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09-17 投稿


stimulus 发音

英:[?st?mj?l?s]  美:[?st?mj?l?s]

英:  美:

stimulus 中文意思翻译



stimulus 常用词组

economic stimulus ─── 经济刺激

stimulus package ─── 刺激计划

fiscal stimulus ─── 财政刺激

stimulus 词性/词形变化,stimulus变形


stimulus 短语词组

1、cortical stimulus ─── [医] 皮质刺激物, 皮层刺激物

2、aversive stimulus ─── 厌恶刺激

3、chemical stimulus ─── [医] 化学刺激物

4、direct stimulus ─── [医] 直接刺激物

5、conditioned stimulus ─── [医] 条件刺激物

6、auditory stimulus ─── [医] 听觉刺激物

7、conditioning stimulus ─── [医] 条件制约刺激物

8、destructive stimulus ─── [医] 破坏性刺激物, 有害刺激物

9、complex sonnd stimulus ─── [医] 复合音刺激物

10、differential stimulus ─── [医] 分化刺激物

11、electric stimulus ─── [医] 电刺激物

12、automatic stimulus ─── [医] 自动刺激物

13、complex visual stimulus ─── [医] 复合视觉刺激物

14、cold unconditioned stimulus ─── [医] 冷非条件刺激物

15、complex stimulus ─── [医] 复合刺激物

16、active stimulus ─── [医] 有效刺激物

17、adequate stimulus ─── [医] 适宜刺激物, 同种刺激物

18、discriminative stimulus ─── 识别的刺激

19、conditioned stimulus action ─── [医] 条件刺激作用

stimulus 相似词语短语

1、tumulus ─── n.坟墓;古墓;冢

2、titulus ─── n.名义

3、stimulants ─── n.[药]兴奋剂;刺激剂(stimulant的复数形式)

4、simuls ─── n.多盘同时对弈;n.(Simul)(美)茜穆乐(人名)

5、stimuli ─── n.刺激;刺激物;促进因素(stimulus的复数)

6、tristimulus ─── adj.三色的,三色刺激的

7、mimulus ─── n.沟酸浆属

8、stimulates ─── vt.刺激;鼓舞,激励;vi.起刺激作用;起促进作用

9、limulus ─── n.鲎

stimulus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One wants the stimulus of sympathy. ─── 一个人总需要趣味相投、志同道合的朋友互相鼓励。

2、Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play. ─── 书不仅给孩子们以思想,而且使他们玩得更有意思。

3、What may be a stimulus at one time may become an obstacle later. ─── 在某个时期起推动作用的而后也可能变成障碍。

4、One that acts as a provocative stimulus;a goad. ─── 刺激令人振奋的刺激物;激励

5、Bonus is a stimulus for me to study the silicon in the bacon. ─── 奖金是我研究薰肉中硅原子的动力。

6、Removal of NRA restrictions on production perhaps gave one stimulus . ─── 国家复兴管理局对生产限制的撤除可能是个刺激。

7、On CNBC Thursday, Ms.Romer was pressed on the possibility of a second stimulus. ─── 周四在CNBC电视节目上,主持人追问罗默是否可能推出第二轮刺激措施。

8、In pathologic hyperplasia, if the stimulus abates, the hyperplasia disappears. ─── 在病理性增生中,如刺激消除,增生也消失。

9、Yet many blacks feel alienated in a way that is “vastly disproportionate to real-life stimulus,” frets Mr McWhorter. ─── 但很多黑人领袖还是感到被排斥。麦克沃特抱怨说,这种排斥“与现实生活中的鼓励做法十分不相称”。

10、Regard each failure as a stimulus to further efforts. ─── 把每次失利看成对进一步努力的激励。

11、Indeed, they argue, such stimulus could be inflationary. ─── 因为,事实上上述的刺激政策带有通涨性。

12、The mind is never passive; it is a perpetual activity, delicate, receptive, responsive to stimulus. ─── 头脑从来都不是被动的,它一息不停地活动,非常灵敏,富于接受事物,对刺激感觉敏锐。

