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plantain 发音

英:[?pl?nt?n??pl?nte?n]  美:[?pl?nt?n; ?pl?nte?n]

英:  美:

plantain 中文意思翻译



plantain 词性/词形变化,plantain变形


plantain 短语词组

1、narrow-leaved water plantain ─── [网络] 狭窄的水车前草

2、Plantain-Eaters,Turacos,Go-away Bir Plantain-Eaters,Turacos,Go-away Bir

3、plantain lily ─── 玉簪, ─── 玉簪花

4、hoary plantain ─── 中型车前草

5、plantain family ─── [网络] 车前草家庭

6、plantain-leaved pussytoes ─── [网络] 大蕉叶的小猫

7、mud plantain ─── [网络] 泥车前草

8、robin's plantain ─── 飞蓬

9、narrow-leaved plantain ─── [网络] 长叶车前

10、rugel's plantain ─── [网络] 卢格尔车前草

11、ribbon-leaved water plantain ─── [网络] 带状水车前草

12、common plantain ─── [网络] 大车前

13、English plantain ─── [网络] 英文车前草

14、Indian plantain ─── [网络] 印度大蕉

15、broad-leaved plantain ─── [网络] 阔叶大蕉

16、water-plantain family ─── [网络] 水车花植物家庭

17、water plantain ─── [植物]泽泻属

18、plantain tree ─── [网络] 大蕉树

19、rattlesnake plantain ─── [植物]斑叶兰属(Goodyera)植物;匍根斑叶兰(Goodyera repens)

plantain 相似词语短语

1、plantas ─── 植物

2、plantage ─── n.植物界

3、plantar ─── adj.[解剖]跖的;[解剖]脚底的

4、planting ─── n.栽培,种植;花圃;v.播种;移植(plant的ing形式);安置;n.(Planting)人名;(芬、瑞典)普兰廷

5、planta ─── n.足底;[昆]跗基节;n.(Planta)人名;(意)普兰塔

6、plantling ─── n.幼植物;植物苗;[植]籽苗(等于plantlet)

7、plantations ─── n.[农]种植园(plantation的复数形式)

8、plantation ─── n.栽植;殖民;大农场;adj.适用于种植园或热带、亚热带国家的

9、plantains ─── n.大蕉(香蕉的一种);车前草

plantain 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Asiatic plantain seed ─── 车前子

2、Rain on the Plantain Leaves . This was one of the earliest compositions of this type. ─── 《雨打芭蕉》是早期优秀乐曲之一.

3、Originally, the road west of the Indus tree, there is a window of camphora, plantain have hung his head, after the baptism of the rain, click on the full of energy. ─── 本来西面马路边的梧桐树,还有窗下的香樟、芭蕉都耷拉着脑袋,经过雨水的洗礼,一下就精神抖擞了。

4、Effect of plantain seed on the lipid peroxidation in rats with hyperlipidemia ─── 车前子对抗高脂血症大鼠脂质过氧化作用(英文)

5、robust east Asian clump-forming perennial herbs having racemose flowers: plantain lilies; sometimes placed in family Hostaceae. ─── 东亚强壮的丛生多年生草本属,有总状花序的花;车前草百合;有时放入玉簪科。

6、Antagonism in vitro of Trichoderma harzianum C184 against the root pathogens of banana and plantain in Cameroon ─── 哈茨木霉 C184菌株对喀麦隆香蕉及大蕉根部病原菌的体外拮抗作用 (英文 )

7、Effect of plant density and fertilizer application on plantain yield in two soils from Colombia with different natural fertility is shown (Table 2). ─── 表2说明了在哥伦比亚的两种不同天然肥力土壤上种植密度及肥料用量对大蕉产量的影响。

8、The out door plantain trees allures a sudden rain, the copper knocker invited some green. ─── 窗外芭蕉惹骤雨, 门环惹铜绿.

9、plantain of Mediterranean regions whose seeds swell and become gelatinous when moist and are used as a mild laxative ─── 地中海地区车前,种子膨胀,湿时成胶状,用作温和倾泻剂

10、Instead she blew Monkey right out of sight with a single wave of her plantain fan. ─── 悟空初次借扇,被铁扇公主用芭蕉扇扇得无影无踪。

11、To her surprise, his courtyard was utterly quiet, even the two storks were sleeping under the plantain. ─── 不想步入院中,鸦雀无声,一并连两只仙鹤在芭蕉下都睡着了。

12、Two separate diseases are destroying banana and plantain crops in Africa. ─── 两种疾病正在危害非洲的香蕉和大蕉作物。

13、In vitro rapid propagation of Musa ABB group 'Bengalese plantain' and inoculation of VA mycorrhiza ─── 孟加拉粉大蕉试管苗快繁及接种VA菌根真菌

14、Conclusion Compound plantain ointment has certain treatment function to bedsore. ─── 结论复方车前草软膏对褥疮有一定的治疗作用。

15、Plant population effect on growth factors and yield of plantain in an Andisol from Quindio, Colombia (1993). ─── 表1 哥伦比亚Quindio 火山灰土上种植密度对大蕉生长因素及产量的影响(1993) Table 1.

