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09-17 投稿


loma 发音

英:  美:

loma 中文意思翻译



loma 短语词组

1、but loma ─── 但是洛马

2、Salmonella loma-linda ─── [医] 洛马林达沙门氏菌

loma 相似词语短语

1、Soma ─── n.体细胞;躯体;身体;n.(Soma)人名;(意、西、刚(金)、斯里、阿富、布基)索马

2、Boma ─── n.博马(扎伊尔一座城市)

3、-oma ─── abbr.有秩序的市场销售协定(orderlymarketingagreement)

4、homa ─── abbr.现代艺术酒店(HotelofModernArt);n.(Homa)人名;(日)保间(姓);(捷、波、英)霍马

5、Roma ─── n.罗马,罗马帝国

6、coma ─── n.[医]昏迷;[天]彗形像差;n.(Coma)人名;(法、西)科马

7、lomas ─── 洛马斯(女子名)

8、loam ─── n.壤土;肥土(含有黏土、沙和有机物质的土地);亚黏土;vt.用壤土填

9、louma ─── n.(Louma)人名;(捷)劳马

loma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Loma Lake;eutrophication;mechanism;control; ─── 骆马湖;富营养化;机制;控制;

2、Book online the cheapest hotels in Loma Linda - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Loma Linda 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

3、"Everyone wants the perfect smile and Jessica Simpson is the one we get asked to reproduce the most," says Dr Nicholas Davis of Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. ─── 洛马.林达大学牙医学院的尼古拉斯.戴维斯博士说:“每个人都想拥有完美笑容,而杰西卡.辛普森成为最多人模仿的对象。”

4、Loma Linda University School of Medicine - A listing of academic programs offered, admissions information, contacts and news items. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

5、And we found America's longest-lived population among the Seventh-Day Adventists concentrated in and around Loma Linda, California . ─── 我们发现美国最长寿的人群都在星期六耶稣再生派论者当中这些人集中在加利福尼亚州的罗马琳达及周围地区。

6、A Clinical Study on Treating Relapse of Condy Loma Acuminatum With internal and External Application of TCM ─── 中药内外并用抗尖锐湿疣复发的临床研究

7、Organize LOMA and other activities about company culture; ─── 组织LOMA考试,以及组织相关企业文化的员工文体活动;

8、At Loma, he will take responsibility for sales of the company's metal detection, checkweighing and X-ray inspection products. ─── 在古堡,他将负责销售该公司的金属检测,称重和X -射线检查的产品。

9、Jones takes the TV crew out to the nearby Eagle Rock fault under the La Loma Bridge in west Pasadena. ─── 琼斯带著电视制作小组到西帕沙第纳附近,拍摄拉洛马桥下的老鹰岩断层。

10、Loma Linda University Community Medical Center ─── 络玛。林达大学社区医疗中心

11、The Loma stand will also incorporate the X4 X-ray machine, which the company states is able to detect non-metallic contaminants, together with monitoring the weight, size and shape of products. ─── 在古堡的立场也将纳入X4 X光机,该公司是能够检测非金属污染物,连同监测的重量,大小和形状的产品。

12、HDL rose 4 percent in adults who ate two 4-ounce servings of salmon a week for four weeks, according to a Loma Linda University study. ─── 根据洛玛连达大学的一份研究显示,成人每周食用两份4盎司的鲑鱼,坚持四周,就会发现HDL提升了4%。

13、Dr Lee Berk, from Loma Linda University, California, who led the study, said that emotions and behaviour had a physical impact on the body. ─── 领导该项研究的是来自加利福尼亚洛玛连达大学的李.伯克博士,他说,情绪和行为能对身体产生影响。

14、There are five things he has found as a common thread from Japan to Costa Rica to Loma Linda, California. ─── 他认为有五点秘诀,这些是居住在日本,哥斯达黎加及加利福尼亚的罗玛琳达的人们的共同之处。

15、Therefore, the planned introduction into that region of ant flies, which prey on Loma ants, would benefit public health. ─── 因此,计划引进以洛马蚁为食的蚁蝇进入该地区将有利于公共健康。

16、Loma Systems has appointed Andy Smith as UK national sales manager. ─── 洛马系统已任命安迪史密斯英国全国销售经理。

17、Point Loma ─── 洛马角,是美国制造的支援船

18、One-hour tour of Loma Linda University Health Care ─── 参观医学院健康护理中心

19、I started my visit with Casa Loma, Toronto's very own castle. ─── 我从多伦多的城堡卡萨罗马古堡开始参观起。

20、Rea, who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. ─── 雷亚是洛马林达大学医学院家庭和预防医学住院医生项目的负责人。

21、Dr.Lee Berk, of the Loma Linda University School of Public Health, discovered that a group of students who watched a comic video for an hour had marked reductions in epinephrine and cortisol levels. ─── 美国加州罗玛琳达大学公共卫生学院的伯克博士让一组学生看一个小时动画片,发现他们的肾上腺素和皮质醇水平明显降低。

22、Loma Lake, a shallow water lake with the characteristic of water carrying, is in the stage of late medium nutrition. ─── 骆马湖为一浅水湖泊,具有典型的过水性特征,其已经处于中—富营养化阶段。

23、At Loma , he will take responsibility for sales of the company's metal detection, check weighing and X-ray inspection products. ─── 在古堡,他将负责销售该公司的金属检测,称重和X-射线检查的产品。

24、i ra i loma' ci mama no miso? ─── 你的爸爸在家吗?

