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09-17 投稿


irradiating 发音

英:[??re?die?t??]  美:[??re?die?t??]

英:  美:

irradiating 中文意思翻译



irradiating 短语词组

1、irradiating pseudopod ─── 辐照假荚

2、irradiating apparatus ─── 辐照仪器

3、irradiating food ─── 辐照食品

4、irradiating this product ─── 辐照本产品

5、irradiating fruits ─── 辐照水果

irradiating 词性/词形变化,irradiating变形

动词现在分词: irradiating |动词过去式: irradiated |形容词: irradiative |动词第三人称单数: irradiates |名词: irradiator |动词过去分词: irradiated |

irradiating 相似词语短语

1、irradiations ─── n.照射;发光,放射

2、eradiating ─── vt.辐射;发射;vi.辐射;发射

3、digladiating ─── 挖

4、irradicating ─── 辐照

5、irradiation ─── n.照射;发光,放射

6、irradiative ─── adj.会发光的;有放射力的;有启发作用的

7、radiating ─── v.发射(光、热等能量);(使品质或情感)流露;(使热、光、能量)辐射;呈辐射状发出;(动物或植物群)辐射形进化(radiate的现在分词);adj.自(某点)辐射出的

8、reradiating ─── vt.再辐射;vi.再辐射

9、ingratiating ─── adj.逢迎的,讨好的;迷人的,吸引人的

irradiating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Four interchangeable outer collimator helmets with beam channel diameters of 4, 8, 14, and 18 mm are available for irradiating different size volumes. ─── 有四种可互换的平行盔状平行光管粒子管道可形成不同尺寸的治疗区域,它们的直径分别为4,8,14,18毫米。

2、Irradiating distribution ─── 辐照度分布

3、Results After comparing the advantage and disadvantage of the old radiotherapy methods of whole centra nervous system,we think the isocenter irradi... ─── 结果经对比分析,以数学记算的方法得出的等中心照射技术较原有照射技术更合理。

4、Excessively irradiating children is something we must have zero tolerance about. ─── 过度辐射儿童是我们零容忍的事情。

5、and simultaneously with the generating ions, irradiating a predetermined area of the therapy subject with light generated by a cold laser. ─── 以及与产生的离子同步,用冷激光所产生的光照射治疗对象的预定部位。

6、a highly fissionable isotope of plutonium that is used in atomic weapons and as a reactor fuel; produced by irradiating uranium 238 with slow electrons. ─── 钚的一种极易裂变的同位素,用于核武器或作反应堆燃料,用慢电子辐照铀获得。

7、Study of Sucrose Crystal Growth Kinetics During Microwave Irradiating ─── 微波场中蔗糖晶体生长动力学的研究

8、Study on Liquid-Phase Grafting Modification by Irradiating with UV-Light of Nonwoven for Leucocytes Filtration ─── 白细胞过滤用非织造布紫外辐照的液相接枝改性研究

9、Induction and Identification of Resistant Mutants to Powdery Mildew Through Irradiating Young Embryo in Wheat ─── 辐射小麦幼胚诱发和筛选白粉病抗性突变体的研究

10、Myriad sun-rays in the morning irradiating eastward, adumbrating alpenglow of sun outlines old states. ─── 晨曦万仞照东方,朝暾登槛出古国。

11、electron irradiating ─── 电子辐照

12、for a licence to possess the irradiating apparatus in a functional state. ─── 本人拟申请管有此具处于不运作状态的辐照仪器,只作贮存。

13、The Empire's unsound practices further spoiled the ecology of the planet, irradiating a vast stretch of land with toxic waste. ─── 帝国的非良性作业进一步恶化了行星的生态,导致大面积土地被有毒废料污染。

14、You should complete Form DH1271(S) and IA-P2 form for each irradiating apparatus. ─── 申請人可填寫表格DH1271(S)和IA-P2申請持有辐照儀器。

15、Keywords rapid prototyping;selective laser sintering(SLS);preheating;irradiating;thermal flux; ─── 快速成型;激光选区烧结;预热;辐射;热流;

16、Irradiating experiments on freshwater and seawater cultured pearls using electron accelerator have been done, and lots of colour changed samples have been obtained in the experiments. ─── 采用电子加速器对淡水和海水养殖珍珠进行辐照实验,获得了大量的辐照改色样品。

