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09-17 投稿


lux 发音

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lux 中文意思翻译



lux 网络释义

n. 勒克斯(照明单位)n. (Lux)人名;(英)勒克斯;(法、德、匈、捷、瑞典)卢克斯

lux 词性/词形变化,lux变形

名词复数: luxes |

lux 短语词组

1、f lux n. ─── 不断变化,波动;(血等体液的)流出,溢出;(物理)通量,能流;辐射(或粒子)通量;电通量,磁通量;焊剂,(助)熔剂;造渣【名】(Flux)弗勒克斯(人名)v.用焊(或熔)剂处理;使熔融

2、d lux d ─── 勒克斯

3、lux meter ─── 照度计

4、grand lux ─── 大勒克斯

5、elementalist lux light elementalist lux ─── 灯

6、lux in tenebris ─── 黑暗中的光明

7、lux level ─── 勒克斯

8、lux light ─── 勒克斯灯

9、black lux ─── 黑色勒克斯

10、aqua lux ─── 水勒克斯

11、auto lux lux ─── 汽车

12、lux lite lux lite

13、lux line ─── 勒克斯线

14、lux aurumque ─── 金光

15、elementalist lux loingscreen ─── 元素学家lux loingscreen

16、fiat lux ─── 要有光明

17、light lux meter ─── 光照度计

18、international lux ─── [电] 国际米烛光

19、lux app Lux App

lux 相似词语短语

1、lox ─── n.液态氧;熏鲑鱼;vt.为火箭加注重液态氧

2、flux ─── n.[流][机]流量;变迁;不稳定;流出;vt.使熔融;用焊剂处理;vi.熔化;流出;n.(Flux)弗勒克斯(人名)

3、Aux ─── abbr.辅助设备的逻辑设备名

4、lud ─── n.法官大人(法庭上对法官的称呼);int.惊叫声;n.(Lud)(美)卢德(人名)

5、lax ─── adj.不严格的,松懈的;粗心的;(肌肉)放松的;腹泻的;(语音)松(弛)的;n.松懈;n.(Lax)(美)拉克斯(人名)

6、lex ─── n.(拉丁)法律;罗马公法(或私法);n.(Lex)人名;(德、匈)莱克斯;(葡)莱什

7、luxe ─── n.(法)奢侈

8、dux ─── n.成绩最优的学生;n.(Dux)人名;(德、英、西、匈)杜克斯;(法)迪克斯

9、Lux ─── abbr.卢森堡公国(Luxembourg);n.(Lux)(美、德、法)卢克斯(人名)

lux 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、X-ray Microanalysis of Ce and Ions Contents in Stem Tip Meristem and Leaves of Populus deltoides Bortr c.v. "Lux" Grown in Nutrient Solutions with Different Level of Ce(NO 3) 3 Treatment 1 ─── X-射线微区分析不同浓度Ce(NO_3)_3处理下铈及其它离子在I-69杨茎尖分生组织及叶中的分布

2、lux , how much you need to pay for mortgage and your household income? ... lux , ─── 你既情况同我差唔多,我老公既收入都系唔稳定,好彩佢呢1,2年有份...

3、equi lux ─── adj. 等照度的

4、In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Dove, Hazeline, Pond's, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall's. ─── 在中国我们已经成功地建立了力士多芬夏士莲旁氏奥妙金纺中华立顿家乐和路雪等诸多为广大消费者熟悉和喜爱的品牌。

5、That is impossible. I made a booking on phone, for a lux single room for two nights. ─── 不可能,我使用电话预定了一间豪华单间人间,两个晚上。

6、Lux shower cream ─── 力士润肤浴露

7、et lux perpetua luceat eis, ─── 愿永远的光辉照耀他们,

8、Heffner Lux ─── 亥夫纳勒克司

9、Light therapy — using a 10,000-lux light for 30 minutes a day — can help patients, as can sitting by Windows. ─── 光疗法-每天接受10,000勒克斯光照-能够帮助病人,如可以坐在窗前。

10、If you uses Lux, it will add a protective layer all over your body. ─── 如果你用力士,它会在你的肌体上增加一层保护层。

11、Et lux perpetua luceat ei. ─── 并以永恒的光辉照耀他们。

12、2 Bed Rms, Master ensuite, Lux Deco., Surrounding Cotai Strip View, Fully Furnitured, Balcony, Pool. ─── 企理2房豪装,环迴马场球场金光大道景,露台,会所泳池,全傢电!

