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09-17 投稿


resilient 发音

英:[r??z?li?nt]  美:[r??z?li?nt]

英:  美:

resilient 中文意思翻译



resilient 词性/词形变化,resilient变形

副词: resiliently |

resilient 短语词组

1、self-energizing resilient metal gaskets ─── [化] 自紧式弹性金属垫片

2、high resilient rubber ─── [化] 高弹性橡胶

3、resilient stricture ─── [医] 回弹性狭窄

4、resilient individual ─── 有弹性的个人

5、resilient children ─── 有弹性的孩子

6、resilient nystagmus ─── [医] 节律性眼球震颤

7、resilient joint ─── 弹性接合

8、resilient floor covering ─── 弹性地板覆盖

9、resilient support ─── 弹性支座

10、resilient rim ─── 弹性轮辋

11、resilient spacer ─── 弹性隔片

12、resilient channel ─── 弹性通道

13、resilient energy ─── 回弹能

14、resilient track ─── 弹性轨道

15、resilient clip ─── 弹性扣板

16、resilient floor ─── [计]弹性地板

17、resilient seal ─── 弹性封口

18、resilient coating ─── 弹性覆层

19、resilient chaff ─── 弹性干扰物

resilient 相似词语短语

1、recipient ─── n.容器,接受者;容纳者;adj.容易接受的;容纳的

2、resident ─── n.居民;(旅店)房客;住院医生,(美国的)高级专科住院实习医生;(美)寄宿制学校学生;(英国派驻半独立国家的)特派代表;驻外特工;adj.居住的;定居的,常驻的;(鸟、蝴蝶等)非迁徙性的;(计算机程序、文件在存储器中)常驻的;属于……的(幽默用法)

3、resiliency ─── n.弹性;跳回

4、prosilient ─── 十二月

5、desipient ─── adj.顽皮的;琐碎的

6、resilience ─── n.恢复力;弹力;顺应力

7、resilin ─── n.[生化]节肢弹性蛋白

8、resilement ─── 树脂

9、resiliently ─── adv.有恢复力地;有弹性地

resilient 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From the practical view,we proposed a dither resilient digital watermarking algorithm based on DCT. ─── 从实用的角度出发,提出一种基于DCT的抗抖动攻击的水印算法。

2、Faced with situations in every area of life that are different from what they have known, from money to ways of studying, they must be unusually resilient in order to succeed. ─── 从金钱到读书方式,他们面对与其所熟悉的各方面都不相同的生活情况,他们必须特别能够适应才能够成功。

3、Butler, who was very keen on horses, appreciated at a glance the resilient power of the first rider's horse and stopped to find out who they were. ─── 巴特勒,一位非常卖力的马匹,一瞥强劲升值力第一骑士的马匹停下来看看他们是谁。

4、Indiana was unable to knock out blow to the resilient New York Knicks! ─── 他们没有办法去阻击纽约尼克斯队在下半场的强势回弹!

5、If the people were tough and resilient, it was because the land gave them no opportunity to be otherwise. ─── 如果说人们是坚韧和振作的,那是因为大地没有给他们颓丧的时间。

6、She claims that it makes mums-to-be more perceptive, efficient and resilient. ─── 她说,怀孕让准妈妈们表现出更出色的理解力,她们会比以前更能干、更灵活。

7、Materials almost always classified as floor covering include carpet, area rugs, and resilient bamboo floor such as linoleum or vinyl flooring. ─── 在低迷的市况下,北京的北京翻译公司市场刚性需求大,观望气氛并不代表需求消失。'

8、It has emerged as one of America's most resilient states. ─── 它如今已成为美国最坚韧不拔的几个州之一。

9、TFE is the best resilient disc material for most services, although rubber's softness gives good performance in cold water. ─── 对于大多数管道系统而言,聚四氟乙烯是最好的弹性阀瓣材料,但是在冷水环境中,橡胶具有更好的柔软性。

10、Forgiveness means bending without breaking, being strong enough to withstand the heavy weight of injury but resilient enough to recover. Be forgiving! ─── 宽恕就是去强就软,但不折伤自己;宽恕就是不仅承受创痛,还有回复平静的能耐。试着去原谅!

