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glycoside 发音

英:['gla?k?(?)sa?d]  美:['gla?k?,sa?d]

英:  美:

glycoside 中文意思翻译



glycoside 短语词组

1、glycoside hydrolases ─── 糖苷水解酶

2、anthracene glycoside ─── [医] 蒽甙

3、steroid glycoside ─── [化] 甾类糖苷

4、sterol glycoside ─── [医] 甾醇甙, 固醇甙, 植物甾醇甙

5、anthraquinone glycoside ─── [医] 蒽醌甙

6、digitalis glycoside ─── [医]毛地黄糖苷,洋地黄配糖体,洋地黄糖苷

7、cardiac glycoside ─── [医] 强心甙

8、phenyl glycoside ─── [医] 酚糖甙, 苯甙

9、phenol glycoside ─── [医] 酚甙, 苯甙

10、coumarin glycoside ─── [机] 白豆素糖

11、cyanophoric glycoside ─── [医] 氰 ─── [基]甙

12、mustard oil glycoside ─── [医]芥子油甙

glycoside 词性/词形变化,glycoside变形

形容词: glycosidic |

glycoside 相似词语短语

1、glycosides ─── n.苷类;配糖体(glycoside的复数)

2、glycose ─── n.单糖;葡萄糖;葡糖

3、lycosid ─── 石蒜素

4、glyceride ─── n.[有化]甘油酯,甘油化物

5、glycosidase ─── n.[生化]糖苷酶

6、glucosides ─── n.糖甙(glucoside的复数)

7、glucoside ─── n.[生化]葡萄糖苷;配糖体

8、galactoside ─── n.半乳糖苷

9、glycosidic ─── adj.糖苷的;配糖的

glycoside 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Poisoning by cardiotonic glycoside ─── 强心甙中毒

2、Rhubarb contains toxic Oxalates and anthraquinone glycoside. ─── 大黄含有毒草酸以及蒽醌苷。

3、Keywords Notholirion bulbuliferum;solanidine;alkaloid;glycoside; ─── 太白米;茄次碱;生物碱;糖苷;

4、Genipin is the iridoid glycoside geniposide isolated from the fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. ─── 以从栀子属植物的果实中提取的环烯醚萜类化合物京尼平为代表,研究其与皮胶原的反应性。

5、Plant cardioactive glycoside ─── 植物强心甙

6、The Change of Glycoside Content of Epimedium acuminatium ─── 人工栽培粗毛淫羊藿苷的含量变化

7、RP-HPLC Determination of Total Flavone Glycoside from the Fresh Fruits and Saponin of Siraitia Grosvenori ─── RP-HPLC法测定罗汉果鲜果及甜甙中总黄酮含量

8、The effect of anthraquinone glycoside from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb on cellular immunological function in mice ─── 何首乌蒽醌苷对小鼠细胞免疫功能的影响

9、The critical micellar mass concentrations are determined as 0?03% for sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) water solution and 0?05% for alkyl polysaccharide glycoside (APG). ─── 根据活性剂含量与水合物储气量的关系,确认十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)和烷基多糖苷(APG)在水合物形成体系中的临界胶束质量分数分别为0 03%和0 05%.

10、There are some toxic substances and antinutritional factors in flaxseed, such as antivitamin B6 factors and cyanogenetic glycoside, Which limit the application of flaxseed. ─── 摘要亚麻籽中毒性物质和抗营养因子(如抗维生素B6因子、生氰糖苷等)的存在,尤其是生氰糖苷的毒性限制了亚麻籽的使用。

11、Keywords recurrent aphtha ulceration;total paeony glycoside; ─── 复发性口疮;白芍总甙;

12、Keywords Adinandra nitida;Flavone;Triterpene glycoside;Chemical study; ─── 亮叶杨桐;黄酮;三萜皂苷;化学成分;

13、A New Secoiridoid Glycoside from Helwingia chinensis (Cornaceae) ─── 中华青荚叶的一个新环烯醚萜甙(英文)

14、In order to develop new cigarette flavors,the smoke analysis and sensory evaluation of cigarettes added with geranyl glycoside were conducted. ─── 为开发新型烟用香料,将香叶醇糖苷添加到卷烟中,而后进行烟气分析和评吸。

15、A new lignan glycoside from the flower of Castanea mollissima Blume ─── 板栗花中一个新木脂苷类化合物

16、Keywords C-aryl glycoside;N-bromosuccinimide;ammonium nitrate;bromination; ─── 关键词芳香碳糖苷;N-溴代丁二酰亚胺;硝酸铵;溴化;