17、Electron Beam Irradiating Reclaimed Butyl Rubber ─── 电子束辐照再生丁基橡胶

18、Keywords imbecile He-Ne laser;irradiating blood vessel;diabetic peripheral neuropathy; ─── 低能量氦氖激光;血管内照射;糖尿病性周围神经病;

19、Irradiating the CTCS at their re-veals that it is the amino acids of the silk that accelerate the light fading of the dyes. ─── 这些三元电荷转移复合物的还原电位比染料本身的还原电位明显正移。用的光照射,证明是真丝绸中的氨基酸加速了阳离子染料的光褪色。

20、The electric displacement platform and rotating platform are used to switch the testing position and irradiating direction of the laser. ─── 激光入射点和辐照方向的变换是通过电动平移台和旋转台来完成的。

21、In these slow-light experiments, however, a second "control" laser beam is irradiating the gas, making it transparent to the signal pulse. ─── 不过在这些实验中,另一束「控制雷射光」也射入气体,使气体变成对「讯号光」而言是透明的。

22、microwave irradiating ─── 微波辐射

23、That was related to change enzyme and template gene through laser irradiating. ─── 这与激光辐照改变酶活性,改变模板基因具有相关性。

24、Enzyme histochemistry study of non-focused ultrasound irradiating the cochlea in guinea pigs ─── 豚鼠耳蜗毛细胞暴露非聚焦超声后的酶组织化学观察

25、It safeguards public health against ionising radiation through licensing control and inspection of premises where radioactive substances or irradiating apparatuses are present. ─── 通过发牌管制和巡查放射性物质或辐照仪器所处的场所,放射卫生部确保公众免受电离辐射影响。

26、This invention provides an optical cleaner capable of reducing UV weakening through reducing the distance between an irradiating window and an irradiated object. ─── 本发明提供一种照射窗与被照射物之间的距离缩短而可减少UV衰减的光清洗装置。

27、The results show that the abrasion resistance and compressive property of PTFE/GF increase markedly after irradiating. ─── 结果表明,经电子束辐射后,PTFE/GF的耐磨性能和压缩性能均显著提高。

28、Keywords Royal jelly;Irradiating damage;WBC;The number of karyota of femur;Micronuclei;Superoxide dismutase;Hemolysin; ─── 鲜皇浆;辐射损伤;外周白细胞;骨髓有核细胞数;微核;超氧化物歧化酶;溶血素;

29、Abstract: The irradiating style of laser relative to the flying cylinder has to be considered whether the laser is from land or air. ─── 摘 要: 当激光无论从地面或是从空中辐照运动的圆柱体时,都涉及到入射激光相对于圆柱体的辐照方式。

30、Irradiating Effect of Low Intensive Microwave on Restenosis of External Iliac Artery of Rabbit after Injury ─── 低强度微波辐射对兔髂外动脉损伤后再狭窄的影响

31、Finally, a suitable material is selected for the body of capsule to accommodate the hostile heating and irradiating environment to which the capsule is subject. ─── 最后根据空间站所处空间环境的特点, 对空间站密封舱的防热、防辐射性能进行了方案研究及设计并选择了 合适的舱体材料。

32、Beam path setup of irradiating with vertical reference rays ─── 参考光垂直照射的光路设置

33、Factors of affecting lipid oxidation of cooked meat products by irradiating ─── 影响熟肉制品辐照所致脂肪氧化因素分析

34、Through analysis differe nt method,found problem and attained irradiating purpose. ─── 文章通过对不同方法的分析,找出问题所在,从而达到透照要求。

35、During laser irradiating, the positions of three peaks shift differently for different types of blood.However,there is competition between the peaks of 670nm and 730nm at the same time. ─── 在激光照射过程中,三个峰位出现不同数值的移动,同时在670nm和730nm两个荧光峰之间出现了竞争。

36、The invention relates to a stroboscopic device equipped with a function of changing the irradiating direction of strobe light. ─── 本发明是能改变闪光的照射方向的闪光装置。

37、I am holding a licence to possess the concerned irradiating apparatus. ─── 本人正持有牌照管有该辐照仪器。

