷兰足球。

51、They should be considered as a potential source of introduction of an exotic disease or parasite. ─── 它们应当被认为是引进外国病或寄生虫的一种潜在来源。

52、To many Japanese, the word Kobe conjures up the image of an exotic port city. ─── 在很多日本人的脑海里,神户是一个充满异国情趣的港口城市。

53、But by now, the catastrophic is arguably too familiar to be truly exotic. ─── 巨灾债券为保险公司赔付地震或飓风损失时提供资金支持。

54、To us in the West the traditional architecture of China has long had the fascination of the exotic. ─── 对我们在中国的传统建筑学有久有了异国者的魔力西部方面。

55、This series apparel shows off the elegance of classicism and exoticism . ─── 此系列服装整体感觉复古典雅,尽显异域风味。

56、The latter are sometimes referred to as exotic food. ─── 后者有时作为外加食品。

57、Hence the search for exotic beta. ─── 对“奇异贝塔”的追寻也将如此。

58、One that is exotic. ─── 外国人或事物

59、Favorite Perfume: Sporty colognes for the day while working. Exotic, oriental and woody fragrances for the evenings. ─── 喜爱的香水:工作时白天用运动古龙水。晚上用具有异国情调的东方的树木香型的香水。

60、He liked New York for its exotic manners. ─── 他喜欢纽约的那种异国情调。

61、Thus God flows back and forth and we delight in His exoticism. ─── 上帝因此而得以流动,喜悦弥漫。

62、The banquet was spectacular, with all manner of exotic dishes. ─── 宴会真是真壮观,有各种各样异国风味的菜肴。

63、Exoticism in music, painting, and literature evokes the picturesque atmosphere and color of far-off lands. ─── 在音乐、绘画和文学中的异国情调显现出遥远国度里别致的气氛与色彩。

64、The son particularly liked to enjoy new and exotic foods. ─── 他的儿子特别喜欢吃一些新颖奇异的东西。

65、Again you could use the jet fighter for more exotic and complex scenes. ─── 同理,你可以使用喷气式战斗机来达到更壮观、更复杂的场面。

66、Mini egg rolls,California sushi rolls and various dim sum dishes always add an exotic flair to a party. ─── 小蛋卷、加利福尼亚寿司卷以及各种各样的饺子、春卷等小点心,总能为聚会增添一分异国情趣。

67、In the city it holds exotic annual events such as Songkran and Loy Krathong. ─── 在城市它举行异乎寻常的年度活动例如Songkran和Loy Krathong。

68、The zoo has a number of exotic birds. ─── 动物园里有很多外国的鸟。

69、Can such exoticism ever make a real place? ─── 这种异国情调能创造一个真实的地方吗?

70、There is a certain blindness in the present work to house and repatriate the exotic floating population. ─── 当前,外来流动人口收容遣送工作存在着一定的盲目性。

71、Some turned their hats into more exotic shapes. ─── 个别人戴的帽子怪模怪样。

72、Jazz Exotic Sportscar. No model mentioned. He scans one spinning in a showroom, so let's assume its fancy. ─── 变形成国外运动车,没提到什么型号。由于他是扫描了陈列室里的商品,所以应该有奇特的外形。

73、Art, fashion, design, exoticism and science fiction are the material of Silvie Fleury 's works. ─── 艺术、时装、设计、开放性和公众性,以及科幻小说都是塞尔维弗洛依的创作素材。

74、The Asian woman has always exuded the allure of the exotic Orient to the West. ─── 亚洲女性以特有的东方魅力渗入西方社会。

75、Its exotic cultures uniquely fitted it for romantic mythmaking. ─── 它充满异域情调的文化最适于产生浪漫的神话。

76、New Lipton Infusion.The exotic taste of Tahiti. ─── 塔希提岛风味 New Lipton Red Tea.

77、Not of one's own or a particular locality, environment, or kind; exotic. ─── 异乡的:不属于某人自己的或特殊的地区、环境或种类的;外来的。

78、No, let's have something more exotic. ─── 不,我们吃一些有异国情调的吧。

79、And exotic apparition stolen from a faraway land. ─── 从远方偷来的异国幽灵。

80、Are exotic pests more easily controlled than indigenous pests? ─── 外杂害虫比本地害虫更容易防治吗?

81、This series apparel shows off the elegance and exoticism. ─── 此系列服装整体感觉复古典雅,尽显异域风味。

82、He spoke of this as a regrettable lapse into political exoticism on his part. ─── 他把这件发生在身上的事作为一桩不幸的落入政治上的异国情调的失足来谈论。

83、You may have been lured by low prices, big promises or exotic locations. ─── 你可能已经被低价格、夸大的许诺,以及奇特的地点给诱惑了。

84、"Come in, Brothers," she said, her exotic perfume filling the foyer. ─── “进来吧,兄弟们,”她说道,一股浓郁的香气充溢在门廊里。

85、What if his wholesaler offered him a crate of some new exotic fruit? ─── 如果他的批发商卖给他一框新鲜的珍奇水果呢?

86、But you give things up, too, and sometimes you strongly crave comfort, stability and familiarity over excitement, exoticism and newness. ─── 但你也得放弃一些什么,有时候你会强烈渴望安慰、稳定和亲切感,甚至超过你对兴奋感、异国情调和新鲜事物的喜爱。

87、Exotic pets are the in thing right now. ─── 外国宠物眼下很时髦。

88、They want a very exotic calendar, and they get it. ─── 他们想要制作一个非常具有异国情调的日历,并且最终取得了成功。

89、On visits home I had to make a conscious decision whether to exaggerate or downplay the exoticism. ─── 回到美国后,我得有意识地做个决定,对在北京生活的这段日子,是说得夸张一点好呢,还是平淡一点好。

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