17、Keywords Holothuria axiloga;Triterpene glycoside;Antifungal activity; ─── 奇乳海参;三萜皂苷;抗真菌活性;

18、It can hydrolysis glucuronide glycoside bond, releasing the glucuronic acid and ligand. ─── 它能够特异性水解葡萄糖醛酸苷糖甙键,释放出葡萄糖醛酸和配基。

19、Plant anthraquinone glycoside ─── 植物蒽醌甙

20、The modifying agent for fruit wine is composed of eleven kinds of s aponin,glycoside and oside components. ─── 果酒品质改良剂由11种皂甙、甙元、糖苷成分组成。

21、Keywords Arisaema amurense Maxim.;extraction;isolation;flavonoid glycoside; ─── 东北天南星;提取;分离;黄酮苷;

22、Urine N-acetyl-β-D-glucosminidase glycoside enzyme ─── 尿N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶

23、Extraction and identification of Flavonoid glycoside from Chrysanthemum morofolium Ramat. ─── 杭菊花中黄酮苷的研究。

24、Immune mechanical study of total glycoside from Cornus officinalis against rheumatoid arthritis ─── 山茱萸总苷抗类风湿关节炎免疫作用机理的初步研究

25、Abstract Objective: To study the absorption and separation of different glycoside on different macropore resins. ─── 摘要目的:研究黄芩苷等3种具有不同类型母核的苷类中药成分在大孔吸附树脂上的吸附纯化特性。

26、a glycoside formed by partial hydrolysis of a nucleic acid. ─── 核酸部分水解形成的苷。

27、Keywords soybean isoflavone;glycoside;hydrolyzation; ─── 大豆异黄酮;糖苷;水解;

28、Keywords Periploca omeiensis;cardiac glycoside;triterpene;lignin; ─── 峨眉杠柳;强心苷;三萜;木质素;

29、Study on Extracting Ginkgo Flavone Glycoside from Leaves of Ginkgo ─── 从银杏叶中提取银杏黄酮的研究

30、Quercetin belongs to an extensive class of polyphenolic flavonoid compounds, frequently occurs as glycoside. ─── 槲皮素是黄酮类化合物重要的一员,在植物中多以糖苷的形式存在。

31、Supplement rapeseed cake with lower erucic acid and sulfur glycoside on egg breeder feed ─── 双低油菜粕饲喂蛋种鸡的试验

32、cardiac glycoside(cardenolide) ─── 强心苷

33、Keywords Holothuria arenicola Semper;Holothurian;Triterpene glycoside; ─── 关键词沙海参;海参;三萜皂苷;

34、It contains multiple chemical constituents, including alkaloid, glycoside, flavonoid, amino acid and inorganic elements etc. ─── 君子兰中含有生物碱类、苷类、黄酮类、氨基酸类和无机元素类等多种化学成分。

35、Cardiac oedema: All forms of cardiac oedema in conjunction with adequate glycoside therapy. ─── 心脏水肿:一切形式的心脏水肿在与足够的苷治疗。

36、Abstract: Objective: To investigate the influence of total paeony glycoside (TPG) on the apoptosis of cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes injured by developing the injured model. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:通过建立心肌损伤模型探讨赤芍总苷对培养乳鼠心肌细胞损伤后细胞凋亡的影响。

37、Effect of pregnenolone sialic glycoside on memory impairment in mice ─── 孕烯醇酮唾液酸苷对小鼠记忆障碍的改善作用

38、indole mustard oil glycoside ─── 吲哚芥子油甙

39、luteolin - 7 - O - glycoside ─── 木犀草素-7-O-葡萄糖苷

40、Keywords Cespitularia cocerulea;soft coral;steroidal glycoside; ─── 乌绿草虫软珊瑚;软珊瑚;甾醇苷;

41、Keywords Descurainia sophia;flavonol glycoside;sinapic acid ethyl ester; ─── 南葶苈子;黄酮醇苷;芥子酸乙酯;4-甲氧基芥子酸;

42、Conclusion: The method is simple and accurate, and can be used for determination of total iridoid glycoside in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. ─── 结论:本方法操作简单、准确,可用于测定栀子中总环烯醚萜苷的含量。

43、Semen Cassiae anthraquinone glycoside ─── 决明子蒽醌苷

44、Effects of cassia seeds protein and anthraquinone glycoside on blood fat of rats with hyperlipemia ─── 决明子蛋白质和蒽醌苷对高脂血症大鼠血脂的影响