38、Purpose:To observe the therapeutic effects in treating neurocutaneous neuritis in thigh lateral with semiconductor laser irradiating acupoints. ─── 目的:观察激光穴位照射治疗股外侧皮神经炎的疗效。

39、Author GENG Sheng-rong CHENG Wei LIN Ruo-tai ZHANG Jin-mu XIA He-zhou CHEN Yu-xiaZENG Han-ting(Institute for Irradiating and Processing;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Wuhan;Hubei 430064); ─── 作者耿胜荣;程薇;林若泰;张金木;夏和舟;陈玉霞;曾汉庭;

40、Experimental study on the fast decalcification of several bone specimens by microwave irradiating for electron microscopy ─── 几种骨标本微波快速脱钙的电镜实验研究

41、Keywords activated carbon fiber;loss ratio;power;irradiating time; ─── 活性碳纤维;损耗率;功率;辐照时间;

42、Please submit a separate application for each irradiating apparatus which you intend to possess but is not covered by a licence. ─── 请你为拟管有而尚未领有牌照的每具辐照仪器申领牌照,每份申请只供一具仪器之用。

43、Numerical simulation of heating efficiency comparison of CW laser and repeated frequency laser irradiating rotational shells ─── 连续和重复频率激光对旋转壳体加热效率的数值模拟

44、To observe the therapeutic effi cacy and the safety of imbecile He-Ne laser irradiating blood vessel (ILIB) in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). ─── 目的 :观察低能量氦氖激光血管内照射 (ILIB)治疗糖尿病性周围神经病 (DPN )的有效性及安全性。

45、Effects of microwave radiation intensity and irradiating time on the acid value in vegetable oils were investigated. ─── 摘要研究了微波辐射强度和辐射时间对植物油脂酸值的变化情况。

46、Therapeutic Effect of Imbecile He-Ne Laser Irradiating Blood Vessel in the Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy ─── 低能量氦氖激光血管内照射治疗糖尿病性周围神经病

47、Application for a Licence to Import or Deal In or With an Irradiating Apparatus ─── 申请输入、经营或处理辐照仪器牌照

48、Irradiating Effect and Amelioration of Radio Fuzes Irradiated by UWS-EMP ─── 超宽谱电磁脉冲对无线电引信的辐照效应和防护加固研究

49、First Application for a Licence to Possess an Irradiating Apparatus in a Functional State ─── 新申领管有一具处于可运作状态辐照仪器的牌照

50、Earth's oceans and atmosphere act like heat sinks, absorbing and irradiating the sun's rays over time. ─── 地球上的海洋和大气层就像是散热器,随着时间变化,吸收和放射出太阳光线。

51、Interspecific distant crossing through irradiating pollen of cotton ─── 利用花粉辐照技术进行棉花种间远缘杂交研究

52、a highly fissionable isotope of plutonium that is used in atomic weapons and as a reactor fuel; produced by irradiating uranium 238 with slow electrons ─── 钚的一种极易裂变的同位素,用于核武器或作反应堆燃料,用慢电子辐照铀获得

53、Acute or Chronic Joint Injury Treated with Semiconductor Laser Irradiating Acupoints and Medicine: Comparison of Therapeutic Effects ─── 半导体激光穴位照射与药物治疗急慢性关节损伤的疗效比较

54、activity source irradiating ─── 放射源辐照

55、Dr. Vicki Kaspi , a Professor of Physics at McGill University, explores the irradiating effects of a giant gamma ray burst. ─── VickiKaspi博士,McGill大学物理学教授,研究地球将在巨大的伽马射线风暴辐射下毁灭。

56、Keywords Lingzhi tea;Irradiating damage;Superoxide dismutase(SOD);Micronuclei; ─── 灵芝茶;抗辐射损伤;超氧化物歧化酶;微核;

57、However, excessive nitrogen ions irradiating reduced the activities of SOD, POD and CAT. ─── 剂量过大时,SOD、POD和CAT活性下降;

58、Her young nature eluded the irradiating brain, in search of refreshment. ─── 她年轻的本性在寻求欢乐的时候避开了理智的头脑。

59、The temperature rise of aerocraft shell resulting from aero-heating and laser irradiating is given in each flight time. ─── 并结合飞行物体的飞行状态,计算了飞行物体受连续波激光辐照时壳体温度的时间关系。

