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maxillary 发音

英:[m?k's?l?r?]  美:['m?ks?,l?ri]

英:  美:

maxillary 中文意思翻译



maxillary 网络释义

adj. 上颌骨的,上颌的n. 上颌骨

maxillary 短语词组

1、maxillary fracture ─── [医] 上颌骨折

2、maxillary bite rim ─── [医] 上颌Ж堤, 上颌Ж缘

3、maxillary buccal frenum ─── [医] 上颌颊系带

4、maxillary denture ─── [医] 上托牙

5、inferior maxillary protuberance ─── [医] 下颌隆凸

6、external maxillary artery ─── 颌外动脉

7、maxillary fissure ─── [医] 上颌裂

8、maxillary empyema ─── [医] 上颌积脓

9、inferior maxillary nerve ─── [医] ─── [PNA] ─── [BNA]下颌神经

10、maxillary artery ─── 上颌动脉

11、maxillary angle ─── [医] 上颌角

12、maxillary bone ─── [医] 上颌骨

13、fibrosarcoma of maxillary sinus ─── [医] 上颌窦纤维肉瘤

14、gleno-maxillary relation ─── [医] 颌关节关系

15、maxillary arch ─── [医] 上颌弓, 硬腭弓

16、internal maxillary artery ─── [医]颌内动脉,上颌动脉

17、maxillary ganglia ─── [医] 颌神经节, 下颌下神经节

18、maxillary cyst ─── [医] 上颌囊肿

19、maxillary fossae ─── [医] 上颌窝, 尖牙窝, 犬齿窝

maxillary 词性/词形变化,maxillary变形

名词复数: maxillaries |

maxillary 相似词语短语

1、mamillar ─── adj.乳头的

2、axillary ─── adj.[植]腋生的;腋窝的;叶腋的;n.[鸟]腋羽

3、arillary ─── 假牙

4、axillar ─── adj.腋下的;n.[鸟]腋羽

5、mamillary ─── adj.像乳房的;(矿物)有乳头状突起的;(下丘脑底)乳状体的

6、maxillar ─── 上颌骨

7、mammillary ─── adj.等于mamillary

8、capillary ─── n.毛细血管;毛细管;微血管;adj.毛细管的;毛状的;表面张力的

9、bacillary ─── adj.杆状的;杆状细菌的

maxillary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The paper summarized the experience of nursing 5 cases of uncontrolled epistaxis in the treatment of maxillary arterial li-gation. ─── 总结5例上颌动脉结扎治疗顽固性鼻出血患者的护理体会。

2、Objective: To explore the role of enlarging ostium maxilare on chronic maxillary sinusitis in endoscopic sinus surgery. ─── 摘要目的:探讨鼻内镜手术中扩大上颌窦自然口对上颌窦炎转归的影响。

3、Deciduous caries were often examined on the 1st mandibular molar, the let maxillary incisor, and the 2nd mandibular molar. ─── 在牙位上,患龋好发牙位前三位为下颌第一乳磨牙、上颌第一乳前牙、下颌第二乳磨牙。

4、From existing data, the prevalence rate of misplaced maxillary canine varies from 1% to 3%. ─── 摘要上颚未萌出异位及阻生犬齿的盛行率约为1%~3%。

5、On the higher fishes the maxillary is excluded from the gape, and the premaxillary bears the teeth. ─── 在较高等的鱼,上颌骨不包括口裂,而且前上颌骨有齿。

6、The mandibles and maxillae disappeared only with the maxillary palps present. ─── 上颚、下颚消失(故无咀嚼功能),只剩下颚须存在。

7、D. catalinae had more sensory sensilla on the maxillary palpus than that on the labial palpus. ─── 下颚须上感受器的数量均远远多于下唇须上感受器的数量。

8、Sensilla trichodaein was the sensory sensilla on the maxillary palpus of the ladybird. ─── 下颚须末节上的感受器为毛形感受器;

9、All patients had successfully accomplished maxillary DO and themaxilla had been averagely advanced 11.3mm. ─── 所有患者均成功完成上颌骨DO 术,平均前徙距离为11.3mm。