13、lux candle ─── 米烛光

14、In this historic meeting, the organiger of the CSV, Chen Jinfei, signed an important agreement with Clemens Lux, the general secretary of the WUSV. ─── 在这次历史性的会议上,CSV中国牧羊犬俱乐部发起人陈金飞先生代表CSV中国牧羊犬俱乐部同世界牧羊犬协会联盟(WUSV)秘书长克莱门特-路克斯先生签署了重要合作协议。

15、Two of the PNAs increased Lux activity up to 2.5-fold over control levels, with no significant effect on cell growth or mRNA levels. ─── 由于人体细胞的无义突变也可能敏感于反义试剂的抑制作用,这就为治疗由于无义突变导致的多种疾病提供了一个新途径。

16、Lighting at a minimum of 1, 400 Lux or higher to follow the HDTV requirements.The Beijing Olympic "Look and Image" background will be taken into account in identifying photo positions. ─── 提供 1 400 勒克斯以上的照明以满足高清电视的要求。在确定摄影位置时,也将考虑到北京奥运会"景观与形象" 背景的因素。

17、lux ga(u)ge ─── 勒克司计

18、Black D Lux 3 is very hard to find and is selling like hot cake. Otherwise V Lux and Digilux 3 are available everything. ─── 之前都仲见到有得卖又要咁快无货...可能本身产量都唔多...

19、In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese co umers, such as Lux, Dove, Hazeline, Pond's, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall's. ─── 在中国,我们已经成功地建立了力士、多芬、夏士莲、旁氏、奥妙、金纺、中华、立顿、家乐、和路雪等诸多为广大消费者熟悉和喜爱的品牌。

20、When you use this set of light cup and drive at 150MA situation, the illumination can over 2000 Lux which already over two times of the internation standard and is the best choice of miner's industry. ─── 在使用本公司配套光杯和驱动的情况下在150MA,时照度能达到2000LUX以上,是国标的两倍,也是煤矿事业的理想选择。

21、Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis. ─── 也让永续的光芒照耀他们。

22、Lux Printed Knit DressPrinted knit dress cut with a deep-v neck and empir... ─── Lux 高腰款女连衣裙v形领口,高腰款式,泡泡袖口,凸显都市女性气质之美。

23、A lux is a measure of the illumination given by a light to a distant surface ─── 勒克斯是光对于遥远表面的照明度的量度单位。

24、I was shocked to hear that Lux Interior of the Cramps had passed away this past week! ─── 我很震惊地听到,抽筋力士内政部已过世过去的这一周!

25、lux meter ─── 照度计

26、Light the screen from above or behind you with a table lamp. Its generally recommended that the background lighting level is about 300-500 lux. ─── 显示器的光线强过或是弱于台灯的光线。一般推荐背景光线在300-500勒克斯(照明单位)。

27、Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine: ─── 天主,愿永恒之光照耀他们,

28、S:Well,we have LUX,Camey and Zest.All of them are wellknown in our country. ─── 哦, 我们有lux,camey 和zest.所有这些在我国都很有名气.

29、Requiem aeternam, dona eis requiemet lux perpetua luceat eis. ─── 天主,请赐予他们永光的照耀。

30、In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Clear, Dove, Hazeline, Pond’s, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall’s. ─── 在中国,我们已经成功地建立了力士、清扬、多芬、夏士莲、旁氏、奥妙、金纺、中华、立顿、家乐、和路雪等诸多为广大消费者熟悉和喜爱的品牌。

31、a unit of illumination equal to 1 lumen per square centimeter; 10,000 phots equal 1 lux ─── 照明单位,等于每平方厘米流明辐透等于勒克司

32、lux ampere characteristic ─── 勒克司 安培特性

33、In man's eyes, the lady observed in office is as "de lux edition", one's own wife is like paperbound edition. expound your point of view. ─── 男人眼中'办公室看到的女人是精装本,自己老婆是平装本.'谈谈你的看法?

