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09-17 投稿


loped 发音

英:[l??pt]  美:[lo?pt]

英:  美:

loped 中文意思翻译





loped 词性/词形变化,loped变形

动词现在分词: loping |动词第三人称单数: lopes |名词: loper |动词过去式: loped |动词过去分词: loped |

loped 相似词语短语

1、doped ─── adj.掺杂的;掺杂过的;v.向…内掺添加物(dope的过去分词)

2、loed ─── 阅读

3、sloped ─── adj.倾斜的;v.倾斜;使倾斜(slope的过去式)

4、looped ─── adj.成圈的;酩酊大醉的;v.成圈;打环(loop的过去式和过去分词)

5、eloped ─── vi.私奔;潜逃

6、coped ─── v.处理;对付;竞争(cope的过去式和过去分词)

7、lobed ─── adj.浅裂的;有叶的;分裂的

8、hoped ─── v.希望(hope的过去分词)

9、lopped ─── vt.砍伐;剪去树枝;vi.砍,删;闲荡;下垂;n.剪下的树枝;adj.垂下的;n.(Lop)人名;(西)洛普

loped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract This paper introduces the structure,principle and field testing situation of the pipe string recently deve loped for chemical water plugging. ─── 介绍了一种新近研制成功的化学堵水管柱的结构、原理、现场试验情况;

2、Lope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite,so long are you young. ─── 在你我的心田中央有座无线电台,只要它能接受来自人类和上帝的美感,希望鼓舞、勇气和力量,你就永褒青春。

3、Abstract: Mechanical vibration welding is a new weldin g technology which was deve loped on the basis of vibration-stress-relief-technology. ─── 摘 要: 机械振动焊接是在振动调整残余应力技术基础上发展起来的一项焊接新技术。

4、I lope frolic songs are round you and bring you end less happiness.Merry Christmas! ─── 愿欢乐的歌声,时刻萦绕着你,使你的人生充满幸福喜悦,永浴于无尽的欢乐年华。祝你圣诞快乐!

5、Love comes.To those who still lope although they're been disapointed.To those who still belive although they're been betrayed.To those who still need to live although they're been hart before. ─── 真有爱心的人是那些对生活仍怀着希望的人,尽管他们失望过,对人们存着信任的人,尽管他们被背叛过,仍要去爱的人,尽管他们被伤害过。

6、1.After some time of this the wolf started off at an easy lope in a manner that plainly showed he was going somewhere. ─── 这样过了一段时间后,那只狼以轻快的步子跑开,明白地表示他要去某个地方,并让巴克明白也跟去。

7、Petroleum ether Extracts of Inonotus obliquus (lOPE) ─── 桦褐孔菌石油醚提取物

8、We lope to be able to change the regulations despite a hard core of objectors who want to leave things as they are. ─── 尽管反对派的坚强核心要求维持原状,但我们仍然希望能够改变规章。

9、There he wandered for a week, seeking vainly for fresh sign of the wild brother, killing his meat as he traveled and traveling with the long, easy lope that seems never to tire. ─── 他一边猎食,一边迈着永远不知疲倦的大步轻松自如地赶路。

10、Jubon, Lope V., Jr. ─── 菲律宾监制(菲律宾第二组).

11、I hung there, limp, as he loped swiftly through the wet forest. ─── 我整个挂在他身上,一瘸一拐地,跟着他健步穿过潮湿的林地。

12、I'am a Chinese girl.I want to make some friends .I lope you can be my triend. ─── 我是一个中国女孩.我很想交一些朋友.希望你能是其中的一个.

13、Running late, I loped through the airport and had him paged. ─── 迟到了,我大踏步地跑过机场,通过广播找人呼唤他。

14、But Jack loped on ahead, checking things out, while she carried a flashlight from the truck. She tacked the note on the left side of the entrance to the bridge and went home. ─── 不过杰克先跳下去在前面探路,她从卡车里拿出一个手电,把纸条用大头针钉在桥左边入口处,然后回家。

15、When Yao loped in front of the massive Chinese Olympic team with the Chinese flag held aloft, the audience naturally thought Liu would carry the final torch. ─── 当姚明高举国旗走在庞大的中国体育代表团之前的时候,观众们自然想到刘翔将点燃奥运会主火炬。

16、They lope like wolves into banks, snatch fistfuls of money and live large in the face of the Great Depression . ─── 他们像狼一样大步慢跑进银行,攫取大把金钱并在面对大萧条中生活得奢侈挥霍。

