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09-17 投稿


insolvency 发音

英:[?n?sɑ?lv?nsi]  美:[?n?s?lv?nsi]

英:  美:

insolvency 中文意思翻译



insolvency 反义词


insolvency 短语词组

1、bank insolvency ─── [经] 银行资金周转不灵, 银行无力偿付债务

2、declaration of insolvency ─── [法] 无偿付能力的声明

3、insolvency proceedings ─── [经] 破产程序

4、act of insolvency ─── [法] 破产法

5、international insolvency ─── [法] 国际性的破产

6、insolvency reserve ─── 破产准备金

7、assignee in insolvency ─── 破产清算人

8、insolvency risk ─── 无偿还能力风险

9、insolvency fund ─── 破产基金

10、financial insolvency ─── [经] 无力支付

11、insolvency practitioner ─── 破产执行人

12、insolvency of debtor ─── [财]债务人无偿还能力

13、involuntary insolvency ─── [经] 强制破产

14、insolvency legislation ─── 破产立法

15、insolvency law ─── 破产法

16、insolvency clause ─── [经] 破产条款

17、decree of insolvency ─── [法] 财产不足支付的判决

18、insolvency events ─── 破产事件

insolvency 同义词

indebtedness | failure | ruin |bankruptcy | collapse | liquidation

insolvency 词性/词形变化,insolvency变形


insolvency 相似词语短语

1、insolvents ─── adj.无力偿还债务的,破产的;有关破产的;n.无力偿还债务者,破产者

2、indulgency ─── n.赦免;放纵;任性(等于indulgence)

3、insolence ─── n.傲慢;傲慢无礼的行为

4、indolency ─── 懒惰

5、insolvent ─── adj.无力偿还债务的,破产的;有关破产的;n.无力偿还债务者,破产者

6、innocency ─── n.天真行为;无罪

7、solvency ─── n.偿付能力;溶解力

8、insolvencies ─── n.破产,无力偿还;倒闭

9、nonsolvency ─── 不溶性

insolvency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Association of Hungarian Insolvency Lawyers ─── 匈牙利破产律师协会

2、The company is in a state of insolvency. ─── 公司处于破产状态。

3、In order to alleviate the large increase in the workload of the Official Receiver, a tendering scheme has been established to contract out the summary winding-up cases to the insolvency practitioners in the private sector. ─── 为减轻日益繁重的工作,该署实施外判计划,通过投标方式把循简易程序办理的清盘个案判予私营机构清盘从业员处理。

4、By the end of the decade, large numbers of S&Ls had tumbled into insolvency; about half of the S&Ls that had been in business in 1970 no longer existed in 1989. ─── 到了80年代末,许多储贷社无力清偿债务,1970年仍在正常营业的储贷社到了1989年时已有半数不复存在。

5、As domestic carmakers teeter on the brink of insolvency, the Senate has begun debating whether and how to help. ─── 当国内汽车制造商正在破产边缘挣扎时,参议院还在讨论是否以及如何去给予帮助。

6、The stigma of insolvency is so strong, especially among family-owned firms, that owners may admit they are in trouble only when it is too late. ─── 尤其是家族企业中,认为破产是一种耻辱的概念如此强烈,以致企业所有人只有在迫不得已时才承认他们的困难处境,而这时已经太迟了。

7、But, like a borrower whose insolvency would bring down a bank, he may calculate that much of his former backers' anger is bluster, covering a fear of their own impotence. ─── 但是,就像一位借款人一样,无力偿还会让银行倒闭,穆萨拉夫可能盘算着,他以前的支持者的强烈的愤概只不过是恐吓,以掩盖他们自身的无能。

8、Even at the wealthiest sites, managers are having to sub-let the in-house massage facilities to insolvency specialists just to fund a few more fancy graphics. ─── 即使是财力最强的网站,也要把网站内部处理设备转租给那些破产的专家,只是为了多得到几张精美的图片。

9、The firm, based in the Bavarian town of Altenkunstadt, cited its inability to make payments as its reason for filing for insolvency, a spokesman for the district court in Coburg said. ─── 当地一家法院的发言人称,这家座落于巴伐利亚的阿尔特恩肯斯塔德特小镇的公司,以支付能力为由申请的破产。