10、LeFort I osteotomy can be a method in the treatment of old maxillary fracture. ─── LeFort I型截骨术是治疗陈旧性上颌骨骨折一种较好的方法。

11、The Study of Residual Thickness and Fracture Strength in Maxillary Premolars after Post Space Preparation. ─── 上颌前磨牙桩道预备后剩余根管壁厚度和抗折强度的研究

12、Fan XD, Zhang ZY, Mao Q, et al.Embolization in arterovenous malformations of maxillary region with PVA [J].J Inter Radiol,1999, 8(4): 195-8. ─── [5]范新东,张志愿,毛青,等.上颌部动静脉畸形的PVA栓塞治疗[J].介入放射学杂志,1999,8(4):195-8.

13、From the side, the front line is perpendicular and straight, coinciding with the maxillary edge or slightly projected forward. ─── 从侧面看,前行是垂直而直,与上颌骨边缘或稍向前预测相吻合。

14、And who showed you up into this room? he continued, crushing his nails into his palms, and grinding his teeth to subdue the maxillary convulsions. ─── 他继续问道,拳头紧握,指甲扎入手掌,咬紧牙齿以防止下颌的抽搐。

15、There is one cavea on either side of the nose, which is called "maxillary sinus". ─── 在鼻腔的两侧各有1个空腔,称为"上颌窦"。

16、Conclusion After maxillary sinus radical treatment, the dressing of faceshape icebag can effectively attenuate the local responses of the patients. ─── 上颌窦根治术后病人应用脸形冷袋,能有效减轻局部症状,减轻病人经济负担。

17、Palatally impacted maxillary canine is common in clinic which affects the function and aesthetic of maxillary teeth. ─── 上颌尖牙腭侧埋伏阻生在临床上很常见,它会影响上颌牙列的功能和美观。

18、The incidence of casting defect is higher in the clasp and minor connecter,mandibular than maxillary. ─── 义齿各部位出现铸造缺陷机率:卡环小连接体处较高,下颌高于上颌。

19、Stress Analysis of maxillary anchorage molar and its periodentium by three dimensional photoelastic method. ─── 支抗磨牙及支持组织三维光弹应力分析

20、Yanagik,Haruna S,Honyama H.Mycosis of the maxillary sinus and endoscpic surgery[J].Otolaryngol Jpn,1992,10:1602. ─── 张红艳,杨新明.鼻腔鼻窦真菌感染46例报道[J],中国耳鼻咽喉颅底外科杂志,2000,6:48-49.

21、Objective: To investigate the clinical role of the management of the maxillary sinus ostium on the prognosis in endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). ─── 摘要目的:探讨内窥镜鼻窦手术中上颌窦自然开口处理方法与预后的关系。

22、Hemorrhage from the maxillary artery can be a serious problem in maxillo-facial injuries. ─── 摘要内颔动脉出血是颅颜外伤病患严重的问题。

23、Rapid maxillary expansion(RME) constitutes a routine clinical procedure in orthodontics, tissues in the vicinity of the maxilla are comlex. ─── 上颌快速扩弓是临床上常用的治疗方法。

24、Abstract: Objective: To investigate the detectable approach on middle zone of maxillary malignant tumor . ─── 文摘:目的:探讨上颌恶性肿瘤中间区淋巴转移的检测手段。

25、Rapid maxillary expansion is a method which is often being used to treat the transverse discrepancy of widths of maxilla. ─── 快速上颌扩展是一种常用的矫治上颌横向宽度不调的方法。

26、Of 8 cases, 3 cases with the tumors occurred in nasal cavities, 1 in maxillary sinus, 2 in nasopharynx, 1 in posterior wall of oropharynx. ─── 3例死亡,其中1例在出院2年后死于局部复发,1例3年后死于多发性骨髓瘤,1例2年后死于心脏病;失访1例。

27、Arteriovenous shunt was found between superior ophthalmic vein and infraorbital branch of internal maxillary artery. ─── 在上眼静脉与内上颚动脉的眼窝下分支之间有不正常的瘘管。

28、The hypoplasia and displacement of the maxillary segments can directly pull the alar cartilage of cleft side posterolaterally , but it is not the main causes of the deformities. ─── 上颌骨裂梨状孔缘外展、后退直接作用鼻翼软骨出现相应症状,不是鼻畸形形成的最主要因素。