11、As a resilient, well-understood transport mechanism, SDH has stood the test of time.Its reliability is unsurpassed. ─── 在充分理解SDH的传输机制后会坚信SDH将经受时间的检验,其可靠性无与匹敌。

12、Fixed The subtitle text reader is now more resilient when importing SRT files with unexpected empty lines, skipped text numbers etc. ─── 字幕文本阅读器现在导入处理SRT字幕文件时更加灵活。

13、Generally, a playable string is resilient, which means it snaps back quickly upon ball impact. ─── 一般来说,一根宜用的球弦是有弹性的,也就是说它能在球的冲击后马上的恢复(弹性)过来。

14、Its unique coat comes in both a medium, semi-dense shorthair and a medium-length longhair that is resilient and resistant to water. ─── 它独特的外衣可以是中等长短但稍显厚重的短毛,也可以是中等偏长的长毛,有弹性并且防水。

15、The London Traveller range is made resilient and hard wearing nylon, edged by London Style leather. ─── London Traveller系列以弹性耐用的尼龙,搭配London Style皮革封边制成。

16、But he does not believe that skittish investors will drive prices down dramatically, thanks to resilient demand for raw materials and meagre supply. ─── 但是,由于原材料强有力的需求,以及有限供应,他不相信忧心忡忡的投资人会将价格急剧打压。

17、A new study reveals that dragline silk, the stuff spiders use to rappel, has a molecular structure that makes it resilient to twisting. ─── 一项新的研究发现:蜘蛛用来坐式下降的牵引丝有着一种分子结构,使得蛛丝有弹性,避免扭曲。

18、Though not intended as a serious economic tool, over the years the Big Mac Index has proven to be both valuable and resilient. ─── “汉堡包指数”尽管不是严肃的经济工具,数年来,巨无霸汉堡包指数已被证明其价值和恢复反弹力。

19、Forgiveness means bending without breaking,being strong enough to withstand the heavy weight of injury but resilient enough to recover.Be forgiving!!! ─── 宽恕是去强存软,但不伤害自己;宽恕不仅要承受创痛,还要有恢复正常的能力.试着去原谅吧!!!

20、Backup Link A resilient (fault tolerant) link which is not used until the primary link fails. ─── 备份链路弹性(容错)链路,主链路故障后启用。

21、India's greatness lies in its self-reliant and resilient people. ─── 印度的伟大在于其自立、应力强的人民。

22、When use, should put among mortar wing epispastic board, as expand resilient coating. ─── 在使用时,灰泥翅中间要放发泡板,作为膨胀缓冲层。

23、Tough times are still ahead and we must remain vigilant,flexible and resilient to any unexpected storms which may emerge in the short-term. ─── 前面仍有一段艰难的岁月,我们必须为应付短期内有可能突如其来的风暴时刻警醒,有弹性地克服挑战,并且保持迅速应变的能力。

24、Members noted that the global economy had been resilient to recent shocks. ─── 委员会注意到全球经济面对近期冲击仍保持稳健。

25、Some things simply cannot be altered and resilient people accept this, not wasting energy on trying to do the impossible. ─── 有些东西根本无法改变,有韧性的人能接受这一点,不会浪费精力来做不可能的事。

26、Introducing the structural feature and movement principle of open-closing trim of resilient disc type globe valve. ─── 介绍了弹性阀瓣式截止阀的启闭密封副结构特点和动作原理。

27、To overcome these barriers, businesses require a technology infrastructure that accelerates customer insight applications in a resilient, scalable, and cost-effective manner. ─── 为了克服这些障碍,业务需要采用一种技术基础设施,以某种弹性的、可伸缩的、具有成本效益的方式来加速客户分析应用程序。

28、He'll get over it,young people are amazingly resilient. ─── 他会克服这些的,年轻人的适应力惊人。

29、The strengths that have made parts of continental Europe relatively resilient in recession could quickly emerge as weaknesses in a recovery. ─── 在经济衰退中,使欧洲国家能快速维持现状的优点,很快就会在经济复苏中变成缺点。

30、Forgiveness means bending without breaking, being strong enough to withstand the heavy weight kf injury but resilient enough to recover.Be forgiving! ─── 事事在乎,双肩两头重。宽恕就是去强就软,但不折伤自己;宽恕就是不仅承受创痛,还有回复平静的能耐。试着去原谅!

