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09-17 投稿


kodak 发音

英:['k??d?k]  美:[?ko??d?k]

英:  美:

kodak 中文意思翻译



kodak 短语词组

1、Kodak Timing Negative Film ─── 柯达定时底片

2、Kodak courage

3、kodak gold ─── 柯达黄金

4、Kodak Infrared Scope ─── 柯达红外范围

5、kodak moment ─── 幸福瞬间;柯达时刻

6、kodak black ─── 真名DieusonOctave,美国饶舌歌手

7、Eastman Kodak Company ─── 柯达公司

8、kodak metal etch resist ─── [计] 柯达金属抗蚀剂

9、Eastman-Kodak process ─── [化] 伊斯特曼-科达法(由甲烷-丁烷制乙炔法)

10、box Kodak ─── [网络] 盒柯达

11、kodak portra ─── 端口代码

12、a kodak moment ─── 幸福定格的瞬间

kodak 相似词语短语

1、boak ─── 船

2、bobak ─── 博巴克

3、codas ─── n.结尾部分;终结句;尾声;终曲;n.(Coda)人名;(法、西、意)科达

4、borak ─── n.开玩笑;打趣;胡扯

5、coda ─── n.结尾部分;终结句;尾声;终曲;n.(Coda)人名;(法、西、意)科达

6、Kodak ─── n.柯达(品牌)

7、konak ─── n.大官邸;n.(Konak)人名;(土)科纳克

8、ModGk ─── 莫德克

9、Wodan ─── 水

kodak 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Headquartered at the MPC, photographers will be offered an integrated work area in the lower ground level with a fully equipped photo work room and Kodak Image Center. ─── 主新闻中心是摄影记者的工作基地,在它的地下一层有一个摄影记者专用的综合工作区,包括了摄影工作区和柯达影像中心。

2、Undeniable, peileisi's arrival, adumbrative Kodak will produce major change on company development strategy. ─── 不可否认,佩雷斯的到来,预示着柯达将在公司发展战略上发生重大的转变。

3、Now Kodak has been successful and, F1 races, at Cyberjaya Digital, HP, CASIO, China Gakuen brands, established a good cooperative relationship. ─── 如今已成功地与柯达、F1赛事公司、赛博数码广场、HP、CASIO、神州学园等品牌客户建立了良好的合作关系。

4、Based upon technology developed by Kodak, Reference Archiving copies the records you wish to secure to an analog format on ISO-standard archival media. ─── 参考档案以柯达所开发的技术为基础,将你希望加以安全保存的记录,以模拟格式复制到符合ISO标准的存档介质上。

5、You've come to the right place for downloadable drivers and driver information for KODAK Scanners. ─── 您可以在此下载柯达扫描仪的驱动程序及驱动程序的相关信息。

6、Before 2007, Kodak has just left out of the five-year business adjusted Blanchette. ─── 之前的2007年,柯达刚走出了持续5年的业务调整的低迷期。

7、Fuji Photo Film co.had played great deal of manpower and resources,determining to take the lead position in this technical field following Kodak. ─── 富士胶片公司在该领域投入大量人力、物力,决心继柯达公司之后占据这一技术领域的领先地位。

8、By virtue of process stability, LinkTronix founded 800Z easily 10 micron Kodak vision screening party better. ─── 凭借更高的处理稳定性,超胜800Z可轻松进行10微米柯达视方佳加网。

9、In over a century, Kodak has always been a leader in the film industry. ─── 在过去一个多世纪中,柯达始终是胶卷行业的领导者。

10、On March 24, 2002, Oscar moved into his new home in the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, California. ─── 2002年3月24日,奥斯卡于好莱坞的柯达剧院举行盛大的颁奖典礼。

11、Powerful software maximizes the performance of KODAK DIRECTVIEW CR Systems for productivity, security, convenience, and flexibility. ─── 功能强大的软件,可以最大程度地提高柯达DIRECTVIEW CR系统性能,进而提高工作效率、安全性、便捷性和灵活性。

