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09-17 投稿


teasing 发音

英:['ti:z??]  美:[?tiz??]

英:  美:

teasing 中文意思翻译



teasing 短语词组

1、taunting vs teasing ─── 嘲弄与戏弄

2、teasing song ─── 挑逗歌曲

3、teasing about ─── 嘲笑

4、teasing events ─── 挑逗事件

5、teasing life ─── 戏弄生活

6、teasing brain ─── 挑逗大脑

7、teasing out ─── 梳理

8、tadpole teasing ─── 蝌蚪戏弄

9、teasing you ─── 取笑你

10、teasing girl ─── 挑逗女孩

11、teasing ratio ─── 梳理率

teasing 词性/词形变化,teasing变形

动词第三人称单数: teases |动词现在分词: teasing |动词过去分词: teased |动词过去式: teased |副词: teasingly |

teasing 相似词语短语

1、feasing ─── 不断减少

2、measing ─── abbr.尺寸(measure);n.(Meas)(美)密(人名)

3、tasing ─── 塔辛

4、easing ─── n.减轻,缓解;v.减轻,缓解;(使)小心缓慢地移动(ease的现在分词)

5、seasing ─── 海边

6、ceasing ─── n.停止;中止;终了;v.停止;中断(cease的ing形式)

7、leasing ─── n.租赁;(苏)谎言;v.出租(lease的ing形式)

8、-teasing ─── n.戏弄

9、-easing ─── n.减轻,缓解;v.减轻,缓解;(使)小心缓慢地移动(ease的现在分词)

teasing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The continuation of the play after the tea interval was ruined by rain. ─── 原定茶点休息后继续进行的比赛因下雨而取消了。

2、A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves. ─── 一杯好茶可以使你的心绪平静下来。

3、A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant. ─── 功夫茶中国的一种浓茶,茶叶采自茶树顶部第五片和最大的一片叶子

4、Flirting is sexy. Teasing is cruel. Do not confuse the two or serious, long-lasting hard feelings could ensue. ─── 调情是性感,逗弄是残忍。千万别把两者混淆,否则必生怨恨之心,伤害极深且挥之难去。

5、Coffee has taken the place of tea as the most popular drink in many homes. ─── 在很多家庭里,咖啡代替了茶,成了最爱喜欢的饮料。

6、He drinks tea at breakfast. ─── 他在早餐时饮茶。

7、Would you like another cup of tea? ─── 你要再来一杯茶吗?

8、But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. ─── 但今天下午,她正在花园里喝茶。

9、Perhaps the least prepossessing quality of Fox was that he cares too much about the ephemeral in politics: and Ford displays excessive zeal, to my mind, in teasing out these cares to the last twist and turn. ─── 也许福克斯最不逗人喜欢的一点就是他把短促的政治生命看得过于重了。而在我看来,福特在诱使福克斯说出他的这些关心时显得过分热情,手法千奇百怪,使尽了手段。

10、Don't take it seriously -- he was only teasing. ─── 别当真,他只是在戏弄你。

11、Don't get upset—I was only teasing. ─── 别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。

12、If the surface is slightly evenlessness or mild abrasions, teasing, wipe gently fine carbon can be used to make it smooth. ─── 如果表面略有不平整或轻度擦伤、起毛时,可用精炭轻轻擦拭,使之平整光滑。

13、Stop teasing me or I'll give you a fat lip! ─── 别取笑我了,否则打烂你的嘴!

14、Joe chafed under his big brother's teasing. ─── 乔因受到大哥的取笑而感到恼怒。

15、He drinks rivers of tea every day. ─── 他每天喝大量茶水。

16、Wedged beside him, Shao- Shao laughed and sang, teasing his father by trying to tap the keyboard when, he wasn't looking. ─── 笑笑挤坐在他身边又是唱又是笑,同时在他不看的时候通过尽力敲键盘来逗他的父亲。

17、Aunt Wu set about making tea. ─── 吴大婶张罗着沏茶。

18、Stop teasing the cat, eg by pulling its tail. ─── 别逗猫(如揪猫尾巴).