31、Shock, and then anger, and then of course a great feeling, as the days passed, of the way -- the resilient nature of our people. ─── 震惊,然后是愤怒,紧接当然就是非常得同情,随着日子一天天过去,又感到了我们人类迅速恢复的本性。

32、Description:The toroid coil winding hook is made from Teflon, Nylon and etc...It is one lightAnd handy, high-strength, resilient tool. ─── 在磁环线圈的生产过程中,由于产品线径和磁环内经的限制,在相当工序绕线机是无法完成的,所以必须由手工来替代。

33、The global economy has remained resilient in the face of significant structural weaknesses in developed economies. ─── 国际经济在发达国家显著结构化减弱表面现象下,呈持续反弹趋势。

34、He'll get over it—young people are amazingly resilient. ─── 他会克服这些的—年轻人的适应力惊人。

35、Grid networks thus reduce component costs and produce a reliable and resilient structure. ─── 因此,网格网络降低了构件的成本,生成一个可靠且有弹性的结构。

36、This suggests to O'Connor and her colleagues that nutrient-poor food webs may be relatively resilient to global warming. ─── 在奥康纳及同事看来,该情况表明营养成分贫乏的食物网对全球变暖的反应比较平稳。

37、Chewing gum: Sweetened product made from chicle and similar resilient substances that is chewed for its flavour. ─── 口香糖:一种甜味的树胶食品,用树胶与其它具有可塑性的不溶物质调制而成,以咀嚼其芳香味。

38、She is very resilient to change . ─── 她对变化有很强的适应力.

39、The latter can form a coating that is resilient. ─── 后一种可形成一种有回弹力的涂层。

40、But the Japanese economy is so big and resilient that while it might stagger,it could absorb the quake's blow. ─── 但日本经济非常强大,而且韧性十足,因此这次地震后日本经济或许呈现不稳,但终会挺过此打击。

41、Study on the influence of constitutive parameters of rubber on static strength of the resilient wheelset is also carried out. ─── 同时,研究了橡胶的本构参数对弹性轮对静强度的影响。

42、Even so, it is much more resilient and eager to learn than is generally supposed. ─── 尽管如此,它还是比通常所假想的要来得更富于弹性和渴望学习。

43、A still resilient voice Says love is very near. ─── 一个有磁力的声音仍然在说爱其实很近。

44、Tough times are still ahead and we must remain vigilant, flexible and resilient to any unexpected storms which may emerge in the short-term. ─── 前面将会是一段艰难的岁月,我们必须为应付短期内有可能突如其来的风暴时刻警醒,有弹性地克服挑战,并且保持迅速应变的能力。

45、The good news is that complex systems can be amazingly resilient against accidental failures. ─── 好消息是,复杂系统对于意外故障具有相当高的承受力。

46、Its GDP is likely to fall by around 1%, making it one of the most resilient economies of the OECD's 30 members. ─── 希腊的gdp可能下降大约1%,成为经济合作与发展组织30个成员国中最具弹性的经济体之一。

47、The Shox system took sixteen years to develop, but the highly resilient foam in the Nike Shox columns reduce the risk of impact-related injuries. ─── 又有多少原本身心健康、生活幸福美满的无辜民众,成为黑气功和脑控毒术的囚奴,日夜惨遭折磨和伤害!

