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09-17 投稿


impermanence 发音


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impermanence 网络释义

n. 无常;暂时性

impermanence 词性/词形变化,impermanence变形

名词复数: imperia |

impermanence 反义词


impermanence 短语词组

1、impermanence is life ─── 无常就是生命

2、impermanence is a curse ─── 无常是一种诅咒

3、impermanence is eternity ─── 无常就是永恒

4、impermanence of life ─── 生命无常

5、impermanence and constancy ─── 无常与恒常

impermanence 同义词

incorporeity | temporariness | impermanency |transience | insubstantiality | ephemerality | evanescence | transitoriness

impermanence 相似词语短语

1、permanency ─── n.永久;耐久性;永久的事物

2、permanence ─── n.持久;永久

3、impertinency ─── n.鲁莽;无礼;不对题

4、impertinences ─── n.鲁莽,无理;不恰当

5、impermanent ─── adj.暂时的;非永久的

6、immanence ─── n.内在;无所不在;固有;含蓄

7、impermanently ─── 无常地

8、impermanency ─── n.非永久性

9、impertinence ─── n.鲁莽,无理;不恰当

impermanence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since impermanence to us spells anguish, we grasp on to things desperately, even though all things change. ─── 因为无常会带来痛苦,虽然万事万物都会改变,我们还是拼命地执著。

2、The place reminded him of the impermanence of the human body, of human hopes and achievements. ─── 这块地方提醒他人类身体,人类的希望和成就都是无常,并非永恒。

3、We may practice genuineness of self-nature with a man who knows that five skandhas are empty and impermanence is suffering and he can break up with, stop and eliminate worldly desire. ─── 能认清五蕴皆空,无常是苦。能断欲、绝欲、灭欲者才与之共修真性之道。

4、Whenever I hear the stream Pentium, waves in the shore, or his own heart beating, like to hear the voice of impermanence. ─── 每当我听到山溪奔腾、浪涛拍岸,或自己的心跳声,宛如听到无常的声音。

5、The suffering, emptiness, and impermanence of the world manifest the truth. ─── 世有苦空无常,故有真理示现。

6、Be open to change and impermanence, as they are facts of life. ─── 开放地对待转变与无常,因它们是生命中的事实。

7、The quality or state of being perishable; impermanence. ─── 昙花一现易逝的状态或性质;非永久性

8、He was convinced of the impermanence of his work. ─── 他确信其工作是暂时的。

9、But I think an unknown Shinto monk put it more eloquently when he said, "the only truths in this life are beauty and impermanence. " ─── 但我觉得那位不知名的日本修道士说得更贴切,“生命中唯一的真理在于美和无常。”

10、Every time I hear the rush of a mountain stream, or the waves crashing on the shore, or my own heartbeat, I hear the sound of impermanence. ─── 每次我听到山涧奔腾、怒涛拍岸,或自己的心跳声,我就听到无常的声音。

11、Has my understanding of death and impermanence become so keen and so urgent that I am devoting every second to the pursuit of enlightenment? ─── 我对死亡和无常的认知是否强烈、迫切到每一秒钟都致力于追求开悟?

12、On the contrary, impermanence and anatman are the basic factors of the life. ─── 无常是事物的持续变化,没有无常就不可能有生命。

13、Since heaven and earth impermanence, one day you will lose them, will be an unlimited time at the moment repent. ─── 因为天地无常,总有一天你会失去他们,会无限追悔此刻的时光。

14、After earthquake, many people’s mission of life has been rewritten, since they came to understand the impermanence of life, and life itself is changing. ─── 你说人为什么到了春天就想恋爱,有了对象的就想纠结,纠结到最后问自己,那么爱对方,可是好像无能为力。

15、We can't stop time, but we can discover impermanence. ─── 我们无法停止时间轨道的转动,但要从中觉悟无常的真谛。

16、This is impermanence. ─── 这就是无常之理。

17、As a Buddhist, I hold a certain understanding of the impermanence of life-that everything has a beginning and end. ─── 作为一名佛教徒,我对生命和万物的轮回有自己固有的理解和体会。

18、Be friendly and righteous to realize the truth. Experience joy and suffering to realize the truth of impermanence. ─── 有情有义,于情义中,觉悟真理;有甘有苦,在甘苦中,领会无常。

19、As impermanence is a fact, learn to be open to any change that may arise physically, mentally and externally. ─── 既然真相是无常,学习开放地面对身体、精神及外间的转变。

20、The Three Characteristics refer to impermanence, suffering and not-self in rupa and nama at all times.But we cannot easily see the Three Characteristics in our own body and mind. ─── 三法印是指身心一直是无常、苦、无我的,但为什麽我们无法从自己的身心上体验到三法印呢?

