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09-17 投稿


pita 发音


英:  美:

pita 中文意思翻译



pita 网络释义

n. 皮塔饼;圆面饼n. (Pita)人名;(西、葡、萨摩、捷)皮塔

pita 短语词组

1、pita breads ─── 皮塔饼

2、pita bread ─── 皮塔饼

pita 相似词语短语

1、pitas ─── n.皮塔饼(中东一带常食的一种饼,pita的复数)

2、Rita ─── n.丽塔(女子名)

3、Vita ─── n.生活;生命;个人简历(复数vitae);n.(Vita)人名;(英、法、俄、意、葡、匈、捷、塞、芬、德)维塔;(西)比塔

4、Oita ─── n.大分(日本九州岛港市)

5、Gita ─── n.吉塔(印度女子名)

6、Sita ─── abbr.国际航空电讯集团(SociétéInternationaledeTélécommunicationsAéronautiques);n.(Sita)人名;(捷、意、刚(布)、尼、坦桑)西塔

7、pinta ─── n.[皮肤]品他病(一种皮肤病);n.(Pinta)人名;(英、西、葡、芬、捷)平塔

8、pitta ─── n.皮塔饼(一种空心圆面包);n.(Pitta)人名;(意、罗)皮塔

9、pieta ─── n.圣母怜子雕像;《圣殇》(电影名)

pita 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup ─── 羊肉泡馍

2、“We had to find a more efficient way of cutting the pita bread,” says Anthony. ─── “我们必须找到一种更有效的方式切割面包的皮塔说, ”安东尼。

3、Hummus with cucumber and tomato slices on whole wheat pita. ─── 鹰嘴豆沙加黄瓜,全麦皮塔饼配上西红柿切片。

4、Men sitting and talking under the trees as the women in long skirts and with their heads veiled prepared pita dough indoors. ─── 男人们坐在树下谈天说地,女人们穿着长袍包着头在室内准备皮塔饼的生面团。

5、Try humus on wheat pita bread. ─── 尝试放一些腐殖酸在小麦皮塔面包上。

6、Run out to meet you, chips and pita, you say “When we married,” 'cause you're not bitter. ─── 跑出去见你,薯片和比塔饼,你说:“当我们结婚时”,因为你不痛苦。

7、Small pieces of a dense pita bread had been dipped in egg and fried, served with sauteed bananas and cinnamon ice cream. ─── 一块小小地厚厚地皮塔饼浸泡在鸡蛋里然后放入油锅中炸一下,再和炒过的香蕉、桂皮味的冰激凌混合在一起。

8、The Arabic Pita and Pizza Maker is a very small and very Hot Oven for...kitchen appliances, toaster ovens, kitchen accessories, waffle iron, pizza... ─── 我们是一家贸易公司,并作为代表,许多工厂出口。我们是专门金属制品,包括各种...

9、Toasted wholegrain pita bread, cut into triangles, and served with salsa for dipping. ─── 烤全麦皮塔面包,切成三角形,沾些辣番茄酱一起吃。

10、Pita Bread Plain ─── 袋子包

11、Truth:While pita bread is the most widely consumed bread in the Middle East, it certainly is not the only bread. ─── 事实:尽管皮塔饼是中东消费量最大的面包,但它绝不是唯一的面包。

12、Walk at Strategy 2002 developed sales three years, two high-priced than one year, a second phase of high prices, delays Pita, a market practice. ─── 走高价策略,二年开发,三年销售,二期售价比一期高,三期售价高过二期,拖拉疲沓,成为市场的惯例。

13、as it cools, the bread flattens to what Americans recognize as "pita" bread. ─── 面包冷了以后瘪成扁扁平的一块,美国人称之为"皮塔饼"(pita)。

14、In the food court, they eat pita wraps and Japanese noodles. ─── 在美食庭院里,他们吃着皮塔饼卷和日本面条。

15、Serve with raw vegetables or tortilla chips as a dip;on crackers as a spread;or stuff into warmed pita bread halves with grated carrots, shredded lettuce or fresh alfalfa sprouts on top. ─── 佐以蔬菜沙拉,或以玉米薄脆片蘸食,或抹饼干上,或和胡萝卜丝、生菜丝、生苜蓿芽一道夹在皮塔饼中制成(希腊)三明治。

