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09-11 投稿



duplicated 发音

英:[[du:pl?'ke?t?d]]  美:[[du:pl?'ke?t?d]]

英:  美:

duplicated 中文意思翻译



duplicated 词性/词形变化,duplicated变形

副词: duplicately |形容词: duplicable |动词第三人称单数: duplicates |动词过去分词: duplicated |动词现在分词: duplicating |动词过去式: duplicated |

duplicated 常用词组

in duplicate ─── 一式二份

duplicate key ─── 复制键

duplicate copy ─── 副本;复制本

duplicated 相似词语短语

1、induplicated ─── 硬结的

2、supplicated ─── v.恳求,哀求(supplicate的过去式及过去分词)

3、duplicately ─── 复制地,二重地

4、duplicand ─── n.双租地税

5、reduplicated ─── v.重复,复制,加倍;(音节或其他语言单位)重叠(以形成词)(reduplicate的过去式和过去分词)

6、duplicate ─── vt.复制;使加倍;n.副本;复制品;adj.复制的;二重的;vi.复制;重复

7、deduplicated ─── 重复数据消除

8、unduplicated ─── adj.无复制品的;无法匹敌的

9、duplicates ─── n.副本,[印刷]复制品(duplicate的复数形式);多重记录;倍增;v.复制(duplicate的三单形式)

duplicated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would constitute a wasteful use of resources, on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone. ─── if only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided 这道题的正确答案为E,请问怎么理解?

2、Mary duplicated her mother's way of standing with her hands in her pockets. ─── 玛丽模仿她母亲两手插入口袋站立的样子。

3、Unlike PIN code or passwords, biometrics can not be easily duplicated or stolen.Hence, they are more trustworthy and secure for identity verification. ─── 基于生物特徵难以复制或遭窃的特性,发展以个体在生物特徵上的辨识方法,将是补强这个缺口的最佳方法之一。

4、Revise the program from the last exercise in Section 6.10 (p. 213) so that it looks only for duplicated words that start with an uppercase letter. ─── 修改第6.10节最后一个习题的程序,使得它只寻找以大写字母开头的连续出现的单词。

5、Which of factors that they identify as responsible for rapid growth in the Asian newly industrializing economies do you think can be successfully duplicated by other developing countries? ─── 世界银行报告指出到底是什麽因素造成亚洲新兴经济体的快速成长?你觉得这样的成功经验能否复制到其他的发展中国家?

6、Data replication is duplicated to improve the performance and availability in grid. ─── 在网格中,数据常常由于性能和可用性等原因进行复制。

7、Allow a number of resource bundles with no duplicated property definitions. ─── 允许一些不具有重复属性定义的资源束。

8、Single selected vertices which do not belong to selected edges are duplicated and a new edge is created between the two. ─── 如果选择点,那么他将在新点与原始点之间生成边。

9、Can you duplicated the antique for my mother? ─── 你可以帮我妈妈复制这个古董吗?

10、You will have a new body which is duplicated from your own DNa. ─── 你会有一个用自己的DNa复制出来的新的身体。

11、This applies to a query duplicated in a batch, or to a query in a stored procedure that is called multiple times. ─── 这适用于批处理中的重复查询,也适用于存储过程中调用多次的查询。

12、one sector of the economy that can't be easily duplicated by even smart technologies is the caring sector, the personal care sector. ─── 经济中有一个部门,即使是智能技术也无法轻易复制,那就是护理部门,个人护理部门。

13、Primary key fields must contain unique values that are never duplicated in the new table. ─── 主键字段所包含的值必须是此新表中永远不出现重复的、唯一的值。

14、A data processingoperation in which input items or fields are distributed or duplicated in more than one output item or field. ─── 一种数据处理操作,其中输入项或字段被分发或复制给多个输出项或字段。

15、Ca last hipment e duplicated? ─── 上次装运的货能再卖一批吗?

16、Sky dome with duplicated spots. ─── 使用复制聚光灯的天空顶。

17、We don't know the answer, because studies done on how reliable this machine is have not yet been duplicated. ─── 我们不知道答案,因为关于这台机器可靠性的研究还没有被复制。

18、His strange gift of clairvoyance has never been duplicated in modern times, although a few other psychics have proved a measure of ability beyond any doubt. ─── 他神奇的千里眼在当代是独一无二的,尽管也有一些巫师证明确实具有特异心灵能力。

19、Some of these may be duplicated by any handy man. ─── 其中的一些可以被任何手巧的人复制。

20、The paper presents and approach to design duplicated fault tolerance system based on low end PC servers and emphasizes the way to realize it. ─── 介绍一个利用低端PC服务器实现的双机容错系统 ,重点介绍其实现方法