10、Secondly, in the bank insolvency, the assets are assets belonging to the insolvency assets tanks, the German model can complete bankruptcy segregation. ─── 其次,在银行破产时,资产池内的资产也属于破产资产,即德国模式不能实现完全的破产隔离。

11、Insolvency & Public Trustee's Office ─── 产业处理及信托局

12、The LAB noted the progress of the provision of financial assistance to the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund. ─── 劳顾会知悉破产欠薪保障基金的财政援助进展情况。

13、The net premium includes6.3%E.C.I.Levy and 3% Government Terrorism Facility charge and 2% Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau (ECIIB). ─── 保費已包括6.3%僱員補償保險徵款,3%恐佈襲擊保費及2%保險公司[僱員補償]無力償債管理局徵款.

14、Some legislative experts say that China is not ripe for the introduction of personal insolvency. ─── 一些立法专家的说法是,中国实行个人破产的时机并不成熟。

15、Where the termination is the result of inability to continue the operations for education due to its insolvency, a people's court shall be requested according to law to organize liquidation. ─── 因资不抵债无法继续办学而被终止的,依法请求人民法院组织清算。

16、On the basis of the above-mentioned researches, the author points out the two trends of extraterritorial effect of insolvency: universality and internationalization. ─── 在此基础上,作者认为,属地破产主义向普及破产主义靠拢,以及破产程序域外效力上的统一化已经成为破产域外效力问题的两大发展趋势。

17、This Agreement may be terminated immediately by either party in the event of receivership, insolvency or bankruptcy of the other party. ─── 当任何一方因破产在管无力偿还债务或另一方破产时,本协议可立即终结。

18、domiciliary insolvency proceedings ─── 属地管辖权破产程序

19、Otherwise, the jurisdiction of English courts depends on the insolvency act of England. ─── 否则将依英国的破产法确定英国法院是否有管辖权。

20、But that lingering risk of insolvency means that the state needs to be ready to take yet more action. ─── 但资不抵债风险未得消除,政府就得时刻准备采取进一步行动。

21、Under the scheme, these insolvency practitioners' remuneration would be subsidised by the government funds up to a prescribed limit. ─── 根据该项计划,这些破产从业员的酬金由公帑资助,但设有订明限额。

22、For the significant wage income that guarantees worker, the insolvency of our country law pays to the salary when business failure made relevant provision. ─── 为了有效的保障劳动者的工资收入,我国的破产法律对企业破产时的工资支付作出了相关规定。

23、Shanghai two banks will have to apply to the court for two outstanding loans to real estate companies insolvency repayment procedures. ─── 上海两家银行先后向法院申请将两家拖欠贷款的房地产公司推进了破产还债程序。

24、If the property market recovery, real estate cash flow to the pressure will be reduced, and ultimately the real estate business to avoid insolvency. ─── 如果楼市有所恢复,房地产商现金流的压力就会随之降低,最终避免出现房地产商破产的情况。

25、The Company's insolvency or default, may lead to positions being liquidated or closed out without your consent. ─── 公司的破产或违约可能会导致您的仓位在未经允许的情况下被清算或关闭。

26、The assets realised by the Official Receiver during 2001 amounted to $102.4 million, while $88.68 million in dividends was paid to creditors in 757 insolvency cases. ─── 年内,经由破产管理署署长变现的资产达1.024亿元,在757宗破产或清盘个案中发还债权人8,868万元债款。

27、Market fears of bank insolvency, particularly, have been assuaged. ─── 市场对银行资不抵债的担忧,尤其得到了舒缓。

28、For the fair and efficient going-on of the insolvency procedure,the positive and negative qualification of insolvency assignee are clarified in different countries. ─── 为了保证破产程序的公正、高效进行,各国破产法无不明确规定破产管理人的积极资格与消极资格。

29、What does not transfer where the transferor employer is subject to insolvency proceedings? ─── 在转让方雇主处于破产程序下时,那些东西不能转让?