29、The proboscis of moths and butterflies formed from the greatly elongated maxillary galea, is extended by increases in the haemolymph pressure. ─── 喙管由下颚的外颚叶极端延长形成,低等的种类有很长的下颚须,高等的下颚须很短。

30、Most of which happened in mesiobuccal canal of maxillary molar and mesial canal of mandibular molar, accounting for 70.7%. ─── 器械折断于上磨牙近颊根管和下磨牙近中根管者居多,占70.7%。

31、A maxillary bone; a jawbone. ─── 上颔骨;颔骨

32、The airflow in the maxillary air sinus and by the maxillary hiatus was slow. ─── 上颌窦口和上颌窦内的气体流速均较低。

33、To investigate the therapeutic effects of maxillary expansion and protraction in the primary dentition. ─── 探讨在乳牙期利用固定扩弓矫治器前牵引的临床效果。

34、The first three largest number of resident teeth is as follows: mandibular cuspid, mandibular bicuspid and maxillary cuspid. ─── 19.51%的病例颌骨间无咬合接触关系,19.51%的病例修复时需咬合重建或咬合抬高;

35、We concluded that OMMs occur more often in the sixth and seventh decades.The more-common affected sites are the hard palate and maxillary gingiva. ─── 我们所得到的结论是,口腔恶性黑色素瘤好发于50至70岁患者,好发位置是在硬腭及上颚牙龈。

36、It is successful to build a three-dimension finite element model of a maxillary central incisor by helix CT films and scanning data. 2. ─── 在此基础上生成了包括桩冠各组成部分和支持组织的三维有限元模型,模型具有良好的几何相似和力学相似性,完全可用于不同箍设计桩冠的力学研究。

37、There are some different on maxillary growth in unilateral cleft lip repair between with millard and Tennison method. ─── Millard法与 Tennison法修复唇裂对上颌骨生长发育的影响程度不同

38、Standardized maxillary premolar crowns were fabricated with five different alloys and one Zircoina ceramic. ─── 另将五种合金与二氧化锆制作标准上颚骨前臼齿牙冠。

39、Impaction of the permanent maxillary central incisor is uncommon, and fusion of mandibular lateral incisors and canines is even more rarely seen. ─── 摘要上颚正中门齿的阻生是少见的,而下颚双侧恒牙的侧门齿与犬齿融合则更少见;

40、DDE predominately appeared on maxillary incisors. ─── 5%,主要发生在上颌切牙。

41、Methods: A maxillary central incisor up tocriterion was selected to construct the three-dimensional finite element model on computer. ─── 分析不同材料桩核的修复效果。

42、It is not uncommon to see uneruption of the maxillary anterior teeth during children's mixed dentition stage. ─── 摘要上颚恒前齿未能于正常时间适时萌出,在儿童青少年混合齿列期不算少见,且常为父母亲所关心的问题。

43、Abstract:Objective To discuss the operative approaches and methods of the extraction of embedded supernumerary teeth in maxillary anterior. ─── 摘要:目的 探讨上颌前部埋伏多生牙的手术拔除入路与方法。

44、Anteriorly, the maxillary incisors should erupt labial to the mandibular incisors; the mandibular incisors should erupt lingual to the maxillary incisors. ─── 前区部方面,上颚门齿应要萌发在(下颚门齿)侧向,而下颚门齿应要萌发在(上颚门齿)侧向。

45、This paper presents the development of a three-dimensional finite element model of central maxillary incisor. ─── 以上颌中切牙为解剖学基础建立了三维有限元模型。

46、Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of apicitis of the maxillary canine complicated with paranasal fistula. ─── 摘要目的探讨上颌尖牙根尖炎并发鼻旁瘘管的诊断和治疗方法。

47、The patient had no evidence of lung aspergillosis, but did have maxillary sinusitis. ─── 患者没有证据提示肺部曲霉菌感染,但是存在上颌窦炎症。

48、The surfactant-like multilamellar bodies were identified in the epithelium on the lateral wall and maxillary sinus. ─── 下鼻甲、中鼻甲、钩突、上颌窦和腺样体粘膜均有表面活性物质样板层体的存在。