48、After ten days, we are now noticing that the skin of all our remaining test subjects is actually thickening and becoming more resilient. ─── 在第十天,我们注意到余下的所有实验对象的皮肤都开始变厚,并变得富有弹性。

49、She has resilient character and will soon be cheerful again. ─── 她有达观的性格, 不久便会振作起来。

50、The human's capacity to be resilient to reials is unfathomable. ─── 人类对困难的适应能力无可限量。

51、They are brave and resilient, but lightly armed with short spears, shields, and lacking armour. ─── 他们作战骁勇顽强,但装备低劣,一般使用短矛和盾牌,不著盔甲。

52、Driven: directly driven by motor through jaw resilient coupling. ─── 传动:泵通过爪型弹性联轴器,由电动机直接驱动。

53、PVC is the most popular plastic for coating wires, as it is relatively low in cost, resilient, fire retardant and possesses good insulating properties. ─── PVC是涂层导线的最普遍的塑料,因为它在费用是相对地低的,韧性,阻燃并且拥有好绝缘物产。

54、They are a resilient and, on the whole, a cheerful bunch. ─── 大致上,他们是有适应力而且快乐的一群人。

55、Against heavily armored opponents or highly resilient opponents such as Giants, the Glaive's damage output is necessary. ─── 在对付重价的敌人或者像巨人那样高防护的敌人时,你需要大刀的伤害输出。

56、Use of this product leaves the skin soothed, silky, supple and resilient, with a fair and ruddy complexion. ─── 使用本品后 皮肤舒适,光滑红润,皮肤弹性好, 白皙,细腻。

57、Therefore, a few common and recent structure modes of the resilient wheelset abroad are described in detail in the thesis. ─── 因此,文中较为详细地说明了国外几种常用的型式及新型结构。

58、Its economy has been the most resilient of the big euro-area countries, because it was the least harmed by the three ills that befell Ireland. ─── 它的经济一直是大欧元区国家中最具弹性的,因为它是最少被困扰爱尔兰的三个弊端所伤害。

59、The reasons why provide some important lessons about how American resources can be used to help build a more stable and resilient world. ─── 究其原因,不失为生动的一课,教导如何有效利用美国资源以建立更加稳定、具有应变能力的世界。

60、But we do not know which conditions prompt bacteria to form these biofilms and why they are more resilient when they do. ─── 但是我们还不知道在什么情况下细菌会形成这样的生物被膜,以及为什么在形成被膜后细菌的复原能力也会增强。

61、However, Coons are very hardy, healthy, and resilient animals who can live to be over 20 years old. ─── 不过不管怎麽说,缅因猫是一种身体非常结实、健康,再累也只要睡一觉就能回复的猫,而且20岁的缅因猫瑞比比皆是,大有猫在。

62、When the U.S. stock market collapsed in October 1987, the Japanese stock market was the most resilient. ─── 当美国股市在1987年10月崩盘时,日本股市是最快复苏的。

63、"This is just another sign that the U.S. economy is as strong and resilient as it has ever been," said Richard Fuld Jr., former CEO of Lehman Brothers. ─── “这只是又一个迹象表明美国经济就像往常一样,是强劲的,有韧性的,” 前雷曼兄弟公司的首席执行官小理查德.福尔德。

64、To understand why demand is so resilient, one needs to consider the poor savings alternatives available to Chinese households. ─── 要理解为什么需求如此具有韧性,就得考虑到中国家庭少得可怜的替代性储蓄渠道。

65、Clean or replace gate valve with full port ball valves or resilient wedge shutoff valves. ─── 1用全流道球阀或弹性楔板关闭阀清洗或更换闸阀。

66、To ensure that food is always available, the global food market will have to be deeper and more resilient than it is now. ─── 为了确保食物充足,全球的食品市场将不得不更深入和更有弹性比现在。

67、Solitons have attracted a great deal of attention for many decades because of their resilient, robust behavior. ─── 几十年来,由于孤子表现出的弹性、稳定的行为,它们一直受到人们极大的关注。