19、The sophisticates in the office drink lemon tea; we have coffee. ─── 办公室里那些不同凡俗的人喝的是柠檬茶,我们这些人喝咖啡。

20、Would you like a cup of tea? ─── 你想喝杯茶吗?

21、All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke. ─── 你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了。

22、Oh horrors! Not another invitation to tea with Aunt Muriel! ─── 可别再应邀去缪里尔大婶那里参加茶会了。

23、He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably. ─── 他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。

24、He took the teasing in good part. ─── 他认为逗弄他并无恶意。

25、Do not take it seriously -- he was only teasing. ─── 别当真,他只是在戏弄你。

26、There's (a pot of) tea brewing in the kitchen. ─── 厨房里沏了(一壶)茶。

27、He delights in teasing his young sister . ─── 他以逗弄他的小妹妹为乐。

28、Cold tea makes an excellent drink in summer. ─── 在夏天,凉茶是一种很好的饮料。

29、Do you take sugar? ie Do you have it in your tea, etc? ─── 你要放糖吗(你喝茶等加糖吗)?

30、A teasing and persistent thought annoyed him. ─── 一个挥之不去的想法困绕着他。

31、They were regaled with tea and cakes. ─── 他们被飨以茶点。

32、A goading, provoking, or teasing remark or act. ─── 剌激性言行刺激的、激励的、嘲笑的言论或行为

33、He drink a cup of strong tea to sober himself up. ─── 他喝下一杯浓茶以使自己清醒过来。。

34、Do you take milk and sugar in your tea? ─── 你的茶里要加牛奶和糖吗?

35、His brother is a tea planter. ─── 他的哥哥是一个茶园主。

36、There is nothing as refreshing as lemon tea. ─── 什麽都不如柠檬茶那样提神。

37、A closed metal vessel having a spigot and used for warming or serving tea or coffee. ─── 壶封闭的有塞的金属容器,用于加热或端茶或咖啡

38、A dark Chinese tea that has been partially fermented before drying. ─── 乌龙(茶)一种在干燥前局部发酵的中国红茶

39、Stop teasing her,you little fiend! ─── 别捉弄她了,你这个小淘气鬼!

40、If you feel you can't stand up to teasing and bullying on your own, it's OK to ask for a little help. ─── 如果在遭受嘲笑和欺凌时,你自己无法反抗,你是可以寻求帮助的。

41、You don't mean it [mean what you said]. You're just teasing. ─── 你说的不是当真的,你是在闹着玩儿。

42、He suspected that Laura was teasing him. ─── 他怀疑罗拉是在挑逗他。

43、He stopped pushing as he felt her breath on his mouth, teasing, tempting. ─── 他的嘴感觉到她的取悦而诱惑的呼吸,他不再阻止了。

44、He must be teasing,or else he's mad. ─── 他一定是在开玩笑,不然他就是疯了。

45、He put salt into his tea by mistake. ─── 他把盐误放进茶里。

46、Would you like tea or a cold drink? ─── 你喜欢要茶还是要冷饮?

47、To speak to in a playful or teasing way. ─── 取笑以开玩笑或戏弄的方式讲话

48、You need to lay off on the teasing now. ─── 你不要再开玩笑了。

49、They kept teasing Peter,and watched him do a slow burn. ─── 他们不停地逗弄彼得,眼看着他渐渐发怒。

50、Did you put sugar in my tea? ─── 你在我的茶里加糖了吗?

51、Stop teasing her, you little fiend! ─── 别捉弄她了,你这个小淘气鬼!

52、Here's a cup of tea to be going on with; we'll have something to eat later. ─── 先喝杯茶垫垫底儿,咱们等一会再吃东西。

53、Two teas, please. ─── 劳驾,要两杯茶。

54、Will you have another cup of tea? ─── 你再喝一杯茶吗?

