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09-17 投稿


impersonates 发音

英:[?m?p??s?ne?ts]  美:[?m?p??rs?ne?ts]

英:  美:

impersonates 中文意思翻译



impersonates 词性/词形变化,impersonates变形

动词过去式: impersonated |动词过去分词: impersonated |名词: impersonation |动词第三人称单数: impersonates |动词现在分词: impersonating |

impersonates 同义词

neutrally | coolly | detachedly | anonymously | grayly | remotely | frostily | impassively | distantly |objectively | coldly | greyly | carefully

impersonates 反义词


impersonates 相似词语短语

1、impersonalise ─── 模仿

2、impersonate ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

3、impersonated ─── vt.扮演;模仿;拟人,人格化

4、impersonalizes ─── v.使......失去人格性,使......非人格化

5、impersonator ─── n.模仿他人(或名人)的演员

6、personates ─── vt.扮演;伪装;冒充;adj.伪装的

7、impersonalises ─── 非人格化

8、impersonations ─── n.扮演;模仿;装扮

9、impersonators ─── n.模仿他人(或名人)的演员

impersonates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She impersonates Madonna. ─── 她描绘了圣母玛丽亚。

2、When calls are made to this OOP , it impersonates the user who was authenticated by IIS . ─── 在调用此OOP时,它模拟已由IIS进行了身份验证的用户。

3、The player impersonates both Billy, a sneaking fugitive, and reverend Ray his uncompromising hunter, all in one game. ─── 球员都模仿比利,偷跑逃犯,牧师和他的光线妥协猎人,在所有的游戏之一。

4、Impersonates the user represented by the specified user token. ─── 模拟由指定使用者语汇基元所表示的使用者。

5、She is the actress who impersonates the Queen of England. ─── 她是一个扮演英国女王的演员。

6、Returns the user account that the report server impersonates when running reports unattended. Read-only. ─── [本主题为预先发布的文档内容,在未来的版本中可能会更改。包括占位符形式的空白主题。

7、As the crucial part of mfERG inspecting system,the mfERG figure stimulator sufficiently impersonates the record principle of mfERG and features in detecting of retinal signals. ─── 多焦ERG图形刺激器作为多焦ERG检测系统的关键部分,充分体现了多焦ERG的记录原理,对视觉电信号的检测起重要作用。

8、He impersonates all the well-known politicians. ─── 他扮演所有著名的政治家。

9、antiquity she impersonates always call themselves "Nu Jia". ─── 她扮演的古代佳人总是自称“奴家”。

10、(Nb: This story is based on the BOTP episode in which Mark impersonates Zoltar. ─── ) / (Nb: 这一个故事以 BOTP 插曲为基础在那一个马克模仿 Zoltar。

11、3.Dr.Norman Bethune impersonates the spirit of proletarian internationalism. ─── 白求恩医生体现了无产阶级国际主义精神。

12、The beautiful women from antiquity she impersonates always call themselves "Nu Jia". ─── 她扮演的古代佳人总是自称“奴家”。

13、an entertainer who impersonates celebrities. ─── 模仿名人的娱乐节目表演者

14、Object either impersonates the client or uses the name and password that are specified in the connection string. ─── 对象模拟客户端或使用在连接字符串中指定的名称和密码。

15、He impersonates all the well-known politicians exactly right. ─── 他模仿所有有名的政治家达到维妙维肖的地步。

16、In addition if anyone impersonates WeMade employee or GM their account will be suspended for 15 days for the infraction and permanently if the player is caught for the second time. ─── 此外如果有人假冒唯美德通用汽车公司的雇员或他们的帐户将暂停15天的违规和永久如果球员陷入了第二次。

17、Whoever impersonates a people's policeman to go about and deceive people shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. ─── 冒充人民警察招摇撞骗的,依照前款的规定从重处罚。

18、The report server impersonates the user account before the data processing extension is called. ─── 在调用数据处理扩展插件之前,报表服务器将模拟该用户帐户。

19、Application impersonates user's domain B identity to access specified resource. ─── 应用程序模仿用户的域b的身份来访问指定的资源。

20、NET application, impersonates a user to send a message to a queue, the identity of the user is used to access the queue. ─── NET应用程序)模拟某个用户将消息发送到队列,则使用该用户的标识来访问队列。

21、He is an entertainer who impersonates celebrities at night clubs. ─── 他在夜总会表演名人模仿秀。

22、Impersonates the user specified by the configuration settings for the specified virtual path, or the specified user token. ─── 模拟由指定虚拟路径的配置设置或由指定用户标记所指定的用户。

23、The SharePoint Web application impersonates the SharePoint user identity on the request to the report server. ─── SharePointWeb应用程序在对报表服务器的请求中模拟SharePoint用户标识。

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