30、Companies Registration and Insolvency Administration ─── 公司注册及破产清盘管理

31、The company be In a state of Insolvency ─── 公司处于破产状态

32、Here I am afraid that we shall have to be dogmatic, and point out that such pleasant dreams in the past have always been shattered by national insolvency or a runaway inflation. ─── 后面我们还会再来剖析这类奇谈怪论,但这里必须无情地指出,过去做的这种美梦总是以国家财政破产或者通货膨胀飙升而破灭。

33、The Analysis on Perfecting the Supervising System of Insolvency Assignee ─── 完善我国破产管理人监督机制的构想

34、insolvency of a handful of small and medium-sized financial institutions ─── 少数中小存款金融机构不能支付到期债务

35、Lehman Brothers announced last week, and insolvency since the market crisis continued to intensify the pressure to have the world's central banks to inject their own short-term money market funds. ─── 上周雷曼兄弟宣布破产以及此后持续的市场危机加剧了这方面的压力,促使全球央行纷纷向本国货币市场注入短期资金。

36、Thrift Savings Authority, the Federal authorities said the two banks since last year to a loss Insolvency on the rise. ─── 互助储蓄银行联邦管理机构储蓄管理局说,这两家破产银行自去年起亏损不断增加。

37、Where it is unable to continue its operation due to insolvency and such termination is approved by the examination and approval authorities. ─── 因资不抵债无法继续办学,并经审批机关批准的。

38、This ratio reflects the percentage of assets financed by creditors, and helps analysts to determine how well creditors are protected in case of insolvency. ─── 它反映了总资产中由债权人筹资形成的比例,帮助分析者弄清在面临破产的境地时能够得到何种程度的保护。

39、As those bonds fall in value, the banks have to take losses and write off capital, putting them closer to insolvency. ─── 当这些债券价格下跌时,银行必然亏损并注销资本,使它们更接近破产。

40、I, the Policyholder, warrant to the Company that no proceedings in bankruptcy or insolvency have been instituted or are pending against me. ─── 保单持有人向贵公司保证、本人并无进行或仍未了结之破产或无力偿债的诉讼.

41、However, if there is no perfect personal credit system, personal insolvency law can only make some people took the opportunity to escape responsibility. ─── 但是,假如没有完善的个人信用体系,个人破产法就只能使一些人借机逃避责任。

42、The S&L debacle was intertwined with the problems that high interest rates brought to other financial institutions, including banks and insurance companies (some of which also went out of business or were threatened with insolvency). ─── 与储贷业的大失败相伴随的还有高利率给其他金融单位带来的困难,这些单位包括银行和保险公司(其中有些也停止营业或受到破产的威胁)。

43、The idea of my insolvency cooled down her flames immediately. ─── 一想到我破产了,她的热情顿时冷却。

44、Either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement in the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the other party. ─── 任何一方可以在对方破产或资不抵债的情况下终止本协议。

45、The assets realised by the Official Receiver during 1999 amounted to $54.88 million, while $52.09 million in dividends was paid to creditors in 183 insolvency cases. ─── 一九九九年经由破产管理署署长变现的资产达5,488万元,而5,209万元的债款则在183宗破产或清盘个案中发还债权人。

46、The host of small private yards that has sprung up in recent years are unlikely to be given support to avoid insolvency. ─── 而近些年如雨后春笋般涌现出来的大量小民营船厂,则不太可能会得到帮助它们脱离破产命运的援助。

47、To address any insolvency, a haircut must be imposed: in the case of Greek bonds, something of the order of 80 per cent may be necessary. ─── 要应对任何无力偿债问题,就必须大幅削减债务:就希腊债券而言,可能需要削减约80%的债务。

48、Wang Yu-theng, the Rebar founder, and his wife fled to the US in January after two Rebar flagship companies filed for insolvency. ─── 在力霸集团两家旗舰企业申请破产后,王又曾夫妇在1月份逃到美国。

49、The first concerns the risk of insolvency. ─── 第一,破产风险。

50、By then it was clear that the problem was not liquidity, but rather the insolvency risks of counterparties with large holdings of toxic assets on their books. ─── 到此时问题看得出来不是缺乏流动性,而是持有大量有毒资产的对手破产的巨大风险。

51、The company is on the verge of insolvency. ─── 该公司快要破产了。

52、Otherwise, once the problems of enterprises to enter insolvency proceedings, the risks of banks will increase. ─── 否则,一旦该企业出了问题,进入破产程序,银行的风险将加大。

