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09-17 投稿


leverage 发音

英:[?li?v?r?d?]  美:['l?v?r?d?]

英:  美:

leverage 中文意思翻译



leverage 短语词组

1、operating leverage ─── [经] 营业杠杆, 营业杠杆作用

2、commercial leverage ─── [法] 商业上的调节手段

3、brake leverage ─── [机] 制动臂率, 制动杆倍率

4、excessive leverage ─── 过度杠杆

5、leverage buyout ─── 杠杆收购

6、leverage effect ─── 杠杆效应,举债经营效果

7、financial leverage ratio ─── 财务杠杆比率

8、leverage effects ─── [经] 杠杆效果, 杠杆作用

9、leverage fitness ─── 利用健身功能

10、taxation leverage ─── [财]税收杠杆作用

11、leverage marketing ─── 利用市场营销

12、financial leverage ─── [经] 财务杠杆

13、degree of leverage ─── [经] 杠杆程度

14、gross leverage ─── 总杠杆率

15、suspension leverage ─── 暂停杠杆

16、current financial leverage ─── 当前财务杠杆率

17、leverage factor ─── [经] 杠杆因素

18、leverage ratio ─── [经] 杠杆率

19、capital structure leverage ─── 资本结构杠杆

leverage 词性/词形变化,leverage变形

动词过去分词: leveraged |动词第三人称单数: leverages |动词现在分词: leveraging |动词过去式: leveraged |

leverage 相似词语短语

1、leveraged ─── adj.杠杆的;杠杆作用的;v.(美)杠杆式投机,举债经营(leverage的过去分词形式)

2、beerage ─── n.啤酒酿造业

3、beverages ─── n.饮料;酒水;饮料类(beverage的复数形式)

4、average ─── n.平均;平均数;(海损的)平均分担;平均水平;(按保单规定应付赔偿额的)降减;adj.平均(数)的;普通的;典型的;平庸的;中等的,适中的;v.算出……的平均数;将……平均分配;使……平衡;平均为,平均达到;呈中间色;(行情下跌时)买进更多的证券(或商品)以降低平均进价

5、leverages ─── n.手段,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率;v.利用;举债经营

6、coverage ─── n.覆盖,覆盖范围;新闻报道;保险范围

7、layerage ─── n.压条法

8、deleverage ─── v.减债

9、beverage ─── n.饮料

leverage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sources of leverage in the value chain. ─── 在价值链中的独特的杠杆资源。

2、You will have to plan and strategize, and most importantly, leverage yourself, to truly make a lot of money. ─── 和狗主签协议,相对避免了很多社会矛盾。

3、But nobody pretends that foreign governments have much leverage. ─── 但是没有人敢说外国政府有多大冲动来管。

4、Using the current leverage of the company, estimate a levered beta for each component. ─── 利用当前的槓杆作用,该公司估计槓杆测试每个组件。

5、Without a federal formulary, the government "would lack the leverage to obtain significant discounts" through negotiations, the CBO said. ─── 国会预算办公室称“离开了联邦处方药物一览表,政府将少了一个获得明显折扣的杠杆。”

6、New Venture Question: How do I best leverage my limited marketing recourses? ─── 创业问题:如何平衡我的有限资源?

7、He started his career with far more social leverage than his father had enjoyed. ─── 他开始了自己的事业,并享有比他的父辈更多的社会优势。

8、What they will do is leverage a ratio of "credit" to dollars to you. ─── 他们会给你一个一定比率的信贷。

9、That's pretty damn good leverage. ─── 那具有相当好的影响力。

10、To what degree does your organization's value delivery system enable its operating strategy to leverage value over costs? ─── 在多大程度上你的组织的价值传送系统使经营战略达到良好的价值成本均衡?