16、A plantain is similar to a banana. ─── 大蕉类似于香蕉.

17、A plantain is similar to a banana ─── 大蕉类似于香蕉。

18、Farmers in plantain producing areas of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela are benefiting from this technology. ─── 厄瓜多尔 、 哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉大蕉生产区的种植者正获益于这项新技术.

19、After having made arrangements for his master, Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan. ─── 司空把师父安排好,前往芭蕉洞找铁扇公主。

20、North American plantain having reddish leafstalks and broad leaves. ─── 北美车前,叶柄带红色,叶宽。

21、big rattlesnake plantain herb ─── 斑叶兰

22、Control of the two main plantain diseases, yellow sigatoka (Micosphaerella musicola) and black sigatoka (Micosphaerella fijiensis), is indispensable. ─── 对两种主要病害黄香蕉叶斑和黑香蕉叶斑病进行控制是必不可少的。

23、A wax obtained from the leaves of a plantain. ─── 车前草的叶子的一种蜡。

24、Results Compound plantain ointment could quickly resume skin growth and promote skin regeneration. ─── 结果复方车前草软膏能快速恢复皮肤再生能力,促进创面愈合。

25、2 separate diseases are destroying banana and plantain crops in Africa. They could threaten food security for millions of Africans who depend on bananas as an important part of their diet. ─── 两种不同的疾病正在侵蚀着非洲的香蕉和大蕉植株,这些疾病严重威胁了当地以香蕉作为重要实物的数百万非洲人的的食品安全问题。

26、plantain lily ─── 玉簪科(Hosta)植物

27、tall rattlesnake plantain herb ─── 石风丹

28、Plantain squirrel ─── n. 大蕉松鼠

29、Total Flavone Extracted by Microwave from Plantain Spike and Determination ─── 微波提取车前穗中总黄酮及其含量测定

30、BACKGROUND:Recently,it is investigated that shell of plantain seed is a soluble dietary fiber which can be added into foods to regulate content of cholesterol. ─── 背景:近年研究发现,车前草种子外壳是很好的可溶性膳食纤维源,可用来添加到食品中,调整胆固醇含量。

31、Conclusion Compound plantain ointment has certain treatment function to bedsore. ─── 结论复方车前草软膏对褥疮有一定的治疗作用.

32、robust east Asian clump-forming perennial herbs having racemose flowers: plantain lilies; sometimes placed in family Hostaceae ─── 东亚强壮的丛生多年生草本属,有总状花序的花;车前草百合;有时放入玉簪科

33、rippleseed plantain ─── 成熟槽

34、From spring to autumn,from primroses to flower of fragrant plantain lily and chrysanthemum,all have their honors of keep it company until the end. ─── 碰巧有几只小虫子爬过,这就是远渡重洋的海轮。我幻想它是水中的荇藻,我眼前就真地展现出一个小池塘。

35、I did not know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! ─── 我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!

36、It makes a lovely picture, the bamboo houses set off by green plantain trees. ─── 它使一个可爱的图片,竹房屋抵销的绿色芭蕉树。

37、A proprietary blend includes Fenugreek Seed, European Goldenrod Flowers, Horsetail Herb, Hydrangea Root and Common Plantain Leaf.Manufactured by Ridge Crest Herbals?Salt Lake City, UT. ─── 成份包括胡芦巴,欧洲一枝花,马尾草,八仙根和共同芭蕉叶。

38、In this painting, the figures, stones, bamboo, and plantain trees all resemble Shen Chou's style very closely, but the dotting technique of the moss is overdone, and the brushwork somewhat weak. ─── 樗仙山水出自沈周,本幅人物竹石芭蕉皆极似石田风貌,惟点苔过繁,笔力亦弱。

39、big rattlesnake plantain rhizome and root ─── 斑叶兰根

40、Plantain:A large, tropical, treelike herb(Musa paradisiaca) of southeast Asia, resembling the banana and bearing similar fruit. ─── 大蕉:一种热带类似树的大型草本植物(巴蕉属粉芭蕉),产于亚洲东南部,形似于香蕉树,结相似的果实

41、Two separate diseases are destroying banana and plantain crops in Africa. ─── 两种疾病正在危害非洲的香蕉和大蕉作物.