68、The difficulties of operating in an emerging market may make managers adaptable and resilient. ─── 在新兴市场经营的困难让管理者有很强的适应性和弹性。

69、But you can't let it stop you. To be successful you must become and remain resilient. ─── 但你不能让它阻挠你。要获得成功,你必须练就得不屈不挠。

70、Positive bubble-tight shutoff when equipped with resilient seating. ─── 如果配置的是弹性阀座,就能够具备真正的无气泡关闭功能。

71、They are widely used in high elastic resilient cold cure, microporous elastomer and semi-rigid polyurethane foam plastics. ─── 广泛应用于高回弹冷熟化,微孔弹性体及半硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料制品。

72、Replaceable, resilient crimped seat rings. ─── 可更换,弹性波纹阀座环。

73、"At times, we have not played well but we have been resilient and with more positive results comes confidence and form. ─── “有时候我们打得不好,但是我们却取得了不错的结果,这来源于我们的信心和状态。”

74、Resilient inserts are available for globe, piston and swing check discs. ─── 可以为截止阀、活塞或旋启式止回阀阀瓣提供弹性镶嵌物。

75、Looking for manufacture and test range of railway-specific, resilient rubber antivibration springs. ─── 发布时间:2006-11-16被阅览数:318次来源:驻悉尼总领馆经商室

76、Four seat designs: Integral, resilient and renewable Stellite 6 (see pg. 10). ─── 四种阀座结构:整体结构,弹性结构和可更新结构钨铬钴合金6结构(参阅第10页)。

77、But I also discovered that cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them. ─── 不过我也发现文化就如构成文化的民族一样,善于随机应变,富有弹性而且不可预测。

78、The cohabitation history for more than 300 years: Tough and resilient bearing, philanthropic-minded, relieve the poor. ─── 300多年的同居史:坚韧气概、乐善好施、扶贫济困。

79、Yet, despite all this gloom and worry, Kenya is a remarkably resilient country with a vast font of untapped energy and creativity. ─── 然而,尽管国家处于一种黑暗与担忧情形之下,肯尼亚还是有着很大的喘气的余地-因为它拥有大量的待开发的能源与独创力。

80、The implicit goal is that by 2050 China will create a low-carbon society that is equitable, environmentally sustainable, prosperous and resilient. ─── 一个没有言明的目标是,到2050年,中国将建立一个公正、环境可持续、繁荣、充满活力的低碳社会。

81、The blaze of tropic suns was in his face, and in his swelling, resilient muscles was the primordial vigor of life. ─── 他脸上有赤道的炎炎烈日,他柔韧暴突的肌肉中有原始的生命力。

82、Chewing gum: Sweetened product made from chicle and similar resilient substances that is chewed for its flavour. ─── 口香糖:一种甜味的树胶食品,用树胶与其它具有可塑性的不溶物质调制而成,以咀嚼其芳香味。

83、Young children are resilient; they can easily adapt to new surroundings. ─── 小孩是很有弹性的;他们很容易适应新的环境。

84、There are GMO companies however that are experimenting with modifying the genetics of common vegetables to be more resilient to disease. ─── 但是转基因企业正实验修改平民食用的蔬菜的基因,使之更耐受疾病。

85、remaining resilient is the traditional authentic experience. ─── 保持活力的是传统的真实体验。

86、Earthquake can make us more resilient! ─── 地震使我们更坚强。

87、The former is backed up by a long and resilient classical tradition. ─── 前者有悠久而富有弹性的古典传统作后盾。

88、Replaceable seat extends the service life of the valve. Resilient seats can be easily replaced after removing valve from the line (Details on page 12). ─── 可更换的阀座延长了阀门的使用寿命。把阀门从管路上拆卸下来后,可以轻松地更换弹性阀座(细节请参阅第12页)。

89、Stresses, deformations and modalities of the resilient wheelset are analyzed.The calculative results are compared with those of the rigid wheelset. ─── 对弹性轮对进行了应力、变形和模态计算分析,并与刚性轮对的结果相比较。

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