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09-17 投稿


idiotism 发音


英:  美:

idiotism 中文意思翻译



idiotism 相似词语短语

1、idiotise ─── 白痴

2、idiotic ─── adj.白痴的;愚蠢的

3、idioplasm ─── n.[胚][遗]种质;异胞质

4、diorism ─── 二分法

5、idiotize ─── vt.使愚蠢

6、idiotisms ─── n.极愚痴的行为

7、idiots ─── n.白痴,极蠢的人(idiot的复数形式)

8、dicrotism ─── n.重搏脉;[内科]二波脉

9、idioticon ─── 白痴

idiotism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There's a notice outside that says'Please knock before entering'. Haven't you got eyes in your idiot head? ─── 外面有“敲门入内”的牌子,难道你这个蠢脑袋上没长眼睛吗?

2、How can you tolerate that pompous idiot ? ─── 你怎么能容忍那个自大的糊涂虫呢?

3、He stamped his foot, ground his teeth and raved at Kao Sheng, "You blasted idiot! ─── 他跺着脚,咬紧了牙关,恨恨地喊道:“混蛋!

4、Idiot ! You' ve dropped my watch. ─── 傻瓜,你把我的表弄掉了。

5、Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot! ─── |去死吧,你这个懒惰碎嘴的白痴!

6、How can you do such a foolish thing? It's so impolite. You're an idiot! ─── 你怎么可以做这种傻事呢?太没礼貌了。你简直是个白痴!

7、You may be an idiot, but try not to be stupid. ─── 你或许是智障,但尽量别作傻瓜。

8、Any man makes mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. ─── 任何人都可能犯错,但只有傻瓜才坚持错误。

9、He's not. I came to see his true color. He's the stinky fat idiot. ─── 不是。我才看清他的真面目。

10、What a lot idiot there are among ladies; people have get so used to it that they no longer notice it. ─── 太太小姐当中,白痴笨蛋怎么这么多啊;人们对次司空见惯,已不再留意这一事实了。

11、Like many Americans, I am a monolingual idiot. ─── 像大多数美国人一样,我是一个只会说一种语言的白痴。

12、He is an idiot to agree. ─── 他要是同意,就太傻了。

13、That there is Forrest Gump, coach. Just the local idiot. ─── 在那是森林笨蛋,教练。只是当地笨蛋。

14、Can't you do this simple thing ,you stupid idiot? ─── 妳这个笨蛋,这么简单的事妳也做不来呀?

15、A blooming hot day; a blooming idiot. ─── 大热天;十足的白痴

16、Mike: Aaah! You idiot! I can't believe you spilled that wine on me. ─── 啊!你是笨蛋吗?你竟然把酒洒在我身上!

17、Was he a clever man or an idiot? ─── 他算是个聪明人呢还是个大笨蛋?

18、Hurray for the Goddamned idiot! ─── 十足的大傻瓜,万岁!

19、He was an idiot to lose his glasses. ─── 他是个糊涂虫把自己的眼镜也丢了。

20、An idiot will become intelligent When the foal of a wild donkey is born a man. ─── 伯11:12空虚的人、毫无知识、生在世好像野驴的驹子。

21、GEORGE: What are you, Bud Abbott? What, are you calling my an idiot? ─── 乔治:你是什么?二傻。你敢骂我是白痴?

22、Idiot model Military standard craft, excellent protection function. ─── 傻瓜机型,使用便捷,军品工艺,具备完善保护功能。

23、Before Anne Sullivan came to our house, one or two people had told my mother that I was an idiot. ─── 在安妮·莎莉文来到我们家之前,有些人曾对我母亲说过我是个白痴。

24、What did you saied? I am an idiot ?B:Take it easy,it's just an expression. ─── 你说什么?我是二百五?B:别急,只是随口说说而已

25、People call TV an idiot box. ─── 人民把电视叫做白痴匣子。

26、He is intelligent, but sometimes he behave like an idiot. ─── 他很聪明,但有时举止像是白痴。

27、He's a ruddy idiot. ─── 他是个大傻瓜。

28、You frigging idiot! ─── 你这个该死的大笨蛋!

29、You think of me as an idiot! ─── 你以为我是白痴!

30、Don't treat me as (if I were) an idiot. ─── 别把我当傻瓜。

31、He suffocated in the plastic bag, you idiot!!. ─── 他被闷死在那个塑料袋里了。你个傻瓜!

32、Frodo : Don't worry, Sam. Rosie knows an idiot when she sees one. ─── 佛罗多:放心啦,山姆,萝丝知道他是个浑人。

33、And springtime brought me the frightful laugh of an idiot. ─── 可是春天却给我带来白痴的可憎的笑声。

34、Oh, good luck, idiot! Jessica thought before answering the girl's question. ─── 哦,祝你好运!白痴!回答女孩的提问前,杰西卡这样想着。

36、Nothing I can lose now..drow dead, fucking idiot thinking in my mind.. ─── 但这是我值得去造就的自我..不在有以前的阴影..也不再有所谓的负担..

37、He acted the idiot; She plays deaf when the news are bad. ─── 他扮演这个白痴;当不好的消息传来时,她装聋作哑。

38、You: ...humiliated, exactly. What an idiot! ─── 你说:对,非常羞愧,正是。这小子真傻!