45、A new homo-cholestane glycoside from Paris polyphylla var. Chinensis ─── 华重楼中一个新的类胆甾烷皂苷

46、By orthogonal test, the optimum conditions for soybean isoflavone glycoside to be hydrolyzed into isoflavone aglucon were found. ─── 通过正交试验得到了大豆异黄酮糖苷水解为大豆异黄酮苷元的最佳工艺条件。

47、Keywords Convolvulaceae;Ipomoea;Ipomoea batatas;Resin glycoside; ─── 旋花科;番薯属;甘薯;树脂糖苷;

48、9.a glycoside derived from glucose. ─── 来自葡萄糖的一种苷。

49、The Rudiment Study on Antioxidation Action of Glycoside Compound in Treating both the Vital Energy and Blood Decoction ─── 对气血并治方中的甙类化合物抗氧化能力的初步研究

50、A certain medicine plant is a typical chemistry pharmacy factory, its main products contain Keto glycoside, geranyl ester, astaxanthin. ─── 浙江某生物化工有限公司是典型的化学制药企业,主要产品有:酮苷、香叶酯、虾青素。

51、The Study of Characteristics of Absorption and Separation of Different Glycoside on Macropore Resins ─── 不同类型苷类在大孔吸附树脂上的吸附纯化特性研究

52、A new phenolic glycoside from fruits of Citrus aurantium ─── 枳实中一个新的酚苷成分

53、Cattle Encephalon Glycoside and Ignotin Nikethamide ─── 乙类脑苷肌肽

54、Studies on Extraction Technology of Total Iridoid Glycoside of Cape Jasmine Fruit ─── 栀子总环烯醚萜苷提取工艺路线研究

55、The flavone glycoside content in walnut benevolence is 0. ─── 测定核桃仁隔膜中黄酮苷含量为0。

56、ABSTRACT AIM To investigate effects of Total Paeony Glycoside(TPG) on ability of learning and memory in mice. ─── 摘要 目的 观察赤芍总苷对小鼠学习记忆能力的影响。

57、soybeam isoflavone glycoside ─── 大豆异黄酮糖苷

58、Viscum coloratum flavonoid glycoside ─── 槲寄生黄酮苷

59、anthraquinone glycoside from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. ─── 何首乌蒽醌苷

60、It containspo lysaccharides, protein, alkaloid, amino acid, flavonoids, glycoside, trace ele ment etc. Astragalus polysaccharides (APS) is main biological active compone nt. ─── 含有多糖、蛋白质、生物碱、氨基酸、黄酮类、甙类、微量元素等多种生物活性物质,其中黄芪多糖(Astragalus polysaccharides,APS)是黄芪主要生物活性成分。

61、The nonionic surfactant palmitic acid monoethanolamide polyglycoside(PMEAPG),which has not been reported in the literature,was obtained by transglycosidation of PMEA with n-butyl glycoside. ─── 以棕榈酸和单乙醇胺反应,生成棕榈酸单乙醇酰胺,再与丁苷进行转苷化反应,得到文献未曾报到过的棕榈酸单乙醇酰胺葡萄糖苷非离子表面活性剂。

62、Keywords ginseng;agrobacterium rhizogenes;hairy root;glycoside; ─── 人参;发根农杆菌;毛状根;人参皂苷;

63、Generally believed that 8-iso-amyl alkenyl and the flavonoid glycoside Epimedium is right for cardiovascular and immune activity of the major components, and has anti-tumor activity. ─── 一般认为具有8-异戊烯基的黄酮及其苷类是淫羊藿对心血管及免疫促进活性的主要成分,并具有抗肿瘤活性。

64、Observation on Protect Role of Zymogen Powder of Chinese Caterpillar Fungus on Renal Toxicity of Amino glycoside ─── 发酵虫草菌粉对氨基糖甙肾毒性保护作用观察

65、total iridoid glycoside in Fructus Corni Officinalis ─── 山茱萸环烯醚萜总苷

66、Methods Hydrolyze the anthraquinone glycoside first and then separate them by PH gradient extraction,and purify emodin by chromatography at last. ─── 方法先水解蒽醌苷,然后用pH梯度萃取法分离,最后柱层析法。

67、A cardiac glycoside, C41H64O14, obtained from the leaves of a foxglove, Digitalis lanata, with pharmacological effects similar to digitalis. ─── 地高辛一种强心葡糖苷,C41H64O14,从熟地的叶子上得到,洋地黄马缨丹,与毛地黄有相同的药理作用