42、Plantain has been used for centuries to ease the discomfort of bites and stings. Plantain draws toxins out of from the skin while soothes and reduces swelling. ─── 多世纪而来,大车前草被用作舒缓一切蚊、虫等所刺、叮及咬伤的不适,大车前草可将皮肤内的毒素吸出来,同时有舒缓及减轻红肿的作用。

43、Palm, loquat, plantain, lacquer, tung tree, tea and other tropical plants can be seen everywhere inside the rural. ─── 棕榈、枇杷、芭蕉、漆树、油桐、茶等热带植物乡境内随处可见。

44、And grew into such big plantain trees on top of other trees. ─── 就长成了现在的飞来蕉。

45、Two 2 separate diseases are destroying banana and planten plantain crops in Africa. ─── 非洲的香蕉种植业正在遭受两种不同病害的威胁.

46、Taiwan Root was welcomed to Huampami with a meal of boiled yucca, plantain, and a chunk of wild pig. ─── 万帕米居民烹煮丝兰、 香 蕉以及大块肥美的野猪 大餐欢迎台湾路竹会。

47、Lotus leaf, Atractylone, oriental water plantain, cassia seed, hawkthorn, etc can reduce the blood fattiness to lose weight, so that it can restrain appetite; ─── 代谢恢复到正常水平,脂肪是很难积累由于细胞已获得其正常形状的脂肪在脂肪细胞已被烧毁。

48、North American plantain having reddish leafstalks and broad leaves. ─── 北美车前,叶柄带红色,叶宽.

49、Once autumn arrives, the flowers of fragrant plantain lily bring about a sense of chill, and then chrysanthemum marks the end of flower season. ─── 一到秋天,玉簪花带来凄清的寒意,菊花报告花事的结束。

50、a wax obtained from the leaves of a plantain ─── 取自车前草的叶子的一种蜡

51、Chinese Watermelon Soup With Plantain ─── 冬瓜车前草汤

52、Keywords bedsore;compound plantain ointment;cure;experimental study; ─── 褥疮;复方车前草软膏;治疗;实验研究;

53、oriental water plantain ─── 泽泻

54、Plantain banana (Musa ABB cv. Dongguandajiao) ─── 大蕉

55、a wax obtained from the leaves of a plantain. ─── 取自车前草的叶子的一种蜡。

56、Do spread 2 separate diseases on are destroying banana and planted plantain crops in Africa. ─── 两种病毒在非洲破坏香蕉和车前草作物.

57、Nepal rattlesnake plantain root ─── 对对参


59、Traditionally, plantain has been treated as a semi perennial crop with different plant arrangements in the field, according to the different agro-ecological zones and the growers objective. ─── 根据不同的农业生态区域和种植目的,大蕉被当作具有不同种植方式的半多年生作物。

60、Plantain contains a chemical (called allantoin) that is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. ─── 车前草含有一种叫做尿囊素的化学物质,是消炎抗菌的。

61、compound plantain ointment ─── 复方车前草软膏

62、After having made arrangements for his master, Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan. ─── 悟空把师父安排好,前往芭蕉洞找铁扇公主。

63、Do seperate 2 separate diseases are destroying banana and plant on plantain crops in Africa, they. ─── 两种不同的农作物疾病在非洲正在摧毁着香蕉作物.

64、rattlesnake plantain ─── 斑叶兰属(Goodyera)植物

65、6.At this point, plantain growers pay little attention to the crop, harvesting every time bunches are ready. ─── 大蕉种植者很少注意作物本身,每次只是收获成熟的蕉串。

66、Two 2 separate diseases are destroying banana and plantain crops in Africa. ─── 两种不同的疾病正在侵蚀着非洲的香蕉和大蕉植株.

67、hoary plantain ─── 中型车前草

68、Any of various plants of the genus Cacalia having leaves resembling those of plantain. ─── 蟹甲草属中的任一种植物,具有类似于车前草的叶子。

69、flower of fragrant plantain lily ─── 玉簪花

70、With the plantain fan, Monkey put out the fire. The master and his three disciples continued their journey to the West to fetch scriptures. ─── 悟空用芭蕉扇扇灭山火,师徒四人继续西行取经。

71、Cold Ducks Paddling in the Water, Raindrops at Night on the Plantain Outside the Window and scented Breeze. ─── 《寒鸭戏水》、《蕉窗夜雨》、《薰风曲》等。

72、The Aguaruna mainly grow plantain, maize, and yucca. ─── 阿瓜鲁纳主要生产香蕉 、 玉米和丝兰.