21、He duplicated a few copies of her letter and handed her the original. ─── 他复印了几封她的信,把原信交给她。

22、She realized that by God's design she was an absolutely unique person, a Christ-redeemed human being who could never be replaced or duplicated. ─── 她终于明白:是上帝把她造得这麽独一无二,是上帝让她得蒙基督救赎,是上帝让她无可取代。

23、He duplicated his former mistakes. ─── 他又犯了和以前一样的错误。

24、The recall rate of duplicated web pages reaches 97.3%, and the precision rate of the duplication removal reaches 99.5% in large scale testing. ─── 实验结果表明该算法是有效的,大规模开放测试的重复网页召回率达97.3%,去重正确率达99.5%。

25、In post, she told about the course that be cheated, duplicated the dialog at that time. ─── 在帖中,她讲述了被骗经过,并复制了当时的对话。

26、In a deep copy, all objects are duplicated; whereas, in a shallow copy, only the top-level objects are duplicated and the lower levels contain references. ─── 在深层副本中,所有的对象都是重复的;而在浅表副本中,只有顶级对象是重复的,并且顶级以下的对象包含引用。

27、Anything digital and binary can be perfectly duplicated. ─── 任何数字性或二进制的东西都能够被完全的复制。

28、For the rock texture, I duplicated parts of existing paintings and filtered them a few times with lighting effect tools and noise. ─── 关于岩石的材质,我复制了一些现有的图像加上滤镜,用了些时间做灯光效果和噪波。

29、These complicated and duplicated images in Tang poems and Song ci-poems make up a kind of dreary and hazy atmosphere. ─── 唐诗宋词中的“巫山云雨”意象常与相关或相近意象一起组成意象群。

30、You have something valuable that no one else has. You have the unique perspective of being you, of seeing the world in a way that cannot be duplicated. ─── 你有独到的长处。你用自己独特的视角来审视这个世界,没有人能够效仿。

31、Methods would need to be duplicated by the manager class. ─── 中的大量现有逻辑将需要被管理器类重复。

32、Recording studios were kicking themselves for not seeing the opportunity in products such as MP3 players that were adjacent to easily duplicated CDs. ─── 像音乐制作公司就很懊悔,当初没有看到与易复制的CD产品市场很接近的MP3播放器商机。

33、Because the forums are write-once, they have become morass of duplicated, often incorrect and incomplete. ─── 因为论坛上发表的内容,会不断地被复制,通常内容不正确也不完整。

34、The duplicated theme appears in the Custom list in the task pane. ─── 复制的主题显示在任务窗格的“自定义”列表中。

35、Variable or param '{0}' was duplicated within the same scope. ─── 变数或参数'{0}'在相同范围内重复。

36、For one, entire blocks of genes appear to have been duplicated, suggesting that duplication was a factor that drove evolution. ─── 其一,整个功能相关的基因群被复制表明,复制是驱使生物进化的因素。

37、Clone recipes: Recipes can be duplicated with a click of the mouse. ─── 克隆食谱:食谱可以复制与按滑鼠。

38、The price was duplicated . ─── 价格加了倍。

39、One common method is to have printed or duplicated sheets on which the characters are listed with the possible categories for each. ─── 一个普通的方法是用印刷纸或复写纸尽可能把每个征状的范畴列成一张表格。

40、For example, you might print each word as it is read to let you determine whether the loop correctly finds the first duplicated word that begins with an uppercase letter. ─── 例如,可以输出每一个读入的单词,用来判断循环是否正确地找到第一个连续出现的以大写字母开头的单词。

41、The C# compiler recognizes the constructor initializer as special syntax and removes the duplicated variable initializers and the duplicated base class constructor calls. ─── C#编译器认出该构造函数初始化器是一个特殊的语法,会移除重复的变量初始化器和重复的基类构造函数调用。

42、Sheldon: As if one of the plants from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" duplicated you in every way, only with an absurd amount of hair gel. ─── 谢尔顿:你就好像电影“天外魔花”(好莱坞恐怖片)里面那个植物的完全复制版,只是它没涂那么多发胶。

43、A special memory subsystem in which frequently used data values are duplicated for quick access. ─── 一种专用的内存子系统,其中存放着那些被频繁使用的数据以便于快速访问.