34、Omatropina Lux ─── 氢溴酸后马托品[抗胆碱药]

35、Since 1986, Unilever has successfully launched its famous brands in China market such as LUX, HAZELINE, POND'S, OMO, SIGNAL, ZHONGHUA and WALL'S. ─── 在中国,联合利华已成功建立起为广大消费者所熟知的家庭和个人护理用品品牌,如力士、夏士莲、旁氏、奥妙、洁诺、中华等,以及知名的冰淇凌品牌和路雪。

36、et lux perpetua luceat eis. ─── 也让永续之光芒照耀他们。

37、plate lux type anchor retaining wall ─── 板肋式锚杆挡墙

38、To have a good understanding of Standards / recommendations for a wide variety of applications [i.e. glare factor, lux levels (illuminance), VDT compatibility, uniformity] etc. to guide that advice. ─── 应聘者还需对灯具的标准,以及其各类应用有充分的理解(即:照明强度,流明,兼容性和一致性)等有良好的认识水平。

39、The name says it all, the Everybody Mid Lux comes with the entire upper made of tweed. ─── 命名说它全部,中间勒克斯来与整个鞋帮由花呢制成的每个人。

40、We present you the Everybody Mid Lux Tweed. ─── 我们提出您大家中间勒克斯花呢。

41、Scopolamine Lux ─── 东莨菪碱[解痉药]

42、Micrasterias lux ─── n. 光微星鼓藻

43、The average illumination level is approximately 500 lux at desk-top level. ─── 平均桌面照明度约为500 lux。

44、A drop of vinegar in a spoonful of flour paste supplies the fiat lux ─── 一匙面糊加一滴酸醋,便可以代替圣灵。

45、From the case of “LUX Soap” occurred in 1998, parallel imports have been much talked about in China. ─── 1998年的“LUX香皂”案发生后,平行进口在我国开始引起关注。

46、It needs to be set at a strength of at least 2500 lux to be effective. ─── 它需要订于一个实力至少2500勒克斯是有效的。

47、The Lux Gene and Its Application in the Environmental Detection. ─── Lux基因及其在环境检测中的应用。

48、A lso, English language stands to benef it f rom th is internat i onal interact i on w ith the f lux of f resh term s and ph rases per taining to new ideas and concep ts . ─── 并且,英语语言在国际交往中会随着新思想和新概念有关的新颖术语和短语的不断注入而大受其益。

49、Lux: The unit of illumination. One lux equals toone lumen of flux over an area of one square metre. ─── 勒克司:照度的单位。1流明的光通量分布在一平方米的面积上,其照度为1勒克司。参阅照度。

50、In China Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese consumers such as Lux Clear Dove Hazeline Pond's Omo Comfort Zhonghua Lipton Knorr Wall's. ─── 在中国,我们已经成功地建立了力士、清扬、多芬、夏士莲、旁氏、奥妙、金纺、中华、立顿、家乐、和路雪等诸多为广大消费者认识和喜爱的品牌。

51、Feeding rate of larvae at 6 - 10 age in days under 1k - 2kLUX light intensity was highest at the range of 0.4K - 3K LUX light intensity, but it had not significant difference. ─── 在0.4K- 3KLUX的光照范围内,6-10日龄仔鱼的摄食率以1-2KLUX为最好,但没有显著差异。

52、In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Clear, Dove, Hazeline, Pond’s, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall’s. ─── 在中国,我们已经成功地建立了力士、清扬、多芬、夏士莲、旁氏、奥妙、金纺、中华、立顿、家乐、和路雪 等诸多为广大消费者熟悉和喜爱的品牌。

53、Lux fibre ─── 勒克斯纤维

54、international lux ─── [电] 国际米烛光

55、lux hour ─── 勒克司小时

56、R.Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. ─── 伏祈天主,赐之永安,及令永光照之。

57、one-way concrete slab lux building beam cover ─── 单向板肋梁楼盖

58、Lux aeterna luceat eis,Domine, ─── 主!愿永远的光辉照耀他们,

59、We have codes and standards that tell us that the lights should be so much lux and of great uniformity. ─── 按照惯常的标准大家会认为照明就应该是这样奢侈、整齐划一的。

60、Lisozima Lux ─── 溶菌酶, 球蛋白G1[粘多糖分解酶]

61、lux mass ─── 活性黄土

62、lux gene ─── 发光酶基因

63、Haubner R, Lux B.On the formation of diamond coatings on WC/Co hard metal tools, Int J of Refractory Metals &Hard Materials, 1996,14:111. ─── 王四根.硬质合金工具化学气相沉积金刚石薄膜涂层研究[博士学位论文].北京:北京科技大学.1998年12月.