60、Irradiating food to prevent illness from food-borne bacteria is not a new concept. ─── 用辐处理食品以防止细菌的疾病传播不是什么新鲜事了。


62、It is an irradiating magic difficult to qualify. ─── 那是一种光华四散的魔法,难以言状。

63、Laser irradiating ─── 激光辐照

64、of anti-irradiating coverglass is the important point in the manufacturing process of space solar cell array. ─── 的封装操作是空间太阳能电池方阵制造过程的重要环节。

65、It was proved in the experiments that the growth rates in the axis direction for sucrose crystal during microwave irradiating are greater than those by conventional heating. ─── 实验证实,在微波环境中生长的蔗糖晶体之轴向生长速率比常规加热方法的蔗糖晶体的生长速率大;

66、In 1978, John H. Clark at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories for the first time removed the common impurities of silane, such as phosphine (PH3) and arsine (AsH3), by irradiating the silane gas with a pulsed ultraviolet laser. ─── 1978年,洛斯阿拉莫斯科学实验室的克拉克(John h. Clark)第一次通过用脉冲紫外激光照射硅烷气体的办法,除去硅烷中象磷化氢(Ph3)和砷化三氢(Ash3)这类普通杂质。

67、Application for Exemption from Requiring Irradiating Apparatus Licence ─── 豁免辐照仪器牌照申请

68、The act or process of destroying most microorganisms in certain foods, such as fish or clam meat, by irradiating them with gamma rays or other radiation to prevent spoilage. ─── 射线杀菌法破坏某种食品,如鱼或蚌肉内的大部分微生物的行为或过程,通过γ射线或其它放射线辐射的防止变质

69、Study on the Irradiating Effect and Defence Mothod of ESD EMP on RAM ─── ESD EMP对RAM的辐照效应及加固方法研究

70、Development of autom atic He-Nelaser irradiating instrument along channels and subsidiaries ─── He-Ne激光沿经络自动照射治疗仪的研制

71、Please note that each irradiating apparatus shall be covered by a separate licence. ─── 請注意,每具辐照儀器均須個別领有牌照。

72、The results show that the conversion of methane depends on the number of laser pulses irradiating methane and additives in methane.The target materials have no obvious influence. ─── 结果表明,甲烷转化率决定于甲烷被激光照射的脉冲次数和甲烷中的添加剂,而反应器中的靶材料无显著影响。

73、irradiating beam ─── 照射光束

74、Methods Parking Ir 192 in centrum for irradiating while measuring irradiation dose by thermoluminescent dosimeter, which laid in the position equivalent to spinal cord. ─── 方法将铱192放射源置于椎体中照射,在椎体后椎管前缘相当于脊髓部位放置热释光计量计测量照射量。

75、Laboratory personnel should be aware of and maintain all licences for irradiating apparatus and radioactive substances held by the Department/Laboratory which apply to the work they are undertaking. ─── 把吸水器中的有毒蒸汽随水流排入水槽是违反商业废物法规的。

76、Discussion on Irradiating Many Welded Joints Once by Ordinary X-ray Generator ─── 普通X射线机一次透照多个焊口的探讨

77、Clinical observation of sprain of the ankle joint treated with acupuncture and moxibustion under TDP irradiating ─── TDP照射下针炙治疗踝关节扭伤临床观察

78、Irradiating grafting ─── 辐照接枝

79、Keywords diamond films;excimer laser irradiating;adhesion strength; ─── 金刚石;薄膜;准分子激光;结合强度;

80、In the test for continue-irradiance Kr Lamp and pulse-irradiance Xe Lamp, it is very important for measuring the Kr lamp irradiating power and Xe lamp irradiating energy. ─── 根据氪灯、氙灯发光的工作原理,介绍了氪灯发光总功率和氙灯发光总能量检测系统。

81、The clinical applications of laser irradiating acupuncture points are summarized,and some questions being now and developable directions of future are indicated. ─── 总结了激光照射穴位在临床上的应用,并指出了存在的问题和将来发展的方向。

82、Mixed with yellow, it gains in warmth and gives the orange which possesses an irradiating movement on the surroundings. ─── 混合有黄色,它上涨的温暖,并给出了橙色拥有辐照运动的环境。

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