17、This paper makes an analysis of the mode of running cooperative schools in vocational colleges of Zhejiang province, in lope of providing some lessons for running Chinese-foreign cooperation schools in our vocational colleges. ─── 对浙江省高职院校具体的合作办学模式进行分析和解读,以期对我国高职院校中外合作办学的发展有所借鉴和参考。

18、A black water borne corrosion protective coatings has been deve loped to replace the traditional solvent-based black paints,to realize the low pollution during the car painting process. ─── 研究开发采用黑色防腐蚀水性涂料替代汽车黑漆件涂装用的有机溶剂型涂料,实现汽车涂装的低公害化。

19、With that he skipped even higher up the mountain while the wolf loped disappointedly away. ─── 山羊说完就向山上更高的地方跳去,狼失望地跑了。

20、I hung there, limp, as he loped swiftly through the wet forest. ─── 我整个挂在他身上,一瘸一拐地,跟着他健步穿过潮湿的林地。

21、Keywords Lope aerial passenger device;Variable frequency hadraulic technology;Change velocity;Runs steadily; ─── 架空乘人装置;变频液压;调速;运行平稳;

22、Gould slid out from behind the piano and loped casually about the hall. ─── 他摇晃着脑袋,挥舞手臂打着节拍。

23、ZHONGSHAN LOPE ELECTRICAL LTD is mainly engaged in a special air-conditioning and energy-efficient product development and manufacturing of high-tech corporation. ─── 中山诺普电器有限公司是一家主要从事特种空调及其生产设备研发、制造的中外合资企业。

24、I could gobble up the fifteen hundred plays of Lope de Vega in one sitting. ─── 做菜时放些炒腊肠,我可以一顿吞下维加的一千五百出戏。

25、Keywords Dynamic environment;Module value of automobile emission;Mathematical model;Altitude;Length way lope;Emendation value; ─── 动态环境;汽车排放基准值;数学模型;海拔高度;纵坡;修正值;

26、“Really?” said Annie. “A cowboy never goes back on his word,” said Slim. Then he snapped his reins, and Dusty loped down the street. ─── “真的?”安妮说,“一个牛仔决不食言。”桑姆说,然后他拉了拉手里的缰绳,大灰马向街道远处跑去。

27、Bears emerge from the woods to lope menacingly across the backyard, and at night the howling of the coyotes can spread a tingle over the skin. ─── 熊从树林中出现,凶巴巴地大步跑过后院,夜里的狼嗥能让人感到身上发麻。

28、Result:The tumors in this site stremed from deep lope parotid gland ,nerve tissues and bone tissues .Conclusion:The selection of single or tow combied approac... ─── 结论:根据肿瘤的原发部位、体积、侵犯范围、有无颈淋巴结转移等情况确定手术入路。

29、What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishes to lope? ─── 谁也不想要,可是谁也不想不要的东西是什么?

30、By the second day the colts are often being ridden at a walk, trot and lope. ─── 到了第二天,他们的驯马师就开始骑著牠走路了,快跑,小跑步。

31、On the basis of mechanism of soft rock deformation,the coupled supporting principle has been deve loped in this article. ─── 根据煤矿软岩的变形力学机制,提出耦合支护力学原理。

32、" Then she loped off to join the others. ─── 接着她甩开大步,跟上了他们。

33、During the time of 10th Five-Year Plan, China EXIM has deve loped operations rapidly, and improved the loans quality greatly. ─── “十五”期间,中国进出口银行各项业务持续快速发展,信贷资产质量显著提高;

34、lope engineering ─── 边坡工程

35、The newly dove loped series is a germfree,full-elosed high energy saving mixer. ─── 该机是一种无菌、无尘、全封闭式的高效节能粉料混合机。

36、In the past four years, whereas developing countries as a whole have grown at an average of 7.3%, Brazil has loped along at 3.3%. ─── 在过去的四年间,别的发展中国家都已实现了每年平均7.3%的经济增长,而巴西才不过3.3%。

37、The new high-speed diffusion welding system for small and medium-diameter steel pipe welding by applying non-crystal filling metal has been deve loped. ─── 利用非晶体填充金属焊接中、小直径钢管的新型高速扩散焊接系统已研制成功。

38、Do you know my lope? ─── 你知道我能大步慢跑吗?