13、An agent or stimulus that excites;a stimulant. ─── 兴奋剂使人兴奋的东西;兴奋剂

14、Light is a stimulus to growth in plants. ─── 光是植物生长的促进因素。

15、The nutrient in the soil act as a stimulus to growth. ─── 土壤中的养分能促进植物生长。

16、One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad. ─── 刺激:令人振奋的刺激物;激励。

17、The ceitical valueis stimulus intensity corresponding to the critical point. ─── 临界点所对应的刺激强度为临界值。

18、Do not house gilts near stimulus boar. ─── 刺激用的公猪附近不宜饲养小母猪。

19、For the sake of American workers, let's pass a stimulus package. ─── 为了美国工人的利益,让我们通过经济刺激计划吧。

20、The latency of RP is earlier than that of P300 for three stimulus. ─── RP及P300潜伏期各不相同,RP的潜伏期较P300潜伏期早;

21、They are interested only in the stimulus to their owe activities,perhaps of a quite impersonal sort. ─── 他们感兴趣的不过是为自己的活动添些刺激,而他们的活动也许当属全无人格的那种。

22、Keynesians, such as Mr Krugman, have become uncritical supporters of fiscal stimulus. ─── 凯恩斯主义者,比如克鲁曼就成了政府财政刺激的坚决拥护者。

23、The Consonance in harmony with both the stimulus of mind-body and environment. ─── 与身心的刺激和环境相调和的和谐。

24、In the interim, some form of government stimulus will be required. ─── 在此期间,某种形式的政府刺激措施将是很有必要的。

25、Governments worldwide embraced fiscal stimulus with gusto. ─── 各国政府都兴致勃勃地接受了财政刺激方案。

26、The mode of stimulus representing the gripping force of the arti- ficial hand. ─── 3)代表假手握力的电刺激脉冲模式.

27、Nor are the mechanisms for swift stimulus obvious. ─── 另外,使刺激手段迅速发挥效果的机制也不明显。

28、Thigmotropism (haptotropism) A tropism in which the stimulus is touch. ─── 向触性:生物体接触到刺激时发生向性运动。

29、The undeliverable economic stimulus checks average $583. ─── 今年4月到8月间,退税款陆续寄到纳税人手中。

30、A slight goad or incentive; a small stimulus. ─── 刺激小刺激或激励;小刺激

31、Only the strongest stimulus could rouse them to mental activity, and then only for a moment. ─── 只有强烈的刺激稍稍能够拨动一下,但也只是一下。

32、One that reacts to a stimulus. ─── 反应者对刺激起反应的人

33、Nothing happens until the excitatory stimulus exceeds a certain "threshold" value. ─── 兴奋性刺激超过某一临界值以前毫无反应。

34、Abnormal or excessive sensitivity of a body organ or part to a stimulus. ─── 兴奋增盛身体某个器官或部分对刺激反常或过度的敏感

35、NDRC says stimulus will boost GDP by 1% each year. ─── 国家发改委表示刺激经济政策每年将提高1%的GDP增长。

36、Any of these signals can be used as a stimulus while spectrum measurements are made elsewhere in the circuit. ─── 任何这些信号可以作为刺激而谱测量电路是在别处。

37、He stepped in early to reassure the banks and put together a stimulus plan. ─── 他介入得很早,以重振银行业,并形成了刺激计划。

38、Sales in the last six months have been better than expectated due to government stimulus measures around the world. ─── 由于世界范围内的政府刺激政策,前六个月的汽车销售好于预期。

39、Chemoreception:The physiological response of a sense organ to a chemical stimulus. ─── 化学感受:感觉器官对化学刺激所作出的生理反应.

40、But our differences are a stimulus to thought: indeed, we may often learn from each other. ─── 事实上,我们可以经常互相观摩学习,汲取对方的经验。

41、China unveils stimulus measures for bioindustry. ─── 中国公布生物产业刺激方案。

42、The decline of a conditioned response following repeated exposure to the conditioned stimulus. ─── 反应减弱因不断接受条件刺激而伴随产生的条件反射减弱

43、Obama says the losses make his stimulus package all the more important. ─── 奥巴马说,失业会使得他的刺激计划显得更加重要。