68、A white poisonous glycoside, C29H44O12?H2O, extracted from the seeds of the African trees Strophanthus gratus and Acokanthera ouabaio, that is used as a heart stimulant and by some African peoples as a dart poison. ─── 乌本苷一种有毒的白色糖苷,C29H44O12?H2O,从非洲树木旋花羊角拗和尖药木的种子提炼出,用作强心剂并被一些非洲人用来制作标枪的有毒涂抹物

69、Keywords Xiaoyekudingcha;Ligustrum robust;monoterpenoid glycoside; ─── 小叶苦丁茶;粗壮女贞;单萜配糖体;

70、The objective of the study is to optimize the process for extraction technology of total iridoid glycoside of Cape Jasmine Fruit. ─── 优选栀子总环烯醚萜苷的提取工艺路线。

71、cyanogenetic glycoside plant poisoning ─── 含氰甙植物中毒

72、Keywords Magnoliaceae;Schisandra chinensis;Glycoside; ─── 木兰科;北五味子;配糖体;

73、Testing Method of Cardiac - Glycoside - Contained Chinese Herb Poisoning ─── 含强心甙类中药中毒的检测方法

74、Conclusion: The contents of total flavonoids and its main aglycone and glycoside are highest in the traditional harvesting time. ─── 结论:黄酮类成分含量在传统的采收期间达到最高。

75、Encephalon glycoside and ignotin injection ─── 凯洛欣

76、Keywords soybean isoflavone glycoside;enzymic hydrolysis;soybean isoflavone; ─── 大豆异黄酮糖苷;酶水解;大豆异黄酮;

77、In this paper jasminoidin is used to signal total iridoid glycoside of Cape Jasmine Fruit,and the contents were determined by HPLC method for evaluation of technology screening. ─── 以栀子苷标示栀子总环烯醚萜苷,采用HPLC法测定其含量,作为工艺筛选时的评价。

78、Keywords Magnoliaceae;Schisandra chinensis;Monoterpenoid glycoside; ─── 木兰科;北五味子;单萜苷;

79、total glycoside of Cimicifuga dahurica ─── 升麻总苷

80、In this paper jasminoidin is used to signal total iridoid glycoside of Cape Jasmine Fruit, and the contents were determined by HPLC method for evaluation of technology screening. ─── 以栀子苷标示栀子总环烯醚萜苷,采用HPLC法测定其含量,作为工艺筛选时的评价。

81、Methods Epidemiological survey in combination with clinical examination and laboratory test were used.Results The seed of stizolobium contains toxicant glycoside that was poisonous. ─── 方法应用流行病学调查方法,结合临床症状分析及实验室检查。

82、amino glycoside phosphotransferase ─── APH


84、The results suggest that AHL contains a site to bind O glycoside linkage. ─── 各种糖的封闭性抑制实验结果与竞争性抑制实验相似 . 提示 AHL上存在 O-糖苷键结合位点 .

85、METHODS To mix the control solution of rheum officinale composition add 0.5% Mg(A C) 2, and determine its absorbance at 510 nm using 0.5% Mg(A C) 2 as blank, diphenyl ethylene glycoside at 310 nm with 95% CH 3CH 2OH solvent. ─── 方法 :大黄素对照品溶液与 0 .5%Mg(AC) 2 显色 ,在5 10nm处以 0 .5%Mg(AC) 2 为空白 ,测其吸收度 ; 二苯乙烯苷对照溶液以 95%乙醇稀释定容 ,在 310nm处测其吸收度。

86、The coloring matter contained in turmeric (curcumin) is virtually identical to the glycoside that gives saffron, a basic Indian spice, its yellow hue. ─── 包含在郁金香(姜黄)里的染料素材,实际上与产生番红花的配糖是相同的,它的黄色颜色。

87、The Inhibiting Effect of Polygonum Multiflorum Total Glycoside on the Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation ─── 何首乌总甙抑制动脉粥样硬化病变形成

88、Active component: rose, natural plant phenol of grape seeds, bearberry glycoside、laevo-VC、crowtoe. ─── 有效成份:玫瑰、葡萄籽天然植物多酚、熊果苷、左旋VC、百脉根。

89、Kind of cyanogenic glycoside was extracted from seeds of Armeniaca sibirica (L.)lam in Chi feng, and it was identified as amygdalin by nuclear magnetic resonacne and infrared Spectroscopic analysis. ─── 从赤峰地区山杏种仁中分离得到一种氰甙,经核磁共振、红外光谱、元素分析鉴定为苦仁甙。

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