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09-17 投稿


levitate 发音

英:['lev?te?t]  美:['l?v?tet]

英:  美:

levitate 中文意思翻译



levitate 网络释义

vt. 使轻轻浮起;使飘浮空中vi. 轻轻浮起;飘浮空中

levitate 词性/词形变化,levitate变形

动词第三人称单数: levitates |形容词: levitational |动词现在分词: levitating |动词过去分词: levitated |动词过去式: levitated |名词: levitation |

levitate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、By Alexandra Levit Author "They Don't Teach Corporate in College: A Twenty-Something's Guide to the Business World" I will never forget how lost I fe ... ─── 转眼又快要到毕业的时节了,现在可能正是应届学生们四处投简历找工作的时候,来看看小编找到的这篇求职建议吧,希望能为你的求职路点一盏灯。

2、Humans could teleport and levitate. ─── 人类可以瞬间移动和升空。

3、Researching salary, job requirements, and employment outlook through sites like the Occupational Outlook Handbook and Path101 is just the tip of the iceberg, Levit said. ─── Levit说:“通过一些求职网站调查一份职业的薪水,职业要求以及职业前景只能算冰山一角。

4、Levitate nearly any small object like silks, rope, finger rings, sponge balls, and more! ─── 浮动几乎所有小对象像丝绸、绳索、戒指,海绵球和更多!

5、When you push it down, the other wand starts to levitate in the other bottle! ─── 当你推挤它时击倒,另一支鞭子开始浮动在另一个瓶!

6、The increase of product prices will be crucial to levitate it from a loss due to higher cruder price. ─── 产成品价格上涨对中石化摆脱原油价格居高的亏损是至关重要的。

7、So, the normal and thrust forces are applied independently to levitate and propel a SLIM maglev vehicle without additional levitation magnets. ─── 由此可以将单边直线感应电机的法向力和牵引力分别用于直线电机车辆的悬浮及牵引控制,实现不设悬浮电磁铁的直线感应电机车辆的悬浮牵引同时运行。

8、Maybe I'll do that one day," do you think you are going to levitate in two weeks? ─── 或许我将有一天做到,”你们想你们在两个星期内轻轻浮起?

9、These youth managers will HAs trouble getting theirss arms around theirss job responsibilities, says Levit. ─── Levit称年轻的管制者们难于顾及到所有的任务责任。

10、I want you to get swept away out there,I want you to levitate. ─── 我希望你神魂颠倒,我希望你欢心雀跃。

11、Levit suggests beefing up your resume with volunteer work so you can show skills that will be applicable in other industries. ─── Levit建议可以用志愿者工作来武装你的简历,这样你可以显示你所掌握的技巧在其他行业也可以用到。

12、I often dream that I can levitate. ─── 我经常梦想我能够飞起来在空中飘浮。

13、We levitate our bodies soar ─── 身体浮在空中

14、5 The magnetized coil running along the track called a guideway repels the large magnets on the train's undercarriage allowing the train to levitate between 1 to 10 cm above the guideway. ─── 沿磁轨铺设的吸引线圈称为导轨槽,排斥列车车箱上的大电磁铁,使列车悬浮在导轨槽上1到10厘米。

15、Push a button on the handle and the static charge built up in the wand causes the included 3D mylar shapes to levitate at your command. ─── 推手柄上的按钮和魔杖建立起来的静电荷引起的三维麦拉形状,漂浮在你的命令。

16、Owing to the intrinsic flux pinning inside the superconductor, bulk high temperature superconductor (HTSC) can stably levitate or suspend in a magnetic field. ─── 由于超导体内部磁通钉扎效应,高温超导块材能够稳定的悬浮或悬挂在应用外磁场中。

17、If you simply sit back and say, "It sure would be fun to levitate. ─── 如果你们坐一下并且说,“轻轻浮起它的确是有趣的。

18、Wingardium Leviosa Description: This charm allows the spell-caster to levitate an object and navigate it through the air. ─── 该咒语允许施咒者使一物体漂浮,并且操纵它于空中。

19、The minor glyphs are all utterly useless except the levitate glyph, which is lovely and saves a lot of hassle. ─── 最小的铭文是基本没有用的,除了漂浮术铭文,这节省了不少麻烦。

20、Silent Resolve:This talent now affects Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope. ─── 无声消退:这个天赋现在作用于圣光涌动、能量灌注、灵感、精神分流、昏厥、漂浮术、束缚亡灵、虚弱之触、虚弱妖术和希望符记。

21、"Their sense of entitlement and their over-ambition are going to create a lot of stress for them," Levit says. ─── Levit说:“这一代‘理所应得’的态度、过高的抱负将给他们带来很多的压力。

22、"You should immediately turn [the subject] into a positive by saying you’re looking for a new challenge," Levit says. ─── 如果你是从岗位上被辞退的或炒掉的的,当被问及此问题的时候要诚实的回答。然后努力将谈话的重点转移到你的未来上。

23、"It's a matter of degree -- I wouldn't go full tilt and say [someone's] one of my best friends if they're not, because you can be found out," Levit says. ─── Levit说:“这是一个度的问题,我不会庸人自扰地说一个不认识的名人是我好朋友,因为你可以查出来。”

