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09-17 投稿


lodestar 发音

英:[?lo?dstɑ?r]  美:[?l??dstɑ?(r)]

英:  美:

lodestar 中文意思翻译



lodestar 网络释义

n. 北极星;目标;指导原则(等于loadstar)

lodestar 词性/词形变化,lodestar变形


lodestar 相似词语短语

1、loadstar ─── n.北极星;指导原则

2、Kordestan ─── 重复。

3、gold star ─── 高仕达(公司名)

4、polestar ─── n.[天]北极星;指导原则

5、lodesman ─── 洛德斯曼

6、gold-star ─── 高仕达(公司名)

7、podesta ─── (中世纪意大利的城镇)长官,县长;执法官

8、lodestars ─── n.北极星;目标;指导原则(等于loadstar)

9、podestas ─── (中世纪意大利的城镇)长官,县长;执法官

lodestar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If the "Lodestar of the 21st Century" (as he is known at home) looks after himself, he could live for decades. ─── 如果这位“21世纪的北极星”(在朝鲜国内,人们这么称呼他)照顾好自己的话,他还能活上几十年。

2、But whatever its short-term usefulness for clamping down on inflation, monetarism proved an unreliable lodestar for steering the economy. ─── 但无论货币主义对降低通货膨胀在短期内是多么有效,它并不是掌控经济的可靠原则。

3、Beyond OEM Trap: OBM Strategy As A Lodestar Or An Illusion? ─── 超越代工困境:資訊產業之品牌OBM策略引領希望或幻影?

4、At the same time, it’s our lodestar. ─── 同时也是我们始终不渝的经营理念。

5、A mistress lives perhaps too much in the present, but this immediacy is a lodestar. ─── 一个情人则可能过分注重此情此景,活在当下就是她的指导原则。

6、Yet hope I well, that when this storme is past My Helice the lodestar of my lyfe will shine again, and looke on me at last, With lovely light to cleare my cloudy grief. ─── 但我依旧充满希望:当暴风雨过去,Helice,我生命中的北极星,最终定会重放光芒,将我的航程照亮,用她可爱的光辉驱散我悲伤的阴云。

7、My Helice the lodestar of my lyfeHelice, ─── 我生命中的北极星

8、The economies of the Middle East and north Africa have no such lodestar. ─── 中东和北非的经济就没有这样一个向导。

9、Once a lodestar to hopeful immigrants,it is still regarded as a symbol of American democracy. ─── 这座雕像曾经是怀抱着希望的移民们的北斗星,如今仍然被视为美国民主政体的象征。

10、Lodestar is getting ready to push our new generation gaming consoles. ─── 北极星公司(Lodestar)准备好要推销我们新一代的游戏机。

11、At the same time, it's our lodestar. ─── 同时也是我们始终不渝的经营理念。

12、Shenzhen Gold Lodestar a professional manufacturer of stamping die, precision dies, progressive die, transfer die and single die, auto (home) parts, OEM, ODM, etc. ─── 简述:1.汽车零配件:支架、汽车前后灯罩、后椅等。2.电子产品:电脑机箱外壳、打印机、扫描仪等部件。

13、Mr Updike's lodestar was Stendhal's definition of a novel as “a mirror that strolls along the highway”, taking in both the “blue of the skies” and “the mud puddles underfoot”. ─── 厄普代克先生写作的指导思想则是司汤达对小说的定义“公路上的一面镜子”,既描写“天空的蔚蓝”,又描写“脚下的泥泞”。

14、The economies of the Middle East and north Africa have no such lodestar. ─── 中东和北非经济体则没有这样的导航者。

15、For now there seems little alternative to the dollar as a financial lodestar and the main storehouse for the world's precautionary saving. ─── 目前看来,除美元之外没有第二种货币能作为全球金融的标志和避险储蓄的存放宝库。

16、But whatever its short-term usefulness for clamping down on inflation, monetarism proved an unreliable lodestar for steering the economy. ─── 但无论货币主义对降低通货膨胀在短期内是多么有效,它并不是掌控经济的可靠原则。

17、It would also have to set interest rates, and would need a lodestar, probably an inflation target, to guide it. ─── 它也将设定利率,可能要通货膨胀目标这样的北极星来指引利率。

18、The Kennedys, of course, never completed the cycle and so remain frozen in their lodestar position. ─── 当然,肯尼迪夫妇从未完成这个周期,而且依旧处于他们所在的指导地位。

19、A mistress lives perhaps too much in the present, but this immediacy is a lodestar. ─── 一个情人则可能过分注重此情此景,活在当下就是她的指导原则。

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