44、The results which easily be duplicated in one laboratory, sometimes are not reproducible in another. ─── 一个实验室能顺利地复制而有时另一个实验室则不成功。

45、If we combine biometrics features that cannot be easily duplicated or stolen with account-password system, it can greatly improve the trustworthy and secure of identity verification system. ─── 因此,若能与具有难以复制或遭窃特性的生物特徵做结合,便可以提升系统的安全性,降低被非法使用者登入的风险。

46、Bucher: Seeing as every team still has the same flaws it had last season, the Cavs are the easy answer -- except that last year's red-carpet path can't possibly be duplicated. ─── 发现每个队仍然具有他在去年存在的问题,克力腐烂是最简单的回答,想去年进入总决赛是不可能的。

47、A data processing operation in which input items or fields are distributed or duplicated in more than one output item or field . ─── 一种数据处理操作,其中输入项或字段被分发或复制给多个输出项或字段。

48、If necessary, I'll have the letter duplicated. ─── 如果必要我将把信复印一份。

49、As a result, all manners of encryption have come into being.Dongle is one of the most widely used product to protect the software from being duplicated illegally. ─── 在这种形势下,软件的研制者或销售商为了维护自身的权益,不断采用先进的技术来防止自己研究或销售的软件被无偿的复制。

50、The system includes the electronic cylinder that has no keyway to pick and the electronic key that cannot be duplicated. ─── 此系统包含电子柱体,电子柱体没有锁眼,所以不能被复配。

51、Rename this layer as “soft light” and make a duplicate of this layer, set the duplicated layer blending mode to “overlay” . Rename this layer as “light overlay”. ─── 命名这个图层为“柔光图层”,复制柔光图层,图层模式为-叠加,命名图层为“亮光图层”

52、As a song, movie, novel or poem is searched, the potential connections it radiates seep into society in a much deeper way than the simple publication of a duplicated copy ever could. ─── 只要一首歌、一部电影,一部小说或者一首诗歌被搜索到,其潜在的联系比简单的发行其拷贝更能够深入的渗透进我们社会。

53、Function to return a string of duplicated characters. ─── 函数返回重复字符组成的字符串。

54、Certain headers from the Internet message are duplicated to the. Edb file, so the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service can find the message. ─── Internet邮件中的某些头信息会复制到.edb文件中,以便Microsoft Exchange Information Store服务可以找到这些邮件。

55、He duplicated his father's failure. ─── 他重蹈父亲的覆辙。

56、Can g last shipment beo duplicated? ─── 上次装运的货能再卖一批吗?

57、At this stage, the duplicated chromosomes are joined together so that they are treated as “ one ” chromosome with two chromatids . ─── 在这个时期,复制了的两个染色体联接在一起而被当成为“一个染色体内有两条染色单体”。

58、In such a case, the entries in the roaming version take precedence over duplicated entries in the local user configuration file. ─── 在这种情况下,漫游版本中的项优先于本地用户配置文件中的重复项。

59、Both the duplicated bond and the hydroxide ion in castor oil took part in sulphate reaction and a hydrolysis also took place in the castor acid. ─── 反应过程中蓖麻油的双键和羟基同时参与磺化反应,蓖麻酸甘油酯发生水解反应。

60、As a result, organizations are likely wasting 5 percent to 8 percent or more of their overall budgets due to duplicated, misaligned and ineffective spending. ─── 因此,组织很可能浪费掉整个预算的5%到8%,甚至更多,这都是由于重复、不重合和无效的开销。

61、Which are very useful at first sight and save a lot of duplicated code, but make programs incomprehensible over time. ─── 初看之下,它非常有用,可以节省大量重复的代码,但它会使程序变得越来越难以理解。

62、Working with a steroid from the sarsaparilla plant, Marker deciphered and duplicated the hormone's chemical structure. ─── 在研究来自萨尔沙植物的一种类固醇时,Marker弄清并复制出了这种激素的化学结构。

63、She duplicated her former success. ─── 她又获得和以前一样的成功。

64、He posted his find on the Internet and soon afterward a firestorm erupted as numerous other people duplicated his problem and found additional situations that resulted in wrong answers. ─── 他将他的发现传到了英特网上,很快暴风雨来临,成千上万的人们复现了她的问题,而且还发现了更多类似的问题。

65、If such information is important to supporting role switching, the information should be duplicated at the mirrored site. ─── 如果此类信息对于支持角色切换非常重要,则应该在镜像站点重复此信息。

66、KNPC realized that tight integration and removal of duplicated systems and processes were key to improving its reliability and safety, as well as financial management. ─── KNPC认识到紧密集成和去掉雷同的系统及过程是提高可靠性和安全性的关键,财务管理也是同样的情形。