24、Ghosts will simply levitate over the water. ─── 鬼魂只是悬浮在水面上方。

25、Design of Magnetic Levitate Running Equipment Based on Hybrid Control ─── 基于混合控制的磁悬浮运转装置设计

26、the Grand Masters could simply intend to transport themselves or levitate to the goal;and experience the magnificence of the view and the loftiness of the love in the communion with the mountain. ─── 大师们只需意愿瞬移自己或升空到目标,而在与山脉的交融中体验壮丽的风景和崇高的爱。

27、The feather levitate in wind ─── 风中的羽毛

28、These young managers will have trouble getting their arms around their job responsibilities, says Levit. ─── Levit称年轻的管理者们难于顾及到所有的工作责任。

29、levitate custom ─── 收继婚

30、Silent Resolve:This talent is now affects Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope. ─── 无声消退:这个天赋现在作用于圣光涌动,能量灌注,灵感,精神牵引,昏厥,漂浮术,束缚亡灵,虚弱之触,虚弱妖术和希望印记.

31、Fizzing Whizbees:Wizarding sweets. Sherbet balls that make you levitate several feet in the air when you eat them. ─── 冰糕球。蜂蜜公爵糖果,允吸时能离地漂浮好几英寸。

32、Jason S. Gray ... Stingray C. Thomas Howell ... George Brandon Kihl ... Man by trailer Jonathan Levit ... Gorman ─── 外星人回到地球开始执行他们控制人类的计划,它们准备实施的攻击任务正威胁着的生死存亡...

33、Levit specializes in so-called millennials, the generation born from about 1980 to 1995. She agrees with other experts who fear millennials are at risk for early job burnout. ─── 她说:"人们要格外努力去保护自己的时间。不过在方法上也要更加讲究,如果在工作一开始就牺牲了太多的个人时间,那么就存在让生活永久都有压力、不平衡的风险“

34、Ghosts will simply levitate over the water. ─── 鬼魂只是悬浮在水面上方。

35、Silent Resolvehis talent now affects Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope. ─── 无声消退:此天赋现在影响“圣光涌动”,“能量灌注”,“灵感”,“精神分流”,“晕厥”,“漂浮术”,“束缚亡灵”,“虚弱之触”,“虚弱妖术”,“希望符记”。

36、In the beside two to four ages, retiring manager baby boomers will trigger a wave of new openings for high-responsibility jobs, says Levit. ─── Levit说“婴儿潮”一代的管制者们将在今后2-4年中退休,这会引发一场“重大责任任务打工位置”的空缺热潮。

37、Levit provides a snapshot of reality for all entrepreneurs when she says, ''Don't expect the drawbacks to be only financial. ─── 莉维特为所有创业者提供了一个现实的简短描述,她说:不要期望你的困难仅限于资金方面。

38、With the Float Controller and FC 3D System you can make any small object move and levitate in all directions! ─── 与浮游物控制器和FC 3D系统你能做所有小对象四面八方移动和浮动!

39、Everything requires everything else to stay up, yet you can't levitate the whole thing at once. ─── 事事都要求先争先,而你又不可能一下子把整个东西拎起来舞弄。

40、He is trying to levitate above history. ─── 他试图凌驾于历史之上。

41、37: Stakes, stone with carved sign, wooden shield, dagger, Levitate scroll, bracelet, golden cup ─── 树桩,雕刻有符号的石头,木盾,匕首,漂浮卷轴,手镯,金杯

42、In the end, both wands levitate inside their bottles! ─── 最后,两支鞭子浮动在他们的瓶里面!

43、Farseer gains the ability to levitate numerous squads, as seen in one of the MP videos.One of the weapons I remember is the Singing Spear, which does silly damage to vehicles. ─── 先知还可以获得弄飞多个小队的技能,就像你们在MP视频里看到的一样。

44、Environments with interactive surfaces will make you skid, levitate, stick to the ceiling, and more! ─── 环境与互动的表面会使你打滑,悬浮,坚持上限,以及更多内容!

45、Japan has the most famous trains using the technology, where magnets are used to both levitate and propel the train. ─── 日本最有名的列车使用这项技术,在使用磁铁和悬浮既推动了火车。

46、Levitate now costs 3% of base mana. ─── *漂浮术:消耗3%基础法力。

47、Magnetic levitate running equipment ─── 磁悬浮运转装置

48、Levit urges, "Say nicely that you're on the phone witha client and ask if he wouldn't mind keeping it down a bit. ─── Levit说:“礼貌地说你正在和客户通电话,询问他是否介意小声一点。

49、Description: This charm allows the spell-caster to levitate an object and navigate it through the air. ─── 描述:这个咒语能够使被施咒物体飘浮起来,施咒人亦能操控物体飘浮。

50、"Do one thing each day -- like emailing a new contact or attending a networking event -- that moves your job search forward," says Levit. ─── Levit说:"每天做一件事,例如发一封新的求职信或者参加一次社交活动,它们能推进你的求职行动。

