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09-11 投稿



fayalite 发音

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fayalite 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 铁橄榄石


fayalite 短语词组

1、fayalite melting ─── 辉橄榄岩熔融

2、fayalite slag ─── 硅钙石渣

3、fayalite color ─── 辉橄榄色

4、fayalite scale ─── 辉石鳞

5、fayalite density ─── 辉绿岩密度

6、fayalite meaning fayalite ─── 意思

7、fayalite formula fayalite ─── 公式

8、fayalite granite ─── 辉橄榄花岗岩

fayalite 相似词语短语

1、lardalite ─── n.[岩]歪霞正长岩

2、tantalite ─── n.[矿物]钽铁矿

3、Naxalites ─── 纳萨尔派

4、Baalite ─── n.崇拜邪神的人

5、hyalite ─── n.玻璃蛋白石;玉滴石

6、Nabalite ─── 无效

7、Naxalite ─── n.纳萨尔派分子(印度共产党的);adj.纳萨尔派的

8、agalite ─── n.[矿物]纤滑石

9、marialite ─── n.[矿物]钠柱石

fayalite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ferrite slag is more efficient in removing As and Sb than fayalite slag.The distributions of Sn, Pb, Zn, As, Sb and Bi in gaseous phase increase with increa... ─── 研究表明:无论是硅酸铁炉渣体系,还是铁酸钙炉渣体系,挥发性的伴生元素锡、铅、锌、钾、锑和铋等在气相中的分配率均随熔炼温度的升高而明显增大。

2、Fayalite-bearing quartz syenite could represent the early fractional stage initial granitic magma derived from archean protolith in a deeper and reductive environment. ─── 石石英正长岩,代表了岩浆分离结晶初期还原条件下,太古代母岩派生的初始岩浆组成。

3、mangan fayalite ─── 锰铁橄榄石

4、Iron recovery was greatly improved by transforming fayalite to magnetite. ─── 铁橄榄石转化为磁铁矿,大大提高了铁的回收率。

5、Keywords Nolanda furnace slags;Fayalite;Comprehensive utilization; ─── 诺兰达炉渣;铁橄榄石;综合利用;

6、The results showed thatbecause of the formation of fayalite and hercynite during the reduction,it was more difficultfor the metallic phase to nucleate. ─── 研究结果表明,由于还原过程中生成了铁橄榄石和铁尖晶石,使得金属铁晶核更加难成;

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