16、Pita : A big,sad bear. ─── 苹塔:伤心的大熊熊。

17、The bread was much like a pita, which is still common in Greece and the Middle East today. ─── 这种面包跟现在希腊和中东地区的皮塔饼很像。

18、In the Stock class it was Pedro PIta that won the title after placing 2nd in this race. ─── 在股票阶层这是佩德罗皮塔说,韩元的标题后,把第二,在这项赛事。

19、Orbach M J.Farrall L.Sweigard J A.Chumley F G,Valent B A telomeric avirulence gene determines efficacy for the rice blast resistance gene Pita 2000 ─── 刘二明.叶华智植物抗病性的"基因对基因"关系的分子遗传学研究进展.植物病理学研究进展1999

20、Open each pita, stuff with arugula and drizzle with some of the dressing.Add burger, tomato and red onion to pita. ─── 打开每个皮塔饼,填入芝麻菜,煎好的汉堡馅以及番茄和红洋葱,淋上少许做好的黄瓜敷料,撒上羊乳酪。

21、Pita changes the behavior of the cold Creasy, making him live and smile again, and he feels a great affection for her. ─── 杰士渐渐被娉黛的活泼性格感染,悲观的他重拾生活的信心和勇气。

22、pita income goes up and up, the growth sector seems to be in the to-end. ─── 唔,由于每人的平均收入不断地增高,市场的发展领域似乎偏向于高价位商品。

23、Flat breads include tortillas (Mexican), chapatti (Indian) and pita bread (Middle Eastern). ─── 平面包包括了墨西哥玉米饼皮、印度薄饼和中东皮塔饼。

24、Pita : Creasy Bear. ─── 苹塔:晚安小熊。

25、PITA model supports dialogue independence, adaptive interfaces, application portability, controlled task and give user immediate feedback. ─── PITA模型支持对话独立性、界面自适应、应用的可移植性、任务的可控制性并能给用户及时的反馈。

26、Pita:I am so sick of my little sister following me everywhere. ─── 琵塔:我妹成天黏著我跟进跟出,我快烦死了。

27、A pita with hummus and veggies. ─── 鹰嘴豆沙和蔬菜皮塔饼。

28、You want to treat me to pita bread? ─── 大牛:你要请我吃烧饼啊?

29、PIta : Good night,Bear. ─── 苹塔:我想是这么的。

30、Pita is a type of flat bread. ─── 皮塔饼是一种平面面包。

31、Engari to ratou kitenga kua tukua ki ahau te rongopai ki te kotingakore pera hoki me tera ki kotinga kua tukua ra ki a Pita; ─── 反 倒 看 见 了 主 托 我 传 福 音 给 那 未 受 割 礼 的 人 , 正 如 托 彼 得 传 福 音 给 那 受 割 礼 的 人 。

32、Fried feta cheese and crispy pita bread tossed on a chilled mixed salad. ─── 炸乳酪和皮塔配以冷杂菜沙拉。

33、“Previously, we often had to shut down our oven while the pita was being cut, which significantly lengthened our production cycle,” remembers Anthony. ─── “以前,我们常常不得不关闭我们的微波炉,而皮塔被切断,这极大地延长我们的生产周期, ”记得安东尼。

34、Pita:Yeah, it's really getting out of control. But what can I do? ─── 琵塔:没错,情况愈来愈夸张了。可是我又能怎样?

35、Param Pita BaBa Ki, Jay ! ─── 一切胜利归于上主!