21、Worry-free without getting impatient impermanence and Non-confrontational, holding meeting could be so relaxed. ─── 开会原来是可以这样享有。

22、At the same time there has been an unsettling shift in business mores-the end of company loyalty, a permanent sense of impermanence. ─── 但在商业道德方面则无法使人安心:对公司的忠诚已不复存在,人们总是惶恐不安。

23、Light reveals the subtle alteration of things, the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life ─── 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。

24、The day has passed, and the life also diminished along with the passing of the day; Remind of impermanence, and never waste the life in idle. ─── 是日已过,命亦随减,但念无常,慎勿放逸。

25、Impermanence can be seen in rupa by cinta wisdom, whereas nama is more subtle, and is difficult to see. ─── 身的无常是可以由思慧体验到的,然而心的无常就更微细而很难体会了。

26、Impermanence is suffering, which is mentioned by Buddha. ─── 世尊说的无常是苦,指的就是这一点。

27、Chao-Gang-bad, there is impermanence defeat; Su Jizhou care and never returned to business. ─── 君坏朝纲,有败无常;冀州苏护,永不返商.

28、However, Li Shangyin was not a devoted follower of Buddhism, because he could only see the impermanence and could not grasp the essence of Buddhism and extricate from the heart. ─── 但李商隐的佛教观念极不彻底,他只看到了无常,执着于心,既未达到毕竟空,更未至非心非佛境地。

29、Change, impermanence is characteristic of life. ─── 变化和无常是生命的特征。

30、Don't you think that when we get bogged down with trying to avoid execution, we don't stop to consider the things that show impermanence right in this life? ─── 当我们陷入试著去避免死刑的沼泽中时,你不认为我们不会停下来去思考这一生中一些无常的事情吗?

31、Xu: Having experienced life and death, you come to understand the impermanence of life.For me, I came to know the preciousness of life.Living the everyday is all that matters. ─── 徐:经历了生死就会对生命的无常有体会,就我自己来讲知道了生命的可贵,过好每一天才是最重要。

32、14. Whatever happens, let it flow away with the view of impermanence. ─── 无论发生什么事,都以无常的认知,随它们去。

33、Each time the losses and deceptions of life teach us about impermanence, they bring us closer to the truth. ─── 生命的每次失落和迷惑,都在教导我们无常的道理,让我们更接近真理。

34、Thinking about impermanence is a great antidote to suffering, and will eventually help us to realize the ultimate truth. ─── 思维无常是对治痛苦的良药,是帮助我们最终证悟究竟实相的助缘。

35、Impermanence (anicca) needs to be seen quite clearly in everything that happens, whether it is in or out of meditation. ─── 在所有发生的事情中应当清楚观见无常,无论是在或不在禅修中。

36、6. Be friendly and righteous to realize the truth. Experience joy and suffering to realize the truth of impermanence. ─── 有情有义,于情义中,觉悟真理;有甘有苦,在甘苦中,领会无常。收藏指正

37、The reason of pain is that people can not find the impermanence and anatman of life.They use an unchangeable way and a narrow eye to cope with things. ─── 人们之所以痛苦,就是因为他们看不到事物无常无我的本性,他们把无常当作有常,把无我当作有我。

38、Buddha watches flower blooming and withering, and thinks the varying as impermanence. ─── 世尊观察到花开花落,世尊认为花不能常开是无常。

39、We can get full aware that the impermanence and anatman do not wipe off the happiness and vitality of life, and they bring up a healthy, free and positive life. ─── 觉悟到无常和无我,并没有把活着的快乐带走,相反,它使我们变得更健康、更肯定、更自在。

40、Taking impermanence truly to heart is to be slowly freed from the idea of grasping, from our flawed and destructive view of permanence, from the false passion for security on which we have built everything. ─── 真正体认无常可以慢慢解脱我们的执著,认为万物有常的错误观念,及将安全感建立在外相上面的谬误。

41、One of the chief resons we have so much anguish and difficulty in facing death is that we ignore the truth of impermanence. ─── 人们那么难以面对死亡的主要原因,在于对无常实相的无知。