39、What a lot idiot there is among ladies; people have get so used to it that they no longer notice it. ─── 太太小姐当中,白痴笨蛋怎么这么多啊; 人们对次司空见惯,已不再留意这一事实了。

40、Master Wu bawled out the cook. "You dumb idiot! ─── 吴少爷怒骂厨子:“白痴!

41、You're stupid! I don't like you. You're a big idiot! Go home! ─── 你这个傻瓜!我不喜欢你。你是个大白痴!滚回家去

42、Ooh you stupid, idiot rabbit. ─── 哦,你这只愚蠢的白痴兔子。

43、The idiot light went on, and I knew I was in some sort of trouble. ─── 傻瓜警告灯闪个不停,我知道遇到麻烦事了。

44、You blithering idiot! ─── 你这个地地道道的傻瓜!

45、How did you get into such a mess,you great idiot? Nothing between your ears,that's your trouble. ─── 你这个大笨蛋,怎么把事情搞得这样一团糟?你的问题就是在于没脑子。

46、Don't act the fool/ass / idiot. ─── 不要当傻瓜;愚人;白痴。

47、Who was the idiot who kept honking? ─── 到底是那个白痴在不停的按喇叭?

48、Gunnar Peterson calls it the "You're an idiot" diet. ─── 冈纳 彼得森把这种减肥法叫做“你是白痴”减肥法。

49、 双语使用场景

50、House: Only an idiot gets between Ahab and his whale. ─── 只有傻子才会横在亚哈和白鲸之间。

51、Cyrus, that idiot, broke the Vampire's Garment into four elements. ─── 塞勒斯这个可恶的家伙,他把吸血鬼披风分成了4个部分。

52、He is no idiot; he has cut his eyeteeth. ─── 他才不傻呢,他已经学乖了。

53、People said I was a disgrace to my country, a faggot, an idiot. ─── 他们说我是国家的耻辱,是同性恋,是白痴。

54、Oh, and Hayes sucks arse! That idiot cannot stop fouling to save his life. ─── 哦,海耶斯太差劲了!这白痴就不会停止犯规让自己留在场上。

55、That was silence, you idiot! ─── “那是无声,你这个白痴

56、Don't you think he is an idiot? ─── 你说他傻不傻?

57、The preceding President was an idiot. ─── 前任总统是个白痴。

58、Soldier: See, any idiot can play. ─── 士兵:看,连蠢猪都会打。

59、He made me feel like a complete idiot. ─── 他让我觉得自己像个十足的傻瓜。

60、Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark. ─── 只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来。

61、Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. ─── 任何人都可能犯错误,但只有傻瓜才坚持错误。----西塞罗

62、He drank about a gallon of idiot juice to get the kick of one beer. ─── 他大约喝了一加仑的肉豆蔻香粉水才相当于喝一杯啤酒的劲儿。

63、Ferguson has 98 years of ridicule Fiennes as a "poor first-class idiot. ─── 98年弗格森曾怒骂因斯为“低劣的一流蠢货”。

64、The Complete Idiot's Guide to Knowledge Mana. ─── 书名:知识管理完全傻瓜指南。

65、Life is tale told by an idiot,full of sound and fury,signifying nothing. ─── 中文的魅力就在于能够准确的表达一种很朦胧丰富的感**彩。

66、You are behaving like a perfect idiot. ─── 你表现得像个十足的白痴。

67、"Why the hell did you come back then, you idiot? ─── “啊,天呀! 那你为啥回来了? 混帐!

68、But the duke says: "Leggo the boy, you old idiot! ─── 不过公爵说道:“放了孩子,你这个老傻瓜!

69、You flaming idiot! ─── 你这个大笨蛋!

70、What kind of idiot shoots from their own half of the couP? ─── 什么样的笨人会从自己的球场投球?

71、They're in high school, you idiot. ─── 他们还在上中学呢, 你这个白痴

72、He suffocated in the plastic bag, you idiot! ─── 他被闷死在那个塑料袋里了。你个傻瓜!

73、He is next door to an idiot. ─── 他简直是个白痴。

74、What kind of idiot shoots from their own half of the court? ─── 什么样的笨人会从他们自己的球场投球?

75、Idiot! You've steped on my toe! ─── 傻瓜,你踩在我的脚趾上了!

76、You spend too much time watching the idiot box. ─── 你电视看得太多了。

77、AT WORK... you have to share with some idiot who pees on the seat. ─── 6.坐牢时有自己的厕所;上班时需要与很多人共享厕所。

78、You Idiot! I should have you shot for this outrage! Do you know who I am? ─── 你们这群白痴!我刚出应该马上把你们枪毙了!你知道我是谁吗?

79、You idiot, how could the place like this alone? ─── 你白痴啊,怎么能一个人跑到这种地方来?哎唷,痛!

80、Rodin's father once said, "I have an idiot for a son. ─── Rodin的爸爸曾经说他有一个"白痴儿子。"

81、Go put on some music, you idiot. ─── 你丫的快去放些音乐。

82、You tell that idiot you're not rooming with him? ─── |你和那个傻瓜说过 你不会和他在一起住吗?

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