12、Two rolls of Fuji and two rolls of Kodak, please. ─── 史:两筒富士牌的,还有两卷柯达牌的。

13、KODAK IS2000MM could be used to monitor tumor metastasis and dissemination non-invasively. ─── KODAK IS2000MM能够非侵入性和无创性检测肿瘤转移。

14、Manufacturer Identification Code: The letter which identifies film manufacturer K = EASTMAN KODAK Company . ─── 制造商识别码:识别胶片生产厂家的字母。如K代表伊士曼柯达公司。

15、In the1940' s Brandt found an old Kodak box camera with a wide-angle lens focused on infinity and began using it to photograph nudes. ─── 在本世纪四十年代,他找到了一架有广角镜、以无限聚焦的旧式柯达箱形照相机,于是就开始用它来拍摄裸体。

16、Troubled photography firm Eastman Kodak has unveiled a new plan to transform the company into a digital player, sending its shares soaring. ─── 陷入困境的摄影厂商伊士曼柯达计划将公司转变成数码播放器厂商,此计划使其股价猛涨。

17、In the 1970s Kodak, anxious to get in on the act, launched its own instant camera. ─── 在20世纪70年代,急于插手其中的柯达公司推出了自己的即时成像照相机。

18、KODAK COM DR Microfilm 2467 is designed for use in blue phosphorous CRT (cathode ray tube) type computer output microfilmers (COMs). ─── KODAK COM DR 2467型缩微胶片专为在蓝色磷CRT(阴极射线管)类型的电脑输出缩微胶片(COM)而设计。

19、In order to quantitate the expression level of the chosen genes in RT-PCR,Kodak Gel image analysis system was used. ─── RT-PCR电泳结果采用凝胶成像系统对部分基因的表达水平进行定量,然后将其与芯片分析的数据结果进行相似性分析。

20、It had to be capable of handling the material flow required to support many Kodak plants in Kodak Park. ─── 它必须具有向柯达园区众多工厂传送原料的能力。

21、Can you get me two Kodak films when you go to the supermarket? ─── 你去超市时能帮我买两个柯达胶卷吗?

22、Kodak may be the most famous example. ─── kodak可以说是一个最著名的例子。

23、After a stumbling start in filmless photography, Eastman Kodak Co. has chalked up its first win on home soil in the annual digital-camera derby. ─── 实现战略转型后,柯达公司去年在美国本土的销售额首次超过索尼公司,这显示着该公司由制造传统胶片向生产数码相机的过渡初显成效。

24、The real significance of the first Kodak camera was that it was backed up by a developing and printing service. ─── 第一代柯达照相机的真正意义在于它可以连接冲印和打印设备。

25、Looking for supplies or consumables for your Kodak scanner? ─── 寻找供应或消费品为您的柯达扫描器?

26、Other manufacturers, Kodak, for example, supply equivalent materials. ─── 其他制造商,如柯达,也提供同类的材料。

27、The invention of 1 Kodak color films is musician. ─── 1 柯达彩色胶卷的发明者曾是音乐家.

28、Today, Kodak is trying to sell off its cache of digital patents, which may in fact be worth more than the company's market cap. ─── 如今,柯达正设法将其数码领域的专利变现。实际上其专利价值有可能超过公司的市值。

29、Thicker matte and gloss coatings will also increase the depth of Kodak's digital water-marking. ─── 厚雾和光泽涂料也将增加深度的柯达公司的数字水印标记。

30、On the prepress side, two Kodak Magnus VLF (very large format) platesetters handle the extra-wide plates. ─── 在印前方面,柯达马格努斯两个甚低频(非常大的格式)制版机处理额外的全牌照。

31、We briefly analyzed the malfunctious of Kodak CR900 imaging system to ensure the system to work normally. ─── 分析和总结了柯达CR900成像系统的故障,并介绍了故障排除的过程。

32、"Like a Kodak moment from when the amber was formed. ─── “当琥珀成形时,它就像卡达胶卷一样,记录下了当时的情景”。

33、A full featured version can be purchased through a Reseller of Kodak Document Imaging Products. ─── 可向柯达文档影像产品的经销商购买完整功能版本。

34、The ICO's big sponsors, like Coca-Cola, Eastman Kodak and McDonald's, also stand to gain from a Beijing Olympics. ─── 可口可乐、柯达和麦当劳这些国际奥委会的大赞助者也一定会在北京奥运会中获益。