42、In Shakespeare's view, Mingjun order on behalf of the "governance", on behalf of impermanence tyrant that "chaos" means that the usurper Claudius Regicide reversed the normal order and chaos. ─── 在莎翁看来,明君代表秩序即“治”,暴君代表无常即“乱”,克劳狄斯弑君篡位意味着正常秩序的颠倒与混乱。

43、Modernization and technological advances afforded an urban lifestyle of convenience, which in turn yielded an urban culture typified by progress, change, mechanization and impermanence. ─── 而现代化、科技化共构的便利城市,都指向这样的都会文化现象:进步、变动、机动、短暂;

44、Aging is a manifestation of impermanence ;accept it. ─── 老是无常的定律,要去接受;

45、The winter is coming slowly, day by day weather Qileng impermanence. ─── 慢慢的冬天来了,天气一天天凄冷无常。

46、For example, all the compositional phenomena are impermanent, but you do not see them as impermanent, it is then difficult to meditate on impermanence to realize things as impermanent. ─── 举个例来说,所有的缘起现象都是无常的,然而你并不视它们为无常的,所以这就很难观修无常以体认事物是无常的。

47、Expounding the impermanence of blue black ink again ─── 再论蓝黑墨水的不耐久性

48、The impermanence of love ruins in our hands,Rather tham being left behind by the time. ─── 爱情不长久,不是以为跑不赢时间,而是;栽在我们的手中。

49、Ultimately, of course, every outer purpose is doomed to "fail" sooner or later, simply because it is subject to the law of impermanence of all things. ─── 最后当然每个外在目的注定迟早迟晚要“失败”。原因很简单:它受到了“一切事物不永恒”定律的制约。

50、Impermanence is the source of suffering.If you consign your heart to it, eventually, you will regret, disappoint and fret. ─── 而无常是苦的根源,你如果将心交给它,将心放在它上面,最终你就会后悔、失望、懊恼。

51、Sometimes, because we, ourselves, cannot perceive the impermanence of the world, God gives us some mishaps, using the so-called shock treatment method to awaken us. ─── 有时候,因为我们自己没有办法感觉世界无常,所以上帝就送给我们一些灾祸,用所谓惊吓的医疗方式惊醒我们,我们才能甚深地感觉,世界真的不是永久的地方。

52、This is Nibbana, the Deathless, the stilling of volitional activities, the final liberation from all conditioned formations and thus from impermanence and death. ─── 这就是涅槃、不死、意志活动的止息、从一切缘起造作也就是从无常与死亡中的最后解脱。

53、Whether you choose to keep this frightening truth in the forefront of your awareness or not, impermanence is a fact of life. ─── 无论你是否意识到这个可怖的真相,生活的真相本就是无常。

54、The sound of the Gion Shoja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; ─── 祗园精舍之钟声,奏诸行无常之响。娑罗双树之花色,表盛者必衰之兆。

55、They, who seek for self-nature, think that empty five skandhas are the source of impermanence and sufferings. ─── 寻求自性的人,他们认为五蕴皆空是无常,是苦的根源。

56、The impermanence of this present life will force you to leave all wealth behind, but by giving it away, you can take it with you as good karma. ─── 现世生命的非永久性将迫使你撒手自己的财富于身后,但通过布施,你可以让这些财富成为你轮迴中的福业(汉语也称积福)

57、Since impermanence to us spells anguish,we grasp on to things desperately,even though all things change. ─── 因为无常会带来痛苦,虽然万事万物都会改变,我们还是拼命地执著。

58、It allows us to perceive the truth of Annica - impermanence - and imparts an evenness of mind which allows us to perceive the viscisitudes of life without reacting to them. ─── 它能使我们觉察到无常的真理---瞬息万变,并且赋予我们一颗平常心去觉察生活的流动,而不与其相应。

59、22、Change, impermanence is characteristic of life. ─── 变化和无常是生命的特徵。

60、The condition that hides the truth of impermanence (anicca) in the body/mind is santati, or continuity. ─── 隐蔽无常真相的是:妄执身心是相续的邪见。

61、If you can answer "yes" to both of these, then you really understand impermanence. ─── 如果你都能回答“是”,那么你才可以说你对无常已经真正了解了。

62、Lies the reason for this growing impermanence. ─── 有着这持久的暂时的理由。

63、One of the chief reasons we have so much anguish and difficulty in facing death is that we ignore the truth of impermanence. ─── 人们那么难以面对死亡的主要原因,在于对无常实相的无知。

64、Over steep mountain snow line, Yashi nudity, perennial snow, climate impermanence. ─── 雪线以上山势陡峻,崖石裸露,常年积雪,气候无常。