36、Cut 1/4 off each pita (a half-moon shape from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock). ─── 每个皮塔饼切下四分之一块(十点到两点的半月形)。

37、pita bread ─── n. 皮塔饼

38、A sandwich made usually of sliced roasted lamb, onion, and tomato stuffed in pita bread. ─── 皮塔三明治一种由夹着烤羊肉片,洋葱和西红柿的皮塔面包制成的三明治

39、Q. Y. Zhang, , K. Pita and C. H. Kam Photonics Lab.1, Block S1, Microelectronics Division, Schoo ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

40、a Greek sandwich: sliced roast lamb with onion and tomato stuffed into pita bread. ─── 一种希腊三明治;夹有烤羔羊肉片、洋葱、番茄的皮塔面包。

41、Mini Pita stuffed with Spicy Beef and Cucumber ─── 迷你黄瓜辣牛肉糜批塔

42、12 Hostess VO Now, Greeks often start their meal with pita bread and tasty dips like hummus, a lot of tsatziki, a cucumber dill sauce. ─── 51主持人:如今,希腊人习惯在主菜上来前,拿皮塔饼蘸鹰嘴豆泥、薄荷乳酪酱、或者黄瓜莳萝酱吃。

43、The human pita lookmay be all the rage in queens, ─── 也许穿得象个比塔饼似的。在皇后区很流行。

44、A steak sandwich thats served on pita bread. ─── mikesawyer 发起了一个话题: Steak sandwich.

45、"After the Sabbath, we would wander off to the fields and have a feast with fish cooked on the spit, Iraqi pita and arak." ─── "安息日过后,我们总会漫步到野外,享受一顿有著烤鱼,伊拉克圆面饼,亚力酒的盛宴."

46、If it is a long oval pita, then slice each pita open in half so that it forms 2 small pockets. ─── 长椭圆面包的话,直接切对半成为两个小口袋。

47、Pita : I thing.Oh soming. ─── 妈妈:他伤心吗?

48、Over hugs, speeches, champagne and a feast of hummus, pita and veggies (this is the lesbian show), we commemorated the final day of production on The L Word. ─── 最后的拥抱,演讲,香槟和有着鹰嘴豆沙,皮塔饼以及素食主义者的宴会(这是一部L剧),我们庆祝这拍摄的最后一天。

49、Bread is the main staple food, including pita bread. ─── 面包是主要的谷类食物,包括皮塔饼。

50、Slice the pita from the top open to create a pocket. ─── 切开面包上端成为口袋。

51、hummus and pita bread; ─── 皮塔面包配鹰嘴豆泥;

52、Which means that 300 centuries ago, Fred and Wilma might have had a kind of prehistoric pita bread on the menu. ─── 这意味着,在300个世纪之前,Fred和Wilma的菜单上也许就有一种史前面饼。

53、Maybe the veggies you're adding to your pasta sauce could also be served up in a veggie pita. ─── 或许,你要放到面酱里的蔬菜,在素食皮塔饼里就有。

54、The New York Style family of products includes several varieties of bagel crisps, pita chips, panetini Italian toasts, pretzel flatz, crispini flatbreads and biscotti itialian cookies. ─── 纽约风格系列的产品包括各种百吉饼、皮塔饼、意大利吐司、薄脆饼无酵脆饼、和意大利小甜饼。这些可口的点心都有其独特的口味。

55、fabric of Colombia pita fibre, woven ─── 机织哥伦比亚龙舌兰纤维织物

56、Serve dip immediately with vegetables or pita chips or cover and store in refrigerator for up to 3 days. ─── 与蔬菜或圆面饼一起即刻上桌,或者盖起来放入冰箱储存,最多能保存3天。

57、FESTIVE FARE: Associate Minister of Corrections Pita Sharples samples the type of hot chicken meal that all prison inmates will have available for lunch on Christmas Day. ─── 而由于圣诞节监狱是不开放探亲,所以囚犯们可能只能边品尝圣诞大餐边感受圣诞气氛了。

58、Geez, I'll pay for it if that's what you want me to say, so we promptly got another basket of warm pita bread. ─── 自家做的很好吃,在座也是喜欢吃面粉类的人,结果要再添吃一篮才够本;

59、A muri tata iho ka korero ano ki a Pita te hunga e tu tata ana, He pono ko koe tetahi o ratou; ─── 过 了 不 多 的 时 候 , 旁 边 站 着 的 人 又 对 彼 得 说 : 你 真 是 他 们 一 党 的 !

60、If it is a long oval pita, then slice each pita open in half so that it forms 2 small pockets. ─── 长椭圆面包的话,直接切对半成为两个小口袋。

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