64、Illumination for main production rooms shall be 300 Lux. ─── 主要工作室的照度宜为300勒克斯;

65、When the lighting level falls below about 1 lux the cones cease to act. ─── 当照度低于约1勒克司时,锥状细胞就不再起作用。

66、lux gauge ─── 照度计勒克司计

67、Well, we have Lux and Camey. ─── 哦,我们这儿有力士和凯米两种品牌,

68、In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Clear, Dove, Hazeline, Pond's, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Skippy, Knorr, Wall's. ─── 在中国,我们已经成功地建立了力士、清扬、多芬、夏士莲、旁氏、奥妙、金纺、中华、立顿、四季宝、家乐、和路雪等诸多为广大消费者熟悉和喜爱的品牌。

69、The only ad narrator for Lexus since it arrived in 1989 was recently cut loose by Toyota's lux brand and its agency, Team One. ─── 唯一广告叙述者的凌志,因为它在1989年抵达最近减少了由丰田的勒克司品牌和机构,队伍之一。

70、Illumination: The amount of light energy falling on unit area of a surface. The unit is Lux. ─── 照度:落在单位面积上的光能数量。照度的单位是“勒克司”。

71、buy kina: View All Posts by This User Toggle Ignore.... Deux Lux Handbags.You must enable Javascript to... ─── 主营:日本(日立)、瑞典(一胜百)、德国(撒斯特)、模具钢,钢种有:冷模钢、热模钢、塑模钢、粉末高速钢等无方向性...

72、lux second ─── 勒秒

73、lux(unit of illumination ) (luxes) ─── 勒克司

74、One of these is the Large Underground Xenon (Lux) experiment. ─── 这些实验其中之一即为大型地下氙实验(Lux)。

75、“What this means in actual practice is that a single device with a 38 degree reflector is all that is needed to illuminate a desk with more than 500 lux from a height of two meters,” said Osram. ─── 欧司朗表示,“这意味着,仅需一个38度的反射器,我们就可以使用一个高度两米的光源,在桌面上达到超过500勒克斯的照度水平。”

76、Now go in peace &may the lux be with you. ─── 好了,安心的去吧,愿你“灵光独耀”。

77、To Lux et Veritas in all we do; To help people develop; To pursue excellence; To grow profitably; and Let freedom ring! Just do it! ─── 一切遵循真理和光明的指引,帮助人发展,追求优异,在盈利中成长,让自由发出声音!不要拖延,立刻行动!

78、LUX J,BUCH C. Steep Seem Mining in the Lorraine Coalfield[J]. Mining Engineering,1995(3). ─── 石平五急斜长壁开采顶板破断运动及危险性[J].绵阳矿业学院学报,1998(3).

79、mis wang :yes,with the LUX dandruff shampoo. it helps a lot to get rid of my dandruff. ─── 王小姐:是的,用力士牌洗发香波。这种洗发精对去头皮屑很管用。

80、LUX primer ─── LUX引物

81、a unit of illumination equal to 1 lumen per square centimeter; 10,000 phots equal 1 lux. ─── 照明单位等于每平方厘米流明辐透等于勒克司。

82、Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, ─── 愿永恒的光照耀他们,

83、Double Room Lux - Pay in Advance and Save Money! ─── 淋浴,电视,收音机,厕所,浴室,卫星电视

84、Dear SirWe are looking for branded South African Toileteries like Lux soap, Lervia soap, Johnsons and Johnsons Baby products, Dettol soap, Lifebuoy soap... ─── 查看“医药保健-个人保养-化妆品”:公司信息商品信息供应信息

85、You can also use the Lux Scientiae Xpress member's portal. ─── 您还可以使用Lux Scientiae的特级成员会所。

86、A lux is a measure of the illumination given by a light to a distant surface. ─── 勒克斯是光对于遥远表面的照明度的量度单位。

87、before operating behavior there is Unilever (secret, Lux, Sunsilk, etc.) Johnson & Johnson, Blue Moon..... ─── 日前经营品行有联合利华(奥妙、力士、夏士莲等)强生、蓝月亮。。。。。。

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