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09-16 投稿



incipiency 发音

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incipiency 中文意思翻译



incipiency 词性/词形变化,incipiency变形

动词过去分词: incinerated |名词: incineration |动词第三人称单数: incinerates |动词过去式: incinerated |动词现在分词: incinerating |

incipiency 相似词语短语

1、recipiency ─── 接受

2、insipience ─── n.愚蠢

3、inclemency ─── n.严酷,气候严酷;天气险恶

4、percipiency ─── 洞察力

5、incipiently ─── adv.起初地;早期地

6、incipience ─── n.初期;起初,发端

7、concipiency ─── 协调者

8、incipient ─── adj.初期的;初始的;起初的;发端的

9、incidence ─── n.发生率;影响;[光]入射;影响范围

incipiency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Experimental Investigation on the Incipiency and the Shape of Supercavity for Slender Bodies with Different Headforms ─── 头形对细长体超空泡生成与外形影响的实验研究

2、As a type of legal right, the incipiency of the Right to Privacy may be trackedback to the 19th Century. ─── 隐私权作为一项法律权利,它的发端可以追溯到十九世纪。

3、An Exploration on the Incipiency of the Capital Punishments'Probation ─── 死缓发端考

4、Experimental Investigation on the Incipiency and the Shape of Supercavity for Slender Bodies with Different Headforms ─── 头形对细长体超空泡生成与外形影响的实验研究

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