11、Those economies that have sound fundamentals, credible policies and low leverage, such as China, have succeeded in weathering the storm. ─── 一些好像中国那样基本因素良好、负债比率低,而所推行的政策又切实有效的经济体系,都能安然度过这场风暴;

12、To leverage the UI selection based linking is not possible in this case. ─── 在这种情况下,使用基于UI选择的链接是不可能的。

13、He has some leverage over the politician. ─── 他对这位政界人士有些影响。

14、Unless the oil price unexpectedly collapses, no such leverage will be available in the near future. ─── 但现在除非油价出人意料的暴跌,这种情况在近期不可能重现。

15、Leverage American Express people and technology to achieve your programme objectives. ─── 善用美国运通的人力资源和技术,以达到你公司的计划目标。

16、You'll seldom see such a percentage anywhere, let alone at large, diversified companies with nominal leverage. ─── 即使财务杠杆再高,你也很难在一般公司看到这种比率,

17、An SOA offers the ability to leverage existing legacy applications, which is usually a cost-effective alternative to rewriting code. ─── SOA提供利用现有遗留应用程序的功能,通常是在重写代码时划算的选择。

18、Does your plan leverage your strengths and support your strategy? ─── 你的计划是否显示你的实力并能支持你的策略?

19、Leverage the use of force to fight the way, received a strong "domino" effect. ─── 利用借力打力方式,获得了较强的“多米诺骨牌”效应。

20、Whether these are commercial systems or home grown, many customers are concerned about how to best leverage their existing systems and content. ─── 不管是商用系统还是组织内部的系统,许多客户都非常关心如何最佳利用现有系统和内容。

21、I'm on your side now. You understand me? I'm just goin'with the flow. You let me know when you're done with your, uh, leverage. ─── 你搞没搞清楚我跟你们是一伙的?我不可能做对大家或不利的事情。啥时候你和你的筹码办完事儿了,告诉我一声。

22、Washington, like Hanoi, wanted to use the Amerasians as leverage for settling larger issues between the two countries. ─── 华盛顿也像河内一样,希望利用美亚混血儿作为解决两国间更大问题的杠杆。

23、Just being online is not enough to leverage digital channels to drive business imperatives. ─── 仅仅建立网络业务,并不足以利用数字渠道以推动业务。

24、"We're not being unreasonable, " Inhofe said. "The only leverage we have is the quorum leverage, and if we get stonewalled, we'll use it. " ─── “我们不是不讲道理的,”英霍夫说,“法定人数是我们掌握的唯一杠杆,如果我们受到阻碍,我们将使用它。”

25、Good business or investment decisions will eventually produce quite satisfactory economic results, with no aid from leverage. ─── 只要是好公司或是好的投资决策,不靠投资杠杆,最后还是能够得到令人满意的结果,

26、To provide(a company) with leverage. ─── 使(某一公司)举债经营

27、He failed in the project because he could not gain leverage. ─── 因为他没有影响力所以他的计划失败了。

28、Select Your FLEXI Contract and Leverage Size. These can be changed after your account has been opened. ─── 填写内容一:选择您的帐户的扛杆比例与合约尺寸。

29、The composite layered architecture of an SOA can leverage existing systems and integrate them using service-oriented integration techniques. ─── SOA的复合层架构可以利用现有的系统并且用基于服务的集成技术来集成它们。

30、You can leverage any source of power you have to build your base of power in another source. ─── 你可以利用你拥有的任何一种权力资源来建立、充实你另一权力资源。

31、He failed in the project because he could gain no leverage. ─── 因为他没有影响力,他的计划失败了。

32、Firms will be warier of leverage. ─── 公司将对杠杆率持更加谨慎的态度。

33、I felt that I had a little bit more leverage with him, given that I'm paying his college tuition then with off-the-street program. ─── 但我觉得在他那,我更有砝码,毕竟我给他支付大学学费,让他做一些项目。

34、"You can leverage US GAAP for certain topic areas but the bottom line is there hasn't been a lot of material developed on IFRS, " he said. ─── “你可以在某些课题领域借助美国的GAAP。不过根本问题在于,基于IFRS开发的课件并不多,”他表示。

35、China's unwillingness to let its currency appreciate more also limits its leverage. ─── 中国不愿让人民币进一步升值,也限制了它的影响力。

36、We decompose costs of analyst following a bank into difficulty and leverage. ─── 因分析师间成本差异,或有选择性报导问题。

37、Those economies that have sound fundamentals,credible policies and low leverage,such as China,have succeeded in weathering the storm. ─── 一些好像中国那样基本因素良好、负债比率低,而所推行的政策又切实有效的经济体系,都能安然度过这场风暴。

38、Indeed, government leverage could set the stage for another downdraft if the wider economy doesn't recover fast. ─── 事实上,如果更大范围的经济不能迅速复苏,政府的调节措施可能反而导致房价再度下跌。