35、The ceremony on Sunday will be held in the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. ─── 今年的典礼将于星期日在好莱坞的柯达剧院举行。

36、Two rolls of fuji and two rolls of kodak , please. How much do i owe you ? ─── 两卷富士牌的,两卷柯达牌的,我该交多少钱?。

37、A well-equipped Photo Workroom is to be provided next to the Kodak Image Center in MPC.There are Photo Workrooms in the VMCs with necessary facilities. ─── 主新闻中心(MPC)内配备齐全的摄影记者工作间,紧邻柯达影像中心。在各比赛场馆的媒体中心(VMC)同样设有设施完善的摄影记者工作间。

38、In the 1940's Brandt found an old Kodak box camera with a wide-angle lens focused on infinity and began using it to photograph nudes. ─── 在本世纪四十年代,他找到了一架有广角镜、可以无限聚焦的旧式柯达箱形照相机,于是就开始用它来拍摄裸体。

39、This year the event will be held in the brand-new Kodak Theater. ─── 今年的颁奖典礼将在崭新的柯达剧院举行。

40、The other major film companies, Kodak and Agfa, have already moved into this area. ─── 其他主要电影公司,柯达和爱克发,已搬进这方面的工作。

41、They did pick up an EVP, and sent the photograph to Kodak lab. ─── 他们拿起一个执行副总裁,并派出照片柯达实验室。

42、Other green initiatives included an energy audit of Kodak Theatre, which resulted in an efficiency plan and recommendations for upgrades. ─── 其他绿色行动还包括柯达剧院的能源稽核,进一步打造能源效能计划和设备升级的建议;

43、Three Kodak film and photo processing plants in Kodak Park agreed to participate in the pilot project. ─── 在柯达园区的3个柯达胶片和照片制造工厂同意参加这一试点项目。

44、As “ befuddles ” manufacturer, Kodak is there any plan to rebuild the film branding status? ─── 作为“半路出家”的厂商,柯达有没有什么计划可重建胶片时代的品牌地位?

45、Carl Kolht) and Kodak is appointed bear build north of company of Shang Fuliu Daniel inferior area president Bao Fujie (Mr. ─── Carl Kolht)及柯达公司指定承建商福陆丹尼尔公司北亚地区总裁鲍福杰(Mr.

46、Workers are putting the final touches on Hollywood's Kodak Theatre, where the motion picture industry will award the Oscars on Sunday evening. ─── 工程人员正在好莱坞柯达戏院做最后细部的修饰工作,电影业将在这个星期天颁发奥斯卡金像奖。

47、The Awards returned to Hollywood for the 2001 (74th) Awards Presentation at the state-of-the-art 3,300-seat Kodak Theatre. ─── 从第74届颁奖典礼开始,奥斯卡颁奖仪式就在拥有3,300个座位的科达剧院举行。

48、Of course, some company names have traveled quite well. Kodak may be the most famous example. ─── 当然,有些公司的名称倒是畅通无阻的。kodak可以说是一个最著名的例子。

49、Days before tonight's event, L. A. cops and FBI agents began securing the area around the new Kodak Theater, Oscar's lavish Hollywood home. ─── 在今晚颁奖晚会前的数天,洛杉矶的警察和fbi的人就开始了对被称为--奥斯卡豪华的好莱钨之家---新得科达影剧院周围,采取安全保卫措施。

50、ESTAR Base: The trade name applied to the polyethylene terephthalate film base manufactured by Eastman Kodak Company. ─── 伊士曼柯达公司生产的聚乙烯对苯二酸酯胶片片基的商品名称。

51、The coating with dye is rinsed in water for 10 seconds, fixed for 3 minutes in Kodak F-5 fixer with hardener at 68°F. ─── 含有染料的涂层,水选10秒钟,在68°F 含有坚膜剂的柯达F-5定影液中定影3分钟。

52、Therefore, in the Kodak film world, from a wheeze to the roar of aircraft, all of which is audible. ─── 因此在柯达电影世界,从一声喘息到飞机的轰鸣,全都可以历历在耳。

53、"Kodak Film World" is the first cinema to confor... ─── “柯达电影世界”是全亚洲第一家按照美国“柯达电影放...