49、Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment methods of maxillary sinus carcinoma. ─── 目的探讨上颌窦癌的诊断和治疗方法。

50、Congenital absence of one or both of the maxillary incisors is the second most common form of tootQ agenesis. ─── 摘要上颚侧门齿先天缺失是仅次于第三大臼最常见的牙齿缺失。

51、When the uncinectomy has been completed, the maxillary sinus ostium can usually be easily identified. ─── 当钩突切除术完成后,一般即可很容易发现上颌窦口。

52、It is not uncommon to see an impacted or unerupted maxillary incisor in the children's dental clinic. ─── 上颚门牙异位萌出或上颚阻生牙是儿童牙科及齿颚矫正门诊常见的问题。

53、A case of maxillary capillary hemangioblastoma in a 4-month-old infant was reported and relevant literatures were reviewed. ─── 摘要报告1例4个月龄幼儿面部毛细血管母细胞瘤病例,并复习相关文献。

54、To study the changes in skeletal and teeth following rapid maxillary expansion by cephalometric analysis and dental casts analysis. ─── 摘要目的通过头影测量及模型分析,研究快速腭开展后所引起的骨骼、牙齿变化。

55、Abstract: Objective Study the maxillary growth for the unilateral cleft lip and alveolus. ─── 文摘:目的为了客观研究唇裂伴牙槽裂畸形状况下上颌骨生长发育变化规律。

56、The patency of maxillary sinus ostium maintained well in 33 cases,stenosed in 7 cases.The diseased middle tu... ─── 上颌窦口开放33例,狭窄7例,病变中鼻甲大多恢复正常。

57、The sensilla on the maxillary and labial palpus of the grasshopper Rammeacris kiangsu (Tsai) were examined with scanning electron microscopy. ─── 利用扫描电子显微镜研究了黄脊雷篦蝗Rammeacriskiangsu(Tsai)口器的下颚须、下唇须上的感觉器结构。

58、Fig3-7 Mouth-breathing child lying down. Note the anterior open bite as well as the short maxillary lip with a median crease. ─── 图3-7口呼吸的儿童躺下样。可以注意前牙开咬与短的上唇且有一中间皱褶。

59、Also called maxillary which is also the adjective: plural maxillae. ─── 也被称为上颌骨也是形容词:复数的小颚。

60、Yanagi K, Haruma S, Moriyama. Mycosis of the maxillary sinus and endoscopic surgery[J]. J Otolaryngol Jpn, 1992, 10: 1602. ─── 徐世翔,王荣光.鼻内镜中、下鼻道联合开窗治疗上颌窦曲菌病的应用研究[J].中国内镜杂志,2000,6(5):61-63.

61、PURPOSE: To investigate the diagnostic value of 16 slices spiral CT in maxillary sinus diseases. ─── 摘要目的:探讨16层螺旋CT对上颌窦病变的诊断价值。

62、Diffuse mucosal thickening affecting bilateral maxillary sinuses, ethmoidal sinuses and sphenoidal sinuses , suggesting pansinusitis change . ─── 上颌窦、筛窦以及蝶窦的粘膜弥散性增厚提示可能是全鼻窦炎。

63、Treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency is often complicated by inadequately treated or misdiagnosis. ─── 摘要对于上颚宽度不足的治疗,常因为误诊或是不适当的处置,而加重困难度。

64、An impacted maxillary canine is a frequently encountered clinical problem in the mixed dentition. ─── 摘要上颚阻生犬齿是混合齿列期常遇见的问题。

65、He continued,crushing his nails into his palms,and grinding his teeth to subdue the maxillary convulsions. ─── 他接着说,并把指甲掐进他的手心,磨着牙齿,为的是制止腭骨的颤动。

66、The maxillary processes extend in a cephalad direction form the piriform aperture to the lacrimal crest, uniting with the frontal and nasal bones. ─── 上颌骨额突由梨状孔和泪嵴向头侧方向伸出,与额骨和鼻骨相接。

67、Otorrhea fluxus aurium, Otitis extema, maxillary neophasm, periodontitis and mass, palate mass. ─── HSCD化疗加放疗为主进行治疗,预后欠佳;