65、Those tiny figures moving, insect-like, between indolent river and abrupt peak were there to teach modesty, instil calm and underline impermanence, surely, rather than reflect reality. ─── 那些如同昆虫般微小的人影在水流缓慢的江河与陡峭的山峰之间移动,教育人们虚怀若谷,灌输平静的心境,强调世事无常,而不是对现实的反映。

66、The realization of impermanence is paradoxically the only thing we can hold on to, perhaps our only lasting possession. ─── 了悟无常是我们唯一所能坚持,甚至是唯一永远的财产。

67、Impermanence has taught me that all things in life will change-sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. ─── “无常”教导我:人生的所有事情都会改变,有时变好,有时变坏。

68、The Pharaohs built their pyramids, the Emperors built Rome, and Napoleon built his Arc de Triomphe -- all, at least in part, to make the permanence of stone compensate for the impermanence of the flesh. ─── 法老们建立了金字塔,罗马帝王们建立了罗马,拿破仑修建了凯旋门,所有这些,至少在一点是相同的,那就是用永恒的石头来弥补肉体的短暂。

69、ghost of impermanence ─── 无常鬼

70、Given the precarious career ancestors, honor the impermanence heave, Li Huan descendants think of fresh, writing in the rural school, teaching those whobu fa qi ren . ─── 鉴于先人仕途险恶,荣辱升沉无常,李兰子孙鲜以为宦,在乡读书著述、教书育人者不乏其人。

71、impermanence (-cy) ─── 暂时性

72、Every time I hear the rush of a mountain stream, or the waves crashing on the shore, or my own heartbeat, I hear the sound of impermanence. ─── 每次我听到山涧奔腾、怒涛拍岸,或自己的心跳声,我就听到无常的声音。

73、“As impermanence is a fact, learn to be open to any change that may arise physically, mentally and externally。” - Godwin Samararatne ─── “既然真相是无常,学习开放地面对身体、精神及外间的转变。”-葛荣居士

74、In fact, the impermanence of life, everyone who likes to have a lot of people. ─── 其实人生无常,每个人身边都有很多喜欢的人。

75、At age forty-one I alone had witnessed such a vast variety of cases of impermanence. ─── 四十一岁的我,一个人,就亲见了这麽样形形色色的无常例子。

76、Line from impermanence, I have no Zhufa. ─── 诸行无常,诸法无我。

77、And if they come,we try to anesthetize ourselves as far as possible.We assume,stubbornly and unquestioningly,that permanence provides security and impermanence does not. ─── 只要一有改变,就想尽办法麻痹自己不去接受,因为我们倔强盲目地认为恒常能够带来安全,无常则否。

78、The intrinsic nature of the Tathagata is not suffering, not impermanence and cannot be eliminated, hence it is real. ─── 如来的内在本性不是痛苦,没有无常而且不能被去除,因此它是真实的。

79、Solid rock and rushing water reflect the permanence and impermanence of life itself ─── 坚固的岩石和奔腾的流水反映出生命本身的永恒和短暂。

80、He had been speculating upon the futility of his political energy in the light of the impermanence of life and fame. ─── 那时他正在冥想人生和名誉之无常,而感觉到他的政治活动之徒耗心力。

81、The most pure truth; is have better understanding the true meaning of impermanence. ─── 最清净的真理;莫过于了解无常的真谛。

82、Earlier that day I came to face the concrete cases of impermanence and thereby unintentionally shattered the delusive thought I had carried. ─── 今天我面对著无常的实例,无意中突破了原有的妄念。

83、When you've contemplated things in this way you'll see anicca, impermanence, and dukkha, unsatisfactoriness. Why are things impermanent and unsatisfactory? It's because they're anatta, not-self. ─── 当你如此思惟,就会看见无常与苦。事物为何会无常与苦呢?因为它们都是无我的。

84、If we live in the present life, and make a deep observation on the surroundings, we will find that everything has the character of impermanence and anatman. ─── 与当下的生命相接触,深入地观察存在的事物,这时我们就能够看到所有这些事物无常和无我的本性。

85、8 The basic tenet of Buddhism is also derived from it. Buddha held that the worldly thing is impermanence that is suffering; so are feeling, perception, impulse and consciousness. ─── 佛教的基本教义便是从这里诞生的,世尊认为色是无常,而无常是苦,受想行识,亦复如是。

86、To contemplate impermanence on its own is not enough: You have to work with it in your life. ─── 观照无常本身还不够,你必须在生活中实践。

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