54、Graphic Press’s prepress department then output confirming proofs on its Kodak (Scitex) Iris system. ─── 图形出版社的印前然后输出部门确认其证明柯达(赛天使)虹膜系统。

55、As usual with Kodak cameras, colour reproduction is very good. ─── 如以往的柯达相机一样,色彩还原非常不错。

56、The IOC's big sponsors, like Coca-Cola, Eastman Kodak and McDonald's, also stand to gain from a Beijing Olympics. ─── 可口可乐、柯达和麦当劳这些国际奥委会的大赞助也一定会在北京奥运中获益。

57、At the same time, Kodak, through to cooperate with us in China saved quite a significant market share, which is very good. ─── 同时,柯达通过与我们合作,在中国保住了相当大的市场份额,这是很不错的收益。

58、Most of the giant corporations, such as General Motors, Eastman Kodak, Dow Chemical, Du Pont. and Exxon, are owned by large numbers of people. ─── 大多数的巨型公司,例如通用汽车,柯达,陶氏化工,杜邦以及埃克森美孚,都是由很大数量的人所拥有。

59、North Kansas City Hospital's KODAK DIRECTVIEW CR 800 Systems Speed Image Access, Boost Departmental Productivity. ─── 北堪萨斯市医院'的柯达DIRECTVIEW CR 800系统加速了影像的访问,提高了科室的工作效率。

60、The team chose a warehouse facility in Kodak Park that fed materials to the plants involved in the project. ─── 他们在柯达园区选择了一个仓库,该仓库向与项目有关的工厂输送原料。

61、You can also head to any Kodak Express outlets to develop your Chingay 2008 photos and submit your photos (with captions) in a contest box available there. ─── 您也可以在柯达相片冲洗店,将相机拍得的妆艺照片(附上标题),投入店内特备的箱子里参与比赛。

62、Would you please get two Kodak roll films for me when you go to the supermarket? ─── 你去超市时能把我买两个柯达胶卷吗?

63、Up until May 10th, those buying a Kodak digital camera will get a coupon for printing 20 photos. ─── 即日起至2006年5月10日,凡购买柯达数码相机,即可获得免费柯达皇家数码全景照片的网上冲印券,此券可冲印20张相片.

64、Kodak Fails to Focus on Digital photography. ─── 柯达未能专注于数码摄影。

65、Fans are lining up outside the Kodak Theater in Hollywood hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars arriving for the79 th Annual Academy Awards. ─── 影迷们在好莱坞的柯达剧院外列队等待,只为了能一睹自己喜爱的明星们来参加一年一度的第79届奥斯卡。

66、KODAK COM CM Microfilm 2466 gives you improved readability of headers, increased character sharpness, and higher visual contrast for wet, roll-format COM output. ─── KODAK COM CM型2466缩微胶片带给你增强的页眉可读性、增强的字符清晰度、更高的视觉对比度。

67、Two rolls of fuji and two rolls of kodak, please. How much do i owe you? ─── 两卷富士牌的,两卷柯达牌的,我该交多少钱?

68、You've come to the right place for technical publications and manuals for Kodak Document Imaging products. ─── 您可以在此获取柯达文档影像产品的技术刊物与手册。

69、Use KODAK Positive Print Duplicating Microfilm to effectively duplicate pictorial images with varying degrees of tone scale. ─── 使用柯达正片印刷复制缩微胶片,可以高效地复制图画影像,有多种色彩效果。

70、Major customers include Nokia, Sony, Sony Ericsson, Fujitsu, Kodak, Ricoh, Motorola, Philips, and other well-known multinational companies. ─── 主要客户有诺基亚、索尼、索尼爱立信、富士通、柯达、理光、摩托罗拉、飞利浦等着名跨国企业。

71、Author Brian Coe was the Curator of both the Kodak Museum in Harrow, England as well as Curator of the Royal Photographic Society at Bath, England. ─── 作者布赖恩权证是馆长双方柯达博物馆耙,英格兰以及策展人的英国皇家摄影学会,在洗澡,英格兰.