39、His speckled body ambled ahead of them and then loped off at a calf's gallop ─── 它那斑驳的身躯在他们前头款款而行,随后又像头小牛犊那样一溜烟儿跑开了。

40、hanger lope ─── 吊缆

41、Why do the walk, the trot, and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider? ─── 为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑时骑手的感觉是如此的不同?

42、Relating the momentum flux of particle with the particle impact pressure on objects, a theoretical model of the particle impact pressure in fluidized bed is deve loped. ─── 通过对床中物体表面与碰撞颗粒流之间的动量衡算,将颗粒流动量通量与颗粒的碰撞压力相关联,建立了流化床中颗粒碰撞压力的理论模型。

43、This paper has dealt with the limitation of the legal protection of designs and introduced the exprience abroad, in the lope of helping the perfection of the construction of the intellectual property law system. ─── 在阐述我国外观设计法律保护体系不足的同时,适当介绍了外国的先进经验,希望能对我国的知识产权法律体系建设添砖加瓦。

44、move at a steady lope ─── 迈着稳健的大步行走.

45、He kissed my forehead again before he shut the door on me. Then he turned his back and loped gracefully toward his car. ─── 他亲吻我的前额并替我关上车门。接着,他转身优雅地向自己车跑去。

46、Tom loped forward, found an outcropping of rock, and took cover under it, waiting for them to catch up. ─── 汤姆虫卵向前,发现一个露的岩石,并把复盖下,等待着他们去追赶.

47、Slinging towels around our necks, we loped across the field next to our house and headed up the dirt road. ─── 脖子上挂着毛巾,我们迈开大步﹐轻快地跑过屋旁的旷野,直奔那泥土路。

48、He kissed my forehead again before he shut the door on me. Then he turned his back and loped gracefully toward his car. ─── 他亲吻我的前额并替我关上车门。接着,他转身优雅地向自己车跑去。

49、Abstract: Gene disruption by homologous recombination is a powerfu l tool for investigating gene function in yeast.Since 1980’s, it has been deve loped a lot. ─── 摘 要: 酵母基因中断技术是研究酵母基因功能的重要手段,自80年代初诞生以来经历了不断的改进和发展.

50、Lope de Vega ─── Vega

51、He loped with an easy grace, his hands in his pockets and a grin on his face. ─── 他步履轻松地慢慢走来,手插在口袋里,脸上笑容绽放。

52、10.Why do the walk, the trot, and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider? ─── 为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑时骑手的感觉是如此的不同?

53、6.The deer went off at an easy lope. ─── 那鹿轻松地跳跃着去了。

54、There are two major global issue: at one is peace and the other is development. There is lope for peace but the problem of development has not yet. ─── 当前世界上主要有两个问题,一个是和平问题,一个是发展问题。和平问题已经解决,发展问题还没得到解决。

55、The hares and rabbits lope away. ─── 野兔和家兔都跳跃而去。

56、Reinforcing for retaining wall, deck and steep slope, it is mainly used in the highway, railway, retaining wall, dam, deck, steep lope and geo-cell projects etc. ─── 长期高应力状态下挡土墙、桥面、陡坡的加筋处理,主要用于公路、铁路以及江河湖海岸边的加筋挡土墙、堤坝、桥面、陡坡及土工格室等工程。

57、The dog loped along beside her. ─── 那条狗在她身旁轻松地奔跑。

58、Slinging towels around our necks, we loped across the field next to our house and headed up the dirt road. ─── 我们脖子上围着毛巾,蹦蹦跳跳地穿过房屋旁的草地,踏上了泥泞的小道。

59、go off at a lope ─── 大步跑开

60、Gene disruption by homologous recombination is a powerfu l tool for investigating gene function in yeast.Since 1980’s, it has been deve loped a lot. ─── 酵母基因中断技术是研究酵母基因功能的重要手段,自80年代初诞生以来经历了不断的改进和发展.

61、To classify a nation as “developing” or “deb loped” is insufficient to decide its climate-change responsibilities. ─── 一个国家应对气候变化的责任不应仅仅取决于“发展中”还是“发达”国家的判别。

62、Yuehe graveyard is located at a lope of northern Zuo Village,Yuehe Town,Tongbai County, the distance between the graveyard and western tongbai is 13 kilometers. ─── 正>月河墓地位于桐柏县月河镇左庄村北的斜坡地带,西距桐柏县城13公里(图一)。

63、What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishes to lope? ─── 谁也不想要,可是谁也不想不要的东西是什么?

64、4)Most Australians do not want to develop all their land in the lope of keeping the large area of the land in its original state. ─── 大多数澳大利亚人不愿开发他们所有的土地,他们想让很多的国土保持原样.