39、Supply/Demand planning focus ? leverage Supply Assurance process. ─── 关注市场需求和供应计划,保证新产品供应平稳;

40、As a small businessperson you have no greater leverage than the truth. ─── 作为一个小商人,诚实是最大的优势。

41、Related to the drive for simplicity is the concept of leverage, which is where a single interface element is used for multiple, related purposes. ─── 另一个相关的概念就是杠杆作用,在界面中使用一个元素来表达多重相关的意图。

42、China and South Korea offer some limited leverage on Mr Kim's regime. ─── 中韩两国国提供有限的影响力来约束金正日政府。

43、Applications that did not leverage application server security were typically found to have serious security holes. ─── 在不利用应用服务器安全性的应用程序中,常常会发现很严重的安全性漏洞。

44、But a semblance of normality will not mean a return to the spellbinding leverage of the credit bubble. ─── 但是准正常状态并不意味着信贷泡沫时期惹人垂涎的杠杠的回归。

45、Margin requirements also provide traders with su tantial leverage. ─── 保证金也给了交易商以极大的财务杠杆的便利。

46、TSG online trading platform has margin management capabilities, which allow for this high leverage. ─── TSG外汇交易平台的保证金功能允许大倍数的杠杆。

47、Some fear that low-cost leverage might tempt buyers to overpay. ─── 一些人担心低息的信贷可能使购买者出价太高。

48、Let the leverage of price be exerted adequately. ─── 充分发挥价格的杠杆作用。

49、His position as mayor gives him leverage to get things done. ─── 他的市长身份使他有能力办成一些事情。

50、Next, I will show you how you can leverage custom code to author an advanced report with sales forecasting features. ─── 其次,我将为您展示您可以如何利用自定义代码来编写带有销售预测功能的高级报表。

51、Instead, take a proactive approach and identify ways to leverage this as an opportunity for your brand. ─── 但我们应采取积极措施,找到防范促使经济萧条成为品牌商机。

52、Corporations are measuring their information assets by their ability to leverage that information to react to market demands more effectively than their competitions. ─── 各公司是通过比竞争对手更有效地利用信息对市场需求作出反应之能力来计量信息资产的。

53、However, a lot of institutions were knocking on their door and outbidding each other on returns, often using leverage. ─── 但是许多机构接踵而至而且彼此竞相开出高价码,通常动用杠杆。

54、Variable resistance can somewhat accommodate the increasing biomechanical leverage of many movements, such as pressing. ─── 可变阻力适和许多运动中的生物力学增大的情况,比如推。

55、In the majority of cases, migrating add-ins is recommended to leverage the new Visual Studio functionality. ─── 在大多数情况下,建议对外接程序进行迁移,以利用新的Visual Studio功能。

56、If everyone knew minny wanted to trade him, they'd use that knowledge as leverage for trying to get a more advantageous trade. ─── 如果人们都知道明尼苏达想交换他,他们会把这个信息作为砝码,使自己在交易中处于有利地位。

57、Leverage of stainless steel can prevent rust so that working is reliable. ─── 不锈钢的连杆机构可防止锈死,工作稳定可靠。

58、Coordinated with the global marketing organization to leverage relevant global material, events in Europe. ─── 同全球市场营销机构协作,利用相关资源在欧洲举办国际活动。

59、In this way, the trade marks in countries where there are no granted patents leverage off the patents granted in other countries. ─── 借助于这种方法,在那些没有对某一产品授予专利的国家里,商标通过杠杆作用“借用”了在其他国家对该产品授予的专利。

60、How does Fixed Network Leverage SMS? ─── 固网如何嫁接短信?

61、In those years a number of countries had great leverage on Iraq. ─── 在那几年,有若干国家对伊拉克有很大影响力。

62、Its goal is to leverage the usage of Zope, and not to give another free hosting service. ─── 他的目标是利用zope,不提供其他的免费空间服务。

63、A deeper reason may be that the antidrug money gives them a rare leverage with Mr.Morales's government. ─── 其实背后的更大原因,应是美国的反毒经费让美国对莫拉雷斯政府拥有难得的影响力。

64、Contrary to the impression created by these companies, we had no leverage. ─── 与这些公司鼓吹的相反,我们根本没有任何优势。

65、Make better business decisions when you leverage your key customer data to calculate the true lifetime value of your customers, products and services. ─── 使您在利用重要客户的数据来计算客户、产品和服务的真实终生价值时,能够更好地进行业务决策。

66、But our bilingual education does provide us with an important base to leverage on. ─── 但是,我们的双语教育却为我们提供了进一步发展的重要基

67、Use of Leverage to Enhance Returns. ─── 利用杠杆增加回报?

