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09-11 投稿


rushlike 发音


英:  美:

rushlike 中文意思翻译



rushlike 短语词组

1、rushlike plant crossword clue ─── 灯心草纵横字谜线索

2、rushlike plant crossword ─── 灯心草植物纵横字谜

3、rushlike plant ─── 灯心草

rushlike 相似词语短语

1、thrushlike ─── 画眉

2、bushlike ─── 像灌木丛一样,

3、rashlike ─── adj.轻率的;鲁莽的;不顾后果的(rash的变形)

4、dustlike ─── 尘状的

5、truthlike ─── 真实的

6、brushlike ─── 刷子似的

7、fishlike ─── adj.似鱼的;冷淡的

8、bushline ─── 灌木林

9、dishlike ─── 磁盘

rushlike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、perennial rushlike flowerless herbs with jointed hollow stems and narrow toothlike leaves that spread by creeping rhizomes; ─── 常年生灌木无花草本植物,具有有节的中空茎梗、狭窄的齿状叶片和匍匐的根茎;

2、grasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having solid stems, narrow grasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers. ─── 生长在湿地的一种象草或灯心草的植物,具有实心的茎,窄的象草一样的叶子和微小的花构成的穗状花序。

3、either of two herbaceous rushlike bog plants having small yellow flowers and grasslike leaves; ─── 两种类似灯芯 草 的沼生植物的任意一种,具有小的黄色花和 草 状叶;

4、grasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having solid stems,narrow grasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers ─── 生长在湿地的一种象草或灯心草的植物,具有实心的茎,窄的象草一样的叶子和微小的花构成的穗状花序

5、any of several rushlike plants, especially of the pine barrens of southern United States. ─── 几种类似于灯心草的任何一种,尤指美国南部松树脊地的任何一种。

6、either of two herbaceous rushlike bog plants having small yellow flowers and grasslike leaves; north temperate regions ─── 两种类似灯芯草的沼生植物的任意一种,具有小的黄色花和草状叶;生长于北温带

7、either of two herbaceous rushlike bog plants having small yellow flowers and grasslike leaves; north temperate regions. ─── 两种类似灯芯草的沼生植物的任意一种,具有小的黄色花和草状叶;生长于北温带。

8、type genus of the Eriocaulaceae: rushlike aquatic or marginal perennials usually found in shallow waters of acid lakes and pools and bogs. ─── 谷精草科的模式属;水生或边缘一个多年生植物属,像灯芯草的,常生长于酸水湖水池及沼泽的浅水处。

9、type genus of the Eriocaulaceae: rushlike aquatic or marginal perennials usually found in shallow waters of acid lakes and pools and bogs ─── 谷精草科的模式属;水生或边缘一个多年生植物属,像灯芯草的,常生长于酸水湖水池及沼泽的浅水处

10、perennial rushlike flowerless herbs with jointed hollow stems and narrow toothlike leaves that spread by creeping rhizomes; tend to become weedy; common in northern hemisphere; some in Africa and South America. ─── 常年生灌木无花草本植物,具有有节的中空茎梗、狭窄的齿状叶片和匍匐的根茎;趋于丛生;常见于北半球;有些也分布在非洲和南美洲。

rush to后面接doing 还是do?

rush to后面接do。

to在这里表示不定式,所以后面接do,rush to do sth,表示抢着做某事,例如:

People rushed to buy shares in the company.人们争着抢购公司的股票。


I look forward to hearing from you.盼望着收到你的信。这里面的to是一个介词,所以后面要跟doing.

rush to后面接doing 还是do?

接to do的形式! 例: American units had to rush to close the gaps. 美军必须赶往以填补缺口。

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