72、When you use DL 1000 with Kodak Premium 1000 Thermal Print Film 1323, you get the highest quality duplicate at optimum equipment throughput speeds. ─── 当你将柯达Premium 1000热印胶片1323和DL 1000型缩微胶片一起使用时,你得到了质量最高的两种产品,以及最优化的设备生产速度。

73、Lucky group not only deprived of Kodak's withdraws his business on affected, there is a great development. ─── 乐凯集团不仅没有因为柯达的退出而在经营业务上受到影响,还有了很大发展。

74、We are writing to inform you that we have been appointed agents for the famous Kodak cameras. ─── 写这封信给您,是为了通知阁下,本公司已被指定为闻名的Kodak相机代理商。

75、At the last Drupa we only had three products in this area, the Kodak Versamark, the Miyakoshi and the Agfa Dotrix. ─── 如今,喷墨印刷已经在大幅面和超大幅面印刷领域产生较大影响。

76、If you have seen Kodak's automatic camera price, contrasts with the Orrin Pass's price knew that Kodak's quality and decided the position. ─── 如果您见过柯达的傻瓜机价格,与奥林帕斯的价格对比一下就知道柯达的质量和定位了。

77、California winery Kosta Browne Winery is implementing the Kodak Traceless system protect its valuable vintages against counterfeiting. ─── 加州酒厂科斯塔布朗酒厂正在实施柯达痕迹制度保护其宝贵的年份,打击冒牌货。

78、The possible reason may be that the Kodak does not want to cause adverse affection to the overall profit of the company by this low-priced item. ─── 可能的原因是柯达不希望此低价格品牌对整体公司利润产生不利影响。

79、Bring the convenience and image quality of KODAK DIRECTVIEW CR 850, CR 950 and CR 975 Systems to your mammography department. ─── 将柯达DIRECTVIEW CR 850、CR 950和CR 975系统的便捷性与影像质量带到您的乳腺放射成像科。

80、RINT 2009, Kodak on revolutionary plates covering business, packaging, newspapers, and so on each market. ─── RINT 2009上,柯达展出多款革命性的印版,涵盖商业、包装、报业等各个市场。

81、Integration with KODAK CARESTREAM PACS provides online images with reports. ─── 与CARESTREAM PACS集成以提供在线影像和报告。

82、The great Edward Steichen photographed Isadora Duncan at the Acropolis, Athens in 1921.He used a Kodak borrowed from the head waiter at his hotel. ─── 1921年,摄影大师爱德华(EdwardSteichen)使用他跟所下榻饭店的领班服务生借来的一台柯达相机,在雅典卫城(Acropolis,Athens)为IsadoraDuncan拍照。

83、In the existing Kodak film, KODACHROME only account to have this type of product 1% of the total number of sales. ─── 在现存的柯达胶卷中,KODACHROME只占到了这类产品总销售量的1%不到。

84、Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. ─── 柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。

85、KODAK DIRECTVIEW CR 800 Systems Enhance Image Quality, Reduce Retakes at Marion General Hospital, Marion Area Health Center. ─── 在Marion总医院和Marion地区健康中心,柯达DirectView CR 800系统提高了图像质量,减少了重拍次数。

86、Interbrand CEO Jez Frampton says that Kodak is still a highly recognized brand, but the “ but no great products to support their brands. ─── Interbrand首席执行官JezFrampton表示,柯达依然是一个被高度认可的品牌,但是“却没有伟大的产品来支持其品牌。”

87、He failed to outsource much production, which might have made Kodak more nimble and creative. ─── 将这项业务外包出去,柯达的经营将更为灵活和富有创造性。

88、You've come to the right place for Frequently Asked Questions and technical bulletins for KODAK Document Imaging Products. ─── 您可以在此获取柯达文档影像产品的“常见问题集”与技术公告。

89、Kenney, Anne R. And Oya Y. Rieger, Title Using Kodak Photo CD Technology for Preservation and Access: A Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and Curators. ─── 使用柯达Photo CD技术来保存和查询:对图书馆员、档案管理员及馆长们的指南。




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