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09-17 投稿


Hanoverian 发音

英:[[?h?n?u?v??r??n]]  美:[[?h?no?v?r??n]]

英:  美:

Hanoverian 中文意思翻译




Hanoverian 短语词组

1、Hanoverian Mountain Hound ─── 汉诺威山猎犬

2、hanoverian house ─── 汉诺威之家酒店

3、hanoverian england ─── 汉诺威英国

4、hanoverian horse ─── 汉诺威马

5、hanoverian moncler ─── 汉诺威语

6、Hanoverian line ─── [网络] 汉诺威线

7、hanoverian sovereigns ─── 汉诺威主权

Hanoverian 词性/词形变化,Hanoverian变形


Hanoverian 相似词语短语

1、lactovarian ─── 乳变异体

2、Bavarian ─── adj.巴伐利亚的;巴伐利亚人的;n.巴伐利亚方言;巴伐利亚人

3、Hanoverian ─── adj.汉诺威的;(英国)汉诺威王室的;与德国汉诺威王国有关的;n.汉诺威;(英国)汉诺威王室成员或支持者

4、Hanover ─── n.汉诺威市(位于德国)

5、Cancerian ─── n.出生于巨蟹宫时段的人

6、Cantabrian ─── adj.(与)坎塔布里亚(相关)的;n.坎塔布里亚人,坎塔布里亚语;坎塔布连山(位于西班牙北部)

7、Hanoverians ─── 汉诺威王朝

8、Chaucerian ─── adj.乔叟写作风格的;n.仿乔叟写作风格的人;乔叟作品的研究者

9、phalansterian ─── 指南针

Hanoverian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、View the New Development Trends of world Industry from Hanoverian Industrial Expo ─── 从汉诺威工业展看世界工业的发展新趋势

2、of or relating to the Hanoverian kings of England. ─── 属于或关于英国的汉诺威国王的。

3、He believed that if he won brave Catholic hearts in Scotland, then the Catholic French would assist him in England against the hanoverian throne ─── 他相信,如果他在苏格兰赢得勇敢的天主教徒的同情,那么信奉天主教的法国人便会帮助他在英格兰对抗汉诺威王朝的君主。

4、View the New Development Trends of world Industry from Hanoverian Industrial Expo ─── 从汉诺威工业展看世界工业的发展新趋势

5、Hanoverian maintains its position of being the sales centre of GRASSHOPPER. ─── 德国汉诺威保留GRASSHOPPER欧洲分销中心的地位。

6、The last of the Stuart monarchs, Queen Anne, died in 1714 and the British throne passed to the Hanoverian king George I, a German protestant who could speak no English. ─── 斯图亚特王朝的末代君主安妮女王卒于1714年,英国王位传给了汉诺威王朝的国王乔治一世,他是一个不会讲英语的德国新教徒。

7、Keywords Exhibition;Plate working equipment;Hanoverian;Characteristics; ─── 展览会;钣金设备;汉诺威;特点;

8、The Hanoverian general Freytag was taken prisoner by a French hussar, who, perceiving that he had a valuable watch, said, "Give me your watch." ─── 汉诺威将领弗赖·塔格被法国一个轻骑兵所擒。那轻骑兵见他有个名贵的表,就说:“把表给我。”

9、of or relating to the Hanoverian kings of England. ─── 属于或关于英国的汉诺威国王的。

10、At the moment when the Hanoverian lieutenant, Wilda, grasped this handle in order to take refuge in the farm, a French sapper hewed off his hand with an axe. ─── 当日汉诺威的维尔达中尉正握着那门钮,想躲进庄屋去,一个法国敢死队员一斧子便砍下了他的手。

11、Hanoverian lieutenant, Wilda, grasped this handle in order to take refuge in the farm, a French sapper hewed off his hand with an axe. ─── 汉诺威的维尔达中尉正握着那门钮,想躲进庄屋去,一个法国敢死队员一斧子便砍下了他的手。

12、Hanoverian Mountain Hound ─── 汉诺威山地猎犬

13、"The vast majority of the Clan Campbell fought staunchly' for the Hanoverian Succession and the Protestant faith,' he says. "I am profoundly thankful that the Bonnie Prince never got to the British throne". ─── 他相信那场冲突纯粹是为了宗教分歧。“坎贝尔家族的绝大多数人坚定地为汉诺威王朝的后继者和新教信仰而战,”他说,“我深感欣慰的是快乐王子没有得到英国王位。”

14、of or relating to the Hanoverian kings of England ─── 属于或关于英国的汉诺威国王的

15、She had Hanoverian stubbornness and hot temper and she was sometimes cruel and intolerant. ─── 她有着汉诺威人的固执和火暴脾气,有时甚至有些残忍和气量褊狭。

16、Nevertheless, some Hanoverian battalions yielded. ─── 那时,几营汉诺威军队向后折回了。

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