44、The stimulus produced a desynchronizing of the brain waves. ─── 刺激物使脑电波失调。

45、But the contribution of the stimulus is due to start ebbing in 2010. ─── 但是刺激计划对经济的贡献应该会在2010年逐渐减弱。

46、But Mr.Najib ruled out more stimulus spending. ─── 不过纳吉布排除了更多刺激支出的可能。

47、No one in government, that I have heard, has even suggested any sort of regulation holiday as a potential economic stimulus program. ─── 据我所知,美国政府没有一位官员曾建议设立任何形式的监管假日,作为一项刺激经济的选择方案。

48、Nor should **s immediately seek to take back the gw gold fiscal stimulus. ─── 各国政府也不应该试图立刻收回财政刺激。

49、An agent or stimulus that excites; a stimulant. ─── 兴奋剂使人兴奋的东西; 兴奋剂

50、He said the summit wouldn't be an attempt to strong-arm countries into announcing stimulus packages. ─── 布朗说,伦敦峰会不会成为强制各国宣布刺激计划的场所。

51、It introduces, at the same time, as element of chance and adventure which adds to the stimulus of city life. ─── 同时,它又提供各种机会和冒险,使城市生活益发富于刺激性。

52、Each of these methods compares an infant's state prior to the introduction of a stimulus with its state during or immediately following the stimulus. ─── 所有这些方法都把引入刺激前婴儿的状态与引入刺激时或之后婴儿的状态进行比较。

53、Mr Obama, during his visit to East Peoria, claimed that the stimulus might spur Caterpillar to rehire workers. ─── 在访问东皮若亚时,奥巴马先生就讲到刺激计划会让卡特彼勒重新雇佣大量工人。

54、Movement or growth of an organism or part of an organism in response to a chemical stimulus. ─── 向药性有机体或有机体的一部分因受到化学刺激而产生的运动或生长

55、Abnormal or excessive sensitivityof a body organ or part to a stimulus. ─── 兴奋增盛身体某个器官或部分对刺激反常或过度的敏感。

56、So any stimulus then may have had a Keynesian effect. ─── 因此,那时的任何刺激手段都可能产生凯恩斯效应。

57、Under the stimulus of this inspiring motive, she bustled about with new energy. ─── 在这个令人振奋的动机刺激下,她精力充沛地忙碌着。

58、Your response to the stimulus will eventually influence the stimulus. ─── 人对外物的反应最终会影响刺激的源头。

59、For many firms, they are a stimulus to revenue. ─── 对许多公司来说,它们是刺激收入的因素。

60、There are widespread calls for a stimulus package to revive the economy. ─── 人们普遍要求刺激疲软的经济。

61、The assistants observed carefully how the bacteria would react to this stimulus. ─── 助手们仔细观察细菌对这种刺激物会产生什么反应。

62、China is a worry, thanks to the scale and composition of its stimulus. ─── 中国是个担忧,这要感谢中国激励措施的组合及程度。

63、Key to the effectiveness of China's stimulus plan so far has been a race by local governments to spend the money. ─── 迄今为止,中国经济刺激计划能够见效的关键一直是各地方政府正在进行花钱比赛。

64、So the government announces "stimulus" programs and begins giving Jaguars away. ─── 因此,政府宣布“刺激”计划,开始免费赠送捷豹汽车。

65、Accommodative convergence and accommodation stimulus ratio (AC/A) was determined through phoria values' calculation. ─── 双眼协动参数测量包括远距隐斜、近距隐斜及正、负相对调节 ,对不同屈光度数组的计算性调节 (AC/A)进行分析和比较。

66、They haven't got any intellectual stimulus such as you get up here in the city. ─── 他们不象你们生活在城市里的人,在智力上得不到任何启发。

67、Rising joblessness lengthens the process of rebuilding household finances, blunting stimulus efforts. ─── 失业率的上升延长了重建家庭财务状况的过程,削弱了刺激计划的成效。

68、Hubel and Wiesel have found cells that respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina. ─── 休博尔和维瑟尔发现了一种细胞,这种细胞会根据刺激物围绕视网膜移动的方向而做出不同的反应。

