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09-17 投稿


kiting 发音

英:[?ka?t??]  美:[?ka?t??]

英:  美:

kiting 中文意思翻译

n.开空头支票; 移挪; 补空; 冒空


kiting 短语词组

1、domain kiting ─── 域基廷

2、kiting stocks ─── [经] 空头股票

3、kiting cheque ─── [经] 空头支票

4、lapping or kiting ─── 拍打或风筝

5、checks kiting ─── [法] 用空头支票骗取钱财

6、kiting transaction ─── [经] 用空头支票进行的交易

kiting 词性/词形变化,kiting变形


kiting 相似词语短语

1、siting ─── n.选址;定位;v.给…造址;设置(site的ing形式)

2、biting ─── adj.刺痛的;辛辣的;v.咬;抓住;刺进;欺骗(bite的ing形式)

3、citing ─── v.引用;引证(cite的现在分词)

4、kitting ─── n.配套采购;配套出售件;备件上线;v.装备;被装备(kit的ing形式)

5、diting ─── 正在退出。。。

6、kithing ─── vi.以行动表示

7、witing ─── n.(苏)责难;罚金;vt.(苏)责难;谴责

8、kitings ─── n.挪用补空;开空头支票;[金融]冒空;补空

9、skiting ─── n.一拳;突击

kiting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kate's kite is flying high in the bright sky. ─── 凯特的风筝在明亮的天空中飞得很高。

2、Don't take her suggestions too seriously ; she is just flying a kite. ─── 别过分认真地对待她的建议,她不过是在试探一下反应而已。

3、Why don't you give him a kite? ─── 你为什么不给他一只风筝?

4、To fly like a kite; soar or glide. ─── 如风筝般飘动像风筝那样飘动; 翱翔或滑翔

5、Run with the kite like this. ─── 像这样带着风筝跑。

6、He wants to fly a kite with his brother. ─── 他想和他哥哥一起去放风筝。

7、They decide to fly kite on weekend. ─── 他们决定在周末去放风筝。

8、Wonderful! In the park I can run with the kite like this. ─── 太棒了!在公园里我可以像这样牵着风筝跑。

9、The price index has been kiting since last year. ─── 从去年开始物价指数就一直在迅速上升。

10、What color is your kite? What color is your kite? ─── 你的风筝是什么颜色的?你的风筝是什么颜色的?

11、KITE:I think so.Who is the man near her? ─── 凯特:我也这样想。她旁边的那个人是谁?

12、She made a kite for her sister yesterday. ─── 她昨天为她妹妹做了一个风筝。

13、WHEN DID THEY GO FOR KITING?THEY WENT THIS MORNING... ─── 他们什么时候放的风筝?他们今天早上去放的。

14、S5: On Friday I’ll fly my kite. ─── 同桌互问互答,练习, 检查。

15、A kite dangles from a telephone wire. ─── 一只风筝悬挂在电话线上晃来晃去。

16、Just when you think that kiting can be for only a board, think again. ─── 正当你认为放风筝可以只有一板,再想一想。

17、He drew a clown face with a wide smile on the kite. ─── 他在风筝上画一张微笑小丑脸。

18、A shaman basically has hunter armor but can't kite nearly as well. ─── 一个萨满只剩下跟猎人一样的防御,而且还不能象猎人一样放风筝。

19、Her friend Amy is flying a kite. ─── 她的朋友艾米正在放风筝。

20、You can't find his kite? He'll see red. ─── 你找不到他的风筝?他会生气的。

21、Billy: Look! My kite is big and beautiful. ─── 你看,我的风筝又大又漂亮。

22、As always, be kiting the warrior away from the paladin. ─── 同样,试图风筝战士远离圣骑。

23、Are you trying to mend you kite? ─── 你在试图修好你的风筝吗?

24、Hello, Xiao Hui. I have a new kite. ─── 你好,小慧。我有一只新风筝。

25、They kite is very beautiful, but my kite is best. ─── 他们的风筝也很漂亮,但是我的风筝最好。

26、It's cool and windy. You can fly a kite. ─── 天气凉爽多风。你可以放风筝。

27、Can you get the kite down from that tree? ─── 你能把那个风筝从树上弄下来吗?

28、Why don't you just go fly a kite or something? ─── 你为什么不滚一边去呢?

29、The price index has been kiting since last year. ─── 从去年开始,物价指数就一直在迅速上升。

30、Hassan is a "kite runner" for me. ─── 哈桑是为我“追风筝的人”。

31、What is wrong with your kite, Jake? ─── 你的风筝怎么啦?

32、The story of Franklin's kite is known everywhere. ─── 富兰克林放风筝的故事已经家喻户晓。

33、Can you swim/skate/skateboard/fly a kite? ─── 你能游泳、溜冰、玩滑板、放风筝吗?