53、In recent months, the picture has grown worse with news that two mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were on the verge of insolvency. ─── 在最近几个月中,情况变得更糟。美国两大住房抵押贷款融资机构房利美和房地美已经频临破产边缘。

54、A big potential market abroad bragged by his partner led him down the primrose path to insolvency. ─── 他的合伙人向他描绘的广阔的国外市场把他引入歧途、最终破产。

55、Firms with so little equity have almost no ability to absorb temporary downturns or shocks, says Volker Beissenhirtz, an insolvency expert at Schultze &Braun, a German law firm. ─── 主要依靠当地银行一直被认为是个优势,因为普遍认为,银行眼光会长远些,对经济减缓也更加体谅,这比由外来公司操控的股市和债市的反复无常要强得多。

56、processing of insolvency proceedings ─── 处理破产诉讼

57、In that case, hedge fund investors who refused to accept the government's low-ball offers were demeaned by the president as "speculators" and all but blamed for driving the automaker into insolvency. ─── 在克莱斯勒破产案中,拒绝接受政府提议的对冲基金投资者被奥巴马总统冠以“投机者”的称号,并把克莱斯勒的破产完全怪罪在他们身上。

58、The XHYT Group buckled under $80 billion worth of debt to become the largest case of corporate insolvency in history. ─── XHYT公司因价值800亿美元的负债破产,成为有史以来最大一宗公司破产案。

59、"Insolvency proceedings" includes any assignment for the benefit of creditors or other proceedings intended to liquidate or rehabilitate the estate of the person involved. ─── “破产程序”包括为债权人利益的任何转让或旨在清算或恢复当事人不动产的其它程序。

60、EXAMPLE: In other cases, insolvency exposes deeper systemic problems. Then the only choice is liquidation, with assets sold at auction and staff made redundant. ─── 例证:另外一些案例中,资不抵债暴露出更深层的系统性问题。随后惟一的选择就是进行清算,资产被拍卖,员工被解雇。

61、Last week, the Bush administration took over two government-sponsored private mortgage firms, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to rescue them from insolvency. ─── 上星期,布什政府接管了两个政府担保的私人房贷公司,房地美和房利美,避免了这两家公司破产。

62、A company-wide cash management program must be concerned with minimizing the firm's risk of insolvency. ─── 公司现金管理的目标是使公司的支付风险率降低到最低限度。

63、After declaring insolvency, he was handed quietly and without uproar to a policeman. ─── 声明自己不名一文之后,他就被安安静静,不吵不闹地交到警察手里。

64、The annual registration fee and levy for the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund payable by a registered business in 1999-2000 was 2,000 and 250 respectively. ─── 在1999至2000年度,已登记商号每年须缴纳的商业登记费及破产欠薪保障基金徵费分别为2,000元及250元。

65、Company debt outstanding, which filed for bankruptcy by their creditors request has recently been accepted, SST too since the new judicial insolvency proceedings. ─── 公司因欠债未还,而被债权人申请破产的请求已于近日被受理,SST新太自此进入司法破产程序。

66、Directors are not obliged to file an application for insolvency when the company is on the verge of insolvency. ─── 其不以董事应声请宣告破产为念,而是以不法交易绳之。

67、Then responds the former four chapters, finally puts proposition on perfecting Chinese relevant legislation and the resolving jurisdictional conflicts in transnational insolvency. ─── 回应前四章的内容,最终对我国有关跨国破产管辖权立法的完善和管辖权冲突的解决提出建议。

68、Drop, layoffs or even the insolvency of the countless small and medium enterprises in China which is experiencing severe tribulation of the winter cold! ─── 减产、裁员甚至倒闭破产的中小企业不计其数,我国中小企业正经历着寒冷冬季的严厉考验!