67、The solely state-owned commercial banks are trying to put an end to their duplicated presence by merging their provincial and provincial capital branches. ─── 国有独资商业银行省分行与省会城市分行合并工作正在积极进行。

68、The real dike pattern can be approximately duplicated theoretically by the superposition of two very simple stress fields. ─── 实际岩脉式从理论上可以通过两个最简单的应力场的叠加复现。

69、When a column name is not duplicated in two or more tables used in the query, references to it do not have to be qualified with the table name. ─── 如果某个列名在查询用到的两个或多个表中不重复,则对该列的引用就必用表名加以限定。

70、At a wedding in Tashe, the elders gather at the home of the newlyweds and sing the old songs late into the night, a deeply moving part of Puyuma culture that can't be duplicated on stage. ─── 在大社排湾族婚礼上,老人们在子夜过后,齐聚新人家中,吟唱古调。这样深刻动人的文化,无法上舞台表演的。

71、On the other hand, a finer sampling would yield a higher number of duplicated Spots and to unacceptable rendering times. ─── 从另一方面说,一个更加精确的采样应该产生更多的复制聚光灯,但是渲染时间就变得无法接受了。

72、But no one else has duplicated his own oeuvre so perfectly. ─── 但却没有谁如此完美地复制过他自己的作品。

73、New copies of the form can be duplicated from a master copy. ─── 复印原件可以得到这份表格的新复印件。

74、The main faults of the original system contain duplicated codes and defective design, and these are common for J2EE system especially BOSS. ─── 原系统存在的缺陷主要包括功能重复的代码和不合理的设计,这些问题在大型J2EE系统尤其是BOSS系统中普遍存在。

75、The companies would slash duplicated functions from engineering to marketing. ─── 两家公司会削减从设计到营销等领域的重合职能。

76、If the message was sent to multiple recipients on the same information store, additional pointers to the objects (message, attachment) are created, but the objects are not duplicated. ─── 如果该邮件是发送给同一信息存储区中的多个收件人,则会创建指向相应对象(邮件、附件)的附加指针,但不会复制对象。

77、A part of a chromosome may be duplicated and occur either twice on the same chromosome or on two different nonhomologous chromo-somes: this is a duplication. ─── 如果同一条染色体或非同源的两条染色体上的某一个部分出现两份或两份以上的现象,那么这种现象就叫做重复。

78、Travel service provider must not create duplicated booking in the same passenger name record (PNR) or across PNRs for the same passenger. ─── 代理人不可在同一旅客订位记录(PNR)中重复订位,或为同一旅客在不同PNR中订位。

79、Berkshire's past record can't be duplicated or even approached. ─── 伯克希尔的历史记录不可复制,甚至是获取。

80、Single selected vertices which do not belong to selected edges are duplicated and a new edge is created between the two. ─── 如果选择点,那么他将在新点与原始点之间生成边。

81、If necessary, I'll have the contract duplicated. ─── 如果有必要,我要请人把合同复制一下。

82、He is grasped in the hand is the experience that the group is duplicated to succeed ceaselessly, and this market is lying start level, await him to found a good prospect. ─── 他握在手中的则是集团不断被复制成功的经验,而且这个市场正处在起步阶段,等待他去创建一个美好前程。

83、If you duplicate a particular Web page, the master page elements that are part of the page that you duplicated will be applied to the new Web page. ─── 如果复制特定网页,则构成所复制页面的母版页元素将应用于新网页。

84、No data has been duplicated, and the encyclopedia will work as it always has, except in a read-only mode. ─── 没有数据被复制,而除了在只读模式下运行外,百科全书会按照一贯的方式工作。

85、If results of the above study are duplicated in larger trials, then people with high blood pressure may have a natural vegetable/herb for reducing their hypertension status. ─── 大蒜必须谨慎用于患有出血性疾病的人,因为它是一种强有力的血液稀释剂。其它副作用为:口臭、体臭、胃灼烧、肚子痛、以及过敏反应。

86、In this instance,the item was duplicated onto a recordable CD. ─── 在这一个例证中,项目在一个可记录的激光唱碟之上被复制。

87、For the pomegranate seeds, I duplicated the polygon seed and scaled it out to create the meat part. ─── 对于石榴籽,我是复制缩放的果实部分。

88、In later chapters you'll see how the reference to the object can be passed around and duplicated during the course of a program. ─── 在后面的章节里,大家还会继续学习如何在程序运行期间传递和复制对象句柄。

89、The protocol fails if any data packets are lost, damaged, duplicated, or received in a different order. ─── 假如任何资料封包遗失、毁损、重覆或以不同顺序被接收到,则协定失败。

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