73、A young man selling cakes told them that it was not possible to cross the mountains without a special plantain fan which could only be borrowed from Princess Iron Fan. ─── 又从卖糕少年嘴里听说,要想过山,只有向铁扇公主借芭蕉扇扇灭火后才能通过。

74、The medicinal efficacies of the plantain were reviewed.And the measuring methods of the valid composition from the plantain were recommended. ─── 综述了车前草的药用功效,并且介绍了测定车前草有效成分的方法。

75、Chromosome number and karyotype study in three species of the medicinal plantain. ─── 三种药用车前的染色体数目和核型的研究.

76、Instead she Blew Monkey right out of sight with a single wave of her plantain fan. ─── 悟空初次借扇,被铁扇公主用芭蕉扇扇得无影无踪.

77、Indian plantain ─── 印度车前草

78、The effects of sucrose concentration and hormone on the tissue rapid propagation in vitro of plantain banana ( Musa paradisiaca L.) ─── 蔗糖浓度和激素对粉蕉离体快繁的影响

79、Key words: plantain; ─── 关键词: 车前草;

80、Two seperate 2 separate diseases are destroying banana and plant plantain crops in Africa. ─── 两种不同的疾病正在侵蚀非洲的香蕉和车前草作物.

81、2 separate diseases are destroying banana and plantain crops in Africa. ─── 2种不同的疾病正在破坏非洲的香蕉和香蕉作物。

82、An Old World plantain with long narrow ribbed leaves widely established in temperate regions. ─── 旧大陆车前,叶子长窄有棱,温带地区种植广泛。

83、Fertilizer requirements for plantain in high density arrangements are higher compared with conventional planting. ─── 与传统的种植方式相比,密植大蕉需要较多的养分.

84、Again listen to window outside bamboo tip plantain leaf of ─── 又听见窗外竹梢焦叶

85、water plantain ─── n. 【植物,植物学】泽泻(属), 泽泻属(Alisma)植物

86、Methods To establish the guinea pig bedsore model,to observe the curative effect of compound plantain ointment and carry on statistics to learn the processing. ─── 方法建立豚鼠褥疮模型,观察复方车前草软膏的疗效,并进行统计学处理。

87、The plantain seeds are commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. ─── 车前子是一味常见中药.

88、leaf of fragrant plantain lily ─── 玉簪叶

89、Therefore , Plantain is a good hyperaccumulator plant in medium contamination soils by Ni. ─── 车前草适合Ni中等污染土壤的修复.

90、The International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain ─── 国际香蕉改良网

91、Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore. ─── 目的研究复方车前草软膏对褥疮的治疗作用.

92、I did not know a plantain patch from a kangaroo! ─── 我也不知道什么香蕉种植地,正如我不知道什么是袋鼠一样!

93、The six tastes glutinous rehmannia pill governs the kidney cloudy loss by ripe, the dogwood, the Chinese yam, the oriental water plantain, the peony tree bark, Poris cocos group Fang Ercheng. ─── 六味地黄丸治肾阴亏损由熟地、山茱萸、山药、泽泻、丹皮、茯苓组方而成。

94、Chimese Medicine Application on Navel and Oral Plantain Seed Powder for Infantile Diarrhea in 60 Cases ─── 中药敷脐加车前子末口服治疗小儿复泻60例

95、Fertilizer requirements for plantain in high density arrangements are higher compared with conventional planting. ─── 与传统的种植方式相比,密植大蕉需要较多的养分。

96、greater plantain ─── 大车前

97、Monkey Makes Three Attempts to Borrow the Plantain Fan ─── 三借芭蕉扇

98、plantain peel ─── 大蕉果皮

99、plantain of Mediterranean regions whose seeds swell and become gelatinous when moist and are used as a mild laxative. ─── 地中海地区车前,种子膨胀,湿时成胶状,用作温和倾泻剂。

100、Farmers in plantain producing areas of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela are benefiting from this technology. ─── 厄瓜多尔、伦比亚和委内瑞拉大蕉生产区的种植者正获益于这项新技术。

101、Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore. ─── 目的研究复方车前草软膏对褥疮的治疗作用。

102、Do sperate 2 separate diseases are destroying banana and planten plantain crops in Africa. ─── 在非洲,2种不同的疾病正在摧毁香蕉和大蕉类植物.

103、Spread 2 separate diseases are these dropping destroying banana and plant plantain crops in Africa. ─── 在非洲2种疾病破坏香蕉和大蕉农作物.

104、The plantain trees were getting their new skins. ─── 梧桐换上新装。

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