69、The bad news from GM has no end to it and it seems that it's only a matter of time before that automaker will be forced to follow Chrysler into insolvency. ─── 坏消息从通用汽车公司并没有结束,它看来,这只是一个时间的问题在此之前,汽车制造商将被迫进入破产后续克莱斯勒。

70、Unless Fiat or Magna was prepared to come up with the money within 24 hours, Opel and Vauxhall would join their parent in insolvency. ─── 除非菲亚特(Fiat)或者曼格纳(Magna)愿意在24小时内拿出这笔钱,否则欧宝和沃克斯豪尔将与其母公司一并进入破产程序。

71、But that lingering risk of insolvency means that the state needs to be ready to take yet more action. ─── 但资不抵债风险未得消除,政府就得时刻准备采取进一步行动。

72、Stocks plunged Thursday, led by financial names plagued by the specters of nationalization and insolvency. ─── 国股市周四大幅下跌,金融类股领跌,投资者担心一些金融机构会被国有化或者破产。

73、It is ironic that in troubled times a revaluation of the "barbarous relic" could save the Fed from insolvency. ─── 具有讽刺意义的是,在困难之际,“野蛮的遗迹”的重新估价可以解救美联储以免破产。

74、A corporation's entrance into the zone of insolvency magnifies the conflict of interest between shareholders and creditors. ─── 公司进入破产程序放大了股东与债权人的利益冲突。

75、Vanessa Finch, Corporate Insolvency Law: Perspectives and Principles, Cambridge University Press, 2002, p 495. ─── 关键词:破产,破产法,草案,企业,行为,规定,财产,企业破产,可以

76、Corporate reorganizations and international insolvency ─── 公司重组与国际破产

77、If such economies become substantial net debtors in foreign currency, they become vulnerable to mass bankruptcy or public sector insolvency if their currency tumbles. ─── 如果这些经济成为主要的净外币债务国,当它们货币的汇率大幅下降时,将会造成大量倒闭或公共部门无力偿还债务的情况。

78、Business Recovery and Insolvency Practitioners Association of Nigeria ─── 尼日利亚业务重组与破产从业者协会

79、The regime under s 47 of the P(R)A mirrors that relating to insolvency generally. ─── 关系财产法第47条与破产法的有关原则相呼应。

80、BenQ said it expected the German government to shoulder the cost of dealing with BenQ Mobile once an insolvency administrator had been named. ─── 一旦破产程序通过,明基希望德国政府能够肩负起明基移动破产的代价。

81、ChuoAoyama had also audited Ashikaga Bank, a big regional bank in trouble with Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) for cooking its books to conceal its insolvency. ─── 中央青山也为足利银行(Ashikaga)做过审计,这家区域性大银行由于利用伪造账目来隐瞒其无力偿还的债务而受到日本金融厅(FSA)的盘查。

82、F. The corporate governance framework should be complemented by an effective, efficient insolvency framework and by effective enforcement of creditor rights. ─── 公司治理架构应辅以有效果、有效率的丧失偿债能力处理架构,以及有效果的债权人权利执行机制。

83、It would not take much of a disaster to bring such leveraged entities close enough to insolvency to panic uninsured creditors. ─── 只需一场小小的灾难,就足以让这些负债累累的实体接近破产边缘,令没有保险的债权人感到恐慌。

84、International Federation of Insolvency Practitioners ─── 国际破产管理同业联会

85、It presents the relationship of the liabilities to the stockholder's equity, and can be used to evaluating how well creditors are protected in case of insolvency. ─── 它反映了负债与股东权益之间的关系,能够被用来评价企业对债权人的保护程度。

86、Section47(2) mirrors ss54-57 of the Insolvency Act, where transactions that took place within set periods of adjudication of bankruptcy can be challenged. ─── )与《破产法》第54-57条相对应,即在破产宣告一定期限内产生的交割是可以被挑战的。

87、In truth an insolvency was never really on the CARDS. ─── 事实上,破产还从未真正出现过。

88、The Commission has published reports covering subjects as diverse as commercial arbitration, data protection, divorce, sale of goods and supply of services, insolvency, fraud and statutory interpretation. ─── 委员会先后发表的报告书,课题广泛,包括商业仲裁、资料保护、离婚、售卖货品和提供服务、无力偿债、欺诈行为及法例释义等。

89、In order to alleviate the huge increase in workload of the Official Receiver, a scheme had been established to contract out the summary winding-up cases to the insolvency practitioners in the private sector. ─── 为减轻破产管理署署长日益繁重的工作,该署实施外判计划,把循简易程序办理的清盘个案判予私营机构破产从业员处理。

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