34、Lucy told me that she was flying a kite then. ─── 告诉我那时她在放风筝。

35、The boy's kite lodged in the branches of a big tree. ─── 小男孩的风筝卡在大树枝上了。

36、They make them selves a kite. ─── 他们给他们自己做了个风筝。

37、Hassan the harelipped kite runner. ─── 哈桑,我的兔唇朋友,那个追风筝的人。

38、A kite flying above the playground. ─── 在操场上空飞翔的风筝

39、Probably the most famous kite in history was Benjamin Franklin's. ─── 历史上最有名的风筝恐怕当数本杰明·富兰克林的了。

40、A boy is flying a kite in the piazza. ─── 一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝。

41、Danny runs with his kite and says, @I can make it fly. ─── 丹尼带着他的风筝跑着说,我能让它飞起来。

42、Because I lost my kangaroo kite. ─── 因为我找不到我的袋鼠风筝。

43、She had never learned to fly a kite. ─── 她一直没有学会放风筝。

44、And this kite is for you, Steven! ─── 史帝文,这是给你的风筝。

45、To get money or credit with a kite. ─── 使用空头支票获得钱或信贷

46、C. They are flying the kite under the tree. ─── 六、听录音,回答问题(听两遍)

47、Oh. It's a kite,@ says Danny a little unhappily. ─── 丹尼有一点不太高兴地说:“哦,是一个风筝。”

48、Can you reach the kite for me on the tree? ─── 你能给我拿下来树上的风筝吗?

49、Well, flying kite is more fun to me. ─── 噢,对我来说,放风筝更有趣。

50、His fortune has gone kiting. ─── 他的运气到头了.

51、He attached a bamboo flute to a paper kite. ─── 他把能发出声音的竹笛绑在了纸鸢上。

52、Are you trying to mend your kite? ─── 你在试图修好你的风筝吗?

53、Peggy likes flying a kite at the beach. ─── 佩琪喜欢在海滩上放风筝。

54、Billy the cat went to fly a kite. ─── 小猫比利去放风筝。

55、Did you make this kite yourself? ─── 嘉宾:这是你们自己做的风筝吗?

56、Bobby cried when he brode his kite. ─── ” 波比弄坏了他的风筝,哭起来。

57、Actually the sound comes from a kite! ─── 原来是风筝发出来的声音!

58、The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame. ─── 制作风筝的第一步是做骨架。

59、Fancy giving your sister a kite when there's nowhere to fly it. ─── “没有地方放风筝却送给妹妹风筝。”

60、What a short time I had flying the kite! ─── 刚才放风箏的时间太短了!

61、He made a big and colorful kite. ─── 他做了个五彩缤纷的大风筝。

62、You can see the kite flying high. ─── 你可以看见风筝飞在高高的天空上。

63、He offered me these strange-smelling cigarettes and within twenty minutes I was as high as a kite. ─── 他给我抽了这些怪味的香烟,在20分钟内,我就烂醉如泥了。

64、His fortune has gone kiting. ─── 他的运气到头了。

65、Don't take it too seriously; he is just flying his kite. ─── 不要太认真了,他只是在试探你。

66、One dark windy night he caught hold of the kite. ─── 一个月黑风高的夜晚,他抓住风筝,

67、All of them are looking at the kite in the sky. ─── 他们都在看着天上的风筝。

68、She was there, flying her kite in the square. ─── 她在那里,在广场上放风筝。

69、Hi, Daming. Look. I've got a new kite! ─── 嗨,大明。看,我有一个新风筝!

70、Have you got a Chinese or a Japanese kite? ─── 你有中国的风筝还是日本的风筝?

71、Would you like to fly a kite with me? ─── 你可以和我一起去放风筝吗?

72、Her kite is broken. Can you mend it? ─── 她的风筝破了.你能修好它吗?

73、He is flying a kite on the hillside. ─── 他正在山坡上放风筝。

74、Can you see the kite high up in the sky? ─── 你看见那高高挂在空中的风筝了吗?

75、Oh,I've got a chinese kite and a Japanese kite. ─── 噢,我有一个中国风筝和一个日本风筝。

76、And kite shops can be seen everywhere. ─── 卖风筝的商店更是随处可见。

77、Oh,my kite is in that tree.I want . ─── 哦,我的风筝在树上了,我要把它取回来。

78、It's windy today. Why don't we fly a kite? ─── 今天风很大。我们何不来放风筝呢?

79、Use kiting and your speed to your advantage, and don't rush into things. ─── 利用放风筝技巧和你的速度来获得优势,千万不要冲入包围…

80、The child' s hand came away, and the kite flew elf in the air. ─── 孩子松开手,风筝在空中飞走了。

81、Flying a kite in Pakistan is a dangerous pastime. ─── 在巴基斯坦,放风筝是项危险的娱乐活动。

82、The general strategy for a Hunter in solo play involves set up and kiting. ─── 一个猎人在孤身一人情况下的总体战略包括战前准备和风筝怪物。

83、Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park. ─── 大明有中国风筝,我们可以在公园里放风筝。

84、You should fly your kite against the wind. ─── 你应该迎着风放风筝。

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