69、Most are extensions to current stimulus measures. ─── 多数是目前刺激措施的扩展。

70、Bonus acts as a stimulus to industry and commerce. ─── 奖金对工商业起促进作用。

71、Aerotropism A TROPISM in which the orientating stimulus is oxygen. ─── 向氧性:一种刺激方向为氧气的向性运动。

72、Under the stimulus of this inspire motive, she bustle about with new energy. ─── 在这个令人振奋的动机刺激下,她精力充沛地忙碌著。

73、"I believe we need a pretty big [stimulus] package," said Charles Schumer. ─── “我相信我们需要一个非常大的刺激计划。

74、Mr Obama spent much of his first week trying to push his gargantuan stimulus package through Congress. ─── 在上任第一周,奥巴马先生竭力通过国会推行他的巨额刺激救市方案。

75、A fiscal stimulus worth a total of around 1. 4% of GDP a year may lessen the pain, even if it is not big enough to end it. ─── 每年相当于GDP1.4%的财政刺激即使不能大到足以结束危机,也该能减轻点痛苦吧。

76、An agent or means of prodding or urging; a stimulus. ─── 刺激物驱策力或激励人的方式;刺激

77、Observe care fully how the bacteria react to this stimulus. ─── 仔细观察细菌对这一刺激有什么反应。

78、AP5 inhibited CRD-induced visceral noxious stimulus and its effects were dose-dependent and time-dependent. ─── AP5剂量依赖地抑制CRD诱导的内脏伤害性刺激,并有时效特点。

79、Chemotropism (chemotropic movement) A TROPISM in which the stimulus is chemical. ─── 向药性:刺激物是化学物质的一种向性。

80、A air rivalry is often a stimulus to trade. ─── 公平竞争往往是贸易发展的促进因素。

81、The most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love. ─── 一个颤巍巍的老爷子可能仍然钟情于20年前某日下午他在奇霍街头所见到的陌生姑娘。

82、Stimulus is when a dog barks at you and bares his teeth. ─── 刺激就是一条狗对着你吠叫,露出了它的牙齿。

83、The Tories, not surprisingly, say that Mr Brown's account of the economy's trajectory is wrong and that his stimulus has flopped. ─── 果不其然,保守党[反驳]道,布朗对经济形势的描述是错误的,他的刺激举措也以失败告终。

84、"When a forager has contact with a patroller, it's a stimulus for the forager to go out," Gordon says. ─── “当觅食工与巡逻工碰过触角之后,也就意味着它们该出外觅食了”,戈尔顿博士讲道。

85、He is also expected to defend his fiscal stimulus strategy. ─── 公众也期待着他能够捍卫他的财政激励政策。

86、An effect following its cause after some delay, especially a delayed or prolonged physiological or psychological response to a stimulus. ─── 事后影响对某一事件的延后影响,特指对某种刺激推迟或延期的生理或心理反应

87、It introduces, at the same time, an element of chance and adventure which adds to the stimulus of city life. ─── 同时,它又提供各种机会和冒险,使城市生活益发富于刺激性。

88、Revolution occurred in China, first, because of over-population and, second, because of the stimulus of Western ideas. ─── 中国之所以发生革命,一因人口太多,二因西方思想的刺激。

89、Sensor: A device, such as a photoelectric cell, that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus. ─── 传感器,一种用于接收信号或刺激并对其作出反应的设备。

in order to doing和to do的区别?


in order to do中文意思是为了做

They have the stimulus right there on the outside of their bodies in order to do the grooming.

in order to doing为错误搭配

in order to doing和to do的区别?

in order to后不接doing。短语in order to中的to是用作不定式符号,并不是介词,在用作介词的情况下其后要跟动名词形式,即ing形式。在用作不定式符号的情况下,其后要跟动词原形。

in order to中文翻译为为了;以便;目的在于;(某人)要想…(必须)…。


1、It's embarrassing the extremes he'll go to in order to impress his boss.


2、Doctors examine their patients thoroughly in order to make a correct diagnosis.


3、In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed.


4、Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials.


5、The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed.


6、Police forces across the country are pooling resources in order to solve this crime.


7、I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.


8、He lowballed the cost of the project in order to obtain federal funding.


9、In order to take that job, you must have left another job


10、He was going to college at night, in order to become an accountant


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