65、He broke into the long easy lope, and went on, hour after hour, never at loss for the tangled way, heading straight home through strange country with a certitude of direction that put man and his magnetic needle to shame. ─── 他突然轻快地奔驰起来,一小时接一小时地跑,从没因路径的错综复杂而迷路,他越过陌生的地带,一直朝家跑回去,方向准确得都要令人类及其罗盘针自愧不如。

66、"Really? " said Annie. "A cowboy never goes back on his word, " said Slim. Then he snapped his reins , and Dusty loped down the street. ─── “真的?”安妮说,“一个牛仔决不食言。”桑姆说,然后他拉了拉手里的缰绳,大灰马向街道远处跑去。

67、Every morning, he would lace up his tattered running shoes and lope off along bomb-cratered roads as kids shouted "Run, Nader, Run!" ─── 每天早晨,他都会将破旧的跑鞋绑到脚上,在孩子们“快跑,纳德尔,加油!”的呐喊声中, 沿着布满弹坑的道路大步地慢跑,努力练习。

68、The tiger loped off into the jungle. ─── 那老虎跑进丛林中去了。

69、The tiger loped off into the jungle ─── 那老虎跑进丛林中去了

70、Combining real-time input estimation algorithm, a novel maneuvering target model named adap-tive input statistics model is deve loped based on current statistics model. ─── 在“当前”统计模型的基础上,结合实时输入估计算法,提出了一种新的机动目标模型--自适应输入统计模型。

71、Two sets of joints are deve- loped in the granite through a long-term physical and che- mical weathering.The cave is becoming larger through gra- nite collapse under the gravity. ─── 花岗岩发育两组不同方向的节理,在长期的物理风化和化学风化及重力等作用下,洞内不断倒塌扩大,而形成现今的洞穴形态。

72、Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the wrath of God. ─── 阿奎尔:我是上帝的愤怒。

73、The dog loped along beside her. ─── 那条狗在她身旁轻松地奔跑。

74、lope velocity ─── 群速度

75、5.Don Lope de Aguirre: I will marry my own daughter and found the purest race. ─── 阿奎尔:我将和我的女儿结婚,并找到最纯正的种族。

76、In particular, the water-blending dispersing and dissolving unit was deve loped and put into use with high operation reliability and low cost. ─── 特别是水混式分散溶解装置的研制成功,进一步降低了装置的成本,并提高了注聚合物装置的可靠性。

77、Abstract: The continuous flow intermittent aeration process is deve loped through ameliorating the conventio-nal activated sludge process. ─── 摘 要: 连续流间歇曝气工艺是在对传统活性污泥法的改造中发展起来的一种工艺。

78、Colloform, frambo idal textures and laminated, brecciated structures of exhalation are widely deve loped in the stratiform ores. ─── 矿石发育胶状和莓球结构,微细层纹状_ 马尾丝构造。

79、They lie, they cheat, they steal, but they are afraid of going to prison, or having a lope tied to their neck. ─── 这些人撒谎,欺诈,偷盗,害怕进监狱,害怕刽子手把绞索套到他们脖颈上,在惴惴不安中生活。

80、Lope aerial passenger device ─── 架空乘人装置

81、David drove slowly this time, and the dog, which was called Bob, loped alongside, keeping pace without apparent effort ─── 这次大卫开得很慢,那条叫“鲍勃”的狗毫不费劲地跟着车子跑。

82、Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the wrath of God. Who else is with me? ─── 阿奎尔:我是上帝的愤怒,谁愿意跟着我?

83、Learn an English Word: [ lope /loup/ n. ─── 轻快的步伐;v.使大步慢跑;

84、This paper introduces the deve- loped ultrasonic C/A scan image apparatus for NDT of small diameter tubes of boiler in fossil power plant. ─── 为对电厂锅炉小径管进行性能评价,研制了用于电厂锅炉小径管的超声C/A扫描成像装置。

85、I loped down the court like a gazelle and took a shot. ─── 我像羚羊一样跑过球场,将球投出。

86、A new linear analysis for magnetic helical instabilities of arc discharges in a cylindrical plasma is deve| loped based on a set of electrostatic magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)equations. ─── 在静电磁流体方程基础上提出了柱状放电电弧等离子体的磁螺旋不稳定性的一种新的线性分析方法。

87、Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the great traitor. ─── 阿奎尔:我是一个伟大的叛国者。

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