68、Envision has set up R &D offices in Germany, UK and China to leverage global resources. ─── 公司团队由欧洲风力发电设计、制造领域的一流科学家、技术专家以及资深的海外投资银行家、能源分析师组成。

69、Similarly, margin trading has yet to get the nod because of fears that investors will abuse the potential for leverage. ─── 同样,保证金交易仍未获得中国政府首肯,原因是他们担心投资者将滥用杠杆潜力。

70、The CLR also has the ability to behave differently in multiprocessor environments in order to leverage the benefit of multiple CPUs. ─── CLR在多处理器环境中也有不同的行为,从而利用多CPU带来的好处。

71、Now some experts are proposing that we should take advantage of the teen brain's keen sensitivity to the presence of friends and leverage it to improve education. ─── 现在,一些专家建议,我们应该利用青少年大脑对朋友的存在的敏感,并利用它来改善教育。

72、With merely10% deposit, he has effectively leverage himself ten times on the capital invested. ─── 仅10%订金,他已有效杠杆自己十倍的资金投入.

73、A leverage buyout depends heavily on borrowed money. ─── 借债谋利在很大程度上取决于借入资本。

74、Can be customized to leverage existing infrastructure and integrate with modalities and information systems such as HIS, RIS and EMR. ─── 可自定义以利用现有基础结构,以及与成像设备和信息系统集成,如HIS、RIS和EMR。

75、To keep their products price-competitive, many companies are establishing global production facilities to leverage reduced labor costs. ─── 为了使产品价格保持竞争力,许多公司都开始建立全球性生产机构,以通过降低劳动力成本来提高收益。

76、But that leverage is "so disproportionate that it's not used," says Ms.Meissner, the former immigration commissioner. ─── 但这一手段“在数量上很难对称,因此并不常 用,”前移民官员迈斯纳说。

77、It's the secretary's man; I have a lot of leverage. ─── 作为部长的红人,我具有不少的影响。

78、First, reduced leverage and tighter credit will herald the end of the private-equity model of the past 20 years. ─── 原译:首先,有所收敛的杠杠和裹得更紧的信贷将预示着过去二十年中的私募股权模式曲终人散。

79、Byrnes, who wanted to leverage the United States's nuclear advantage to the maximum extent possible. ─── Byrnes)的坚决反对,因为贝尔纳斯想要最大限度地利用美国的核优势。

80、Do you have any leverage with the Senator. ─── 你对那参议员有影响力 [罩得住] 吗?

81、Another form of leverage is creativity. ─── 另一种务??杆就是创造力。

82、Leverage mechanism for preventing labor in vain. ─── 使用杠杆式夹具操作,可以达到省力的作用。

83、There were also technical issues: you had this bank-centred finance in Asia and very high levels of internal leverage. ─── 另一个关键则是技术性的问题:亚洲的融资以银行贷款为主,国内的负债率也很高。

84、Maybe its the slim contouring shape or the small whale-tail rear that enables better pedal leverage. ─── 也许它小井轮廓形状或者小鲸鱼尾巴后方,让更好的踏板杠杆.

85、But we need all the leverage we can get, and, uh. I need some money. ─── 但是我们要争取主动而且。我要点钱。

86、In these states the veto gives the governor leverage over budget decisions. ─── 在这些州,否决权使州长可以影响预算决定。

87、Feeling kind of dorky trying to explain this I have devised a way to show how much better the compound leverage is. ─── 为了更好的证明我发明了一个办法来说明这种复合杠杆结构的优势。

88、Entire hatcheries were transplanted off world, and Kamino began to lose what little leverage it had over the Republic. ─── 整套整套的克隆人培育设施被移植到其它星球,卡米诺开始失去其对共和国仅有的影响力。

89、"We believe that through the TARP fund leverage, we may have a greater ability to acquisitions of assets. ─── “我们认为,通过TARP基金的杠杆作用,我们可能有更大能力收购问题资产。”

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