51、"People are doing their shopping online," Levit said. ─── Levit说:“人们都开始网购。”

52、But new grads in entry-level career jobs should resist early urges to sacrifice personal time in exchange for a faster climb to the top, warns career consultant Alexandra Levit. ─── 但是职业顾问AlexandraLevit警告说:处于行业入门阶段工作中的新毕业大学生应该克制为了迅速地攀升而牺牲个人时间的冲动。

53、To try before you buy, "Look for a part-time internship or volunteer position in your new field, or sign up for an adult education class or workshop," Levit suggested. ─── Levit建议:买之前试一试:你想辞职开始一份新工作之前,先在相关领域找份兼职工作或者是志愿者的工作,或者参加成人教育。

54、With this sword, teleport back to level 2, but be sure to have at least 2 fireball and some levitate scrolls with you, if your casting is not well developed. ─── 用这把剑,传送回第二层。如果你的角色没有很好的提升,确定你手头有至少两个的火球卷轴和一些漂浮卷轴。

55、He has claimed he can levitate. ─── 他声称他能飘向空中。

56、The guru claimed that he could levitate. ─── 这位灵性导师声称他能够浮在空中。

57、"Their sense of entitlement and theirss over-ambition are not go to create a lot of stress for them," Levit says. ─── Levit说:“这一代‘理所应得’的态度、过高的抱负将给她们带来很多的压力。

58、Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope ─── 分别是光明涌动,能量灌注,灵感,精神分流,昏厥,漂浮术,束缚亡灵,虚弱之触,虚弱妖术,希望符记

59、Look, he. he made you levitate. Dan. That's all acting. ─── 看,他把你抬起来了,-丹。那只不过是演戏。

60、Levitate (yes, seriously), Power Word: Shield, Shadow Word: Pain and Smite are the most important for leveling. ─── 漂浮(恩,我不是在开玩笑)、真言术:盾、暗言术:痛、惩击这几个铭文是练级中最重要的。

61、Nina can, apparently, levitate a small ball between her hands. ─── 尼娜很显然能够使一个小球在她双手之间上升。

62、Fizzing Whizbees: Wizarding sweets. Sherbet balls that make you levitate several feet in the air when you eat them. ─── 冰糕球。蜂蜜公爵糖果,允吸时能离地漂浮好几英寸。

63、Don't be discouraged if you are not able to levitate over the next few days. ─── 在接下来的几天里,如果你没能漂浮起来,别泄气。

64、Levit specializes in so-titled millennials, the generation born from about 1980 to 1995. ─── Levit专门研究在1980到1995年间出生的所谓“千年一代”。

65、Hover Charm Description: A charm used to levitate an object and float it in the direction of choice. ─── 用来将物件转移到接受人地方的咒语。

66、Later, the power of the Holy Spirit took hold of her so strongly that her body shook and she began to levitate. ─── 后来,圣灵的能力强烈的抓住她,以至于她的身体颤抖并开始轻轻浮起。

67、In the next two to four years, retiring manager baby boomers will trigger a wave of new openings for high-responsibility jobs, says Levit. ─── Levit说“婴儿潮”一代的管理者们将在今后2-4年中退休,这会引发一场“重大责任工作岗位”的空缺热潮。

68、How often has Ashtar said, "In order to levitate use levity!" ─── 阿斯塔经常说:“漂浮的正常状态使用不稳定!”

69、But new grads in entry-level care noter jobs have to resist early urges to sacrifice personal time in exalter for a faster climb to the top, warns care noter consultant Alexandra Levit. ─── 但是事业顾问AlexandraLevit警告说:处于业界菜鸟阶段任务中的新结业大国际学生因该克制为了迅速地攀升而牺牲独立个体时间的冲动。

70、" According to Hindu Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables a person to levitate. ─── 依照印度瑜珈行者说法,据说这是使一个人能够轻轻浮起的“laghima”。

71、This instrument can levitate things and make them float when placed between its two ends. ─── 当把它放在其两端时,这个设备能够让东西漂浮起来。

72、Permanent magnet bearings is one kind of magnetic bearings by using permanent magnet to levitate rotor. ─── 永磁轴承是利用永磁材料产生的磁场力将转轴悬浮起来工作的一类磁力轴承。

73、"The biggest mistake a person can make is to jump into a new field because it 'sounds cool,'" said Alexandra Levit, author of How'd You Score That Gig? ─── “一个人所犯的最大的错误,就是仅仅一份工作听起来很酷,就跳到一个全新的工作领域去。

74、Traditional PID control is designed according to the linear system theory, but AMB has the nonlinear characteristic, as a result, a rotor may not levitate efficiently far away from the balance point. ─── 磁力轴承具有非线性,而传统PID控制器是按照线性化理论进行设计,不能有效控制转子的大范围起浮。

75、US scientists levitate mice to study low gravity. ─── 美国科学家将老鼠送上太空以进行失重研究。

76、"Start sharpening your transferrable skills," Levit said. ─── " Levit说:“开始磨练你的可转移技能吧。”

77、TIME: Have you seen human beings levitate off the ground? ─── 时代:那你有没有看到人浮起呢?

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