25、Now, researchers at Loma Linda University in Southern California say they have found a physiological change that occurs when people laugh, and it lasts long after the laughter subsides. ─── 现在,位于加州南部的Loma Linda大学的研究人员报道他们已经发现人们在放声大笑时的生理变化,在大笑之后,这种变化还能持续很长时间。

26、The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake was the largest to strike the San Francisco Bay Area since the 1906 quake. ─── 发生于1989年的洛玛-普雷塔地震是自1906年地震之后对旧金山湾区造成严重破坏的最大地震。

27、Loma Linda University Medical Center ─── 络玛。林达大学医疗中心

28、In 1989, the Loma Prieta Earthquake shook the San Francisco and Monterey Bay regions. ─── 在1989年,洛马-普雷塔地震袭击了旧金山和蒙特利尔海湾。

29、Sir Henry, a well-known Canadian financier and soldier built Casa Loma as his house in 1910s, which was the largest private home ever constructed in North America. ─── 一个当时加拿大赫赫有名的金融家建造了这座北美最大的私人豪宅,仿中世纪的古城堡而建,1914年落成。

30、Among its achievements, AIA was the first to introduce examinations from LOMA, the international financial services professional organization, to enhance the expertise of its staff. ─── 友邦保险率先将LOMA(国际寿险管理协会)考试引入国内,以提升员工的专业水准。

31、Loma will also showcase its IQ3+ metal detector system. ─── 洛马还展示了它的IQ3 +金属探测器系统。

32、The medical center and school at Loma Linda also has a food cupboard and kitchen for patients. ─── 洛马林达的医疗中心和学校里也有供病人使用的橱柜和厨房。

33、One-hour tour of the Loma Linda University Medical Center ─── 参观医学院医疗中心

34、Depart ment of Physiology and Pharmacology Loma Linda University School of Medicine;Loma Linda;California; ─── Author Agencies 第二军医大学海医系潜水医学教研室;

35、i loma' kiso saw? ─── 你会在家吗?

36、Objective To reasearch the effect of CA (condy loma) treated with IL-2 and laser. ─── 目的 探寻IL - 2结合激光治疗CA复发的效果。

37、LEAP: LOMA's Employee Assessment Program LOMA ─── 员工评鉴计划

38、Effects of interferon with different dose and time for administration on patients with condy loma accumination ─── 干扰素不同剂量、不同给药时间对尖锐湿疣疗效的观察

39、But in 1989, the deadly Loma Prieta earthquake shook San Francisco.The freeway collapsed.When it was torn down, the city decided to restore the Ferry Building. ─── 但是,在1989年,急速的大地震席卷了旧金山,内河码头高速公路坍塌了,当渡口大楼被人们遗忘之际,旧金山决定修复渡口大楼。

40、Mira Loma High School's drill team captain is trying to develop a new treatment for liver cancer. ─── 米拉丘陵高中的训练队队长正在试图发展成为肝癌的新疗法。

41、Number 2: Castle Casa Loma. Casa Loma is Canada's famous castle, complete with 98 rooms, decorated suites, secret passages, stately towers, and estate gardens. ─── 第二位:卡萨罗马城堡。卡萨罗马城堡是加拿大的著名城堡,总共有98个房间,有装饰精美的套房、秘密通道、精美的塔楼和花园。

42、Jones takes the TV crew out to the nearby Eagle Rock fault under the La Loma Bridge in west Pasadena. ─── 琼斯带著电视制作小组到西帕沙第纳附近,拍摄拉洛马桥下的老鹰岩断层。

43、Effect of IL-2 and Laser Treating Condy Loma ─── 白介素-2结合激光治疗尖锐湿疣的疗效观察

44、"People have the misconception that alcohol helps," says Ralph Downey III, chief of sleep medicine at the Loma Linda University Medical Center in California. ─── 加利福尼亚州的洛马连达大学医学中心的睡眠医学主任,拉尔夫。


46、, Singapore) ;BA, MA(Loma Linda) ; ─── 叶凤霞, BSc (SE Asia Union Coll.

47、IL-2 and laser method has good effect on condy loma,which can prevent reoccurrence. ─── IL - 2全身静脉用药结合激光对治疗CA ,减少复发 ,可取得较为满意疗效

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