55、He drank a cup of strong tea to sober himself up. ─── 他喝下一杯浓茶以使自己清醒过来。

56、Park yourself in that chair while I make you a cup of tea. ─── 你坐在那张椅子上,我给你沏茶去。

57、He drinks this medical tea for medicinal purposes. ─── 他为了治病而喝这种冲剂。

58、They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea. ─── 他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。

59、One who engages in banter or good-natured teasing. ─── 取笑者,逗弄者开玩笑或善意戏谑的人

60、The little boys were teasing a girl in the park. ─── 公园里,小男孩们在捉弄一个小女孩。

61、Will you have tea, (or) coffee or lemonade? ─── 你喝茶、 (还是)咖啡还是汽水?

62、A cup of tea helped to thaw out our guest. ─── 一杯茶有助于我们的客人变得不拘束。

63、The act of teasing or misleading someone,especially for amusement. ─── 哄骗戏弄或误导某人,尤指开玩笑。

64、Can I pour you another cup of tea? ─── 再给你倒杯茶好吗?

65、They got a rise out of Joe by teasing him about his girl friend. ─── 他们以取笑乔的女朋友来戏弄乔。

66、Smith finished his tea in very low spirits. ─── 史密斯没精打采地喝完了茶。

67、India exports tea and cotton to many different countries. ─── 印度向许多国家出口茶叶和棉花。

68、Must you dash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea? ─── 你一定要急急忙忙走吗?为何不留下喝杯茶呢?

69、You do the honors and pour out the tea. ─── 你尽一下主人之谊,给客人倒茶。

70、This glass of iced tea will refresh you. ─── 喝下这杯冰茶你会感到清凉。

71、Don't take what she said seriously she was only teasing. ─── 别拿她的话当真--她不过是逗弄人。

72、It makes no odds whether you give me coffee or tea. ─── 你请我喝咖啡或喝茶都没有什么关系。

73、He was always teasing his sisters. ─── 他总是戏弄他的姐妹们。

74、He sat, cursing himself, till his tea was stewed. ─── 他坐着咒骂自己,直到把茶煮浓了。

75、To engage in teasing or good-humored fooling. ─── 取笑人;好意地欺骗某人

76、Don't take it seriously - he's only teasing. ─── 别把它当真,他只不过是在开玩笑。

77、He told her how the boys had set on him, teasing him. ─── 他告诉她那些男孩曾是如何攻击他、取笑他的。

78、He delights in teasing his younger sister. ─── 他以戏弄他妹妹为乐。

79、Coffee and tea are mild stimulants. ─── 咖啡和茶都是温和的兴奋剂。

80、He took great enjoyment in teasing his little sister. ─── 他非常喜欢逗他的小妹妹。

81、Challenging her. Forcing her to be on her toes, teasing her, is exciting and attractive. ─── 挑战她。使她窘困,逗趣他,那是很让她兴奋和吸引她的。

82、Mr. Smith finished his tea in very low spirits. ─── 史密斯先生闷闷不乐地喝完了茶。

83、He was always teasing her to marry him. ─── 他老是百般地要她嫁给他。

84、It's daylight robbery to charge60 pence for a cup of tea. ─── 一杯茶卖60便士,简直是漫天要价。

85、I'd be glad of (ie I'd like) your help/a cup of tea. ─── 你若能帮忙[给我一杯茶]本人十分感激。

86、A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures;a flirt. ─── 卖弄风情的女人作出性挑逗或多情表示的女人;卖弄风情

87、Your teasing of the new office girl has gone beyond a joke. ─── 你对这个新来的办公室女职员的逗弄已超出了开玩笑的界限。

88、Uncle Liu could not resist teasing Xiao Hong. ─── 刘大爷禁不住要开小红的玩笑。

89、Don't get upset-I was only teasing. ─── 别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。










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