68、A rare case of an erupted compound odontoma associated with a malformed and dilacerated maxillary left lateral incisor is reported. ─── 一例罕见的复合齿瘤的发生与一个恶意的和弯曲左上颌侧切报道。

69、For lesions involving the internal maxillary artery or other deep branches, massive or intermittent oronasal hemorrhage may be encountered. ─── 对于位在内颔动脉或其他深部分枝的病灶,其临床表现为大量或间歇式的口鼻出血。

70、Objective To explore the path and embranchment of maxillary artery and to provide the morphological notes for clinical application and teaching. ─── 摘要目的探测上颌动脉的行程及分支的有关数量为临床应用及教学提供形态学资料。

71、Located in our cheekbones, the maxillary are the largest of four pairs of sinus cavities in the human head. ─── 上颌窦位于颧骨下方,是头部四对鼻窦中最大的。

72、It is not uncommon to see an impacted or unerupted maxillary incisor in the children's dental clinic. ─── 摘要上颚门牙异位萌出或上颚阻生牙是儿童牙科及齿颚矫正门诊常见的问题。

73、The basiproboscis bears a pair of maxillary palps. ─── 基喙,是头壳的一部分。

74、Conclusion: The surgical explore might be beneficial for the patients of non-invasive fungal maxillary sinusitis. ─── 结论:手术探查有利于非侵袭性上颌窦霉菌病的诊治。

75、Objective To investigate the relationship between the size of enlarged maxillary ostia and therapeutic effects in endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). ─── 摘要目的探讨鼻内镜手术中扩大上颌窦口大小与术后疗效的关系。

76、The biomechanical effect study of maxillary anchorage molar and its periodentium by FEM. ─── 三维有限元法分析上颌支抗磨牙及其支持组织的生物力学

77、There is diffuse mucosal thickening of bilateral maxillary sinuses, ethmoidal sinuses and sphenoidal sinuses. ─── 在两侧的上颌窦、筛窦以及蝶窦的粘膜可见弥散性增厚。

78、Also the maxillary satisfactionwas better than the mandibulars. ─── 下颌固位满意度比上颌差。

79、For lesions involving the internal maxillary artery or other deep branches, massive or intermittent oronasal hemorrhage may be encountered. ─── 对于位在内颔动脉或其他深部分枝的病灶,其临床表现为大量或间歇式的口鼻出血。

80、Congenital missing of one or both of the maxillary incisors is the second most common form of tooth agenesis. ─── 摘要上颚侧门齿先天缺失是仅次于第三大臼齿最常见的牙齿缺失。

81、Severe lower crowding with normal maxillary arch and naso-labial angle. ─── 严重的低拥挤与正常上颌牙弓和鼻唇角。

82、Methods 13 cases (13 eyes) of inferior orbital fracture received early surgery through maxillary sinus. ─── 方法13例(13眼)早期经上颌窦(柯-陆式)手术进路,碘仿纱条填塞。

83、The lateral parts of the upper lip, most of the maxilla, and the secondary palate form from the maxillary prominences. ─── 上颌隆起形成上唇的侧面、上颌骨的大部分和次生腭。

84、Methods:All 70 cases were taken Water area and Caldwell area films,some added tomographic,profile,cranial base films and maxillary sinus radiography. ─── 方法 :对 70例上颌窦患者均摄有 Water位、Caldwell位、部分患者加摄体层片、侧位片、颅底片及上颌窦造影片。

85、Comparison of the maxillary of Lophosteus with that of a sarcopterygian. ─── 上颌骨比较参考文献

86、The poloyps mainly occured in ethmoidal sinus and middle meatus, part of cases involved maxillary sinus and inferior meatus. ─── 息肉主要发生在筛窦及中鼻道,部分累及上颌窦及下鼻道。

87、The Root Canal Therapy of Maxillary Third Molar. ─── 上颌第三磨牙的根管治疗。

88、Angiographic evaluation showed a pseudoaneurysm of the internal maxillary artery (IMA). ─── 我们成功的使用选择性经动脉液态黏著剂栓塞动脉瘤出血处。

89、A clinical examination revealed a moderate midline diastema between maxillary central incisors. ─── 临床检查:上中切牙间中缝,中度大小。

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